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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:33 PM :: 3997 Views
  1. 2015 Neighborhood Board Election Results
  2. A-1 A-Lectrician Case: 9th Upholds Hawaii Election-Finance Laws
  3. 84% of Hawaii Rural Roads Poor, Mediocre
  4. Hawaii Ranks Fourth for Senior Health
  5. Hawaii: Report Looks at the State of Preschool
  6. NELHA Transparency? 'Continues to Struggle with Sunshine'
  7. Ige Signs Rain Tax Bill
  8. Barrel Tax Expanded to Drive Up Electricity Rates--Star-Adv Complains it is not Enough
  9. Trapped Under HGEA, 90 to be Laid off from Big Isle Hospitals
  10. More Escapees Not Charged:  Lawmakers question state’s inmate work furlough program
  11. UH pays Shrink $200/hr to Analyze Demented Deans
  12. TMT collaborators moving forward with project
  13. Green: Fundraising Drives 'Environmentalist' anti-GMO Strategy
  14. Mayor to OK Ho'opili rezoning bill
  15. City administration ignores homeless, except in Waikiki
  16. Handi-Van: "It's as bad as its ever been"
  17. Insurer Sticks Patient With Bill Over Labor Negotiations
  18. Officer Pleads Guilty: 'I lost my temper'
  19. Second U.S. Marine dies from injuries sustained during MV-22 Osprey crash at Bellows
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:52 PM :: 3998 Views
  1. Stirring the Hysteria Pot
  2. Hawaii’s health care collapse a bad omen for state Obamacare exchanges
  3. Out of Reach 2015: Hawaii Most Unaffordable Rentals in USA
  4. Study: Hawaii 12th Best State for Military Retirees
  5. Kicked out of Public Housing, 1 in 12 COFA Migrants now Homeless
  6. Okabe Makes Excuses for Union Election Re-Vote
  7. HART's 'Tough Year' Behind Resignations?
  8. As HCDA board changes, so does the discussion
  9. Will Congressional Delegation Let Obamacare Punish Hawaii?
  10. View from Mauna Kea: Looking Forward or Looking Back?
  11. Dates Set for Third Hawaii Teachers Union Election This Year
  12. Worthless Election Commission retains embattled election chief Scott Nago for another 4 Years
  13. Work furlough, prison ‘escapes’ don’t always lead to charges
  14. How Will We Restore Trust in Hawaii’s Police?
  15. Honolulu Prosecutor to Hawaii Governor: Veto the Sex Trafficking Bill
  16. Caldwell signs bills creating Waikiki Tax Hike district
  17. Hawaii Foster Children More Likely to be Placed with Extended Family
  18. Pro-Life Rally at UH Manoa
  19. Advocacy group: Wind turbine rules needed to protect birds in Hawaii
  20. EPA Creates Fake 'Public Comments' to Back its Initiatives
  21. 1985: Democrats Punish Three For Switching to Republican
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Monday, May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 4043 Views
  1. Osprey Crash Landing at Bellows: 1 Marine Dead, others wounded
  2. Attorney Seeks Hawaiians Placed on Kanaiolowalu Roll Without Permission
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 18, 2015
  4. Crabbe: No one owns Land in Hawaii Until OHA Owns Land
  5. HB287 to keep data from public gets to the governor
  6. Star-Adv: Obamacare Punishes Hawaii for Being Superior
  7. Environmentalists Upset Because Tax Hike Won't Increase Electricity Prices Enough
  8. The Hole in the Rooftop Solar-Panel Craze
  9. Billionaire's Website: 'UH Regents Should Let Tuition Hike Move Forward'
  10. UH Ranks 9th in Scramble for Rich Kids
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:01 PM :: 4341 Views
  1. Tulsi Gabbard's Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"-- Funded Taliban
  2. HSTA Refuses to Certify Union Election after Insurgents Win
  3. We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us
  4. Rail Tax Hike: "The House talk was theater"
  5. County GE Tax Hike Will Result in More TAT Cuts
  6. Kouchi: New Senate President a 'Good old Boy'
  7. In Tourism-Dependent Hawaii, Takai Against Obama's Free Trade Pact
  8. A'ole TMT: Nothing could be further from the truth.
  9. UH: Aquarium Accreditation Not Worth Our Time
  10. Work furloughs are vital to successful re-entry of prisoners back into society
  11. Mental health screenings could reduce hospital readmissions
  12. Kauai Faces $9.4M Budget Hole Thanks to HGEA
  13. Hawaii One of only 5 States to Tax Lawyers
  14. Hawaii Mid-Term Election Voter Turnout 'Average'
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Saturday, May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 3778 Views
  1. Which States Receive the Most Federal Aid? -- Hawaii is 49th
  2. CON: Hawaii Ranks #3 in 'Certificate of Need' Laws
  3. Jones Act Ready for Retirement
  4. Chris Butler Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"
  5. Marine Biologist: Self-Dealing Whale Sanctuary Staff Ignore Public
  6. Jump Sinking Ship? Two Quitting HART Board
  7. More Rate Hikes Coming: HMSA, Kaiser bleed $78M Thanks to Obamacare
  8. Star-Adv: Stockholders can block Utility sale
  9. Bill 35: Another Property Tax Increase
  10. Record Turnout in Neighborhood Board Elections
  11. Pflueger completes so-called sentence
  12. San Francisco Cuts Homelessness 50% by Building 3,000 Units
  13. People Who Actually Work for a Living Get off Street into Permanent Housing
  14. UH athletics complex opens 2 years late; cost 60% more than first estimate
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Friday, May 15, 2015
May 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 4393 Views
  1. Voting for 2015 Neighborhood Board elections ends tonight
  2. Ige: Feds Secretly Declared Hawaii Health Connector 'Non-Compliant' in February
  3. Robin Danner in DC: "I speak for Native Hawaiians"
  4. There’s ‘No Sugarcoating’ Health Insurance Exchange Failures
  5. Dog Bites? Hawaii Ranks 40th
  6. Enviros Challenge Deep-Sea Mining Licenses
  7. Court: State Cannot Place Tax Lien on Hawaii PEO Business Owned by Mainland Tribe
  8. UH Faces Hearing before NCAA Committee on Infractions
  9. Senate Boss Kouchi: Tough and Calculating Voice for Pro-Development Interests
  10. If Hawaii Dumps State Exchange, Supreme Court Could Block Subsidies
  11. Star-Adv Runs Fluff Piece on Hostile Whale Sanctuary Director
  12. UH Manoa Faculty, Administrators Continue to Play Retaliation Games on Your Dime 
  13. Obama Library Rejection Goes from UH Losers Bet to HCDA Foolish Optimism
  14. OHA Gives Away $37.4M in 'Loans'
  15. Feds to License Windfarm off Waikiki Beach?
  16. Paper Bags Will be Even Worse
  17. Maui Small Businesses to be Hit with 600% Fee Hike
  18. Anti-GMO Idiots Demand Hawaii County Stop Buying Roundup
  19. Honolulu police officer, 41, arrested for alleged sex assault
  20. Homeless Wish-List for Legislature falls Short
  21. 26% of Homeless Have Serious Mental Illness
  22. City’s sit-lie laws result in many warnings, but few arrests
  23. Farrington HS to be Model for Discipline Reform Statewide?
  24. Bullying Gay Agenda into the Schools
  25. After Decade: Brand New Lahainaluna stadium sits idle, one of many DOE delays
  26. Gabbard, Takai Defy Obama Veto Threat, Vote for Republican Defense Budget
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Thursday, May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:49 PM :: 4259 Views
  1. OHA: $2.8M Giveaway to Wife of Kanaiolowalu CEO
  2. Two days left to vote in the 2015 Neighborhood Board elections
  3. Behind Closed Doors: Shining the Light on Government Secrecy in Hawaii
  4. 252 Criminals Deported from Hawaii in Last 7 Years
  5. Hawaii Legislature adjourns without passing any anti-gun bills
  6. DBEDT: Hawaii Economic Growth Slows
  7. IRONMAN fined $2.7M for illegal lottery
  8. Wind and Solar Facilities Face No Consequences for Killing Millions of Birds
  9. Tulsi Gabbard takes on Obama
  10. Attorney General Slams Hawaii County Ethics for Letting Kenoi Off Hook
  11. Apo to Protesters: Thanks for Helping OHA Score Rent Money from Telescope 
  12. Failed Health Connector: Hawaii risks losing $1 billion in matching federal Medicaid funds After Months of Secret Negotiations
