Entries for March 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016 |
March 31, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 3604 Views
- Hawaii Land Use Laws Violate Fair Housing Act
- Federal Recognition: How Robin Danner Made $11.9M
- Hawaii Anti-Gun Bills: One Down, Three to Go
- Willes Lee Succeeds Sharon Angle as President of National Federation of Republican Assemblies
- Honolulu's mayor, Hawaii's members of Congress may face no re-election opposition
- Lawyer: Kenoi Not Quite a Thief
- Transparency Could Have Saved Billy Kenoi from Himself
- Pflueger Kills 8 at Ka Loko, Legislature Giving Him $10M Buy Out
- Airport Authority Would Cut OHA out of Greenmail Action
- Queens Hospital: 639 Homeless Patients Last Year
- Lets Give Dope to Little Kids and Make Your Insurance Pay for It
- Legislators: Insurance Companies Must Pay $54M a Year for Trannies’ Hormones
- Big Island Farmer Quits After 30 Years—Wants to Grow Weed
- DoH Debunks Anti-Dairy Farm Hype
- Anti-Dairy Farm Protesters are Source of Pollution
- DoE Facilities Branch is Dysfunctional
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016 |
March 30, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:17 PM :: 3604 Views
- Photos: Hate-Fueled Attack on Mauna Kea Radio Telescope
- Beyond Political Sovereignty: Pathways for Native Hawaiian Advancement
- Solving Hawaii Housing Crisis Through Land Use Reform
- Ige releases $5 million for design of new West Oahu high school
- Presidential Caucus: Hawaii Republicans Show How it is Done
- It’s Time For Hawaii To Move To State-Run Presidential Primaries
- Ige Administration Does Nothing as Telescope Prepares to Leave Hawaii
- Affordable Housing Bills Inch Closer To Passage At Hawaii Legislature
- HCDA: Close Kakaako Makai to Drive out Homeless Tent City
- Pesticide Report: No Harm to Human Health
- Soft on Crime: Former Drug Dealer Billy Kenoi Arrested and Released
- Will House Finance Committee Hear Crime victims rights’ bill?
- Obama’s Gift to Hawaii: Early release for Pahala Meth Dealer
- Lunatic Acquitted Killer Denied Off-Ground Privileges For Now
- MPD cop arrested 5 times in 1 year, still on the force
- Three More Rusting Wind Junk Projects proposed for Waters off Oahu
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016 |
March, 2016 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 9:50 PM :: 4023 Views
- Presidential Caucus: Hawaii Republicans Show How it is Done
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016 |
March 29, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 4763 Views
- Official Precinct by Precinct Results: Hawaii Democratic Presidential Caucus
- OHA to Fund Kana’iolowalu Roll Again?
- Video: Aha Aloha Aina Meetings Protest Nai Aupuni
- Bizarre News: Corrupt Language Removed from Bill
- Hawaii Legislators: Driving Stoned?
- Half of Hawai’i Residents Struggling “Paycheck to Paycheck”
- City proposes bill to waive most accessory dwelling unit permit fees
- Hawaii Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Committee Vote on Wednesday
- Cigarette Taxes: Hawaii 5th Highest in USA
- Jones Act Campaign Contributions: Mazie Hirono is Living the Dream
- Stevedores Shutdown Matson Oakland Terminal
- Rep Mark Takai: Hawaii Should Switch to Presidential Primary System
- Hawaii Democrat Rip Off: After Sanders Voter Flock to Caucuses, Delegates go to Clinton
- Caucus Went According to Arrogant Democrats Bizarre Plan
- In Cuba, Hokulea finds Hawaii parallels with the Other One-Party Socialist State Founded in 1959
- Nestor Garcia: Behind-the-scenes-string-puller at KHON
- Experts: State faces worsening shortage of primary care doctors
- Will Hawaii’s Teacher Evaluation System Get Scrapped?
- Actual revenue generated by Pro Bowl questioned
- Hyatt Funds Anti-Dairy Farm Activists Search for Kukae
- HB2166: Boost Renters’ Tax Credit to $150
- Refusing Shelter: Kakaako homeless camps spring up again
- Bumbling City Permitting Department only Able to Approve Seven ADUs
- Haters Against Hate?
- Tied 4-4 after Scalia’s death, high court gives Public Sector unions a win
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Monday, March 28, 2016 |
March 28, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:01 PM :: 3538 Views
- Hawaii Apprentice Hunting Bill Advancing through Legislature with Bipartisan Support
- Honolulu Council: We Want Homeless Tent Cites All over Island Right Now!
