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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Sunday, October 25, 2015
October 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 4904 Views
  1. Abortion Survivor to Speak at Events on Maui, Big Island
  2. 5 Years: Another Jones Act Shipping Exec Heading to Prison
  3. Jones Act Ship: Only the Price is American
  4. Hawaii Veterans Treatment Court Graduates Five
  5. Pesticide Case by Hawaii Banana Workers Revived
  6. Chief Justice Appoints James C. McWhinnie Oahu District Court Judge
  7. Applications Sought for DLNR Hawaii Island Advisory Council
  8. Ten Million Words and Counting
  9. Does PV Add Home Value?
  10. Aha Uncertain: Hawaiians Bitterly Spilt on Becoming Fake Indian Tribe
  11. Caldwell Hints Middle Street to be End of Rail Disaster
  12. Ernie Martin's Mickey Mouse Magic Money Plan for Rail Funding
  13. State sank nearly $300 million into Obamacare Exchange before bailing out
  14. Alleged theft from Top Auditing Firm helped fund luxe travel
  15. Rail? What Rail? New Lane on H-1 Will Deliver Real Traffic Relief Starting Now
  16. Hawaii LNG Proposal: "A Ship and a Pipeline"
  17. Solar Industry Doesn't Respect Worker Safety
  18. 31% of Big Island Homeless from mainland
  19. Maui film industry rolling in Taxpayer Dough
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
October 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:36 PM :: 3396 Views
  1. Hawaii GOP: Democrats Should Return Al Hee Campaign Contributions
  2. Taxpayers Sue Hawaii for Rail Money Grab
  3. Lawyer: Police commission 'derelict' in handling police chief case
  4. Maui police chief praised for speaking out about officer arrests
  5. Volunteers Cool Laie Elementary for Less Than $20K
  6. UPW Bribed to Loosen Ridiculous Work Rules, Renovate Public Housing 254 Days Faster
  7. City Paying $154K / Month to rent Empty Office
  8. 'Preservation' Deal makes Turtle Bay Developer Richer
  9. Star-Adv: We've Sacrificed Three Telescopes, now Please Let us Build TMT
  10. Legislators Quietly Slipped a few more Million to High-Tech Schemers
  11. NM Gov. Martinez traveling to Hawaii for start of week-long trip
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Friday, October 23, 2015
October 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:37 PM :: 3691 Views
  1. Jeb Bush is First on the Ballot for Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
  2. "Shame on this court"-- Shouting Erupts as Seabright Upholds Nai Aupuni Election
  3. Grassroot: Plaintiffs Intend to Continue Fight Against Unconstitutional Election
  4. Akina v Hawaii: The Documents
  5. Taking sides against equality and unity
  6. Rail Surcharge: Necessary and Proper?
  7. State, Kaiser Begin Maui Hospital Negotiations
  8. Obama Gift to Hawaii -- 297 Drug Dealers
  9. HCDA Holds up Permit for New Year's Because 100 Homeless Refuse to go to Shelter
  10. Brower's Alleged Attacker Still Refusing Shelter
  11. Homeless Male Dead, Female Injured because Liberals would not force them to accept Shelter
  12. Ige Has Four Emergency Homeless Shelter Locations to Choose From
  13. Hawaii entrepreneur seeks marijuana dispensary license
  14. Public Won’t See Medical-Marijuana Dispensary Rules Until January
  15. Maui police chief speaks after second police officer arrested for bribery
  16. ‘Aloha Aina’ rallies drawing crowds, but maybe not voters
  17. Anti-GMO Activist: "Promote isle as ecological paradise"
  18. Native Hawaiian Law Grows 450% Since 1991
  19. Lawsuit challenges Hualalai geothermal survey--Usual Suspects looking for Rent Money
  20. UH Should Fire Lawyers Responsible for Athletic Contract
  21. DOE asks for $534 million for schools repairs, heat abatement
  22. $15 Minimum wage dies in Maui Council
  23. Schatz: $2.3M in Campaign Coffers

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Thursday, October 22, 2015
October 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:38 PM :: 3638 Views
  1. Lawsuit Challenges 10% Skimmed by State from Honolulu Rail Surcharge
  2. CNHA: Fake Testimony for Fake Indian Tribe?
  3. ACLU Complaint Leads to Change in Sand Island Shelter Rules
  4. VIDEO: Molokai Farmers not fooled by Ashley Lukens Anti-GMO Show
  5. State's Grab for Private Sector Jobs is a Giant Step Backward
  6. Video: The Affordable Housing Business with Stanford Carr
  7. Hawaii Suffers due to Lack of Republicans
  8. Council Using Massive Rail Tax Hike to Gain Power over HART, Caldwell
  9. Council demands HART Cede Some Authority
  10. Solar Schemers file lawsuit seeking injunction on rooftop solar decision
  11. $3M to Be Wasted Removing World's Second Most Productive Telescope
  12. Honolulu Police Commission says it lacks 'evidence' to put police chief on leave
  13. But Chief has Already Admitted to being under investigation by FBI--according to top police sources 
  14. Maui police officers arrested in bribery, theft cases
  15. Hawaii Panel to Keep Prisoners From Reoffending Does Nothing — And Never Has
  16. Ige nominates pair to circuit court posts
  17. Maui woman sues DOE for lack of deaf services for students
  18. Refusing Shelter, Homeless Scatter to Kewalo
  19. UH needs to force Ganot's hand on signing contract
  20. Activation of Aiea Public Library’s PV panels could take months
  21. Kauai Voluntary Pesticide Disclosure program to go Statewide
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015
October 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:02 PM :: 4241 Views
  1. FCC Commissioner: Disgrace that Feds Turned Blind Eye to Criminal Al Hee for So Long
  2. Strive HI Test Results--How Did your School Do?
  3. Relativity Media Issues Statement on Behalf of Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa
  4. Union Reverses Itself: Now Backs NextEra Merger
  5. "Second most scientifically productive telescope in the world" to be Shut Down to Satisfy Protesters, OHA
  6. Ernie Martin Proposal Would Force Legislature into Election-Year Re-Vote on Rail Tax Hike
  7. Council Uses 400 Empty Public Housing Units as Excuse for more money
  8. Judge to Rule on Na'i Aupuni Suit Friday
  9. Hawaii's Real Unemployment Rate 10.1%
  10. Knock knock. Who’s there? Your accountant, and it’s time for the company to leave Hawaii
  11. Police commissioners' lack of law enforcement experience a concern
  12. Hawaii Family Sues Police, City Over Stun Gun-Related Death
  13. Enviro Nuts Hope to use Coral Bleaching as latest Excuse to Attack Aquarium Fishers
  14. Caldwell Bike Plan Would Clog City's Busiest Roads
  15. UH College of Ed professors say facilities cramped, lacking key equipment
  16. Hawaii County Still Trying to Decide if it has any Ethics
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015
October 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:28 PM :: 4044 Views
  1. OHA Website set to Flood DoI with Pro-Indian Tribe Comments
  2. NYT: Missing Cargo Ship Highlights Vulnerability of Aging U.S. Fleet
  3. Jones Act Business Forum set for UH Manoa
  4. Keeping Track of Sex-Ed in DoE Classrooms
  5. Opposition from Hawaiians hampers Tribal election effort--Judge to Rule Friday on Lawsuit
  6. Silence grows ominous as Kealoha probes continue
  7. Ernie Martin Proposes $1.6B Tax Hike--But only gives $900M to Rail
  8. Hilo Hospital to Ask Legislature for Partnership Authorization
  9. HSTA Operative: Ige Should Cede Control of Labor Negotiations to Tsutsui
  10. Settlement with union over private-sector contracts could cost millions
  11. Hawaii Loses 8,100 Jobs in September, but Unemployment Drops
  12. Jeb Bush top Recipient of Soft Money from Hawaii