  13. ZipMobile Breaks Down, but with Rail Tax Passed, no need to Create Traffic Jam
  14. Now That Rail Tax Debate is Over, Traffic Signals to be Synchronized
  15. State retirement assets hit record
  16. Anti-GMO Activists Suckered by Broken Trust Figure
  17. Why Did a Fatal Car Wreck Cost State Taxpayers $900,000?
  18. Ige Plays Small Ball, Abercrombie Went for Home Runs
  19. Progressive Whines Because Legislature Did Not Raise Taxes Enough
  20. One Day in the DoE: Sex, Assault, and Retaliation
  21. KITV to be Sold to New Owner
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
May 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:10 PM :: 4712 Views
  1. Hawaii’s $205 Million Obamacare Exchange Implodes
  2. Hawaii Bans Smoking For Young Adults, Lets Kids Continue to Have Sex
  3. Council Refuses to Back Down After Caldwell Threatens to Make Kakaako a Homeless Tent City
  4. Study: Honolulu not Nearly as Diverse as You Thought
  5. 70% Tuition Hike: UH System Ranks #2 in USA
  6. Hawaii County Ethics: Kenoi Cronies Vote Unanimously to do Nothing
  7. Rail Checkbook: $3M to Washington Lobbyist Dennis Dwyer
  8. HART Refuses to Cover $3M Cost of Blood Bank Move
  9. Ige administration plans to use federal exchange for Obamacare
  10. Health Connector Boss Learned of Exchange Shutdown Plan from Media
  11. 'Policy Progress' -- Legalize Marijuana, Criminalize Tobacco
  12. Doomed: Half-Built Haleakala Telescope Before State Supreme Court
  13. UH Regents Consider 4%-5% Tuition Hike--Call it a Cut!
  14. State officials: Majority of Kaka'ako homeless are COFA migrants
  15. HCDA: Obama Center Land is a Pinata
  16. 60 Arrests, 15 Convictions: Naturally, Dead Criminal Was Represented by Politician
  17. Now That Rail Tax is Past Lege, New Lane for H-1 Westbound
  18. The case for an energy co-op on the Big Island
  19. Honolulu to Pay $17 Million to Resolve Air Violations at Landfill
  20. Questions surface about judges’ gift disclosures
  21. Pandering to Pandemonium: A Quack Moves to Maui
  22. Study: Honolulu a top city for young college grads
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 4055 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 11, 2015
  2. Powerwall or Powerdream?
  3. Merger Vote Comes up Short, Hawaiian Electric Extends Deadline
  4. State Planning Office Publishes 'Land Use System Review'
  5. Bicycle Friendly? Hawaii Ranks 43rd
  6. Caldwell: I will Make Kakaako a Homeless Tent City Unless Council Funds 'Positions'
  7. Luke, Tokuda on long quest to find hidden budget funds
  8. Unedited Video: Kenoi Lies Thru Teeth in April Fools Day Interview
  9. Obamacare State Exchange Disasters: Hawaii is the Worst
  10. With heavy lifting done, Kaiser wants in
  11. Costly consequences of Hawaii's 50-Year Old payroll technology
  12. State tax returns could be delayed 16 weeks, DoTax Racks up Overtime
  13. Bill Would Require State Worker Participation in Return to Work Programs
  14. Renewable? How Often Does Civil Beat need to repeat a lie to make it true?
  15. HEI Takes Aim at Takeover Group
  16. UH Manoa Boosts Graduation Rates by Cutting GPA Requirement
  17. Tuition hikes, belt tightening ahead for UH
  18. Latest UH Manoa Faculty Infighting Claims Scalp
  19. Maya Soetoro-Ng says Hawaii won’t be forgotten by The Obama
  20. Tesla's New Battery Doesn't Work That Well With Solar
  21. They gave their all to make sure we are safe'
  22. Criminal Not Grateful to Soft-on-Crime Judge
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Monday, May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:22 PM :: 3632 Views
  1. Draft DoI Rules Create Path for Fake Indian Tribe to Take Over DHHL
  2. Sacred? OHA Trustees Dream of "Millions or Billions" in Telescope Revenues
  3. Mandatory GMO food label not backed by science
  4. HB888 Deedy Bill Coming Back in 2016
  5. Best City to Start a Career? Its not Honolulu
  6. Telescope: "Conver$ation$ are Happening"
  7. Mauna Kea Telescope tied to Haleakala Case
  8. Kauai Mayor’s proposed budget tops $182M, HGEA Continues to Drain Reserves
  9. Who Will be Next HSTA President
  10. Did NextEra spy on Occupy Wall Street?
  11. Giant Offshore Windfarm Coming to Hawaii?
  12. Implementing the Community-Based Renewable Energy and the Green Infrastructure Loan Programs
  13. HB148-SB145: Make Crime Pay
  14. Some in HPD can't wait for body cams
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Sunday, May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 3380 Views
  1. Laulima not A'ole: Restoring Our Roots
  2. Whose Tax Is It, Anyway? (Part 2)
  3. Court Challenge to Guam’s race-based plebiscite will go Forward
  4. OHA Gives Away $7.4M in Grants
  5. Women in Hawaii: Poverty and Opportunity
  6. Could Private Exchanges Save Health Care?
  7. Facts not Ideology
  8. Star-Adv: Let's Start Talking about Recreational Marijuana Now
  9. Ige Helped Write Legislation on HHSC, Health Connector
  10. Solar Shifts $53M in Costs to Others 
  11. BOE is considering a plan to make out-of-school suspensions a last resort
  12. Nago Designated At-Will Employee Subject to Post Election Review
  13. Shapiro: Drop Scheme to Build Obama 'Center' at Kakaako
  14. Lower property tax rates in Maui council budget proposal
  15. Bill 32 Reform 'Residential A' Tax Cliff 
  16. Truth-Challenged Anti-GMO Activists Hype Dust Damages
  17. Alleged victim speaks about game room attack
  18. Some Question Bag Ban
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Saturday, May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 4168 Views
  1. DHHL 'No Advance Notice' as Feds Grab for Rule-Making Authority over Hawaiian Homelands
  2. Tranny Birth Certificates: How They Voted
  3. Kaiser to Bid for Maui Hospital Partnership
  4. Health Connector to Shutdown, Transfer Technology to State
  5. Ethics Board: Kenoi still hasn't filed gift disclosures (Take Mayor to Japan, get a 'contract')
  6. 7 Top Hawai‘i Teachers on What It’s Like to Work in the State Department of Education
  7. Board eyes gay sex ed policy change
  8. Ernie Martin pushes to study utility options on Oahu
  9. Failed bills show anti-GMO movement has been wrong all along
  10. Anti-Agriculture 'Dust Damage' Verdict is End Result of Year of Anti-GMO Hype
  11. Revoking the TMT Permits Would Be a Huge Mistake
  12. Will Supreme Court Undo Hawaii Apportionment Commission?
  13. Medical marijuana dispensary law will face challenges
  14. Isles' autistic kids, families will benefit from Luke's Law
  15. UH: Up to 7% Tuition Hike Coming
  16. UH Manoa Administrators, Professors Play Retaliation Games in Media 
  17. Star-Adv: Don't Bust Prostitutes Any More
  18. Maui PD Identifies Hit and Run Diver
  19. Military-impacted schools striving toward accreditation
  20. Hawaii visitor spending drops 1.3 percent in first quarter
  21. Lawmakers approve construction of memorial for fallen officers
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Friday, May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 6986 Views
  1. Feds Grab for Rule-Making Authority over Hawaiian Homelands
  2. Hawaii, Alaska Independence Movement Requests Russian Support
  3. “We don’t follow laws, we make them”
  4. Heritage: Jones Act Reform Part of Seven-Point Plan for Economic Recovery
  5. How They Voted: HB321 Marijuana
  6. Death Taxes: How Does Hawaii Compare?
  7. CEOs Rank Hawaii 44th Worst for Business
  8. Feds try to get Kauai Protesters Arrested: "I want you to hit me"
  9. Borreca: Randy Perriera a Big Loser?
  10. City Ethics Commission investigating HPD chief
  11. Police Reforms Killed in Conference Committee
  12. Dozens of UH P-Card Users Rack up $100K-$200K Each
  13. Rail Will Use 122.4 GigaWatts of Electricity
  14. Telescope viewed as an opportunity for science education to some
  15. Telescope Protesters: "This court has no legal authority over me"
  16. Fear and Pseudoscience: Another Bogus Anti-GMO Pesticide Study Released
  17. $3-5M Needed to Legally Launch Marijuana 'Dispensary'