- Rail 2 Years Late and 10 Miles Short
- Amid Hawaii delays, the Internet turned to a Google doc for caucus results
- UH Administrators Think they are the Second Coming of Act221
- Caldwell Need to get Serious About Caldwell’s Zoo
- HCR127: Hawaii Weighs Study on Decriminalizing All Drugs
- Soft on Rape: 18 Priors, out on Streets Does it Again
- Anti-GMO Activists Undue Influence on Pesticide Report
- The Death of Moral Relativism
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Sunday, March 27, 2016 |
March 27, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:51 PM :: 3583 Views
- Official Results: Sanders Winning Hawaii with 70%
- Angry Democrats Caucus: ‘It was chaos and a farce’
- HB1739: Boss Can Demand Your Social Media Passwords
- Can Illegal TVRs be Taxed?
- Bill Burgess: Honolulu attorney fought race-exclusive programs
- Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
- DoE: $4M to Cover ‘Stupid Idiot Teacher Who Ran Over Student While Driving on School Lawn’
- SB2690: Infinite Possibilities for Cigarette Tax Hike
- Bills Would Loosen OHA’s Grip on Airports
- Legislator wants to ax Kihei high school in favor of West Oahu facility
- Legislators Demand Shelters Provide Better Accommodations for Homeless
- HB1751: Corrupting the drive towards a sustainable energy future
- NextEra merger: HIEC willing co-op partner
- Without NEM, Nobody Wants Solar
- Nobody Wants to Pay for Publicly Funded Campaigns
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Saturday, March 26, 2016 |
March 26, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 3737 Views
- Who’s Running: Candidates Pulling Papers as of March 24, 2016
- Hawaii DoE: Don’t Measure Students Ability to Speak English
- ‘Culturally Accurate’ Testing: DoE Latest Scheme to Move Goalposts
- Where to Vote: Hawaii Democrats Presidential Preference Poll March 26
- Anti-GMO Activists Push Hard for Sanders Win
- Hawaii Democrats Will Quickly Lose Sanders Voters
- 'Thirty Meter Telescope' could find Refuge from Hawaii in War-Torn Kashmir
- Former Rail Architect Nails HART: Crime, Lunacy, Big Bucks—Mistake after Mistake
- Architect: HART a Poster Child for How Not to Put in a Transit System
- Caldwell’s Zoo Could Lose 10% of Animals
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Friday, March 25, 2016 |
March 25, 2016 News Release
By Andrew Walden @ 4:42 PM :: 5695 Views
- Grassroot Report: How to Fix Hawaii's Housing Crisis
- Lawsuit Dismissed: State’s 10% Rail Tax Skim Stands
- Maui Budget: Mayor Arakawa Says No Property Tax Rate Increase Necessary
- Sanders: No Federal Interference with Native Hawaiians
- Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
- Prince Kuhio’s Fight to Americanize Hawaii
- Prince Kuhio: The bridge from Kingdom to State
- Cataluna: Billy Kenoi was last one Left in Old Boys Political Bullpen
- Ethics Board, Stacked with Cronies, Finally Decides hear Kenoi complaint
- Kame'eleihiwa: Hillary Will Give us our Fake Indian Tribe
- Beth Fukumoto: "Start acting like a [expletive] Republican."