  13. Hawaii Attorneys Allowed to Help Medical Marijuana Industry
  14. Utility Regulators urged to focus on Marijuana
  15. PUC Commissioner Applies for Rooftop Solar Days Before PUC Cut the Credits
  16. IBEW Union says it now supports NextEra purchase of HEI
  17. Fixing Hawaii homeless problem more than a 60-day emergency, IHS exec says
  18. With Kakaako Gone, Martin Wants Nine New Homeless Tent Cities
  19. Maui County Council Legislative Package
  20. Hawaii among five states that see graduation rates drop
  21. Common Core testing in Hawaii schools yields mixed results
  22. Council Pushes Back Against Social Engineering--Bill Slows Bike Lane Constriction
  23. Soft on Crime: Five Priors, out on the Street, Gets 11 more
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Monday, October 19, 2015
October 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:58 PM :: 3251 Views
  1. Marijuana Dispensaries backed by Police Raids on Competition
  2. Lahaina: 5,000 March to Defend Tourism Industry from Assaults by Farmers and Astronomers
  3. DHHL Money Dispute Before State Court
  4. Bums say Hawaii Welfare Attracts Them Here: 500 Mainland Homeless Flew to Maui last year
  5. State to again let people seek Section 8 housing vouchers
  6. Hawaii fourth in the nation for millionaires per capita
  7. Usual Suspects Pour Money into Gabbard, Takai Coffers
  8. Consultant Latest to Attempt to Write Business Plan for Cancer Center
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Sunday, October 18, 2015
October 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:42 PM :: 3534 Views
  1. Am Samoa: Faleomavaega May Try Congress By Proxy
  2. Taxpayers Also on the Hook for VW Diesel Dupe
  3. If Ige wants to stick around, he needs to prepare now
  4. Hawaii Politicians Accept the 'Unacceptable' Until they Want to Pose
  5. Feds may soon Foreclose on Criminal Al Hee's Sandwich Isles Scam Company
  6. One Shelter Houses 104 Homeless Arrivals from mainland Since July 1
  7. Lassner: Common Core Reduces need for Remedial Work at UH
  8. Assisted Suicide to be Pushed in Legislature Again--'Several Thousand' Could be Killed off Cheaply Every Year
  9. NEM Gone, Co-op Solar Farms, Time of Use Charges are Next Big Thing
  10. Bizarre News: Gabbard Hires a Non-Cult Staffer
  11. Anti--Cane Activists Seek SMA Control over Agriculture
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Saturday, October 17, 2015
October 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 4744 Views
  1. Schatz, Abercrombie Secretly Organized NextEra Merger Proposal
  2. OHA Lawyer Represents Contractor Accused of Using Political Influence to Rip-off State
  3. To Beat NIMBYS, Ige Takes a Page from Lingle Playbook--Signs Homelessness Emergency Proclamation
  4. Fiber optic cables were maliciously cut on Mauna Kea this Summer
  5. IRS Report Reveals Average Property Tax Deductions in Hawaii
  6. Labor Market Effects: Obamacare vs Hawaii Prepaid Health Care
  7. City now accepting Grants in Aid applications
  8. Criminal Charges Filed Against Rep McKelvey--$33,000 Missing Campaign Funds 
  9. Double-standard allows Chief Kealoha to continue while under FBI Investigation
  10. New Rail Projections Include $299M Federally Approved Slush Fund
  11. Student Sex to be Banned for UH Faculty, Admin--But Union Members Won't be Fired
  12. After Arnold Mess, UH Promises to Clean up its Act (Again)
  13. End to Net Metering Hits Solar Leasing Schemes Hard
  14. Don’t shoot test-score messenger
  15. First look at Hale Mauliola’s temporary modular housing
  16. DLNR Unable to Staff Harbors, Public-Private Partnership to be Sought in Legislature
  17. Hawaii: Where Not To Die In 2016
  18. Pounded by Gabbard, National Democrats Prepare to Capitulate
  19. How many ways can you tell a Kauai County Councilman to piss off?
  20. Federal Whistleblower Investigator Fired After Blowing the Whistle on His Own Agency
  21. Maui police officer accused of trying to bribe witness against him in Theft Case
  22. Former Honolulu police officer sentenced to 30 months in prison for Game Room Assault
  23. Police want to demote sergeant accused of giving fellow officer special treatment
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Friday, October 16, 2015
October 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 3347 Views
  1. VIDEO: US Has Given a lot to Hawaii
  2. Video: A Visit with Duke Aiona
  3. Honolulu Repaves 202 Lane-Miles of Roads
  4. Federal Report: Hawaii Obamacare Exchange has Returned no Unspent Money
  5. Kauai Overtime Expenditures Out of Taxpayer’s Pockets
  6. Hawaii Tax Foundation to file lawsuit over state’s ‘administrative’ take on rail tax--Alternative to Tax Hike
  7. Star-Adv: Back-room dealing and secrecy on Rail Votes
  8. Feds Push Council for Rail Tax Hike
  9. Council Sets Rail Tax Hike Vote, Public Hearings 
  10. Secretly Recorded Conversation Opens Window on Movie Mogul's Relations With Maui County Government 
  11. Ige Promises to Keep on Sweeping
  12. Saddened over the Loss of their Precious Kakaako, Espero, Brower Want to Hand Aloha Stadium Over to Homeless 
  13. DoH Policy Creates Pent-up Demand for Cronies' Medicated Marijuana
  14. Civil Beat: Is Gabbard Really a Democrat?
  15. SunRun Considers Legal Action Against PUC's Net Energy Metering Ruling
  16. Gov. Ige still opposes NextEra Energy-Hawaiian Electric sale
  17. Shameless: UH Regents Demand $16M from Legislature, Give Arnold $700K
  18. NCAA panel hears UH basketball case
  19. HPD Officer Still on Payroll After Pleading No Contest to Attempted Break-in of Woman's Home
  20. Is Police Misconduct a Secret in Hawaii?
  21. Hawaii health providers create cost estimation tools
  22. 'Organic' Stores Smell Profit During GMO-Free Month
  23. Hip bicycle lanes are not the answer on King Street
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Thursday, October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:38 PM :: 4798 Views
  1. How to Tell the DOI 'No' Today
  2. Obama Cabinet Member to Meet with OHA 'Entrepreneurs' at Pelatron
  3. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: The Democrat that Republicans love
  4. Does Subsidized Housing Reduce Homelessness?
  5. Students at 37 Hawaii public high schools earn Advanced Placement Awards
  6. Ethics Commission Obeys Hanabusa, Secretly Dismisses Ethics complaints, Saves Council from Rail Re-votes
  7. Doomed: Kealoha in Crosshairs of Federal Prosecutor who Brought Down San Diego Mayor
  8. Peter Apo: Federal Recognition Opponents cannot claim to be Hawaiian--But Haoles Can 
  9. Ritte Quits Nai Aupuni Election--"Federal Recognition is Predetermined Outcome"
  10. Hawaiians divided again over Na‘i Aupuni election
  11. OHA Lawyer Represents Contractor Accused of Using Political Influence to Rip-off State
  12. More Than 50% of Kakaako Homeless Have Been Forced into Shelters
  13. Carbone: Diabolical E-Cigs Making Less People Smoke Tobacco, Ruining Cancer Center
  14. Source: Arnold to Get 'Biggest Settlement Ever' from UH
  15. Does Mayor or Commission Have Authority to Dismiss Police Chief?--Supreme Court to Decide
  16. Supreme Court Orders Anti-GMO Lawyer Suspended from Bar
  17. Anti-GMO Activists Target DeCoite in HD13
  18. SBA Loans up in Hawaii
  19. Hawaii Fishery Reopens After Buying Part of Marianas Island Quota
  20. Liberals: Asians are Failures in America and we're 'Troubled' by any Talk to the Contrary
  21. Russia’s Pacific Paradise
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015
October 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:28 PM :: 4295 Views