  18. Honolulu is worst in the U.S. for affordable housing for young adults
  19. Opponents say Okada Trucking case raised Hawaii construction costs
  20. After Launching TAT, Tourism Industry Now Surprised to See it 'Picking Their Pockets'
  21. Solar Scammers Game HEI Merger With Takeover Offer 
  22. Overpriced Tesla Home Batteries: Who Will be Suckered into Buying Them?
  23. City Needs to Manage Bike Lane Projects Better, Audit Says
  24. Mayor Wright theft eviction reversed
  25. Ex-Drug Court clerk pleads guilty to stealing $930 in gift cards
  26. Former probation officer pleads not guilty to theft
  27. Hawaii could be first to Ban Animal Circus Acts
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Thursday, May 7, 2015
May 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:14 PM :: 4843 Views
  1. The Senate says 'yes' to marijuana and 'no' to anti-GMO protesters
  2. Hawaii State Senate Announces New Committee Chairs
  3. Rail: It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride
  4. OHA Telescope Neutrality: Do You Smell Something Fishy?
  5. Honolulu 86th Worst Small Business Environment
  6. Over 14,000 ballots cast in the 2015 Neighborhood Board elections -- Voting Open One More Week
  7. Rep. McDermott critical of new state budget for ignoring pressing needs at Campbell High School
  8. Kilauea Largest Source of SO2 Pollution in USA
  9. Ige says he is not sold on the need for a law extending the rail transit tax
  10. Job Trust Being Dismantled: Thanks to Perriera's Incompetence, 300 HGEA, UPW Members to be Laid Off at Hospitals
  11. Anti-GMO Crowd Ousted in Senate Shakeup
  12. Kouchi 'More Friendly to Development'
  13. Grant in Aid: Politicians Give Themselves Money
  14. How Will Kenoi Appointees Sabotage Ethics Investigation?
  15. Maui County Employee Uses PCard to Build Catering Business at Baseyard, County Covers it Up
  16. Arch of Hysteria Wanes: People Losing Interest in Telescope Protest
  17. Hardest Days of Fiery Testimony, Anger Over Federal Grab for Control of Hawaii Waters
  18. Council passes sit-lie bill over Objections of Activists Who Want to Keep the Homeless Homeless
  19. Homeless Parents Continue to Refuse Shelter, Keep Children on Streets
  20. Legislators Approve $80M Loan Guarantee for Hawaiian Electric
  21. Two Alternatives are Floated to replace HECO and NextEra
  22. Hawaii Second State to Dump Ethanol Mandate
  23. Maui County RFP for Electric Co-op Conversion
  24. Rail Construction Behind Massive West Oahu Traffic Jams
  25. City council unanimously approves Hoopili project in West Oahu
  26. Council Votes to Hike Taxes on Waikiki Businesses
  27. Hawaii Nursing Care Costs 4th Highest in USA
  28. Bungling State Destroys Yet Another Small Business
  29. Federal charges filed against Honolulu police officer after alleged beating (#1)
  30. HPD will fire officer accused of fondling girl during traffic stop (#2)
  31. Maui cop accused in hit and run (#3)
  32. Maui: Homosexual Child Molester Gets 10 Years
  33. Lawyer Tries to Knock Down Massage Parlor Charges
  34. King Street bike path design flaw creates handicap parking problems
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 5049 Views
  1. Rail Tax Hike: How They Voted
  2. HB321: Gamesmanship and Shenanigans
  3. Hawaii seed industry estimated at $159M--Down 14%
  4. Unanimous House Rejects HB888: Bill Would Have Prohibited Gun Owners from Drinking at Home
  5. Kim Out: Marijuana Last Straw as Senate Committee Chairs Overthrow President
  6. Advanced Industries? Hawaii at Bottom of Heap
  7. 12 Subpoenas: AG investigation into Kenoi heats up
  8. Dozens of Maui County Employees Implicated in P-Card Abuse
  9. Rail Tax Spotlight Shifts to Ige, Council
  10. Hundreds Rip Federal Scheme to Take Control of Hawaii Waters
  11. Still No Love for Public Interest Bills at Hawaii Legislature
  12. Legislature passes health exchange funding bill
  13. Maui moves closer to forming own utility
  14. Hawaii legislation sets 100 percent renewable energy goal for the state
  15. Tranny birth certificate bill passes
  16. HB1366 State to Buy Fancy $90M Office Building
  17. 2 former Waikiki Aquarium directors say facility is mismanaged
  18. Kenoi releases $438.8M budget seeking 30 new positions
  19. Lingle Joins Superstar Team Fixing Broken Democrat Illinois
  20. Schatz' Brother Scores Cush Gig at DoE--Tops $160K?
  21. Kakaako Camp Doubles: Homeless Watch Big Screen TV in Tent 
  22. 10 Years of airport viaduct homeless camp
  23. Organic Farmer Pesticide Poisons School full of Children on Big Island
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 4724 Views
  1. Thanks to HGEA, Hawaii 2nd Worst State for Nurses
  2. Slom: Hawaii Will Deplete Cash Reserves by 2021
  3. With Josh Green out of the Way, Lawmakers Advance Marijuana Bill for Final Reading
  4. Securities Fraud: Former Maui Mayoral Candidate Sentenced to 20 Years
  5. Former Oahu Probation Officer Charged with Theft, Forgery
  6. Public Comment Period Open on OHA Budget
  7. Senators Conspire to Oust Kim: Kouchi to be New Senate President?
  8. Council upset at having to approve tax increase for Rail
  9. Why So Little Information About City Council Meeting With Feds About Rail?
  10. Handi-Van chief replaced in shakeup of troubled service
  11. Perriera: HGEA Expects to be Paid $330M in Hospital partnership Deal
  12. Hawaii GOP Presidential Caucus Set for March 8, 2016
  13. OHA 'Useless Tools'
  14. Marijuana Bill: Big Increase in Dopers Expected
  15. Panos: Good Riddance to Ethanol Mandate
  16. HB1007 on Governor's Desk: Drivers Licenses for Illegals
  17. Care home measure is deferred
  18. Hawaii to Pilot Juvenile Justice Reform
  19. Housing Office: Council Members Play Games, Posture
  20. Ambulance units close temporarily due to staffing shortage
  21. Homeless Camp Catches Fire Under H-1
  22. Rich Luddites File Appeal Over Delayed Maui anti-GMO Moratorium
  23. Sources: 15 day Extension granted after UH Misses Deadline for response to NCAA allegations
  24. Big Island mayor’s campaign manager named Department of Aging director
  25. Caldwell Moots Plan to Make King Street Even More Difficult for Drivers
  26. Family of Wahiawa man who died in police jail cell seeks answers
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Monday, May 4, 2015
May 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 4638 Views
  1. Forgotten Honouliuli: Jack Burns, Police Spy
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 4, 2015
  3. Best States for Working Moms: Hawaii Ranks 31st
  4. Rigged: Kenoi to Appear before Useless and Pathetic Hawaii County Ethics Board Stacked with His Cronies
  5. Who is building rail?  Impossible to accurately assess potential influence peddling
  6. Hospital strategy is unite or fail
  7. Hawaii has legacy of aloha for science
  8. The Jones Act, the Cost of Living and the Search for the Truth
  9. Here’s One Doctor Who Isn’t Sold on Raising Legal Smoking Age to 21
  10. Media access bill falls
  11. Hawaii’s Preschool Open Doors Funding May Continue
  12. Admirable Activists
  13. Soft on Crime: Courts Find Way to Get Dope Dealer off Hook
  14. Feds Suggest Stranded Corinthian Students Transfer to Other Suspect For-Profit Schools
  15. Obama foundation to officially name Chicago home of Obama library May 12
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Sunday, May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:33 PM :: 4053 Views
  1. Hawaii Republican Convention Meets, Elects New Party Leaders
  2. HB888: Gun Owners May Not Drink at Home--Even with Gun Locked in Safe
  3. Full List: $28M Grants in Aid Funded in State Budget
  4. Whose Tax Is It, Anyway? (Part 1)
  5. NextEra: Legalized Tax Fraud
  6. Sacred? NYT Complains Telescopes Pay 'Little to no Rent'
  7. Telescope Protesters Ugly Words Demonizing
  8. Telescope: A matter of faith?
  9. Maui Hospital Partnership: The Hardest Part Still to Come
  10. State Tax System Becomes More Regressive as Rail Tax Extends, Income Tax Sunsets
  11. SB519 Vacation Rentals Report to Homeowners Associations, DoTax
  12. Cesspool conversion tax credit passes
  13. Rep Creagan Still Wants to Get Rid of UH Hilo Pharmacy School
  14. University Refers only 2% of Rape Complaints
  15. Kauai Homosexual Child Molester Dead After Portland Bust
  16. Hall of Mirrors: Tranny is Everywhere in Media
  17. Gloves Have Come Off in the War for Tobacco Tax Revenues
  18. Marijuana Retail Store bill not dead, Josh Green removed from Conference committee
  19. Newsflash: Marijuana Causes Global Warming
  20. Another Maui Mayoral Candidate Heads for Prison
  21. Kunia Camp Residents to Get Boot

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Saturday, May 2, 2015
May 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 PM :: 3576 Views
  1. We stand to lose more than a telescope
  2. Conference Committee
  3. Jones Act Industry Lawyer Addresses Full Repeal Strawman
  4. JSC Seeks Applicants for First and Third Circuit Courts
  5. Survey: Hawaii Ranks #2 in Sleep Deprivation
  6. Conference Committee Approves .5% GE Tax Five Year Extension for Rail
  7. Plan to Retool Unfunded Liability Mandate Rejected
  8. Hawaii lawmakers poised to give $2M to Hawaii Health Connector
  9. Bills that would require Hawaii insurers to cover autism, orthodontics head for final vote
  10. Gay Agenda Fails: Bullying and a Place to Hide Your Kids
  11. Hawaii lawmakers may revive dead marijuana dispensaries bill
  12. Bill boosting distance from turbines OK'd
  13. Care Home Bill Fails to Advance Despite Pleas
  14. Effort to Cap Payday Loan Rates Dies After Maui Lawmakers Clash
  15. Winners and Losers in Conference
  16. Homelessness: Lack of Leadership from Ige
  17. Homelessness 'Shaping Hawaii Tourism Industry'
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Friday, May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 6653 Views
