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Monday, March 22, 2010
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:23 PM :: 5573 Views :: National News, Ethics

This is why opposition to this bill will only grow. Supporters of this bill argue that popular hostility will recede upon its passage. But, rather than cementing our descent into a European-style welfare state, last night’s passage of Obamacare is best seen as a historic turning point, a true catalyst for real change.

I write to reassure our supporters, the conservative movement, and the American people at large that The Heritage Foundation will do all within its power to keep this issue alive in the public square and make the intellectual case for the repeal of this act. We will bring all our resources to bear on behalf of those who believe America is and will always remain the Land of the Free.

This, rest assured, can be done. The American people are never permanently thwarted. President Obama's health care legislation can and will be repealed.

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Monday, March 22, 2010
Buy insurance or lose 2.5% of income: “Wheelchair Tax”, Union “Cadillac Plans”, 44% rental tax, part of $409.2B in new taxes
By Selected News Articles @ 1:03 PM :: 8194 Views :: National News, Ethics

The top tax rates on interest and rental income would rise to as high as about 44 percent...Starting in 2013, Americans under 65 won’t be able to deduct medical expenses until they exceed 10 percent of income, up from 7.5 percent now...those who buy devices such as wheelchairs would pay a 2.3 percent excise tax. Drugmakers may pass on a $3 billion annual fee.

The Medicare taxes superseded an earlier Senate proposal to tax high-value employer-provided insurance coverage, dubbed “Cadillac plans.” That 40 percent excise tax was delayed until 2018, when it would begin to apply ....

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Monday, March 22, 2010
States vs Obamacare: Florida, Washington, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and others to file suit
By Selected News Articles @ 12:54 PM :: 9664 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

First, he said, the mandate to buy insurance or pay a fine amounts to "a tax on living." Unlike auto insurance or payroll taxes, McCollum said, the new fees would apply to people for not doing anything, not triggered by any status or activity on a citizen's part.

Secondly, he said, the bill imposes spending requirements on the states --amounting to more than $1.6 billion for Florida. McCollum said Congress can't legally do that.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Lingle: Obamacare passage will cost State $300M, endanger QUEST
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:32 PM :: 7618 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The health care legislation approved by the House tonight will force Hawai‘i and all the other states into a one-size-fits-all program that is financially unsustainable.

“The $1.2 trillion government takeover of health care will cost Hawai‘i residents, conservatively, an estimated $300 million over five years in added costs to our Medicaid programs, which are already hemorrhaging red ink.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010
GOP Chair Ka’auwai: “We must elect Djou”
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 10:27 PM :: 7553 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“Since the healthcare debate heated up in March, over 7,617 jobs were lost every day.  Not only did Congress fail to address the most important issues of the day—jobs and the economy—but they passed legislation that is guaranteed to hurt businesses and negatively impact jobs.  Hawai'i needs congressional representation that works for our concerns, for our jobs and most importantly, for our families.

“We have a unique opportunity here in Hawai'i come May.  We can, must and will elect Republican Charles Djou to Congress, gain a champion of fiscal accountability, individual responsibility for Hawai’i and return independent, effective leadership to Congress.”

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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Djou: “Trillion dollar bill will do little to improve health care”
By News Release @ 10:12 PM :: 11594 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“Congress should instead have enacted medical malpractice reform, allowed for the interstate sale of health insurance, and reformed the tax code to allow for an individual deduction on health insurance premiums.  We must continue to fight for responsible health care reform that lowers costs and offers greater access to affordable health care.”

Djou is the only major candidate in the Congressional race, who lives in the 1st Congressional District and the only major candidate who would have voted against this bill.  Ballots will be mailed out April 30.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Socialist health care passes 219-212: Honolulu voters will be first to pass judgment
By Andrew Walden @ 9:02 PM :: 8283 Views :: National News, Ethics

Obama advisor Al Sharpton on Fox News tonight: “Americans voted for socialism when they elected Obama.”

GOP Chair Michael Steele: “We intend to do everything in out power to reverse this.”

Hawaii voters will be among the first to pass judgment--Honolulu Special Mail–in Congressional Election: May 1-22. 