  1. Party's Over: PUC Ends Solar NEM Effective Immediately
  2. DLNR: Camping on Mauna Kea Continues to be Prohibited
  3. State to Dopers: Follow the Rules or the Police Will Get You
  4. Starting with Kealoha, Feds expand inquiry to Department-wide police corruption
  5. Broken Trustee Jervis’ law license suspended only 6 months for Looting Trust
  6. UH Maintenance Backlog Caused by Raids on Maintenance Funds
  7. Two More Days to Haul Trash out of Kakaako
  8. Micronesians Looking for Medical Care end up in Homeless Camp
  9. Half of uninsured in state can get Medicaid
  10. UPW Upset because CCA Horning in on its Prison Business
  11. Maui Planning Commission Rejects Latest Anti-Cane Burning Scheme
  12. Study says LNG use helps cut air pollution
  13. FBI investigating yet another Maui mortgage scam
  14. Democrats could kill Obamacare by repealing ‘Cadillac tax’
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Tuesday, October 13, 2015
October 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 PM :: 3484 Views
  1. 'God bless the military' sign to stay at Marine base in Hawaii
  2. City Returning to Kakaako to Remove 'Tremendous Volume of Trash'
  3. American President Challenges Matson's Guam Monopoly
  4. Victory for Local Food: Hawaii’s $100M Longline Fishery Reopens
  5. Moody's -- Hawaii outlook positive
  6. Gallup: Hawaii Leads U.S. in Financial Well-Being
  7. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 13, 2015
  8. Why GMO?
  9. IT Upgrades Could Save Hawaii $101M -- Report
  10. Fortunately for Maui, Tsutsui was Kept out of Hospital Discussions
  11. Espero: Chief Should Step Aside until FBI Finishes with Him
  12. Morita: Hawaii Energy Policy Driven by Birthers
  13. Choy: UH Needs to Be Downsized
  14. Hawaii DoE Among Top States Suing Parents of SPED Kids
  15. Project Immediately Halted Because Group of Usual Suspects oppose geothermal survey on Hualalai
  16. Sam Slom on Making the GOP Relevant in Hawaii
  17. Everybody Wants to talk About Trump
  18. Cane Burning Study Co-Authored by Chemtrails Activist
  19. Kauai Paper Finally Gets Around to Visiting a Seed Farm
  20. Hawaii County prosecutor to dismiss 20 cases involving Mauna Kea arrests
  21. Drug Addicts Camped Along Ala Wai Canal Refuse Shelter
  22. City Proposes Waianae Housing for 75 Homeless
  23. New Civil Beat Editor: I Just Got Here and I want to Help Keep the Homeless on the Streets
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Monday, October 12, 2015
October 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:56 PM :: 5049 Views
  1. Tulsi Gabbard ‘Disinvited’ from Democrat Presidential Debate
  2. FULL TEXT: Report reveals details of AG investigation of Rep James Tokioka
  3. Rail Tax Hike Will Cost Family of Four $4000
  4. HART: Ansaldo Understaffing of Rail project "unacceptable and inappropriate"
  5. Ige: Secret Meetings, No Public Events for Weeks on End
  6. Tsutsui: Ige Foolish to Ignore Me--I want to control Collective Bargaining
  7. Nai Aupuni Faces Oct 20 Court Showdown
  8. Star-Adv: We Must Pay Lawyers to go through motions of pretending to Consider Rusting Offshore Wind Junk Farms for Waikiki
  9. Europeans, Mainlanders Demand Hawaii Legislature Let Doctors Kill off Expensive Patients
  10. Independent Audit of State IT Wasteland Needed
  11. Hawaii Island Electric Coop Rebuts NextEra Testimony
  12. Homeless Moving West--Camp in Kalihi valley
  13. 120 Airline Tickets to Fly Maui Homeless back to mainland
  14. Quota troubles for Hawaii’s longline fisherman impacts ahi prices
  15. Another sad tale of airport maintenance woes
  16. State completely drought-free for First time since 2008
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Sunday, October 11, 2015
October 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 5531 Views
  1. Taking a Homeowner’s Exemption for a Home You Can’t Live In
  2. Recall: Disgusting Organic Cheese Infested with Listeria
  3. Abercrombie: Fake Indian Tribe will be my Revenge on Hawaii
  4. Abercrombie in Congress: How would you like to have 1.8M Acres of Land in Hawaii?
  5. While Feds Circle Overhead, DHHL Fights State for More Funding
  6. Star-Adv Pushes Rail Tax Hike
  7. Obamacare Health insurance rate hikes will hit middle class hardest
  8. Students are put off by mounting costs of UH Tuition
  9. Homeless Don't Want to be Helped--But its not up to them to decide
  10. Kauai Police Chief: “Most of these individuals who do mass shootings have mental health issues"
  11. State Ag Report Proves Anti-GMO Nuts Wrong on Kauai Pesticides
  12. Movie Mogul Kavanaugh Gave a Lot to Maui Mayor
  13. Religious sign at Marine base is staying put--Atheist Group to Sue on Behalf of 'Church of Satan'
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
October 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 3970 Views
  1. Gabbard: Obama arming al-Qaeda, ISIS
  2. FBI moving against HPD chief, wife--Special Prosecutor Appointed
  3. List of Honolulu Neighborhood Board Vacancies
  4. Court Slaps Down Federal Grab for Control of State Waters
  5. VIDEO: Albert Einstein and Neil Armstrong Discuss Honolulu's Rail
  6. Kakaako Sweep Forces 48 More Homeless to Finally Accept Shelter
  7. Hawaii public school enrollment dips
  8. #5 in USA: Hawaii Collects $4361 Taxes Per Capita
  9. Hungry? Hawaii Bigeye Tuna Industry Reels Two Months after Being Shut Down by Quotas
  10. "North Korea will present a very real threat to Hawaii"
  11. Judge grants motion invalidating Mauna Kea emergency rule
  12. UH-Hilo to buy new teaching telescope; Hoku Kea replacement won’t go on Mauna Kea
  13. OHA Lawyer: Rowena Akana is Stupid
  14. Record-setting trash prompts extension of homeless sweep
  15. HPD wants to fire sergeant caught fighting on video
  16. Ethics: Hawaii County Council Protects Double Dipping, Self Dealing
  17. UH Regents to discuss 'Hefty' settlement deal with former basketball coach Gib Arnold
  18. Hawaii State Bar Association convention to focus on medical marijuana dispensaries
  19. Hawaii to Expand Voluntary Pesticide Reporting--But only by Big Ag Companies
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Friday, October 9, 2015
October 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 5687 Views
  1. Cost of Illegal Immigration in Hawaii
  2. Public Sector Unions: Bastions of white-collar Privilege
  3. Fitch: Hawaii debt levels are high
  4. WSJ: Hawaii Pacific University Piles on the 'Other' College Debt
  5. Hawaii Organic Farm Crops Worth $13.9M
  6. Hee Crony Resigns as KSBE Trustee After Being Rejected for New Term
  7. Full Text: Chief Kealoha Files Anonymous Suit to Shut Down Ethics Investigation
  8. Hanabusa Slams HART: "I am the Only Person there not to just sit there and vote yes"
  9. Lawsuit over possible ethics lapses has city revisiting bond measure to finance rail
  10. Borreca: Ige's Mauna Kea Stalemate 'The best he can do'
  11. Governing: Ige Bogged Down in Details
  12. Hawaii Suffers under 'Unaffordable Care Act"
  13. 100 Crimes Reported at Kakaako Homeless Cam Since Late August
  14. Trash volume delays Kakaako cleanup
  15. 19 More Homeless Finally Agree to Accept Shelter
  16. AP Suckered by Phony United Nations Deputy Ambassador Watching Honolulu Homeless Camp Clearing
  17. Caldwell's Ala Moana sewage spill much larger than reported
  18. Millions of dollars sat unused as UH College of Education classrooms were allowed to deteriorate
  19. Anti-GMO Activists Funded by “fortunes derived from big oil, big industry, big pharma and big banks.”
  20. Star-Adv: NextEra Not Serious
  21. Green Energy: New Schofield Biofuel Generator frees Campbell Generator to Burn Diesel
  22. DoT Airport Division Making Hawaiian Airlines Late
  23. Army prepares for removal of isle’s Stryker vehicles
  24. While Cronies Line up for Licenses, Police Raid Ordinary Dopers to Eliminate Competition
  25. Alleged Child Molester Allegedly Grabs Makaha Boy
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Thursday, October 8, 2015
October 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:05 PM :: 3198 Views