  1. End the Bleeding of Aloha By Hobby Activism
  2. “The Indoctrination of our children” with Dr. Joe McIlhaney
  3. Tuna Monument: Rep Aumua Amata to Oversee Investigations of 'Insular Areas'
  4. Hawaii Republican Convention Set for May 2
  5. UPDATE: 84 Republicans Running for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
  6. KIUC: Solar Contractors Selling Systems Which Cost More than Electric Bill
  7. Safety? How Did Your Hospital Do?
  8. Turtle Bay Deal Announced
  9. While Pushing Rail, State Fails to Use $820M in Federal Highway Funds
  10. Now That Rail Tax Debate is Done, DoT Begins Opening New Lanes on H-1 Westbound
  11. Unconstitutional?  State skims millions off city’s rail tax
  12. OHA Trustees Re$cind Support for Telescope
  13. Anti-Telescope Activists Threaten HS Girl AGAIN
  14. Who Will Want to Partner with Hilo Hospital?
  15. HGEA Members Approve Contract
  16. Senators: Galuteria is a Tax Cheat, but he's good enough for us 
  17. UH Does it Again
  18. Kim Swears She Wasn't Seeking HTA Post
  19. Who Is Tesla’s Home Battery For?  -- Apparently only Hawaii
  20. Ethanol mandate nears end of road
  21. More Pressure on Homeless to Accept Shelter
  22. 61.6 Acres Left out of Turtle Bay Deal
  23. Obama library will be built in Chicago
  24. Tranny Birth Certificates and Sex Trafficking Pass Conference Committee
  25. Last day for medical marijuana dispensaries bill
  26. Persons with an exaggerated sense of self
  27. Bike Lane Unnecessary, and Confusing: Bicycle Accidents Begin
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Thursday, April 30, 2015
April 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:19 PM :: 4178 Views
  1. Politicians Paid so Navatek Can get $20M Play?
  2. Desperate to Push GE Tax Hike Thru, HART Pretends Property Tax Hike is Only Alternative
  3. Hazardous Waste: DHHL Sues Evicted Racetrack Operator
  4. Hawaii Republican Convention Set for May 2
  5. Rail Tax Hike Twists in Wind -- TGIF?
  6. Star-Adv: Kill $20M Pay to Play Tax Credit Bill
  7. Randy Perriera's Shortsightedness Drives Big Island Hospital to Seek Private Partnership
  8. We’re broke, they’re loaded
  9. HB1140: Cesspool Tax Credit in Conference
  10. Gay Sex Education before BoE Again
  11. Bills on Drug overdoses, closed-door meetings Approved by Legislators 
  12. On The Move in the Last Days of the Legislative Session
  13. Homelessness Began With Decision to Close Insane Asylums
  14. Turnabout: Dobelle forced to Pay University After Being Fired
  15. Looking for a Great Read? Try Auditor’s Annual Report
  16. KIUC Pushes Back Against Pushy Solar Salesmen
  17. Geothermal Developer Denies Fraud in Response to Whistleblower Lawsuit
  18. New Yorker Appointed to UH BoR
  19. After years of delays, work begins on traffic center
  20. Hawaii Nation's Lowest Rate of Workplace Deaths
  21. 'Swift & Certain': Hawaii Probation Program Goes National
  22. Who Should Pay For Poor Decisions?
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:27 PM :: 5062 Views
  1. Full Text: Unanimous Conference Committee Approves Maui Hospital Partnership Bill
  2. Souki: HB1075 'Will open the doors for a vital public-private partnership'
  3. UPDATE: 81 Republicans Running for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
  4. Powdered Alcohol Prohibition Wins in Hawaii Senate
  5. Telescope: Dangerous Intersection of Social Policy and the ‘Sacred’
  6. Hawaii's Thirty Meter Telescope website still under attack periodically
  7. Agreement Reached on Hawaii’s State Budget
  8. SB 555: The Last Bill Standing to Give Low-Income People a Tax Credit
  9. Politically Connected Companies Grab for $20M Tax Credit
  10. Hawaii could save up to $100M annually if LNG replaces oil
  11. Lawmakers set goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045
  12. We need energy technology, not ideology
  13. State agency has 92 questions regarding sale of Hawaiian Electric Co. to NextEra Energy
  14. Incubator companies have $214M economic impact on Hawaii, Self-Interested HTDC study Claims
  15. Nobody Noticed, But Hawaii's Not Gonna Get Obama Library
  16. Marijuana Stores: House Wants to Dope the People Up Even More than Senate
  17. Crackpot Launches Doomed Petition to Recall Kenoi
  18. Free speech protection updates still in the works
  19. Anti-GMO Hooser Goes to Switzerland, Makes Fool of Himself
  20. Lawmakers consider options for Oahu Community Correctional Center
  21. State lawmakers tackle bill to ban sex trafficking
  22. Outrigger and IHS partner on homeless strategy
  23. Statement by So-Called 'Innocence Project' Tied to Prison Death of Murderer, Rapist?
  24. State fines two companies $40K for illegal dumping
  25. John Henry Felix Saves Hawaii Civil Air Patrol
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015
April 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 4357 Views
  1. UPDATE: Governor, Legislators Come to 'Understanding' on Maui Hospital Partnership Bill
  2. OHA Survey: Will You Like Us if We Reverse our Support for Telescope?
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted April 27, 2015
  4. Hawaii Open Budget: Online Conference Committee Tracking Tool
  5. "Sex Change" Surgery: What Bruce Jenner, Diane Sawyer, and You Should Know
  6. Drunk? Reckless? How Much Will Your Car Insurance Increase?
  7. Best Cities to Start a Business? Honolulu Ranks 66th
  8. Roads in Limbo for Rail? Hawaii Senators Pitch Tax Hike Deal
  9. Details of Ige’s Maui Memorial public-private partnership measure
  10. HGEA Reworks Contract after HSTA Leaves Perriera in the Dust
  11. House Republicans Give $470 for Hawaii Defense Spending
  12. Hack attack continues on Hawaii state government websites
  13. TMT fight puts education grants in jeopardy
  14. Obama Administration Shutdown of Heald Flummoxes 100s
  15. Ka Iwi land deal nearly sunk as Bureaucrats, Eco Groups Squabble over Who Will Score Millions in Management Funding
  16. Hawaiian Electric sale to NextEra Energy should be done by end of year, CEO says
  17. Layoffs at Hu Honua Biofuel Plant
  18. Tracking truth, transparency promises at HPD
  19. Busy city ambulances temporarily closed last weekend
  20. Star-Adv: New E-Cig Rules Make it Harder to Smoke Marijuana Under 21
  21. New campaign to help sex trafficking victims in Hawaii
  22. HB864: Mandates Insurance Coverage to Provide $20K Test Tube Babies to Lesbians
  23. Colorado Welfare EBT Cards $7000 in Hawaii
  24. SB1280: Ridesharing Bill in Conference Committee
  25. HB1007 Drivers Licenses for Illegals
  26. Health Officials Concerned About Side Effects of Care Home Bill
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Monday, April 27, 2015
April 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:20 PM :: 4019 Views
  1. Peter Carlisle: Dropping a Dime on Ethics Scofflaws
  2. Making a Deal on Rail Without All the Answers?
  3. Contractors' Complaints could delay the system's opening, HART says
  4. HGEA reaches new tentative agreement for more than 14,000 white-collar workers, supervisors
  5. The Jones Act Pays Off — in Politics
  6. Telescope: NPR Finds a Religion it Can Look Up To
  7. State Website Hacked, Telescope Site DNS Attack
  8. There's No 'Hawaiian View' on the Thirty Meter Telescope
  9. Anti-Telescope Lies About Water Pollution Debunked
  10. Rent subsidies fall short for isle vets
  11. The Price of a Place Called Home in Hawaii
  12. Chaperones taken aback by advice
  13. Lawmakers push for ban of plastic microbeads in personal care products
  14. Star-Adv: Third Trial for Deedy 'A Travesty'
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Sunday, April 26, 2015
April 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:05 PM :: 3977 Views
  1. Study: Hawaii Health Connector Loses 63% of 2014 Enrollees--Worst in US
  2. Feds Block Deal to Transfer Heald Students, College Shuts Down Monday
  3. The Magical Appearing Tax
  4. Pay to Play: Extent of Rail's influence a mystery
  5. Anti-Telescope Protesters Bring Invasive Ant Species to Mountain, Weiku Bug Threatened
  6. Enough of the Islands of “No”
  7. Ige to Meet With Feds About Health Connector
  8. HMSA Profit Drive Requires MDs to Talk up Costs
  9. DoE on Common Core: Greater Failure Means Greater Success
  10. 'Residential A' Tax Hike Would Mean Higher Rents
  11. NextEra Plan: Keep Rates High for Next Four Years
  12. Electronic cigarette bill SB1030 may not have been passed constitutionally
  13. Fire chief's excellent rating surprises union president
  14. Off Duty Cop Arrests Knife-Wielding Lesbian
  15. 100 at Hawaii County Democratic Convention
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Saturday, April 25, 2015
April 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:33 PM :: 6390 Views
  1. Sacred? Protest Leaders Demand $50M Yearly Rent for Telescope Site
  2. Land and Power atop Mauna Kea
  3. 7% Solution Makes Hawaii Pension Debt Seem Smaller
  4. UH: $14M Plan to Save Cancer Center Accreditation
  5. Common Cause: Audit the Clinton Foundation
  6. Neighborhood Board elections now open for voting
  7. Anti-Telescope Leader Calls for killing telescope supporters -- HS Girl Targeted
  8. Hospital measure still waiting for action from Ige
  9. State Budget Negotiators ‘Still Have a Lot of Issues’
  10. $38B in capital spending (Rate Hikes) needed to reach Hawaii's original renewable energy goals