- DoE Shysters to Grill Mentally Disabled Girl Raped again and again at Multiple DoE Campuses
- Horner: HART Revenue Plan Outdated
- HB2740: Sen Roz Baker rewriting bill to allow HMSA Medical Care delays
- The Dark Side Of Renewable Energy
- Next Round of HC&S Worker Layoffs Announced
- Kauai Anti-GMO Leader Busted for Alcohol
- Revolving Door: Keoki Kerr Leaving HNN TV for HSTA Job
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Thursday, March 24, 2016 |
March 24, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:56 PM :: 4930 Views
- Billy Kenoi Indicted, Arrest Warrant Issued -- Could Get 15 Years in Prison
- Nai Aupuni Fundarising: Don’t Give These Scams a Dime
- SR16: Hawaii Legislative Resolution Asks Google to Censor Internet
- Where to Vote: Hawaii Democrats Presidential Preference Poll March 26
- Victory: Lawmakers shelve fuel tax hikes
- Haoles Back Sanders in Democrat Vote Saturday
- On November Ballot: Police Commission Can Fire Chief
- SB3034: Victims’ rights measure advances through House
- Stadium’s future could be tied to private-public development
- Thousands petition to keep Wahiawa General Hospital open
- Hawaii Superferry Headed for Maine-Nova Scotia Route
- Anti-GMO Movement: Deny 3rd World Farmers the Best Seeds
- Apo: Prince Kuhio Founded Indian Tribe—But Nobody Noticed until recently
- Soft on Crime: Out on Probation Does it Again and Again and Again
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016 |
March 23, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:54 PM :: 4109 Views
- Fuel Tax Hike to be Heard by Committee Without Proper Public Notice
- Tuition up 136%: UH Manoa Ranks #1 in USA—and Administration Wants More
- Caldwell’s Zoo Loses Accreditation
- New Report Compares E-Cigarette Taxes in 50 States
- TomTom: Honolulu 6th Most Congested in USA
- OHA Funding for Native Hawaiian Roll Comm on Today’s Agenda RM16-01
- Honolulu rail aims to be #1: Costliest transit project in the country’s history on per capita basis
- Secret Political Cabal Behind New Media Company
- Revolving Door: Ex-KITV Aide To Gov. Ige Launches Video Production Company
- Caldwell is Insincere and Disrespectful
- Senate committee OKs Ag water rights bill
- On Island Obsessed with GMOs, Meth No Longer Makes Headlines
- Obamacare: Your Medical Care is Already being Rationed
- SB2244: Cut retirement benefits for judges
- SB265: Help Pimps Recruit Minors
- Cop Cameras Among The Police Reform Bills Still Alive
- HPD officer found guilty of trafficking stolen vehicle
- Hawaii County Water Rates Hikes to Pay for Alt Energy Schemes
- Hawaii taxpayers Pay $13.28M for Fancy Waikiki Enviro Conference
- Number of Hawaii residents kept medicated with marijuana could double
- Libraries Inundated with Homeless
- Maui County $31K/year on Herbicide
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Tuesday, March 22, 2016 |
March 22, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:40 PM :: 3532 Views
- Hawaii Republican State Convention Set for May 21
- Hawaii 12th Most Expensive State to Own a Car
- Hawaii Legislation Would Strengthen Franchisee Rights
- Hawaii Planned Parenthood Should be Investigated Not Celebrated
- Hawaii Family Advocates Legislative Week in Review
- Hunting for alternate site: TMT board members visit Canary Islands
- Sanders Panders to Anti-GMO Crowd
- Stanley Chang comes from the most liberal side of the Democratic Party
- Zika Lands on Chemophobe Kauai—‘No Spraying Was Done’
- OHA Cronies Grab for Control of Agricultural Water
- Transportation Department Holds Kauai Hostage to Fuel Tax Hike
- SB2690: Rise in Cigarette Tax Peddled as Aid to Cancer Center
- HB2466: Special Fund Raid Targets Community Health Centers as E-Cigs Continue to Cut into Tobacco Sales
- Just for Laughs: UH Administrators Pretend to have a Plan to Save UH Cancer Center
- 100% Goal is Still Fake – Renewable Energy Bill Deferred
- Senate Votes $28M for DHHL
- Committee tightens up a measure on transient rental taxes
- What’s Happened To Mayor’s ‘Bold’ Affordable Housing Plan?
- Task Force to Take Aim at Affordable Housing Money
- Crime Victims Flood Newspaper: Will my Perpetrator be released?
- Admiral, Police Team up for Maui Marijuana Business
- HB1072: Psychologists Want to Sell Drugs, Too
- Army to Reduce Hawaii Forces 8%
- Joining Dems and GOP is possible but unethical
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Monday, March 21, 2016 |
March 21, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:09 PM :: 3942 Views
- Report: Rep Fukumoto Will Quit Republican Party
- DoH Announces Political Insiders Chosen to Review Marijuana Dispensary Licenses
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 21, 2016
- The hidden hand of the state is reaching for your car keys
- NYT: Hawaii Struggles to Keep Rail Project From Becoming a Boondoggle
- Big Dig, Rail: Grabauskas lands in familiar territory
- Chang thinks he can beat popular Slom; we’ll see
- Caldwell, Martin Still Playing Political games
- What really happened at the ʻAha, part III
- Agricultural future for Hawaii rests on removing many barriers to entry
- Throwing Bad Renewable Energy Projects Off the Bridge
- Hawaii Superferry Going to Maine-Nova Scotia Route
- Wahiawa General Hospital in danger of closing
- HPD officer resigns to help Wahiawa's homeless full-time
- Maui Council boosts transparency
- Anti-GMO Hawaii County Council Candidate Exposed as Paid Lobbyist
- 1,566 Hawaii Same Sex Marriages Since 2013
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Sunday, March 20, 2016 |
March 20, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 5293 Views
- Bill Burgess: Honolulu attorney fought race-exclusive programs
- Hawaii State Judiciary “Connect-A-Vet” resource fair
- Triple Referral Lateral
- Could You Please Pick Up That Pencil?