  1. Full Text: Hawaii Business Groups Slam Police Refusal to Enforce Law on Mauna Kea
  2. OHA Trustee Says Na'i Aupuni is Fake Tribe
  3. Akana: Ultra-Secret OHA Slush Funds, Strange Cartoons, and World Travel
  4. Hulu Lindsey: Nai Aupuni Exclusionary, Anti-Democratic, Violates Kapu Aloha
  5. FULL TEXT: Whistleblower Suit Claims Ansaldo Padding Rail Contract
  6. Activists Claim GMOs Cause Homosexuality
  7. Hawaii Abortion Laws and How They Differ From Other States
  8. Factors that Explain Honolulu's High Pedestrian Accident Rate
  9. Taiwanese Animators' Bermuda Triangle mystery: El Faro missing ship still on the water after 40 years
  10. Martin: "I don't know if Rail Tax can get out of Committee"
  11. Hee Crony Booted from KSBE Trusteeship 
  12. Ige Admin Against Revised NextEra Proposal
  13. Dr. Akina Discusses the Proposed DOI Rule on Hawaii Public Radio
  14. Eight Homeless Go To Shelter: City Clears 126 Tons of Trash and 128 Hypodermic Needles
  15. Sweeps Force Homeless Person to Move into a House
  16. Desperate to get Homeless Back into Waikiki, Civil Beat Lies About Federal Rules
  17. Review Hiring Polices for Hawaii’s Special Education Positions
  18. HCDA to request millions of the Legislature for Kalaeloa infrastructure
  19. No food service in Honolulu Community College cafeteria for 13 months
  20. Ozawa wants bike lanes to receive City Council approval
  21. Kauai County Charter Changes Coming?
  22. Try a little introspection, investigate what’s behind opinions that differ with yours
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 4112 Views
  1. Why was 40-Year Old Ship Sent into Path of Hurricane?
  2. Hawaii: Child Care Costs More than College Tuition
  3. ‘Know GMO’ documentary challenges anti-GM scare campaign
  4. Oct 15 Last Day to Register for 'Hawaiian' Tribal Election
  5. Video: Free Market Solutions to Homelessness with Victor Geminiani
  6. New Assisted Suicide Law Could Especially Hurt the Poor
  7. Corporations Buying Influence? Native Hawaiian Election Throws Out All the Rules
  8. Full sovereignty: It's just a daydream
  9. Lawsuit: Ansaldo Padding Rail Contract
  10. High Tech Tax credits: State Gave Away $1.7B to Rich Scammers
  11. Taxpayers will pay more as 'Arbitration' Forces more UPW Make-Work Jobs
  12. OHA Pohakuloa Suit Faces October 16 Deadline
  13. Hawaii Board of Education set to vote on new school calendar
  14. Hawaiian Electric’s Big Island utility may be worth $727M, expert says
  15. Drug use down, use of synthetic urine up in Hawaii workplaces
  16. UH students going to class in unsafe, unsanitary College of Education buildings
  17. Strengthening families leads to lifelong success
  18. Hawaii Judge Spent Decades Re-Ordering Family Structures

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 3863 Views
  1. Obamacare Rate Hikes Approved: 27% HMSA, 34% Kaiser
  2. DNC Disarray: Gabbard Undercuts Wasserman Schultz Over Debate Schedule (VIDEO)
  3. NBC News Pumps Petition to Strip McKinley HS of Name
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 5, 2015
  5. Delegate candidates "Well-Connected to Agencies Spearheading Federal Recognition Process"
  6. Hawaiian constitutional convention election process is flawed
  7. Pro-business groups ask Ige to move forward on TMT construction
  8. Rail transit project would make City and County of Honolulu top energy consumer in Hawaii
  9. City prepares for last two homeless sweeps in Kakaako
  10. Shelters Have Plenty of Space but Kakaako Homeless Don't Want to go
  11. Honolulu is the worst US city for drivers
  12. Anti-GMO Franken-Activists Seek 'Every Email'
  13. Dumping Ground for Anti-GMO Obsessives Goes Unfulfilled under Ige
  14. State regulators ask Hawaiian Telcom about phone outages that lasted weeks
  15. Hawaii Among Top States for Mortgage 'Defects'
  16. School trips can meet ethics rules
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Monday, October 5, 2015
October 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:38 PM :: 4414 Views
  1. Memo Outlines Reasons The Akaka Tribe Might be Very Disappointed with Interior Department
  2. Standard-Setting Deal on Pacific Trade Ironed Out After Six Years
  3. “Time to repeal the Jones Act”
  4. US Scores Near Bottom in International Tax Competitiveness
  5. Some well-known names look to score pot licenses
  6. Big Shots: High Cost of Electricity Makes Marijuana Unprofitable, So Don't Bother Competing With Us
  7. HECO President Says Cheap Electricity Is a 'Pipe Dream' in Hawaii
  8. Kaiser Permanente’s vision for Maui Hospitals 
  9. Anti-GMO Lobbyists Refuse to Reveal Funding Sources
  10. Council Enacts TOD Zoning
  11. Homeless Person Owns Four, Count'em Four Tablet Devices and a Laptop
  12. DoE Teacher Tries to Blame Parents for SPED Downfalls
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Sunday, October 4, 2015
October 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 4196 Views
  1. Ways to Own a Utility
  2. These Democrats Who Voted For Obamacare Are Now Desperate To Change It
  3. Meet the New Sovereign: Interior Department Controls Voting Process After 'Aha
  4. State may be out $1.7B in taxes--thanks to High Tech Tax Credit Scammers
  5. Rail: How much more can we afford?
  6. Hawaii Be bold, Utah homeless reform expert urges
  7. Sweeps Should be Celebrated
  8. Schatz uses false urgency to nag people into donating
  9. Power-generation paradigm must change
  10. LNG to save the Islands more than $2 billion
  11. Maui County Will Appeal Injection Well Ruling
  12. Soft on Crime: 12 Priors, out on Probation, Does it Again
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
October 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 3283 Views

  1. Hawaiian Electric Companies propose new community based renewable energy program
  2. Rusting Wind Junk Coming to Waikiki--Second floating wind farm planned
  3. 'I told you so' -- Now Rail Proponents Should Apologize
  4. Health Department Racks up Overtime While Failing to Spend Federal Money
  5. PUC Approves HECO Plan to Build Another Diesel Plant, Calls it Green 
  6. Aha: Elect No Politicians
  7. Hawaii Scores 60% on gender parity
  8. City removes nearly 9 tons of trash as Kakaako enforcement continue
  9. Maui police officer arrested in felony theft investigation
  10. DV Survivor says law enforcement failed to pursue case
  11. Teacher accused of touching student inappropriately; Parents want DOE investigation details released
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Friday, October 2, 2015
October 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:11 PM :: 4265 Views