  11. Age 21 for E-Cigs?  With Tobacco Taxes Declining, Legislators Clamp Down on their Competition
  12. IHS: Homeless panhandlers 'Very Comfortable Living this Lifestyle'
  13. Hawaii Tourism Taxes 'Shambolic and Annoying'
  14. State to waste $2.9 million on water feature at Maui airport
  15. Judge rules Deedy must stand trial a third time
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Friday, April 24, 2015
April 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 3982 Views
  1. 75 Republicans Running for Honolulu Neighborhood Board—Voting Begins Today
  2. HART GE Tax Receipts $9M Above Expectations
  3. Crabbe: OHA Wants 'percentage of gross receipts' from Telescope
  4. OHA, University to Di$cuss Telescope
  5. To Taxi or Ride-share?  Limiting Government’s Role
  6. One Simple State Tax Code Tweak to Favor Marijuana Taxpayers over Tax Evaders
  7. Auditor: No Special Fund Raids After AG Tightens Enforcement
  8. Suffering Loss of Tobacco Tax Revenues, Health Department Applauds Act 19 Restrictions on E-Cigs
  9. Contract Re-opener a $58M Giveaway to HSTA
  10. Instructional Time: Ige Signs Bill Allowing Schools to Fake it
  11. Kaiser Suddenly Interested in Maui Memorial Partnership
  12. Will Poison Pill be Slipped into Maui Memorial Partnership Bill?
  13. Telescope Case: Dangerous Expansion of Religious Rights?
  14. UH Considers Destroying Perfectly Good Telescopes to Satisfy Protesters
  15. Work on Rail Tax Hike Moves Behind Closed Doors
  16. Contractors 7 Months Behind on Rail Construction
  17. Unaccountable State spends nearly $14 million on failed DOT Accounting system
  18. House, Senate Lawmakers Debate Education Bills
  19. HGEA cancels contract ratification voting for white-collar units
  20. P-Card Holder 'may be held legally and personally responsible for Fraud'
  21. Attorney General asked to investigate lawmakers
  22. HPD investigating whether supervisor bullied detective before Suicide
  23. Hawaii Needs a ‘Marsy’s Law’ to Ensure Victims Rights
  24. SB1030 Minimum Age 21 for Cigs, E-Cigs
  25. Comcast plans to drop $45B Time Warner Cable bid, reports say
  26. Hawaii Gas chief backs bill Pretending to curb use of LNG
  27. Hawaii's top solar companies accounted for 800 jobs, $151M in revenues in 2014
  28. Battle Over Geothermal Contract Plays Out in Court and at PUC
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
April 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 5073 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation Dead Last in Clout
  2. HSTA Contract Reopener Showers Teachers in Cash
  3. Audit: DoE Bungles Federal Grants, Gives Teachers Excess Sick Leave, Vacation Time
  4. UPDATE: Governor, Legislators Come to 'Understanding' on Maui Hospital Partnership Bill
  5. Feds OK Pasha Acquisition of Horizon's Hawaii Business
  6. Sen Murkowski: An Effort to Look at Jones Act, Energy Exports
  7. London Times: Jones Act 'Key Bargaining Chip' in Trans-Atlantic Trade Negotiations
  8. Chinese Communist 'Confucius Institute' a Threat to Academic Freedom at UH Manoa
  9. Tiny Honolulu Rail Stations Limit Capacity of $300M per Mile System
  10. Your Electric Bill is Higher than you Think
  11. Ohana Policy Group Pushes Back Against Kindergarten Gay Sex Education
  12. Anger at Kenoi: "What the hell else is this guy Cheating?"
  13. Resign Already: Hawaii County Residents Overcome Fear of Retaliation, Speak out Against Kenoi
  14. Ashamed and Disappointed: "Mayor has intimidated you into being followers"
  15. When Will Kenoi Grow Up?
  16. Senate Galuteria Hearing Follows Model Used on Convicted Felon, Racketeer
  17. Star-Adv: Follow through on privatizing Maui hospitals
  18. Lawmakers consider $5 million infusion for Hawaii Health Connector
  19. HGEA Contracts offer 4 percent raises even as Existing Contracts Drain General Fund
  20. Protesters occupy OHA ahead of Board of Trustees meeting
  21. Thirty Meter Telescope May be Affected by Haleakala Case Before Supreme Court
  22. Adrenalin-addicted activists to the latest cause celebre
  23. Anti-GMO Wooley to be Unemployed June 30?
  24. Children's Nonprofit Terrified by Invasion of Homeless Heroin Addicts
  25. Kitesurfer Harassed by Police, Prosecutors working for Krilua NIMBYs
  26. Enviros Upset because H-Power Recycling Stifles Brainwashing Opportunity
  27. HCDA rule could cancel developer's plan for affordable rentals
  28. Rail, Eminent Domain, And Who's Going To Pay
  29. Only Two Politicians Poll Above 50%
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:27 PM :: 7159 Views
  1. Governor, Legislators Come to 'Understanding' on Maui Hospital Partnership Bill
  2. 25% Tax Would Make State Senior Partner in Marijuana Business
  3. Conference Committee Begins Negotiations on State Budget
  4. Ira Einhorn, Earth Day's Dirty Secret
  5. Crichton: Environmentalism is a religion
  6. Poll: Oahu Voters Against Rail Tax Hike 55%-35%
  7. Oahu Burial Council Chair on Payroll of Kakaako Developer
  8. BOE weighs anal sex policy
  9. Money at Center of Anti-Telescope Lawsuit
  10. Regents to Discuss Telescope Deal in Hilo Sunday
  11. Hawaii County Officials Squelch First Attempt at Kenoi Recall Petition
  12. Worthless Hawaii County Council Supports Kenoi in pCard flap 
  13. Kenoi Attempts to Emerge from Hiding With Help from Cronies on Hawaii Co Council
  14. HB1286: Legislators Pass Anti-LNG Bill 
  15. Bill in Congress Will Grant Flexibility to School Boards, Principals
  16. Hawaii Legislature negotiates state’s $26B budget
  17. Hawaii Hospitals 2nd Slowest to Adopt EHR
  18. Are schools equipped to handle population boom in Kakaako?
  19. Students Raise Money for Campbell HS AC
  20. Impact on shareholders if the Hawaiian Electric merger fails to go through?
  21. Attention Protesters: Egg Farm Planned for Oahu Ag Land
  22. Lawmakers consider expanding sit-lie law to Kapalama Canal
  23. Homeless from Indiana, California need to be Forced into Shelters 
  24. Star-Adv: Bills to Provide Emergency Housing Now
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Tuesday, April 21, 2015
April 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 4105 Views
  1. The day when America moved toward becoming a global power
  2. Honolulu: 40% of Homeless Refusing to Accept Shelter
  3. New Laws Regulate Aquarium Fishermen
  4. Governor Ige to Sign Bill Designating the Hawaiian Hoary Bat As State Land Mammal
  5. Last Chance to Vote on School Calendar
  6. House Agrees to Senate Version of Hospital Privatization Bill
  7. Star-Adv: Ige Shows Lack of Leadership on Telescope Protests
  8. Ige has gone from decider to messenger on TMT issue
  9. Money Committees to Begin Final Review of State Budget
  10. Honolulu Council Considers Massive Property Tax Hikes
  11. Special Committee Hearing to Investigate Galuteria
  12. HR158: NextEra Not Acting in Good Faith
  13. 'Lots of Employees' Depend on Failure of Hawaii Gov Tech
  14. Feds: Hawaii Fails to meet 70% of Nursing home Inspection Standards
  15. More Federal Funds to End Homelessness Among Vets
  16. Occupy Honolulu Pays off for Bumbling Lawyers
  17. Convicted Mortgage Scammer Keanu Sai Helps Foreigner Evade State Taxes
  18. Walter Ritte Associates Fail in Attempt to use Sovereignty Defense Against Charges Related to Molokai Fishing Boat Attack