- Hawaii: Assault on your Second Amendment Rights Continues
- Clumsy and Secretive: Caldwell’s Minions Mug Ethics Director
- Thousands of Punatics, Anti-GMOs Joining Hawaii Democratic Party to Vote for Socialist
- Kauai Fact-Finding: Anti-GMO Pesticide Hype Completely Unsubstantiated
- Are you participating in Hawaii’s main political party caucuses to choose a presidential nominee?
- Wife of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders visits Oahu
- NYT: UH Lags Private Sector in Equal Pay, Womens’ Rights
- Financial woes threaten the UH Cancer Center
- Required testing of rape kits removed from bills
- HB2391: Release Hundreds of Criminals Back onto Streets
- Medicated: Another 1,800 Sign Up to Smoke Weed
- Affordable? Senior Housing Rents Jump 62%
- City says North Shore playground built by volunteers must come down
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Saturday, March 19, 2016 |
March 19, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:26 PM :: 3116 Views
- Who’s Running: Candidates Pulling Papers as of March 18, 2016
- MDs: Gender Ideology Harms Children
- Where to Vote: Hawaii Democrats Presidential Preference Poll March 26
- Applicants Sought for Ethics Commission
- Hawaii State Senate: A Wall of Secrecy ‘for year or more’
- Anti-GMO Realtors Demand Seizure of HC&S Land
- Conflict of Interest: Anti-Ag Activist Appointed to Maui Water Board
- Obamacare Gives HMSA New Way to Reduce Quality of Medical Care
- Chilly temps aren't slowing state's push to cool classrooms
- Police Standards Board Bill Revived
- SB2411: Police Body Cams Committee Vote Tuesday
- Four Officers Involved in Conspiracy to Stage Auto Theft—Vehicle Later Used in Robbery of Drug Dealer
- Ethics Panel Seat Still Open
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Friday, March 18, 2016 |
March 18, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 4116 Views
- Police Raid Offices of Honolulu Rail Car Supplier
- Organic Farmers Thwart Tropical Disease Eradication Efforts
- Duke Aiona Legislative Update March 17, 2016
- Hawaii: Assault on your Second Amendment Rights Continues
- Beer Taxes: Hawaii Ranks #5 in USA
- Lava Tube: DLNR’s Case ‘setting up roadblocks to the media on matters large and small’
- March 18, 1959: Eisenhower Signs Hawaii Statehood Bill
- Alii Place: $50M State Giveaway to Owner?
- Hollywood Giveaway: Hawaii Offers up to $15M Taxpayer Money per Movie
- Office of Hawaiian Affairs Has 10 Employees In The Six-Figure Range
- Chang Aims for Total One Party Control of State Senate
- Kauai Mayor Carvalho calls for $20M increase in general excise tax
- Charter: Police Commission to get Teeth?
- Ferry Bill Clears First House Committee
- Water a Money Spinner for A&B
- Lawmakers ask HMSA, doctors to compromise on imaging pre-authorization
- Hawaii medical school drops off U.S. News list of top programs, law school drops 10 places
- FBI: Hawaii Overwhelmed with Perverts
- Civil Beat's Errors and Conflict of Interest
- Dolphins to Be Protected from Eco-Religionists after Decade of Harassment
- Ethnic bloc endorsements seem odd and out of date
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Thursday, March 17, 2016 |
March 17, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:33 PM :: 3396 Views
- Na’i Aupuni Cancels Ratification Vote
- Anti-Gun Bills Deferred
- Plan to renovate or rebuild Aloha Stadium could become a taxpayer boondoggle
- Oahu Windfarm Proposed for Live Explosives Dumping Area
- 2016 County Health Rankings Hawaii
- Honolulu Drivers Waste 49 Hours in Traffic
- Hawaii House budget Boosts Spending by $2B
- House Budget Bill—$60M to be Wasted on Aloha Stadium
- House budgets $200M for new Maui jail, Undercuts OCCC, Halawa Plan
- Two Sheriffs Involved in HPD Stolen Car Scheme
- 81% Chance of Sanders Win in Hawaii
- Telescope: Selection of Hearing Officer ‘In Progress’
- SB2562: State Squad to Apply Pressure to Homeless Who Continue to Refuse Shelter
- Will Utah Housing First Leader Direct Honolulu Homeless Effort?