  1. EPA, State, Navy Agree to upgrade Red Hill storage tanks
  2. AG Charges Third Waianae Homeless Shelter Employee With Embezzlement
  3. U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii Voter Registration Drive
  4. ‘Smart Growth’ Drives up Housing Costs
  5. New Hawaii Endangered Species Listings Set Stage for Federal Ecosystem Control
  6. Interior Department Tribal Shakedown Grabs for Rail Project Money
  7. Caldwell: Council Must Approve $1.8B Rail Tax Hike Before Legislature Reconvenes
  8. Hawaii has feds’ attention, and that’s not a good thing
  9. Who Should Own Hawaiian Electric?
  10. Regressively Progressive
  11. Outside Audit of IT Incompetence Demonstrates OIMT's Incompetence
  12. Department of Public Safety names new state sheriff
  13. Hawaii Gun Ownership Soars, Gun Crimes Drop
  14. Homeless: More Murder and Mayhem
  15. So-Called 'Innocence' Project will help Even More Guilty People Than Before
  16. Schatz Committee Assignment Means Campaign Cash will flow from High Tech Schemers
  17. UH Plans $16M 'Ask' From Legislature
  18. UH Cancer Center Deadlock
  19. 100s of Oahu Parks Abandoned by Caldwell Administration
  20. Man who embezzled funds from nonprofit nets 2-year prison term
  21. Police department internal investigations lead to 5 suspensions
  22. Transsexual Bullying Aims at DoE
  23. Invest $2,000 in Solar Farm, Cut Your Electric Bill
  24. Dumbest 'Clean' Energy Scheme Ever Coming to Big Island--Still not Approved by FAA
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Thursday, October 1, 2015
October 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 3684 Views
  1. 'Aha Candidates--Legislators, Trustee Violate Resign to Run Law 
  2. Fresh off Obamacare Disaster, Obama Orders Hawaii Legislators to Impose Family Leave Mandate on Employers
  3. Senate Puerto Rico Package to Include Jones Act Exemption?
  4. Hawaii Rejects Fake Indian Tribe nearly 2-1
  5. Nobody Fooled any more--Aha is All About Federal Recognition
  6. Usual Suspects Running to Control Fake Hawaiian Indian Tribe
  7. Their purpose? To position themselves to be the biggest feeders at the money trough
  8. Criminal Hee: Further up state Democratic political ladder
  9. State IT Contacts are "Rail #2" “dilapidated and decentralized” "$100Ms" "Contracts we may not even know about" 
  10. NextEra--Its One and Done
  11. 115 Homeless Flown Back to Mainland
  12. Kohala Parents Demand Local Control--no Marijuana Stores
  13. Pereira Complains About Attacks on Principals
  14. Stupid Atheists Propose Kaneohe Sign Invoke Specific Gods
  15. Public Gets Chance to See Plan for Giant Wall Surrounding Ala Wai Canal
  16. How Did the City Get It So Wrong on Waikiki Tower Proposal?
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015
September 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:54 PM :: 4545 Views
  1. Nai Aupuni Candidate List Released
  2. No Public Hearings Set for Federal Hawaiian Indian Tribe Rules
  3. Indian Tribe for Hawaii? Grassroot Challenges Interior's End Run Around Congress
  4. Full Text: OHA, DHHL, Politicians Comment on Proposed Federal Indian Tribe Rule
  5. VIDEO: OHA Crying Over Mauna Kea Rent Money
  6. GAO: Jones Act Ships Drive up Cost of US Food Aid
  7. Online Travel Companies Pay $53.1M Hawaii Tax Judgment
  8. Hawaii AG on Reapportionment: We Want to Count Everybody--But only in Texas
  9. Panos: Why Rail Projects Don't Get Stopped
  10. Hilo: Testimony Runs 10-1 Against NextEra
  11. Many Hawaiians Angered as Feds Ignore Testimony Against Fake Indian Tribe
  12. Even Supporters Admit 'Aha is All About Federal Recognition
  13. Hawaii PUC ruling cuts off federal subsidies to Criminal Hee's Company
  14. HMSA 50% Obamacare Rate hike is #1 in USA
  15. Anti-GMO Activists, Anti-Telescope Activists, Kauai Democrats Team up to Train Candidates
  16. Mauna Kea: Not A Sacred Place, But A Precious Resource
  17. Carlisle: Court Will Soon Let Lawyers Work for Weed
  18. Why Can’t the State Make Developers Keep Their Promises?
  19. Former DOE official sues department--Claims She Was Fired for Supporting Ige
  20. NextEra faces opposition on the Big Island
  21. Homeless Manslaughter and Mayhem
  22. Statewide Pesticide Sales
  23. Faculty salaries at Hawaii colleges and universities
  24. IHS program helps 550 people on the verge of losing housing
  25. It begins: Product laced with marijuana extract sickens several teens
  26. Former Honolulu police officer gets 4-year probation
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
September 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 4207 Views
  1. Feds Demand their Money Back from Dysfunctional Hawaii Medicaid Fraud Unit
  2. Attorneys Evaluate Hawaii Obamacare Waiver Proposal
  3. Electric Rates: Hawaii 90% Higher Than #2 State
  4. Economic Growth? Honolulu Ranks 428th
  5. HTA: Visitor Arrivals Set New Record in August
  6. Hawaii 6th Worst Sinkhole State--Out-dated accounting policies blamed
  7. 10 things Hawaii Can Do So That Everyone Gets Richer
  8. Hawaii DoE Pledges to 'Reset Career Education'
  9. Video: Democrats Breaking the Mold (with Rep. Sharon Har)
  10. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Protections for 49 Species in Hawaii
  11. Kaneohe Base commander told 'God bless' sign can stay
  12. Caldwell Campaign Strategy: Blame HART
  13. OHA Grabs for Pohakuloa Lease Money
  14. Military Spending Down $500M -- 9.9% of Hawaii GDP
  15. 69% Support “God bless the military” sign on the grounds of Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe
  16. Commission Tightens standards for charter schools
  17. Honolulu Charter Commission--a Chance for Police Reform
  18. DelaCruz Writes "Genealogy of Energy Development in Hawaii" for NextEra 
  19. Arakawa Kokua Fund Scrutinized, Legal 
  20. Online Petition Targets 5th Principal This Year
  21. Sex Offender Program Claims 2% Recidivism 
  22. HPD finally done with internal investigation into Sgt. involved in violent video
  23. Sweeps Forcing More Homeless People to Finally Accept Shelter
  24. ​Free Clinic Waikiki Health Experiences 'Explosive Growth'
  25. Hawaii Supreme Court drafting proposal to amend legal ethics for 'medical' marijuana
  26. Communists Run Another Bumpy Kanahele Fluff Piece
  27. Honolulu Tunnels, Roads, Schools, Piers Falling Apart
  28. DLNR Plans More Aerial Shooting of Pigs, Goats, and Sheep
  29. Less Smoke, More Complainers
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Monday, September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 3472 Views
  1. Tulsi Gabbard to be Republican Cabinet Appointee?
  2. Blue Planet, Skai Ventures Grab for Marijuana Licenses
  3. Feds to Cut off Funds: Hawaii DoH Fails to Spend $33M Federal Water Grants, Illegally Pools Money with DoT
  4. Study: Hawaii Is the 6th Worst State for Teachers
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 28, 2015
  6. GMOs Not the Ugly Monster We Thought
  7. Sweeps Force 90 Homeless to Accept Shelter
  8. ACLU Upset Because City Does not Return Feces and Used Syringes to Homeless
  9. It’s a Once-in-a-Decade Chance to Change the Honolulu City Charter
  10. STARS Supports Families of Crime Victims
  11. Three More Inmates Escape Over Weekend
  12. Solar Applicants Race to Beat Net Energy Metering Decision
  13. Once a Hedge Fund Favorite, SunEdison Has a Long Climb Out of Its Current Hole
  14. Regulations Force family business to shut 98 years after start
  15. Event unites kin of heroes killed on military duty
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Sunday, September 27, 2015
September 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:30 PM :: 6306 Views
  1. UH Scientists: Pacific Sea Levels DROP, Causing Massive Coral Die off
  2. Captive Insurance: The Clean Version
  3. Public Comment Period Opens for 1st & 3rd Circuit Judicial Nominees
  4. Hawaii AG Launches Charity Solicitor Database
  5. Alaska Rep Young Files Bill to Prevent Presidential Marine Monument Designations
  6. Al Hee Gave Stolen Money to Hawaii Congressmen, Senators
  7. Al Hee paid $6000 'Consulting Fee' to masseuse Diane Doll
  8. Politics plays important role in Kaiser's moves on Maui
  9. Caldwell: My Sudden Interest in HART Budget is Aimed at Council Tax Hike Vote
  10. Business Roundtable: DoE Should Stay the Course on Testing
  11. OHA's NHLC Lawsuit Against Pohakuloa Military Training Lease Goes to Trial
  12. San Francisco Develops $100K Toilets to Keep the Homeless Comfy on the Streets
  13. Cash, Tax Credits Buy More Affordable Housing
  14. No sharing, no caring with sewage, ethics on the line
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Saturday, September 26, 2015
September 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:07 PM :: 4302 Views
  1. Kaka‘ako enforcement continues next week
  2. Honolulu Police, Parents Discuss 'Drug Proofing Your Kids'
  3. Hee Crony Loses Support of other Kamehameha Schools trustees
  4. FTA Helping HART Squeeze More Rail Tax Money out of Legislature
  5. Pretending to be Frugal, HART Board Again Delays Ansaldo Delay Claim
  6. Hawaii Supreme Court Seeks Input on Whether to Let Lawyers Sell Weed
  7. More Marijuana Cronies Come out of Woodwork
  8. New Mental Hospital Needed Because of Homeless
  9. Kauai Homeless Camp clearing
  10. Anaergia charges HECO and MECO with "unlawful and wrongful behavior" after $0.26 per KWH rejected
  11. Not very tax friendly
  12. Hawaii retirement health care is a bargain
  13. Enviros Ask Court to Kill Off Hawaii Tuna Fleet
  14. UH Manoa Researchers Predict Sharp Drops in Sea Level Next Year
  15. BLNR approves Turtle Bay Development deal
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Friday, September 25, 2015
September 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 4356 Views
  1. We Hawaiians need to quit feeling sorry for ourselves
  2. Caldwell, Hanabusa: HART Will Need More from Legislature
  3. Al Hee’s Campaign Contributions—Money Stolen from Native Hawaiians
  4. Mazie Hirono, Bernie Sanders Denounce Obamacare Cadillac Tax
  5. VIDEO: Free Market Solutions to Homelessness and Affordable Housing
  6. Study: Hawaii Hispanics 7th Most Assimilated
  7. Study: Hawaii #1 for Minority-Owned Firms
  8. Smart Growth Policies Worsened Hawaii Housing Crash
  9. Hawaii Apportionment Plaintiffs to Supreme Court: ‘Count Everyone’
  10. Hawaii GOP: Proud to be an American
  11. UHERO: Tourism, Construction Lead Economy
  12. Tropical Storm Niala Forms off Big Island
  13. Carlisle, Louie: Let Lawyers Work for Weed
  14. Marijuana: Many, many applications and very few licenses
  15. 6,700 Plants Confiscated: Big Island Police Use Medicated Marijuana Registry to Find Grow-Ops
  16. Homeless Leave hypodermic needles, possible chemicals, and 'biological things'
  17. Medicare Cuts Punch $838M Hole in Hawaii Hospital Revenue
  18. Hawaii is underserving its 12,000 youths who suffer from mental illness
  19. Two more tents are removed from Mauna Kea
  20. $75,000 tax exemption to rent to Section 8 tenants
  21. Public Utilities Commission asked to Investigate Different Utility Models
  22. Soft on Crime: 57 Priors, Out Two Weeks, Allegedly Does it Again
  23. Roads Full of Potholes-- Even the new ones
  24. Kauai Fields Far from Schools
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Thursday, September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:34 PM :: 3493 Views