  19. Christopher Deedy returns to court as judge weighs dropping remaining charges against him
  20. Hawaii lawmakers push for audit of alleged sick time abuse by prison officers
  21. DPS Waited One Month to Report work furlough escapee
  22. Family of victim shocked that suspected hit-and-run driver was released
  23. Attempts to Crack Down on ECigs Still Alive in Legislature
  24. Hawaii marijuana dispensaries could become reality this year
  25. Poll: Republicans Least Likely to be Fooled by Anti-GMO Hype
  26. Groups question state's rules for ocean permits
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Monday, April 20, 2015
April 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:37 PM :: 4532 Views
  1. Hawaii Noted for 'Anti-Innovation Policy Choices'
  2. Mark Takai: 100 Days of Nothingness
  3. Some States Pay Doctors More to Treat Medicaid Patients
  4. Mayor's Election Payback
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted April 20, 2015
  6. NOAA: Successful conservation efforts recognized in revised ESA Humpback Whale listing
  7. Ige DLIR Nominee Involved in Post-Iniki Insurance Fraud? 
  8. Tax hike that victimizes Small Business, Professionals to expire
  9. High costs keeping isle homes crammed
  10. HMSA rule tightens control over MDs
  11. Mauna Kea Telescopes: The Business of Astronomy Is Not an Easy One
  12. Anti-Pesticide Activists Silent About 100 acres of Herbicide at Princeville 
  13. Lawsuit alleges PGV owner Ormat Industries defrauded federal government
  14. Poll: Strong Support for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
  15. Honolulu PR Maven Needs Kenoi
  16. Land Use Shenanigans on the Windward Side
  17. Panel OKs Mizumoto, Cox and Minn for seats on state Board of Education
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Monday, April 20, 2015
Letters to the Editor, April, 2015
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:27 AM :: 4136 Views
  • Mayor's Election Payback
  • HPD Accreditation Requirements?  $80 to Find Out
  • Kenoi Must Resign
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Sunday, April 19, 2015
April 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:25 PM :: 3532 Views
  1. Tobacco Tax Frankenbill: Smoking It Out
  2. Hawaiians and the Law: Kelii Akina and Michael Lilly
  3. SB 555 - Increasing the Food/Excise Tax Credit
  4. Report: Illegals Pay $31M in Hawaii State Taxes
  5. OHA Trustee: Telescope Protests About 'Finances, Growth Models'
  6. Protesters: Science a European Idea which has Inundated our Society
  7. Telescope: Enrich our legacy by moving forward
  8. Rail: No Plan for Cost Controls and No Plan for Operating Expenses
  9. Legislature nears finish with big issues unresolved
  10. Star-Adv: Time for Hawaii Public Hospitals to Privitize
  11. Star Adv: Get Rid of Ethanol Mandate
  12. Bean counting, corrections and nominees await Legislature
  13. State computer system initiative: Too huge, too costly
  14. Guests at vacation rentals, B&Bs spend less on their island getaways
  15. Maui Politicians Squabble over EUTF's Lost $21M
  16. Solar Power Battle Puts Hawaii at Forefront of Worldwide Changes
  17. NextEra sues U.S. Government for $97.5 million
  18. More Positive than Negative from Police Body Cams
  19. Group appeals Kulani court ruling--Complain Prison Not Enough Like a Resort
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Saturday, April 18, 2015
April 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 4397 Views
  1. Ige: Telescope Legally Entitled to Proceed With Construction
  2. Auditor: City Unable to Track Federal Transportation Funds
  3. Desperate to Pass Rail Tax, HART Finally Agrees to Televise One Meeting
  4. BoE to Debate Sex Education Policy
  5. DoH: Tobacco Use Down 20%, E-Cigs Up
  6. OHA Refuses to Reveal Geothermal Investments, Losses -- Like Bishop Estate
  7. Abigail Kawananakoa Funds Anti-Telescope Protests
  8. Student’s pro-TMT stance gains traction
  9. Cronies Develop Garbage Projects, Want to Risk Taxpayer Money
  10. Senate committee unanimously approves DLNR nominee Suzanne Case
  11. Senate Panel Recommends Balfour to Water Commission
  12. A case of legislative immunity in the ongoing Say saga
  13. Hawaii County Releases More P-Card Statements
  14. Hawaii County Water Board Used P-Card to Evade Sunshine Law?
  15. Kauai mayor releases pCard statements
  16. Not Fooled by Battery Scammers: KIUC, Paniolo go for Pumped Hydro
  17. SB1316: Condo Associations to be Forced to Accept Electric Car Chargers
  18. SB1050 Community-Based Solar
  19. U.S. Antitrust Lawyers Said Leaning Against Comcast Deal
  20. Patients Rank only One Hawaii Hospital '5-Star'
  21. Veterans treatment court graduates first class
  22. Soft on Crime: 10 Priors, out on Street now Faces Murder Charge
  23. 10 Maui officers wearing body cameras for department study
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Friday, April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:03 PM :: 5519 Views
  1. DBEDT: Solo Commuters up 74%
  2. DoE: Students Meet 79% of 'Wellness Guidelines'
  3. Coverup: HART Hiding Damaged Rail Spans Since Last June
  4. Rail Contractor tries to Block TV Crew From Filming Giant Cracks in Rail Spans
  5. With Tax Hike, City Will Face no Consequences if Rail not Finished
  6. Maui hospital privatization could pave way for Big Island
  7. HGEA Contract Drives HHSC Hospitals Further into Red
  8. Cowardly Kenoi 'On Vacation', Withdraws Nominee, May Skip Budget presentation
  9. Aghast at Health Connector
  10. HB496: Employers Must Provide 3 Months Paid Vacation
  11. House Tries to Wiggle Out from Under Unfunded Liability Mandate
  12. Supporters of Bill Requiring Autism Coverage Say This is the Year
  13. Mauna Kea telescope in line with Hawaiian values
  14. Testimony candid and caustic at HPD accreditation forum
  15. Murder?  Kidnapping?  Soft on Crime Supreme Court Overturns Conviction on Technicality
  16. Prosecutor Became Defense Attorney After Being Fired by Kaneshiro
  17. Attorney general files DUI-related charges against Karamatsu
  18. Family Claims Ownership of State Hemp Farm
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Thursday, April 16, 2015
April 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:34 PM :: 5674 Views
  1. HS Senior Launches pro-Telescope Petition
  2. Stewardship by UH to protect Maunakea for future generations
  3. Final Act 221: Hoku Plant Cut Up, Pieces Auctioned off
  4. Small Business Tax Index -- Hawaii 47th
  5. HPD Accreditation Requirements?  $80 to Find Out
  6. Kauai Council Calls for ‘Home Rule’ on Marijuana Dispensaries
  7. Forbes Worst States for Taxes: Hawaii 31st
  8. Public input sought on school calendar
  9. Hawaii State Auditor Presents 2014 Annual Report
  10. HAWSCT Clarifies Joinder Of Indispensable Parties, Timely Appeals
  11. Chief Justice Appoints Dyan M. Medeiros as Oahu District Family Court Judge
  12. Anti-Telescope Protesters Opportunistic, Self-Righteous
  13. Kenoi Silent After Being Caught Double Dipping
  14. Expenses for Mayor Billy Kenoi did not come with receipts
  15. Kenoi a Dead Politician Walking
  16. Maui News: Kenoi's Sense of Entitlement 'Cannot be Tolerated in Public Official'
  17. Before Rail and GMOs, There Was the Jones Act
  18. Senators Grill Water Board Nominee, Delay Decision
  19. Legislation on the Move
  20. House Resolution Backs Electric Co-op
  21. NextEra Will Take Hawaii Where it has Taken Florida
  22. Oahu electric rates continue to decline as Oil Prices Fall
  23. DoE Solar Plan Still Lagging
  24. Enrollment drops at town public schools, prompting rumors one school will close
  25. HART says rail guideways are safe despite concrete looming above
  26. Maui PD Claims NM Officers Arrested Over Burglary
  27. Report Claims Illegals Pay $31M in Hawaii Taxes
  28. After Months of Waiting, Disabled License Applications Slowly being processed Again
  29. Study: High school smoking fell as e-cigarette use boomed
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:28 PM :: 5605 Views
  1. Criminal Charges? Attorney General to Investigate Kenoi
  2. Senate Passes Rail Surcharge Extension, State to Skim $496M
  3. House Passes Nearly 150 Senate Bills on Second Crossover
  4. Senate Passes Nearly 200 Measures on Crossover
  5. Auditor: Fraud-riddled HI5 Program Ripped off by Whole Foods Market for 6 Years
  6. Feds Cite Honolulu Taco Bell Placement in $30M Fine Against Heald College
  7. Lawsuit Challenges HC&S East Maui Water Diversions
  8. Inspector General, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, and Monolithic Monopoly: House Republicans Speak Out