Both Ed Case and Colleen Hanabusa are pledged to support Obamacare.   Charles Djou has pledged to oppose it.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Bought and paid for, will Hirono cast the deciding vote for Obamacare?
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 24197 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

For months, Mazie Hirono pledged to vote against the Senate version of Obamacare.  For her, Senate Obamacare just wasn’t socialist enough.  Along with 56 other “progressive” members of Congress, she demanded a program with a public option and denounced the Senate bill as a multi-billion dollar giveaway to the insurance companies.

Hirono’s July 30, 2009 letter explained:

“Any bill that does not provide, at a minimum, for a public option with reimbursement rates based on Medicare rates--not negotiated rates—is unacceptable…. (T)his agreement will result in the public, both as insurance purchasers and as taxpayers, paying ever higher rates to insurance companies.  We simply cannot vote for such a proposal.”

Hirono has maintained this position as recently as February 2, but at the last minute, barely noticed by her “progressive” base, Rep Mazie Hirono has changed her mind....

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Saturday, March 20, 2010
GOP’s Ramsay Wharton to challenge Hirono for Outer Islands Congressional Seat
By News Release @ 8:43 PM :: 26190 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Now, more than ever, we need to bring balance to our nation’s capitol.  For too long, Hawaii residents have been underserved with only “one” viewpoint represented in Congress.  This out-of-balance system has failed our citizens and allowed for policies that have stifled our creativity and economic growth and burdened us with heavy taxes, wasteful, out of control government spending, and inefficient bureaucratic growth.

The people are speaking, but Washington isn’t listening.  That’s why we need new leaders who will listen and provide “common sense” approaches to get our country back on track.  Join me in the “good fight” and allow me the honor to represent you with “a strong voice and presence” in the halls of Congress.  

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Saturday, March 20, 2010
After flag flap: Legislature fights over control of cameras
By News Release @ 2:00 PM :: 7790 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Honolulu- Friday, March 19, 2010 Republicans withdraw their support of a seemingly routine procedural resolution. The resolution (HR 205) dictates that the Speaker of the House exclusively controls in-house video programming and information output, and sets restrictions for its use.

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Friday, March 19, 2010
Kawamura: Purchase of Securities under Cayetano and Lingle Administrations authorized by Legislature in 1997
By News Release @ 8:25 PM :: 6316 Views :: Energy, Environment

“Just one example of the final report's gross flaws is that without any citation of the attorneys (if any) that she relied on for her own legal opinion, the legislative auditor dismisses the attorney general's detailed opinion that concluded that the purchase of auction rate securities was specifically authorized by the Legislature in 1997, and legal when made by two budget directors in the Cayetano Administration and by my department in the Lingle Administration."

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Friday, March 19, 2010
Lingle: Legislature’s path will make Hawaii “a fiscal basket case” (AUDIO)
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:56 PM :: 8964 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The Legislature’s failure up to this point to focus on immediate measures that will reduce government spending and create jobs for our residents is putting the future economic well-being of our state in jeopardy,” said Governor Lingle.  “Instead of taking action that will help get people back to work, the Legislature is attempting to further burden our residents and businesses with a 25 percent increase in the general excise tax, a $1 tax on every barrel of oil shipped into the state that would raise the cost of living and doing business, a 30 percent tax increase on timeshares and numerous other unjustifiable fees on small businesses."

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Friday, March 19, 2010
Raw Deal: What Were Dems Thinking When They Let Neil Abercrombie Retire?
By Selected News Articles @ 12:50 PM :: 11647 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"I think Neil was determined to get moving on his gubernatorial race," DCCC chairman Chris Van Hollen told me yesterday...."Once a person makes up their mind to do something, this is America, they're free to do it."