- Kauai Utility CEO: Renewable Energy Goal Not Cheap Or Easy To Meet
- Honolulu Police Commission’s job review of HPD Chief Louis Kealoha is an embarrassing whitewash
- Hawaii TSA had 'record number' of violations, discrepancies
- Prosecutors: Gay Prostitute Killed Woman in Honolulu—Faces Kiddie Porn Charges
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016 |
March 16, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:13 PM :: 3972 Views
- HB2085: Ban Sale of Gasoline, Diesel Vehicles in Hawaii
- House committee to hear ferry bill Wednesday morning
- HB2555: Hemp Inc Behind Industrial Hemp Bill
- Anti-Gun Bills up for Senate Vote
- Hawaii County PD Seeks Community Input
- Rail, TheBus and HandiVan Operations – Under HART or the Mayor?
- State Hands IT Systems to New UH Tech Center
- Feathering Their Own Nests, UH Administrators to Peddle Latest Round of Tuition Hikes at Public Meetings
- Small Business Day at the Capitol, March 30
- Na’i Aupuni Ratification Trick
- Osorio: Three major problems with the ʻAha constitution
- Honolulu rail project's chief architect departs, warns of project's future
- HB1751: Alt Energy Meeting Goals By Screwing With Definitions
- Consultant faults Hawaiian Electric for geothermal contract failure
- DOE investigations into employees drag on for months
- Arakawa pushing for hard-wall housing units for Maui homeless
- Star Adv: Steal Affordable Housing Credits from DHHL
- 2 top Hawaii TSA managers sue agency for discrimination, retaliation
- HPD Officer on trial for allegedly buying, selling stolen SUV
- Lawmakers consider releasing hundreds of inmates to Boost Crime Rate
- Hawaii’s Largest Meth Dealer Gets Reduced Sentence
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Tuesday, March 15, 2016 |
March 15, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:29 PM :: 4651 Views
- Interior Department Funds Guam ‘Self-Determination’ Outreach
- Chief Justice Seeks Public Comment on 3rd District Court Nominees
- HR21: Development Land Swap for Great Lawn in Hawaii Kai
- Complete List: Bills that Passed First Crossover
- Grand jury in Kenoi case issues subpoenas
- Caldwell Makes Excuses for not asking police chief to go on leave during FBI probe
- Legislature: Lets Make it Easier to Pass Around the Campaign Cash
- GEMS for DoE plan hits delay
- HTA against shifting $3M to UH sports
- SB2244: No Pension for Judges Unless They are reappointed
- Transparency-Related Bills Before Legislature
- HB2501: With Sugar Dead, Usual Suspects Fight to Take Away Ag Water
- State Fines Costco $16K for Helping With Hurricane Relief
- 1,000 Apply for 84 Affordable Rentals in Pearl City
- Declining oil prices lead to lower Electric Bills
- Planning director calls for revoking permits for Aina Lea golf courses
- Soft on Crime: Tweeker Gets Probation for Near-Fatal Shooting--Surprisingly She’s Back at it Again
- SB2309: Untested Rape Kits
- If Hawaii Had Dictatorship Like Cuba, We Could Shut Down Anti-Pesticide Nuts and Spray to Stop Dengue, Zika
- Dem Presidential Caucus a Test of Strength for Anti-GMO Nuts
- Trump gets huge win in Northern Mariana Islands GOP caucus
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Monday, March 14, 2016 |
March 14, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:26 PM :: 3553 Views
- Anti-Gun Bills up for Senate Vote
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 14, 2016
- HB2558: State Travel Expenses to Flood DLNR ‘Carbon Credit’ Slush Fund
- Delaying Medical Tests To Save Money Is A Dangerous Game
- Police commission rating of Kealoha seems incomplete
- High Public Cost Of Race Case Bolsters Calls For Police Reform
- ‘Liquefied natural gas’ doesn’t always mean ‘fossil fuel’
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Sunday, March 13, 2016 |
March 13, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:02 PM :: 3533 Views
- Regressivity
- Auditor: Incompetence Prevents Management of State IT Resources
- Auditor: Handi-Van Not ADA-Compliant
- Who’s Running: Candidates Pulling Papers as of March 11, 2016
- SB 2840–Kill Zombie Pensions
- Morita Comes up Short in KIUC Bid
- AP: Only Senator Sam Slom Responded Fully to Our Open Records Request
- Senators go along with Dubious $75M Gas and Vehicle Tax Hike
- SB2454: Make Income Taxes More Progressive
- State is squarely in path of unfunded liability landslide
- Affordable housing trade-off: Credit program aids Hawaiian Homelands
- Another $30M in Revenue Bonds for Political Insiders
- Hawaii Trump Voters: It’s time to move to a level of confrontation not seen in local politics
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Saturday, March 12, 2016 |
March 12, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:40 PM :: 4719 Views
- Applicants Sought for Ethics Commission
- Hawaii Cesspools: Tax Credit, Ban
- Caldwell Minions finally force City Ethics Director Out for Being too Tough on Rail Crooks?