  9. Hawaii Has Most Tax Brackets of Any State
  10. Carlisle: Only 2,100 Signatures needed to Impeach 'Repulsive' Kenoi
  11. I'm done talking about pCard, says arrogant mayor
  12. Senate advances bill to Raise GE Tax for rail
  13. DoT Won't Open H-1 Shoulder Lane until Legislature Done with Rail Tax Hike
  14. Second Crossover Legislation
  15. Hawaii Senate approves Maui state hospital private partnership
  16. HGEA nurses ratify new contract with 4 percent raises (still waaaay behind private sector nurses)
  17. House Passes Two Senate Bills to Save Health Connector
  18. Homeless can't stay on sidewalks
  19. As Mauna Kea Protests Grow, Some Hawaii Island Residents Worry About Jobs
  20. Hawaii County Council Rejects Ethics (Again)
  21. Oahu bag ban Kills Trees, Brings Thicker Plastic Bags
  22. Internet Billionaire Behind Solar City 
  23. Solar Contractors: We Have Installed Hundreds More Fraudulent Solar Systems
  24. Kauai Soft on Crime Judge Lets Two Attempted Murderers off probation early
  25. Vacation Rentals: Come Back in 30 Years and We'll Talk
  26. Maui OPEB Audit Disputed
  27. State tax refunds delayed 10-14 Weeks by new fraud prevention procedures
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015
April 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:45 PM :: 3838 Views
  1. Stop the Rail GET Surcharge Extension Bills
  2. Let Your Voice Be Heard for Maui Hospital!
  3. Momentum for Jones Act Reform Reaches Faraway Shores
  4. Incense and Candles Can Pollute
  5. Rise Up People: Redefining What It Means
  6. HSTA Contract Reopener Comes down to wire: Study Terms Teachers' Pay 'Robust, Very Competitive'
  7. OHA Trustee: Pay Us Rent and Telescope will become 'Extension of Spirituality'
  8. Who Needs Telescopes? Hawaii Can Always Rely on Tourism
  9. Mauna Kea Is a Special Place in Humanity’s Quest for Knowledge
  10. TMT tries to counter misinformation
  11. Senate to vote on Maui state hospital private partnership Tuesday
  12. Hawaii Health Connector's future is in the governor’s hands
  13. State Hospital had most patients ever last month
  14. Water Commission: Enviros Hammer Nominee for Refusing to Support Federal Water Grab
  15. DLNR Rules Linger in Governor’s Office
  16. Not Red Hot: Hawaii carpenters union advocacy group reports fewer workers
  17. HB496 Sick Leave Bill to be voted by Senate
  18. NextEra: An Evening With the Illusionist
  19. NextEra spreads around money
  20. HCDA to Pave Endangered Species, Install Solar Farm
  21. Homeless Camp Generates 37 Tons of Trash
  22. Career criminals bail out of jail, even after allegedly assaulting cops
  23. Former New Mexico police chief sues Maui Police
  24. Star-Adv: Drunk Cops Shouldn't be Armed
  25. Nobody Wants Gary Hooser so he is running for Council Again
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Monday, April 13, 2015
April 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:31 PM :: 4840 Views
  1. Insider Deals: OHA, Kanaiolowalu Procurement Code Violations
  2. Fences and Eradication: Petition Calls for Rejection of Suzanne Case
  3. My Father Was Gay: Why I Oppose Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage
  4. Inside look at Monsanto’s Hawaii farm nursery
  5. Secret Subcontractors: What Honolulu Rail Officials Aren’t Telling You
  6. OHA Illegally Refuses to Reveal Geothermal Investments, Losses 
  7. Energy cooperative ready to take root on Hawaii island
  8. Anti-Telescope Hysteria Still Spreading
  9. NextEra: People won't want rooftop solar
  10. Suzanne Case: Ige's Wily Ways
  11. Unlike Mayor, Hawaii County Council controls pCard use
  12. Arakawa: Hawaii County Also Withheld OPEB
  13. SB64 preschool opportunities for at-risk children
  14. Waikiki Homeless: 18 Contempt Warrants, Passing Around Vodka and Fighting
  15. Tighten rules that let prisoners on work furlough
  16. Advocates want Hawaii to ban sex trafficking
  17. Top firefighters sue Hawaii county claiming alleges wage inequities
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Sunday, April 12, 2015
April 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:41 PM :: 4770 Views
  1. OHA seeks TMT moratorium to "address unresolved legal matters"
  2. Alii Place: Where Will the $90M Come From?
  3. PBS Video: Gridlocked by the power grid: Hawaii's Solar Industry
  4. Rail Tax: If You Don't Ask You Don't Get
  5. HB459: The Science and Politics of Casual Sex
  6. Star-Adv: It's time for Mayor Kenoi to resign
  7. Spending scandal threatens to end Kenoi's career
  8. Sen Josh Green takes heat from psychologists, retirees on potential conflicts of interest
  9. Thirty Meter Telescope construction delayed to April 20
  10. Shapiro: Ige Turns it Around with Case Nomination
  11. Kidnap--Inmates Given 'Work Furlough' to Look for a Job
  12. Union Planning to Represent Marijuana Workers Criticizes Dispensary Legislation
  13. Marijuana Bills Will be Rewritten in Conference
  14. Waimanalo family claims UH hemp study land belongs to them
  15. Airport sees dramatic decline in number of homeless people
  16. Creating a Hawaii electric co-op
  17. Schatz: I have no 'Head Space' for Reflecting, but I Talk Story with Biden
  18. Kona Church Marks 195 Years
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Saturday, April 11, 2015
April 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:00 PM :: 4936 Views
  1. Telescope: For OHA, it’s all About the Rent Money
  2. Suzanne Case Pays for Aerial Shooting and Eradication: Can Hunters Trust Her?
  3. Marijuana, Gender-Opinion Birth Certificates, and Unsafe Places Head for Final Votes
  4. Kenoi Paid for Promotional TV Shows with County Funds, County Hiding His Emails
  5. Kenoi fails to file gift disclosures, State Cancels his P-Card
  6. Caldwell: Honolulu Rail Tax Is Not ‘Chump Change’
  7. Ige Negotiates with Feds to Shunt Failed Health Connector into DCCA
  8. Feds Won't Confirm Health Connector Takeover Claims
  9. Star-Adv: Telescope Protests Show that Buying Off OHA is a Waste of Money
  10. OHA Trustee Thanks Telescope Protesters for Helping with Rent Hike
  11. Pathetic Anti-GMO Activists Reduced to Whining About 'Red Dust'
  12. Bill 6: Council Pushes Harder on Homeless Who Continue to Refuse Shelter
  13. Pothead Distressed at Changes to Marijuana Dispensing Bill
  14. Drunk Prosecutor Loses License for Two Years
  15. DOE: Crackdown on chronic absenteeism Part of Strive HI Campaign
  16. HSTA Files Grievance at Honokaa HS
  17. Matlin's salary set at $1.45M+Bonuses, Inevitable Termination Pays $150K
  18. After Wasting $11M, State Launches 2.0 Version
  19. PBS Interviews Hawaii Man Scammed by Solar Contractors
  20. State parks Use Illegal Hiking in Budget Pitch
  21. Former drug court clerk allegedly stole gift cards meant for participants
  22. Woman's rental search meets Section 8 stigma
  23. Family blames quarantine station for dog's death
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Friday, April 10, 2015
April 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:54 PM :: 5380 Views
  1. Telescope Protests: Hawaii is not the A'ole State
  2. HB500: Hawaii Legislators Vote on Secret Budget
  3. Rep Luke Gives One Hour Notice for Hearing on Open Government Bill
  4. HPD to Face on-site Accreditation Commission
  5. Local 5 Pushing Self-Funded Insurance Scheme
  6. Senate Committee Amends, Approves Interisland Ferry Resolution
  7. Study: At Home Care Costs Increase in Hawaii
  8. Small Business Group Challenges Employment Law Proposals
  9. Scrounging for More Money, Health Exchange Falsely Claims to Hold Prepaid Health Care Act Hostage
  10. Kenoi failed to report $1000s of 'gifts'
  11. Honolulu Releases 100s of P-Card Records
  12. Star-Adv: Audit the P-Cards
  13. Growing larger is the thing state government does best
  14. PKF Pacific Standing by Indicted Partner
  15. Tow Truck Could have Closed Zipper Lane
  16. Under Suzanne Case, Nature Conservancy in "Acquisition Mode"
  17. Senators want state to explore interisland ferry system
  18. Proxy materials detail Next Era takeover of Hawaiian Electric
  19. Oil — not renewables — touted as isles' linchpin
  20. Anti-GMO Neocolonialism in Agriculture
  21. Senate Passes Resolutions Calling for Removal of US Flag from State Buildings Jan 17 each year
  22. Telescope protesters appeal to Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  23. Protesters: OHA Should Demand 'Back Rent'
  24. Ige Spends Hours with Protesters on Mauna Kea
  25. Science, Not Superstition, Brought Polynesians to Hawaii
  26. Resurrected media access bill heads to Senate floor
  27. Hawaii campaign contribution case still awaiting 9th Circuit ruling after 18 months
  28. Criminals with 88 priors and 60 priors Out on Streets of Waikiki Thanks to Hawaii's Soft on Crime Judiciary
  29. Homeless Who Refuse to Accept Shelter Whine About Raids
  30. Panhandling Laws: ACLU Working Hard to Keep the Homeless Homeless
  31. Legislators Secretly Scheming to Gut n Replace Uber/Lyft Bill
  32. Obama's Bank of Hawaii Pick for the Fed May Be in Danger
  33. Not as Robust as Projected: Gay Tourist Weddings up by 2% After Legalization
  34. Artificial Sweeteners May Cause Obesity, Diabetes
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Thursday, April 9, 2015
April 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:26 PM :: 6427 Views
  1. Rail Tax: 2022 Sunset is Only Remaining Check on HART Spending
  2. Kanaiolowalu: How to Make Your Girlfriend Rich
  3. Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska Join Call for Jones Act Reform
  4. DBEDT: International Students Contribute Over $205M to Economy
  5. Ige Names Appointees to Head DLIR, OIMT
  6. City launches Important Agricultural Lands (IAL) website
  7. Grassroot: Public-private partnerships for Hawaii Hospitals
  8. DLNR Seeks Comment on 2015 Outdoor Recreation Plan
  9. Caldwell Admits GE Tax Hike is to Extend Rail to Manoa, Kapolei
  10. Telescope Protesters Will Stay until OHA Gets Pay
  11. Civil Beat: Kenoi Should Resign--Mayor just a Common Thief
  12. Intent to Defraud: Kenoi ethics to be Examined by Maui Counsel
  13. HGEA Still Looking for Excuses to Oppose Maui Memorial joining Hawaii Pacific Health
  14. Hawaii veterans wait longer for care on outer islands
  15. Senate Committee Sets Hearing for Ige’s New Choice to Head DLNR
  16. 14 Burials Found in Rail Path
  17. Mainland Homosexuals Winning Easily in Legislature
  18. UH Women's Studies Prof: 'Yes means Yes' is all about Money
  19. Ige: 'Absurd' Road Construction Delays Put Hawaii on Federal 'Watch List'
  20. Hawaii health officials hope to bring back bill to release millions in federal funding for Medicaid
  21. Kauai Anti-GMO Trial Begins, Judge Rules There are no Health Concerns
  22. Anti-GMO ex-Councilman Wants to Open Marijuana 'Dispensary'
  23. Tobacco-Free Coalition cleared on lobbying charges
  24. NextEra’s Bid Could Lead to Dissolution of HEI
  25. Oil Refiner Says LNG is a Bad Idea
  26. Youth Quit Gov't Jobs Fast After Getting Taste of Red Tape
  27. Hawaii Export Sector Growing Fast, But Still Smallest in US
  28. State Senator says prisons should review work furlough policies
  29. Patrick Oki stepping aside from managing PKF Pacific Hawaii
  30. OHA provides funding to support Na Pua No`eau
  31. Honokaa High principal under fire from HSTA
  32. Ige vs Feds: Keauhou aquifer is county’s responsibility
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Wednesday, April 8, 2015
April 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 4623 Views
  1. Full Text: Drunk Prosecutor Resigns from Kaneshiro's Office
  2. Hawaii Has No Hate Crimes (Officially)
  3. Guess What: Hawaii Housing Is Expensive!
  4. Hawaii GE Tax: Broadest Sales Tax in US
  5. SB1280: Cab Companies Offer to Retrain Uber Drivers
  6. Senate Committee Approves 5-Year GE Tax Hike
  7. No Resignation Yet: Kenoi Hires Three Criminal Defense Lawyers, Attorney General Takes Over Felony Theft Investigation