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Friday, March 19, 2010
Attorneys General: Obamacare “deem and pass” will lead to “protracted litigation”
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:24 PM :: 5681 Views :: National News, Ethics

Former U.S. Attorneys General Edwin Meese III and William P. Barr released the following statement:

The convoluted and questionable method under discussion by both Houses of Congress for final passage of the long-debated health care legislation raises serious constitutional concerns, which, at best, will lead to protracted and wholly avoidable litigation and continued doubt about the bill’s validity.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Cook Political Report: Hawaii Congressional Race changed from “lean Dem” to “toss up”
By News Release @ 8:50 PM :: 11333 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

...there is genuine concern among Democrats that while Djou is up on air with appealing intro ads that don’t mention his party affiliation, neither state Sen. Colleen Hanabusa nor former Rep. Ed Case are running great campaigns. Case may enjoy an early lead, but he also has the least money. Furthermore, Democratic Sens. Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka will do all they can to ensure Hanabusa overtakes Case, their longstanding rival.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Cadillac Tax is back: Obamacare to tax union workers’ health plans, gut $350M from Hawaii State budget
By Selected News Articles @ 5:14 PM :: 9742 Views :: Health Care, Labor

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is headed into a meeting with President Obama this afternoon after the White House and Congressional leaders have begun to discuss a higher-than-expected excise tax on some health care plans, in order to maintain their claim that health care legislation will reduce the deficit, a source involved in health care talks said.  (Those are UNION-negotiated health plans.)

Any unexpected change to the health care plan could endanger support for the bill from labor, which agreed to back it after reductions to the planned excise tax.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Overtaxed Hawaii: Protest against GE Tax hike March 23
By News Release @ 4:02 PM :: 10751 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Tuesday, March 23rd at the State Capitol -- from 10:00am till 12 noon -- Mauka side of Beretania St across from State Capitol.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Obamacare: More taxes, higher premiums, and more welfare (ILWU's Health Plan to be taxed?)
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:00 PM :: 5991 Views :: National News, Ethics

Another day, another no-show for the Obamacare reconciliation bill. House Democrats were quick to shift blame to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) with Rep. Robert Andrews telling The Hill that the delay "has been much more technical than substantive. ... It’s not like what tax has to go or what spending has to go." Which is an interesting claim, since Politico reported that AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka was summoned to the White House yesterday afternoon "to discuss a higher-than-expected excise tax on some health care plans." In fact, Politico added: "A labor source said Trumka's meeting would focus on the entire bill, not just the excise tax question." Sounds like more than just technical details are still in flux.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
CBN News: Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona's Bold Faith for Hawaii (Video)
By Selected News Articles @ 2:54 AM :: 8209 Views :: Energy, Environment

"I don't impose my faith and my beliefs on anybody using my authority as lieutenant governor or as a judge, when I was a judge. But that doesn't mean I can't stop believing and practicing my faith," Aiona told CBN News.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Only 36% think Obamacare is a”good idea”
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:17 AM :: 4795 Views :: National News, Ethics

The Senate health bill is so unpopular, even among House Democrats, that the leftist House leadership is desperately trying to trick the American people into believing that the House can pass the Senate bill without voting on it. Hence the Slaughter Rule which would deem the Senate bill passed at the same time the House would approve a new reconciliation bill. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was crystal clear on her motives this week telling a group of leftist bloggers: "It's more insider and process-oriented than most people want to know. But I like it because people don't have to vote on the Senate bill."

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Maui TEA Party protest against Obamacare Thursday
By News Release @ 1:07 AM :: 11364 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, National News, Ethics

Protest Rally

  • Thursday March 18th
  • 4pm-6pm
  • Front Sidewalk of Queen Ka'ahumanu Mall
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VIDEO: Obama says “Louisiana Purchase” will help with “Earthquake in Hawaii”
By Selected News Articles @ 9:53 PM :: 9199 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Puzzling Statement: Obama Says ‘Louisiana Purchase’ Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii....

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hawaii DoE: Cost of waste, fraud, and corruption between $191M and $431M per year
By Andrew Walden @ 7:18 PM :: 17253 Views :: Education K-12, Ethics

Hawai`i Free Press and others have, over the past few months, identified millions of dollars of waste, fraud, and corruption in the DoE budget.  Add it all up....

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Birtherism: Hawaii Legislature set to "fuel the fire"
By Selected News Articles @ 2:14 PM :: 10331 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"Do we really want to be known internationally as the Legislature that blocked any inquiries into where President Obama was born?" asked Rep. Cynthia Thielen, R-Kaneohe-Kailua. "When people want to get more information, the way to fuel that fire is to say, 'We're now going to draw down a veil of secrecy.'"  (Which is precisely why Hawaii Democrats are doing this—to fuel the fire.)