  1. Everyone’s talking about how Hillary Clinton ignited the birther movement
  2. Sen Keith Agaran's Law Partner Seeking Marijuana Dispensary License
  3. Kaiser Selected to Operate Maui Memorial Hospital
  4. Tsutsui: Ige Should Consider Halting Maui Hospital Negotiations
  5. Kiplinger: Hawaii 4th Least Tax Friendly State
  6. Kakaako: 126 Needles Found in Homeless Clean-Up
  7. Legislative Incompetence: Banks, Lawyers, and Marijuana
  8. Mauna Kea: More Empty Talk from OHA?
  9. Matson pledging not to scrap ships in South Asia
  10. Chief Justice Seeks Public Comment on Judicial Nominees
  11. Public Comments Invited on Project to Erect Wall Around Ala Wai Canal
  12. KIUC Offers Daytime Electric Discount--25% Off
  13. DBEDT: State Was Opposed to First NextEra Application, Undecided on Second
  14. 17 Years Too Late: Soon-to-be-ousted KSBE Trustee Claims Sandwich Isles will Finally Get Around to Keeping Promise to DHHL
  15. Feds, Danner Sisters Staging Phony 'Listening Session' to make Indian Tribe Look Good 
  16. Akina: Hawaiians Are an ‘Inclusive People’
  17. Ige Admin Working on Inventory of all State Land
  18. Omidyar Rag: Lawyers Must be Freed to do Weed, Gil Keith-Agaran Agrees
  19. Two Groups Quit Dispensary Process After Lawyers Barred
  20. Joe Souki wants Hawaii lawmakers to scrutinize fantasy sports betting
  21. HPD Ignores ‘Toothless’ Police Commission in Use of Force Case
  22. Maui: Homeless Steal Drugs, are Mentally Ill and Infected with Diseases
  23. Are Hawaii Nursing Home Clients Coerced Into Arbitration Agreements?
  24. Hawaii Supreme Court Rules Against Kyo-Ya Shoreline Exemption
  25. Cool Our Keiki Rallies Planned
  26. New Chinese Sub Could Nuke US Mainland from Hawaii
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 3758 Views
  1. Hawaii Supreme Court: Political Cronies Who are also Lawyers will be Iced Out of Marijuana Goldrush
  2. Will Jones Act Lobby Sink Puerto Rico to Save Itself?
  3. VIDEO: How Surfing the Nations Transformed Downtown Wahiawa
  4. UH: Telescope legal costs over $2.2M
  5. No Ho'oponopono for Telescope Protesters
  6. PUC Dysfunctional: Henry Curtis Debunks Civil Beat
  7. Judge Rejects ACLU Effort to Keep the Homeless out of Shelters
  8. City Finds More than 100 Needles While Removing Trash from Kakaako Homeless Camp
  9. Campaign spending filing targets PRP
  10. Rail Plan to Eliminate More Lanes: "Streets are not for cars"
  11. Hawaii's charter schools face new contract renewal criteria
  12. Anti-GMO Activists Harass UH Professors
  13. Developer Stiffs DLNR, Keeps Getting Extensions
  14. Meth Dealer Admits She was Lying About Prosecutor 
  15. More than 100 vacancies in Honolulu parks department
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:02 PM :: 4752 Views
  1. Hawaii's Largest Windfarm Developer Investigated for Self-Dealing
  2. DoH Releases Master Plan for Mental Hospital
  3. Was The Hawaiian Kingdom Race-Based?
  4. 'Natural' Supplements Sold in Hawaii Recalled -- 'Could be Lethal'
  5. Honolulu Charter Commission Seeks Proposals
  6. Marijuana Dispensary Licenses: An Unregulated Lobbying Cronyfest
  7. Hee Crony Lining Her Own Pockets at KSBE
  8. Nai Aupuni Violates its own Rules to Get Aha Candidates Registered
  9. TMT protest enters new phase
  10. Ernie Martin close to missing his chance to run for mayor
  11. City was warned in 2010 of rail’s costs
  12. TRO against Honolulu’s homeless sweeps would leave the City without an alternate plan
  13. Another $26M to be Wasted on Obamacare Connector
  14. UH Cancer Center Can't Get its Act Together
  15. Treating homeless patients costs Queen's Medical Center millions
  16. Private and public sector officials talk solutions to Hawaii homelessness
  17. Can Churches Help Hawaii’s Homeless?
  18. Does rule protecting Kauai endangered birds jeopardize students’ health?
  19. Touring the Kauai Seed Fields
  20. Hanalei, Koloa Schools Top Kauai Assessment Results
  21. Hot classrooms prompt DOE to rethink starting school year in July
  22. Molokai Speaks up Against NextEra
  23. Plan looks to turn Lake Wilson into energy producer
  24. Pete Hoffman announces Hawaii County mayoral bid
  25. Maui cop charged for flashing
  26. Economist to speak at Friday event

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Monday, September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:03 PM :: 3934 Views