  8. Unlike Others, Kenoi Still hasn't Been Fired for P-Card Theft
  9. ML&P, Grove Farm Owners Really Thrilled with Suzanne Case for DLNR
  10. Legislature May Do Little to Address Hawaii’s Housing Shortage
  11. Don't rush into buying Alii Place
  12. Telescope Stand down While Ige, UH negotiate Payoffs for OHA
  13. Maui Memorial: "We cannot wait for one more session or one more study"
  14. Arakawa: Maui County to explore buying MECO, forming co-op (good) or Public utility (bad)
  15. How charter school system in Hawaii is a success
  16. House bill Authorizes Marijuana Stores on Ag Land and in Residential Areas
  17. Tax break for cesspool conversions advances
  18. Lobbyist Spending Is Concentrated at the Top
  19. DoT Orders Commuters off Shoulder Lanes While Senate Votes on Rail Tax Hike
  20. Former Gov. Linda Lingle talks Hawaii politics
  21. BOE approves school meal price increase
  22. Five of HPD's breathalyzers broken at the same time
  23. Some rethinking the Justice Reinvestment Act
  24. Work furlough inmates arrested in robbery, kidnapping investigation
  25. Hawaii Homosexual Child Molester Charged: 57 Counts, 12 boys Victimized
  26. City Worker Arrested as Peeping Tom
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015
April 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:18 PM :: 5027 Views
  1. Worst in Nation Hawaii Health Connector Looking for Another $28M
  2. House Speaker mum so far on complaint against Karl Rhoads
  3. Prosecutor: HART & OHA Auditing Firm Victim of 3-year, $500K Embezzlement Scheme
  4. Senate Minority Alternative Budget cuts spending, caps collective bargaining
  5. Hawaii Republican Convention Set for May 2
  6. Ige Nominates Suzanne Case to DLNR, Names Three to School Board
  7. Gallup: Honolulu 2nd Healthiest Community in US
  8. Ethics complaint: 'Kenoi should be removed from Office'
  9. Celebrutards asked to Join Telescope Protest, Ige Calls for 'Timeout'
  10. Indictment names companies, fake identities used by PFK Pacific Hawaii's Patrick Oki
  11. Carlisle Slams Kaneshiro for Hiring Drunk Prosecutor
  12. Arakawa Mocks Energy 'Experts'
  13. State Tracking 'Sustainability' Progress Via New Online Dashboard
  14. Ige to make Nominations by April 8
  15. Bill to buy Alii Place goes to full Senate as more companies ditch office space
  16. 14.4% of Hawaii Teens Using Long Term Birth Control
  17. J-1: A Cultural Exchange Program or a Ticket to Sweatshop Labor?
  18. Lawmakers want cap on interest rate for payday loans
  19. Feds Push Preschool for Hawaii
  20. HSTA Opposes Phony 'Pay Raise' Resolutions
  21. HSTA Dissidents "Eliminate Educator Effectiveness"
  22. National Liberal Group Upset at Hawaii's Failure to Implement Massive Tax Hike for Long Term Care
  23. Complete Debunk of Anti-GMO 'Food Babe'
  24. Maui PD Officer sentenced for endangering her son in Drunk Driving Crash
  25. DoE will reopen Keonepoko Elementary for next school year
  26. Rep Tupola Works With HPD to Open Leeward Emergency Access Roads
  27. Kauai Council to Consider 'Homestay' Vacation Rental Ordinance
  28. Native Hawaiian Population Began Growing with Territory, Statehood
  29. Borreca: Sea Level Rise will Drown us all or something
  30. Poll 75% of Hawaii Suckered by Al Gore
  31. Tax freedom getting later
  32. 'Extinct' Hawaii Shearwater Found Alive in Japan
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Monday, April 6, 2015
April 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:49 PM :: 5046 Views
  1. Sea-Based Radar a $2.2B Flop, Mothballed at Pearl Harbor
  2. Kelii Akina interviews Michael Hamnett -- UH and Hawaii's Future
  3. US Census Looks at Small Businesses in Hawaii
  4. Rail Auditor Arrested for Money Laundering -- Ties to OHA, DAGS, UH
  5. Ige: Rail Tax Hike would 'Condone Mismanagement'
  6. State Tech: Deathly Afraid, Nightmares, and Sleepless Nights
  7. How Much Does Shipping Increase the Cost of Living?
  8. After Nago's Latest Disaster, Legislation Moves
  9. After the Sexual Revolution--University must administer students' sex lives
  10. First Amendment Beats Gay Hype 51% -45%
  11. More Solar: Can Grid Handle it?
  12. Crystal meth in Hawaii: Still bad
  13. Locks don't work at Halawa, Prisoners to be Flown to Arizona
  14. Bicyclist critically injured after struck by car near Ala Moana, off-duty officer involved
  15. Pearlridge TOD Boosts Traffic, Pedestrian Danger
  16. Bikeshare Fails to Launch
  17. Hoopili Still Haggling over Affordable Housing Rules
  18. On the verge of homelessness: A Kailua woman’s struggle highlights rising elderly homeless population
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Sunday, April 5, 2015
April 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:26 PM :: 4570 Views
  1. Trustee: OHA Drains $20M from Trust Since December
  2. The Turtle Bay Bill, Part 2
  3. Rail Tax Hike 'Orchestrated False Crisis, Flim-Flam, Theatrics'
  4. Star-Adv: Kenoi clearly has violated public trust
  5. Kenoi's excuses cannot overcome the plain facts
  6. Deputy prosecutor, former lawmaker, and Drug Rave Producer Jon Riki Karimatsu arrested for DUI ... again
  7. Vote by Mail Won't Boost Turnout, Will Disenfranchise Elderly
  8. Media access bill gets new life
  9. $90M to Buy 'Prestige' Office Building Slipped into HB1366
  10. Vampire: Rail Construction Causes 36% Shortage in Hawaii Blood Supply
  11. No free travel for teachers, panel says
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Saturday, April 4, 2015
April 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:43 PM :: 4384 Views
  1. Kenoi Must Resign
  2. Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Secretly Killed
  3. DBEDT: 65,000 New Housing Units Needed in Next 10 Years
  4. Legislative Week in Review: Sex, Drugs, Birth Certificates, and a Place to Hide the Kids from Mom
  5. "Through a Glass Clearly: Predicting the Future in Land Use Takings Law"
  6. Criminal Defense Lawyer Thinks he can Help Kenoi Avoid Prison
  7. Kenoi kept misusing county card despite warnings
  8. State Attorney General takes over Criminal Kenoi Investigation
  9. Five Senators Named to Investigate Galuteria
  10. Star-Adv: New Prison Part of Turtle Bay Deal
  11. Obamacare Offers Money to Community Health Clinics 
  12. Homeless Drunks Find Loophole at Waikiki Pavilions
  13. Tweekers Jump 150%--Nearly 1% of Workforce
  14. HB888 Illegal to Carry Gun While Drunk
  15. Greenmail: Usual Suspects Demand Payoffs for Telescope Construction to Continue
  16. Pesticides: Fear Mongering Anyone?
  17. DLNR Leader Must Embrace the Eco Religion
  18. LA Times: Giant Golf Ball a $2.2B Hole in Hawaii Anti-Missile Defense
  19. Kamehameha Withholding Evidence Against Alleged Child Molester ex-Teacher
  20. Default on Student Loan, Lose Professional License
  21. Hawaii’s State Senate passes Armenian Genocide resolution
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Friday, April 3, 2015
April 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:20 PM :: 4896 Views
  1. Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
  2. PUC: Decoupling Boosts Electric Rates--'Adjust Revenue' up by 229% 'Without Review'
  3. SCR181: Interisland Ferry System Study
  4. Hawaii AG Joins call for Congressional Investigation of ‘Natural’ Supplements Industry
  5. Mauna Kea Protesters Arrested for Blocking Road to the Top
  6. Ige Nominates Six UH Regents
  7. Success of independently funded GMO papaya confounds anti-tech ideologues
  8. 'Conservative Hawks' See Tulsi Gabbard Senate bid as 'Natural'
  9. Where Do Our Tuition Dollars Go?
  10. Kenoi Spend Hundreds at Another Hostess Bar-- Criminal Charges Considered
  11. Kenoi Paid Bar Association Dues with Taxpayer Funds
  12. Schatz apparently following Michael Corleone's advice on Gabbard
  13. Star-Adv: Authorize Maui hospital plan
  14. After Carmageddon, DoT Decides to do Simple Things They Should Have Done Years Ago
  15. In Desperate Effort to Con Legislators into Raising Taxes, Grabauskas Pretends to Skip Bonus This Year
  16. Maui might exit HEI, create its own utility
  17. School guidelines prevent testing 'opt-outs'
  18. Monday Deadline Looms for Ige to Pick New DLNR Chair
  19. Maui County audit: $21 million lost
  20. Hawaii corrections OCCC might be moved to Halawa
  21. Legislature unlikely to bail out UH Athletics
  22. Ethics ruling could put public school trips in jeopardy
  23. Off-duty officer involved in Honolulu bar shooting
  24. Hawaii Has Lowest Proportion of Teen Drivers--53.8%
  25. Ride sharing company protests proposed Hawaii regulations
  26. Bowie steps down as head of Maui Tomorrow, Returning to California
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Thursday, April 2, 2015
April 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:47 PM :: 3997 Views
  1. Hawaii 4th Graders Being Brainwashed Against GMOs
  2. MIT: Scientific illiteracy in left-wing politics
  3. 61 Hawaii Bridges Need Structural Repair
  4. DoE Announces Statewide Graduation Dates for 2015
  5. Hawaii Senate creates panel to review Sen. Brickwood Galuteria's qualifications
  6. I Oppose Gay Marriage. Should I Still Be Able to Get a Job?
  7. ADHD in Hawaii: 70% on Prescription Drugs, 61% Get 'Behavioral Therapy'
  8. Council votes back extension of GE Tax for rail
  9. Several nonbinding resolutions urge changes by HART, including cost-cutting
  10. Senate shaves less than 1 percent from the governor's funding proposal
  11. Mauna Kea: OHA Demands Payoffs for Mountain
  12. HB819: Bullying the Gay Agenda into Schools
  13. HSTA: Blame Common Core for Upcoming Low Test Scores
  14. Kenoi Refuses to Say Who He Partied With at Hostess Bar Brothel.  "I came to represent Big Island."
  15. Kenoi Billed Taxpayers for Surfboard, Bike, Clothing and Hostess Bar: Kenoi releases credit card statements, pays back $7,500
  16. Kenoi Racks Up $26K in Illegal P Card Expenses
  17. Legislators so far have wisely resisted anti-GMO hysteria
  18. Green Energy Schemers Miffed After PUC Misses Chance to Stuff Even More Money in their Pockets
  19. Mauna Kea Blockade Intensifies, Arrests Expected
  20. Feds Raid Honolulu Museum of Art, Seize Stolen Antiquities
  21. Ige appoints 6 to serve on UH Board of Regents
  22. Hawaii Senate to Post Résumés of Nominees on Website
  23. Honolulu's construction costs highest in the U.S.
  24. Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative officially ends after 7-year run
  25. Call for More Lanes, Tunnel Under Pearl Harbor
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