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hawaii GOP: Nation’s 3rd worst education system is “fruit of Hanabusa’s relationship with HSTA”
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 1:12 PM :: 8879 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

"With this endorsement, Hanabusa, like other public union soldiers in the legislature, remains beholden to a lobbying group that protects its own interests, even at the expense of Hawai'i’s children.”

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VIDEO: Djou files for election, releases first commercial
By News Release @ 1:31 AM :: 13061 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The Office of Elections has set May 22nd as the date of the special election and has determined that the election will be an all mail-in special election.  Ballots will be mailed to every registered voter in the district on Friday, April 30.  The deadline to register to vote is April 22.  If you are not registered, click here to download the form.  Please remember to look for your ballot in the mail and return it to the Office of Elections as soon as possible...

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Senate Committees vote to hike GE Tax 22% to 25%
By Selected News Articles @ 12:25 AM :: 7825 Views :: Energy, Environment


This will increase GE Taxes on Oahu from 4.5% to 5.5% – a 22% increase.  On outer islands the bill will hike taxes from 4% to 5% -- a 25% increase.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hawaii GOP calls on Hirono to vote “no” on Obamacare
By News Release @ 11:13 PM :: 6708 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Despite the failed attempts last fall to pass a health care overhaul bill through Congress, a bill that time after time Americans have fought against, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to shove the U.S. Senate bill through the House this week.

Charles Djou, Republican candidate for Congress, has already vowed not to vote for this bill or any health care overhaul that places further burden on American taxpayers.  But, if Speaker Pelosi has her way, this vote will take place BEFORE Hawaii's special election ballots are due on May 22, 2010.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Military voting law could affect Hawaii primary date
By Selected News Articles @ 4:56 PM :: 7137 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU — Uncertainty is rising within Hawaii political circles over whether the state’s primary election in September will be moved to an earlier date and, if so, the impact that will have on candidates.

Some candidates for statewide offices are devising two sets of schedules and strategies — one based on the current Sept. 18 primary date, and the other for a primary in early August.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Heritage: Is Now Really the Time To Create a New $2.5 Trillion Entitlement?
By Heritage Foundation @ 3:37 PM :: 4738 Views :: National News, Ethics

In theory, the federal government has $2.5 trillion stashed away in a nondescript office building in the sleepy little town of Parkersburg, West Virginia. That is where the Treasury Department keeps stacks of nonnegotiable Treasury bonds payable to the Social Security Administration. But as the Associated Press reported yesterday, for the first time since the 1980s, the federal government will not be adding to that stack.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Taxed Enough Already: No new taxes rally in Kona April 15
By News Release @ 3:02 AM :: 11066 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Energy, Environment

The April 15th Tax Day Tea Party is now planned to take place

Thursday – 4/15 – from 12 Noon until 5 or 6 PM

The location : fronting the Mormon Temple on Queen K

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
VIDEO: Hawaii Senate Committee considering retroactive 55% Death Tax
By Andrew Walden @ 2:15 AM :: 9521 Views :: Energy, Environment


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Monday, March 15, 2010
Combating Islamist Lawfare
By IPT News @ 1:46 PM :: 14347 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Federal courts are slowly becoming a new battlefield in the war on terror, with combatants setting aside traditional weapons and arming themselves instead with domestic and international laws. Responding to this phenomenon, the inaugural meeting of The Lawfare Project convened last week in New York to discuss The Use of the Law as a Weapon of War.

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Monday, March 15, 2010
Thielen: Reelection campaign to focus on clean energy, education, and taxes
By News Release @ 1:18 PM :: 8714 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Rep. Cynthia Thielen filed today for the Hawaii House of Representatives (50th District).

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Monday, March 15, 2010
Vermont Schools to Celebrate Islamic Feast Sept 10
By Andrew Walden @ 11:27 AM :: 7656 Views :: National News, Ethics

The Burlington, Vermont School District does not give students a day off to commemorate the September 11 attacks, but on Friday, September 10, 2010 Burlington schools will close early for the weekend to celebrate an Islamic Feast.

Chaired by once-disbarred lawyer and admitted embezzler Fredrick Lane, the Burlington School Board on March 9 voted 8-1 to add Eid al-Fitr and Yom Kippur to the school calendar starting this Fall.  School officials claim it is all about maximizing attendance....