- OHA Mauna Kea Cash Grab: Judge Remands All Telescopes’ Sublease back to BLNR
- House Set to Approve $16B Budget, $300M in Red
- Hawaii could be only state that taxes Girl Scout cookies if Idaho bill passes
- Hawaii's general fund tax deposits up 7.4%
- Homeless are Big Part of Hawaii’s $1.2B Medicaid Bill
- Hawaii deals with dramatic shortage of doctors
- Like Tourism, State’s #2 Industry ‘In Slow Decline’
- Hawaii tech industry ranks 45th in the nation
- Civil Beat Hypes Latest Gaggle of Phony Taxpayer-Funded Tech Companies
- Anti-GMO Activists Just Keep on Lying
- 2 former GOP Hawaii chairs face complaint over their criticism of Trump
- Can Tulsi Gabbard Swing Hawaii Voters to Sanders?
- New state BOE policy embraces language diversity in classrooms
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Friday, March 11, 2016 |
March 11, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:03 PM :: 6007 Views
- Final Results: Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- Guam Votes Tonight In The Republican Primary
- Nai Aupuni’s Secret Controllers
- Hawaii GE Tax Bites into 99% of Personal Income
- Maui: Auditor Undervalues our Garbage
- Maui Council Rejects 300% Agriculture Tax Hike
- American Samoa Fights Feds for Fishing Zone
- The Best—and Worst—States for Workers with Disabilities
- AM940 -- Grassroot Institute on the Air
- Full Text: Kauai Pesticide Report
- Local GOP hopes caucus turnout re-energizes party
- Hawaii Trump Voters “Disgusted with political correctness”
- Revolving Door: Politician Nestor Garcia Pays Largest Ethics Fine in History, Gets Hired by KHON
- Revolving Door: Ex-KITV Aide To Gov. Ige Launches Video Production Company
- How Fed Wreckers Kept Aha Distracted
- Drivers’ concerns rise as lawmakers advance bill to hike vehicle fees
- Maui Council Rejects Massive Ag Tax Hike
- Report finds no health impacts from pesticide use on Kauai
- FBI investigates allegations police chief's wife lied in court to fix ticket for Solar Contractor
- Calls for police chief to step aside grow amid expanding federal probe
- Hearing begins over Kauai Police Department’s body camera program
- Hawaii or Hawai'i: What's the official spelling?
- Kau: Sovereignty Activists Harass Landowners, Courts
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Thursday, March 10, 2016 |
March 10, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:09 PM :: 3698 Views
- Over 15,000 Ballots Cast in Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- Beyond Political Sovereignty: Pathways for Native Hawaiian Advancement
- Hawaii’s Deficit Disaster: Learning from Illinois
- Raising Hawaii Taxes in 2016 - Unconstitutional Economics Exposed
- Hawaii Cruz Campaigners Disciplined by National Cruz Campaign
- Hawaii GOP caucus -- party hand-counts remaining ballots
- OHA Cronies: Seat a Government Before January 20, 2017, and Obama Will Make us a Tribe
- Rep. Choy’s bill would let legislators take jobs at the University of Hawaii
- HB2408: DoT to Award Secret Land Permits
- Kauai: Report Debunks Every Anti-Pesticide Claim
- Federal investigation into police chief broadens
- Honolulu police chief ‘exceeds expectations’ in annual evaluation (Meanwhile FBI closing in....)
- Ex-officer was bookie during HPD tenure, prosecutors say
- Missing OCCC extended furlough inmate captured, arrested for attempted murder
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016 |
March 9, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:23 AM :: 3682 Views
- Results from Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- 2016 Hawaii Legislative Watch: People vs. Government
- Huge Voter Turnout for Hawaii Republican Caucuses
- $75M Tax on gas, auto weight would go up via bill OK’d by senators
- Sen Sam Slom, after a brief hospitalization, is back in true form at the Capitol
- Will TheBus be Handed over to Rail System?
- Hawaii County employees can keep frequent flier miles Purchased with P-Card
- What’s Up With Panel To Award Medical Pot Dispensary Licenses?