  1. Nai Aupuni: We are Legal Because we are Organizing an Indian Tribe
  2. DLNR Removes Telescope Protest Tent
  3. Hawaii's Poor, Middle Class Among Most Overtaxed in US
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 21, 2015
  5. Feds Coming for 14th Annual CNHA Confab
  6. Sovereignty Activists Running for 'Aha to Block Indian Tribe
  7. Telescope: OHA to Grab for More Ceded Lands Money at Legislature
  8. OHA Power Struggle--Akana, Hulu Lindsey Ousted
  9. Iwase Pushes the PUC
  10. Boulder Colorado Municipalizing Shareholder-Owned Utility Which Dared to Oppose Rooftop Solar
  11. How Do Kids Feel About Being Homeless? We Asked Them
  12. Multiple Convictions--Back at Work Driving Cab
  13. City 'Abandons' Taxi Complaints
  14. Dead in the Water
  15. Scott Walker drops out of '16 race, has harsh words for Trump
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Sunday, September 20, 2015
September 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 4444 Views
  1. Petition: Hawaiians Protest Na'i Aupuni
  2. Feds Rate Hawaii Health Insurance Plans
  3. Can We Save the EITC by Making the Form Tougher?
  4. Soft on Crime: Convicted Felon Threatens Armed Action Against Telescope
  5. TMT still shooting for 2024 completion Work continues on mirror, other telescope features
  6. 'Build rail better' devolves into just build rail somehow
  7. Rail Wastes Another $100M
  8. Olds’ bid to remain trustee splits Kamehameha Schools
  9. Shapiro: Hawaii Global Warmers a Bunch of Phonies 
  10. Windfarm Request to kill more bats, nene pending
  11. Tightening the screws on Procurement
  12. HMSA, state seek price transparency on medical services
  13. Homeless “just doesn’t want to deal with the bills”
  14. Taxi contract lacks bidding competition
  15. Oakland: Hawaii needs to decide if state should support Children and Youth Day events
  16. Ethics Commission helping DOE bring school-related travel into compliance
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
September 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 6374 Views
  1. Guam: Busted Again, Sex Offender Resigns as Rep Bordallo's Chief of Staff
  2. Courtroom Showdown: Hee Crony to be Ousted from KSBE Board of Trustees?
  3. Fake Indian Tribe Aha--Court Hearing October 20
  4. How Executive Branch Lobbying is Exempted from Ethics Rules
  5. NextEra, HEI recruit boosters
  6. Feds: Rooftop Solar is Useless, Hawaii Needs More Windfarms, Industrial Solar
  7. Arakawa: Maui Electric Co-op?  Muni? Report Due in October 
  8. UH president discusses building on school’s scientific strengths
  9. Mental Health Plan: No Psychiatrists and No Money to Pay Doctors
  10. Next phases of Kakaako enforcement to take place Monday and Tuesday
  11. 100 Homeless Vanish into Thin Air
  12. Retired police major arrested again for negligent homicide
  13. Hawaii Population up 1.1% to 1,419,561
  14. Criminal Defense Lawyer Happy: Appeals Court Finds Way to Reverse Murder Conviction
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Friday, September 18, 2015
September 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 3809 Views
  1. Telescope Protesters Agree to Remove Tent from Mountain
  2. Report Finds Hawaii’s Obamacare Exchange Wasted At Least $11 Million
  3. US Navy, Coast Guard Sinking Under Weight of US Shipbuilders
  4. Federal Funds for Road Building? Hawaii Dead Last
  5. 'Smart Growth' Causes Hawaii Losses in Affordable Housing
  6. Economic Freedom of the World: US Ranks 16th
  7. TMT controversy Could Cost Big Island $30M/Year and 275 Jobs
  8. KIUC on Track for 50% Renewable
  9. DoE: Some Schools 90% Proficient--Others 0%
  10. Pay Scale: Real estate brokers and lifeguards are No. 1 in Hawaii
  11. Gifts Given to Honolulu Officials Remain Under Wraps
  12. Anti-Dairy Protesters Make Fools of Themselves Again
  13. 5 million gallon oil plume beneath Pearl Harbor
  14. Hawaii’s uninsured population on decline, Census Bureau finds
  15. Hawaii one of only Three States With Increasing Prison Population
  16. Star-Adv: Caldwell Homeless Plan Similar to Seattle Tent City Nightmare
  17. "Seriously disturbed and dangerous" homeless people roaming Wailuku
  18. City sweeps second area in Kakaako Makai After More Homeless Refuse Shelter
  19. Honolulu Plans Modular Housing for Homeless in Waianae (Almost oceanfront)
  20. Lawsuit alleging misconduct in Maui’s Liquor Control Dept. returns to court
  21. Breene Harimoto: "I Tell Everyone I Will Be Back"
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Thursday, September 17, 2015
September 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 4239 Views
  1. OHA’s Mauna Kea Payoff
  2. ACLU Sues Honolulu in Bid to Keep Homeless out of Shelters
  3. Report: Challenges Facing Hawaii 40 Years After the Prepaid Health Care Act
  4. Hawaii tsunami watch after 8.3 Temblor in Chile
  5. The Supreme Court’s ‘One Person, One Vote’ Case
  6. Worthless Hawaii County Council Rejects Kenoi Reprimand 7-1
  7. Perhaps profits went to Hee’s massage therapist
  8. AG, Ethics Questions About LoPresti's 'Cool Schools' Fundraising
  9. Hawaii's energy chief, governor mum on stance towards NextEra-HECO sale
  10. WaPo on Kauai: Why storing solar energy and using it at night is closer than you think
  11. Hawaii Senators Provide Key Votes for Obama's Nuke Iran Plan
  12. BoE, DoE Squabble over Ige's 10% Budget Restriction
  13. Pearl City Regrets Rail Support
  14. Isles have highest median housing costs, census data show
  15. Kaneshiro Proposes Homeless Court
  16. DLNR to protesters: Remove the camp
  17. 'Bi-Polar' Anti-Telescope Protester Arrested for Breaking into Car on Mountain 
  18. Anti-Dairy Farm Protesters Funded by Tourism Industry deliver petition to Ige
  19. Shipping containers taking shape as transitional housing
  20. Hawaii Deserves Better than Anti-GMO Nonsense
  21. Are Pono Choices pono?
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
September 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 5601 Views
  1. DoE Releases First Common Core Test Results
  2. Full Text: Hawaii AG Supports Vermont GMO Labeling Law
  3. Study: Hawaii Ranks 4th in Safer Sex
  4. Increased marijuana, heroin use contribute to highest reported illicit drug use in more than a decade
  5. Conference to discuss development opportunities, environmental issues along rail line
  6. Hawaii Hits Residents with Wave of New Bans
  7. NextEra? Iwase Laughs in Schatz' Face
  8. Higher Costs and More Delays on the Way for Honolulu Rail
  9. Yet Another Fundraiser for Caldwell
  10. OHA Flunkey Running for Aha from Kauai--Guaranteed vote for Federal Recognition
  11. Hawaii's Phony '100% Renewable' Law could allow the use of up to 50 percent fossil fuels three decades from now
  12. NextEra Holding on for $90M?
  13. Bloody Windmills not so ‘clean’
  14. Anti-sugar-farming views represent effort to instill fear in community
  15. Will Anti-GMO Lunatics Make Hawaii a Model for the rest of USA?
  16. Caldwell Admin Still Can't Get Sewage Spill Story Right
  17. Sit-Lie Pushes 246 Bums to Finally Accept Shelter
  18. Lawyers, Civil Rights Commission Unveil Groovy New Plan to Sue Homeless Shelters
  19. State IDs New Oceanfront Homeless Shelter Site
  20. Employee: State Hospital downplayed assault by violent patient
  21. Have your say on Kakaako Makai
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
September 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:40 PM :: 5615 Views
  1. Video: Why are there so few doctors in Hawaii?
  2. Planned Parenthood Baby Parts: “Everything we provide is fresh”
  3. Illegal Immigration Demographics in Hawaii
  4. ACLU Scores Big Wins for Panhandlers and Potheads
  5. Recession Recovery? Honolulu Ranks 59th
  6. Livable? Honolulu 37th
  7. Sexually Active High Schoolers Without Birth Control—Hawaii Ranks 7th
  8. Study: Hawaii #1 in Hedonism and Depression
  9. GOP Boots HIRA Leader
  10. Schatz Backs NextEra After Receiving Campaign Cash
  11. Sen DelaCruz Comes up with Cool New Way to Score NextEra Money Without Reporting it
  12. NextEra Burns $21M Buying Favor in Hawaii
  13. Hawaii employers share a heavy burden of rising health care costs, study shows
  14. First World Anti-GMO Activists Can't Face Third World Realities
  15. Intelligent people to Discuss What to do with Anti-GMO Idiots
  16. Common anti-GMO Narcissists
  17. Global Warmers Try to Have it Both Ways
  18. Anti-Telescope Ahu Knocked Down Last Month Nobody Noticed til Now
  19. College graduation rates in Hawaii fall behind national average
  20. State crews resume cleanup of homeless encampments
  21. Honolulu Police Officer Sued For Killing Mentally Ill Man
  22. Dope Activist Busted for Selling Drugs (again)
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Monday, September 14, 2015
September 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:24 PM :: 3420 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 14, 2015
  2. UH Manoa Comes up with new Scheme to Waste $300M on Nothing
  3. Recycling Wastes $1.2M/Year in Honolulu
  4. More to Waste: Hawaii tax revenues jump 17% in first two fiscal months
  5. A Year After Sit-Lie--Predatory Bums out of Waikiki and No Lawsuit
  6. Can Rapid Rehousing Get Homeless Families off Street
  7. Poverty and Hazardous Waste Go Together
  8. Killing Nene, Hoary Bats--A High Price for Energy
  9. LNG Secrets: 9200 Pages Turned over by HEI, NextEra
  10. State Stops Posting Care Home Inspection Reports Online
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Sunday, September 13, 2015
September 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:30 PM :: 4958 Views
  1. FULL TEXT: Hawaii DoT v Ciber 
  2. Kahuku Windfarm Batteries Fail Before They Are Installed 
  3. New Federal Overtime Proposal Affects 45% of Salaried Hawaii Workers 
  4. Attorney Timothy Sutton Takes the Helm of Senate Minority Research 
  5. Tax Cheat Al Hee Ripped off Native Hawaiians, Could Get Boot from Hawaiian Homelands 
  6. Rail’s changing course on design plans means up to $100M wasted funds
  7. Complaints reveal the grip developers have on Council
  8. Star-Adv: Ige Shows Lack of Leadership on Mauna Kea 
  9. Big Q: How should the state be handling the Mauna Kea / TMT situation? 
  10. Danner Desperately Tries to Coopt Mauna Kea for Fake Indian Tribe 
  11. Procedural Intrigue in HECO-NextEra Merger Deal 
  12. Mainland cities tapped for homeless tips 
  13. Hawaii County Now Hiring Dopers 
  14. Ewa Beach community holds ‘fan drive,’ as more ACs installed in Campbell High classrooms 
  15. Another Tech Debacle: City may have to scrap costly high-tech parking meters 
  16. Cemetery Unlicensed for 20 Years
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
September 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:27 PM :: 4194 Views
  1. Hawaii Learning Pitfalls of renewable energy
  2. Evenwel v Abbott Could Affect Hawaii Reapportionment
  3. Sen Ted Cruz Backs Airline Deregulation for American Samoa
  4. Report: Meth use among older Hawaii adults nearly doubles
  5. Obamacare Waiver: Ige Plans Statewide Hearings
  6. DoE Outlines Heat abatement program at public schools
  7. Remembering September 11 Attack
  8. Strengthen government ethics rules
  9. Solar has a Carbon Footprint
  10. Activists Promote Gay Sex Ed to Trans-Form Kids
  11. New Way to Cover Up Hawaii's Affordability Crisis
  12. Flag flap in Kapolei neighborhood
  13. Electric Car Not Quite Enough for Kauai Driving
  14. Medical Marijuana Advocate Busted Allegedly Selling Drugs--Again
  15. Solar Schemers a No-Show for their own Community Meeting
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Friday, September 11, 2015
September 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:55 PM :: 4341 Views
  1. Who is running for the 'Aha? Candidate List Secret until too late
  2. Media Monopoly Grabs for Tourism Market
  3. Hawaii: $10,137 State, Local Bond Debt Per Capita
  4. Keli'i Akina: Silent Majority of Native Hawaiians Reject 'Aha
  5. AG Chin Takes on Kenoi, Ciber, Legislators 
  6. Honolulu Rail Contractor Entertains Rail Consultant Who Oversees Him
  7. A wrong that is entrenched is unlikely to be made right
  8. Lanai ILWU Backs NextEra Merger
  9. NextEra: HEI is not Local
  10. Council to consider toothless resolution reprimanding Kenoi
  11. 200 Criminals Run Chop Shops under airport viaduct
  12. Mauna Kea: DLNR vs OHA
  13. Protesters Expect to be Double-Crossed by OHA
  14. McKinley HS Students, Faculty, Alumni Reject Rename Demand
  15. Parents, keiki rally for cooler classrooms in light of record-breaking heat
  16. How Honolulu paychecks stack up
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 3871 Views
  1. Permission to Work in Hawaii?
  2. Fake Indian Tribe Coopting Aloha `Aina March?
  3. Gabbard vs Clinton: Tulsi Demands More Presidential Debates
  4. Hawaii 4th Best State to Have a Baby
  5. Drug Proofing Your Kids
  6. Rail Builds Four Miles, First Car Shipped from Italy
  7. VIDEO: Eight Arrested on Mauna Kea
  8. NextEra, Hawaiian Electric Clear Another Hurdle
  9. The Anti-GMO Club is a Danger to Native Hawaiian Forests
  10. Where did our interisland ferry go?
  11. 'Smart911' Gives Your Profile to Emergency Responders
  12. Homelessness Effort: Business as Usual?
  13. Mauna a Wakea? Economist Magazine Falls for Name Change
  14. Rate Hikes Coming--Solar Scammer Scores 23.8 cents per kwh Wholesale
  15. US DOE Inter-island Final Programmatic EIS finally available
  16. City preps for next round of homeless enforcement in Kakaako
  17. Honolulu’s Affordable Housing Rules Only Produced 33 Units in FY 2014
  18. New Incentives for Affordable Housing Development?
  19. Unwarranted Privileges for Chun Oakland
  20. Ethics Board ponders trips paid by anti-tobacco lobbyists
  21. Activists Put Corporations in Control of Agriculture
  22. If the minority gets its way, many will be out of work
  23. Kauai: Will Hordes of Lunatics Follow Water Commissioners on Inspection Tour?
  24. DOE distributes air conditioners based on temperatures, electrical capacity
  25. Hanalei Elementary School principal under fire for management style
  26. Lahainaluna principal removed and investigated after tough back-to-school message
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 4093 Views
  1. Full Text: Lawsuit Seeks Nullification of Six Councilmembers’ Rail Votes
  2. Rail Revote: Is There Anybody Without a Conflict of Interest?
  3. Feds Asked to Step in Earlier on Future West Coast Port Disputes
  4. Obama Nominates Clare Connors Hawaii Federal Judge
  5. Silent Majority of Hawaiians Gain Voice
  6. Lawsuit filed to invalidate rail vote
  7. HGEA helps Coach Get Away with Millions from UH
  8. Lawsuit:  How Ciber Bought Abercrombie
  9. NextEra Opponents 'Represent Mainland Interests'--Want high electric rates
  10. Track record makes county poor choice to run utility
  11. Maui Wind Farm Wants to Kill More Bats, Nene
  12. Eight arrested on Mauna Kea
  13. Heat emergency! A thousand portable A/C units sought for Hawaii's public schools
  14. Kakaako Sweep Pushes 11 More Homeless into Shelters
  15. Kakaako Homeless "Like What They're Doing"
  16. Homeless: We Resist Sweeps Because We Want You to Give Us Cash Instead
  17. Sand Island homeless facility to be ready by Dec 18th
  18. Pure Anti-GMO Hypocrisy
  19. Activists Demand McKinkley HS be Renamed
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015
September 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:07 PM :: 5139 Views
  1. Hawaii: $100M in Tech Fraud in Just one Year
  2. Ige's DoT Slaps Down Takai's $100M Rail Bailout Scheme
  3. Lawmakers will have more money to fritter away
  4. Tax cheat Al Hee asks for a new trial, blames the IRS
  5. Hospital Privatization Marks Shift from Public Sector Labor to Private Sector Labor
  6. Can Consumers Use NextEra Chaos to Get Better Deal on Rates?
  7. Malia Zimmerman asks state court to order sale of Sen. Slom’s house
  8. 71 Empty Beds as Homeless Continue to Refuse Shelter
  9. Agreement with HCDA allows all sidewalks in Kakaako to be cleared
  10. Hawaii's Useless Congressional Delegation Still Dreams of Using Kakaako Camp to Score Federal Funds
  11. Bizarre News: Honolulu Among Top Cities Showing Improved Livability
  12. Time for New Approach to Fast-Rising Heroin Addiction
  13. UH Med School Built Child Care Center, Forgot About it for Decade
  14. Kindergartner goes to ER for dehydration, police reports filed
  15. HPD internal affairs probes deaths of 2 dogs left in van outside cell block for 24 hours
  16. Shortage of Dock Space Leaves Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Adrift
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Monday, September 7, 2015
September 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 3328 Views
  1. Autism: Federal Judge Orders DoE to Pay for Special Education in Private Schools
  2. 9 Years of Hawaii Law Blogging
  3. Mayor’s 9-11 Remembrance Walk held Sunday
  4. Telescope: Major delay and added costs coming
  5. Charges for medevac flights soar
  6. Waikiki condo manager frustrated by homeless woman who refuses help
  7. Star-Adv: Oppose Bike Lanes?  Sit down and shut up
  8. Obama: Federal Contractors must pay for sick leave
  9. The Grinch is about to give back Christmas
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
September 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:15 PM :: 5018 Views
  1. New UH Policy: Rape is just another Violation of Political Correctness
  2. The State of Fathers in the State of Hawai‘i
  3. Hawaii Free Market Solutions to Homelessness & Affordable Housing
  4. Statewide immunization rates for HPV lagging
  5. What Should We Be Asking of the HECO Merger?
  6. Revealed: How Telescope Fits in to OHA's Ceded Lands Cashflow
  7. DLNR Expects Mauna Kea Land Transfer before Legislature Convenes
  8. State lawsuit weaves a tale of graft, political cronyism
  9. Public Favors Electric Co-op, Opposes Government-Owned Utility
  10. Coop?  Public Ownership? Former PUC Chair Speaks Out
  11. Borreca: Ige, NextEra Not Listening to Each Other
  12. 'Value-based' payment a threat to Hawaii health care
  13. Organizers cancel Children and Youth Day event at state Capitol
  14. Child-abuse list at heart of a lawsuit filed against state agency
  15. Oahu Beset With Commuter Chaos
  16. Researchers are trying again to help you take your medicine
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