- Idle Rich Behind Hawaii Anti-GMO Activism
- Plans for Rusting wind junk off Waikiki moving ahead
- Hawaii’s Public Charter School Movement At A Crossroads
- Judicial Appointment Bills are Retaliation for DHHL Ruling?
- Homeless Tent City: Arguments, Yelling and a Party
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016 |
March 8, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 4422 Views
- Where to Vote: Tuesday March 8 Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- Rick Santorum Campaigning for Rubio in Hawaii
- Five Anti-Gun Bills up for House Vote
- Fitch: Hawaii debt levels are high
- Kasich: No Fake Hawaiian Indian Tribe
- Clinton Backs Fake Indian Tribe for Hawaii
- Native Hawaiian nation won’t be on public dime
- Duke Aiona Endorses Rubio
- Excitement Builds for Today’s Republican Presidential Caucus
- Can Hawaii and Idaho Stop Trump Tuesday?
- Rep Beth Fukumoto Chang on Trump: “I told you so”
- Hate on Display: As Sugar Layoffs Begin, Leading Hawaii Anti-GMO Activist Deploys Revisionist History to Cheer Demise
- Hawaii County Ethics Comm Holds Secret Hearings to Grant Exemptions to Double Dipping Self Dealing Contractors
- U.S. Senator Brian Schatz loses mind, calls on media to focus more on climate change
- Vehicle owners face increases to three separate fees under new bill
- Chronic Homeless Refusing Help, Return to Kakaako
- Proposed law would release even more criminals onto streets
- Men assaulted by Honolulu officer file lawsuit against city
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Monday, March 7, 2016 |
March 7, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:13 PM :: 2838 Views
Sunday, March 6, 2016 |
March 6, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 5125 Views
- Nai Aupuni Aha Roll Call--How They Voted
- Energy Star Certification Program Promises Hawaii DoE $300M in Savings
- Tax Conformity: Can We Make It Move?
- March 8 GOP Caucus – Where to Vote
- What Really Happened at Aha: Delegate ‘Crying like a little B***h’, ‘Hostage’ Demands $5000 Ransom, and more
- Nai Aupuni ‘Constitution’ Becomes New Excuse for Multi-Million Dollar Cash Grab
- Mayor’s role on bank board seems to be a clear conflict
- Rail Tax Hike: ‘Can’t I get the Same Thing?’
- Maui County: Punitive tax plan has Real Potential to Shut Down Farms, Ranches
- Senate moving bill to grab veto power on reappointment of judges and justices
- Abercrombie, Sanders: Birds of a Feather
- SB2569: Homelessness Court Sought to handle 14,860 Tickets
- Star-Adv: Quit playing politics with homelessness
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Saturday, March 5, 2016 |
March 5, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:15 PM :: 4627 Views
- Where to Vote: Tuesday March 8 Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- Former Bush Supporter Barbara Marumoto Endorses Rubio
- Former Carson Supporter Sen Sam Slom Endorses Ted Cruz for President
- Sen Sam Slom Hospitalized
- Who’s Running: Candidates Pulling Papers as of March 4, 2016
- Renewable Energy: How the 100% Mandate Hurts Hawaii
- Hawaii Drone Bill Would Hinder Federal Surveillance Program
- Hawaii Bill to Reject Some FDA Restrictions on Terminal Patients Clears Final House Committee
- HPD: Surfing on Duty? Beat your Wife? -- Get Promoted to Captain
- Obamacare: HMSA Refuses to Pay for Medical Tests, Patient Suffers Stroke While Waiting
- 78% Support Term Limits for Hawaii Legislators
- Kauai Council Considers Stupendous Gas Tax Hike
- After $10K and 2.5 Months, Builder Finally Allowed to Apply for ADU Permit
- How Caldwell Wants To Spend $61.7 Million On Housing
- Windward Residents Continue to Suffer Bus Cuts to Pay for Rail
- ACLU Desperately Trying to Keep the Homeless, Homeless: Urine is a Constitutional Right
- Hawaii lawmakers push to ban professors sex with students
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Friday, March 4, 2016 |
March 4, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 4473 Views
- Where to Vote: Tuesday March 8 Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- Waste Management: Millions for Company Tied to OHA Chair Pass Through House Finance on Three Minutes Public Notice
- Gasoline Taxes: Hawaii 4th Highest in USA
- Hawaii: Legislation that Violates Due Process Could be Voted on in the House Friday
- Hawaii Federal Court: Get Ready For Bridge Aina Lea Trial
- Hawaiian Electric Companies report record high renewable energy use
- Excitement Builds for March 8 Hawaii Presidential Caucus
- Star-Adv: Reject gas tax--bloated bureaucracy, not lack of money, is a fundamental obstacle to better roadways
- Your Tax Dollars at Work: HCDA, City Team up for Florida Boat Junket
- Governor: 100% Renewable Energy Formula ‘Flawed’
- Sen Keith Agaran: I Intended to Kill Term Limits from the Beginning
- Borreca: Gabbard Can Expect Retaliation from Clinton Machine
- Mayor keeps his options open for seeking another elected office
- Harry Kim to run for Hawaii County mayor again
- Hitachi hitting speedbumps in acquisition of rail car manufacturer Ansaldo
- Legislators Work to protect Tobacco Biz by Taxing E-Cigs
- Garbled gibberish, faux science and Utopian agricultural dreams
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Thursday, March 3, 2016 |
March 3, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 4332 Views
- Nai Aupuni ‘Constitution’ Dictated by Department of Interior?
- Honolulu Charter Commission to Discuss Rail-Related Proposals Friday
- Impact of Jones Act Shipping on Hawaii Cost of Living? House Refuses to Study Issue
- Caldwell, Liberal West Coast Mayors, Hope to Exploit Homelessness for Federal Megabucks
- Hawaii Republicans ready for March 8 Presidential caucus
- Contractor: Hawaii DoT Using Lawsuit to Cover up Incompetence
- Emergency? Lingle Built Shelter Space for 650 Homeless, Ige 20
- Senators Kill Bills To Elect Judges, Create Legislative Term Limits
- Residency: Josh Green Lives and Works on Oahu but Says he Still Occasionally Visits his Kona District
- OHA Trustee: Another $2M Must be Wasted on Nai Aupuni
- Judge strikes dollar amount from order to boost DHHL funds
- Kapolei students chosen for telescope time
- State of the City Fallout
- Jon Drinky Karimatsu Convicted on 2nd DUI
- IDG-Huena Geothermal Missed the High Price Opportunity
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016 |
March 2, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 5119 Views
- Duke Aiona Legislative Update March 1, 2016
- Grassroot: Pro Bowl Numbers Don’t Add Up
- HB1473: Help Legislators Buy Influence, Spread Campaign Cash
- Demographic and Economic Profiles of Hawaii's Electorate
- CTA Innovation Scorecard: Hawaii Dead Last, Likely to Stay There
- Trump’s isle lead has rivals wary of upcoming caucus
- Tulsi Gabbard Not a Combat Veteran
- Star-Adv: Keep Political Appointees out of HART, Bus Lines Will have to be Cut
- Geothermal Wars: IDG/Huena—The Highest Price of Them All
- Media Ignored OHA Cronies Aha—62% Say ‘Meaningless’
- 5.5% increase in $462M Hawaii County Budget mostly for salaries, benefits
- Soft on Crime: Lunatic Returns to Asylum
- City: Artificial Turf Cheaper than UPW Lawnmowers
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016 |
March 1, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:59 PM :: 4946 Views
- Grassroot: Aha ‘Constitution’ is Effort to Form Race-Based Government
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted February 29, 2016
- Guards Union: Airport Security Contractor Illegally Holding Money Which Belongs to Workers
- Tax Facts & Figures: How Does Hawaii Compare?
- Hawaii: Only 38% Doubt God
- Retaliation: Nailed for Campaign Spending Violations, House Reps Push HB2008 to Eliminate Investigators’ Positions
- Trump ‘A Nightmare for Hawaii GOP?’
- Nai Aupuni Constitution: Limitless Land Grab
- Legal turbulence that swirls around Nai Aupuni will not abate anytime soon
- Senate panel votes $75.3M gasoline tax hike
- Dead for Session: Two Different GE Tax Hikes
- Kauai County’s GE tax hike plan filled with flaws
- Maui County: Now That Sugar is Dead, We Want 1000% Tax Hike on Farms, Ranches
- Earned Income Tax Credit Bill Dies
- Caldwell: HART Should Take Control of TheBus, HandiVan
- HECO-NextEra Hearings End Today
- SB2561: Why Does it Take 10 years to Build Affordable Housing in Hawaii?
- Can LUC Penalize Developers?
- Ige, Legislators Flail About Looking for More Prison Space to Create UPW Positions, Spend More Money
- 3 Maui prison recruits fired after strip club fight, stabbing
- 20 Convictions: Out on Bail--Does it Again
- YB Monopoly: Lousy Service is Latest Excuse for Rate Hike
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