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Sunday, March 14, 2010
Campaign poster touts: “The Incrdible [sic] Story of Neil Abercrombie”
By Selected News Articles @ 3:01 PM :: 9944 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Is that nutty poli-sci graduate assistant really running for the U.S. Senate?  The question was asked across the U.H. Campus back in 1970. As this pot-fueled manifesto is testament to, the answer was yes.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Robotics: Waialua Poi Pounder wins again!
By News Release @ 6:16 PM :: 5859 Views :: Maui County, Energy

HONOLULU – For the second time in two weeks, the Waialua High School Robotics team has won a national regional robotics competition.  The Waialua team, also known as The Hawaiian Kids, led a three-team alliance with teams from California and Arizona to win the 2010 Arizona Regional FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Robotics) Competition held this weekend at the Arizona Veterans Coliseum in Phoenix.  Waialua was among three Hawai‘i student robotics teams out of a field of 56 that featured teams from the U.S. and Mexico.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Lingle: Legislature has done “marijuana stores, gambling, and foie gras” -- needs to focus on jobs
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 6:08 PM :: 7632 Views :: Energy, Environment

Today, we’re just about at the half-way point of the legislative session and we’ve done marijuana stores, gambling, foie gras and now is a great time to get re-focused on what this legislative session has to be about and that’s getting our economy back on track and creating new jobs all across the state.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Am Spectator: Djou Hopes for Hawaiian Surprise
By Selected News Articles @ 10:38 AM :: 12306 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

If a Republican can win in the district representing Obama's birthplace, "then no Democratic seat in the U.S. Congress is safe," Djou said in an interview on Tuesday at a gathering of reporters in downtown Washington, trying to emphasize the significance of his race.

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Friday, March 12, 2010
Furloughs: Governor cannot release funds the Legislature has not appropriated
By News Release @ 11:52 PM :: 5639 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The statement by Save Our Schools that 'All that is required now is for the governor to approve (an emergency appropriation),' is not true.

“While the Legislature may be exploring various funding mechanisms to address the furlough situation, at this point, no funds have been appropriated by the Legislature, therefore the Governor cannot approve or release any funds. 

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Friday, March 12, 2010
Ed Case in Congress: Influence less than zero
By Andrew Walden @ 2:58 PM :: 12319 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

The non-partisan research group,, measures 15 criteria to rank "demonstrated power and the ability to be effective in Congress.”  By the end of his time in Congress, Case’s ranking for legislative activity was zero.  Case’s “influence” was –2, two notches below zero. 

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Friday, March 12, 2010
Atomic Monkey: Nancie Bites the Hand that Feeds Neil
By Selected News Articles @ 12:46 PM :: 4986 Views :: Energy, Environment

Neil Abercrombie has gotten a lot of financial backing from the defense industry, especially since his rise to Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces. This has required him to modify the radical anti-war positions he espoused during his happy, hippie days on the U.H. campus. However, his wife, Nancie Caraway has undergone no such metamorphosis....

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Friday, March 12, 2010
Obamacare vote count: 189 of 216 needed for House passage
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:48 AM :: 9206 Views :: National News, Ethics

Once Abercrombie quit, the whole House of cards fell down….

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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Lingle sees “promising signs” in Council on Revenues report
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:59 PM :: 5345 Views :: Energy, Environment

“While there is reason to be optimistic, we also need to be realistic and accept the fact that actual revenues are still significantly lower than earlier projected, and it will take several years before general fund revenues return to pre-recession levels.

“For this reason, the focus of our entire state must be on job creation.  The fact is, we cannot successfully revive our economy unless our residents get back to work.  My Administration is working with the Legislature to pass laws that will help businesses create new jobs, while also ensuring that any legislation that would hinder job creation does not pass.”

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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hawaii congressional candidate Djou warns against ‘the nutcase in Pyongyang’
By Selected News Articles @ 10:27 PM :: 14275 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family


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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Unemployment Tax: Lingle signs $77M in tax relief, urges $497M more
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 5:51 PM :: 4836 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle today signed a new law that will lower unemployment insurance (UI) taxes paid by all employers. Act 2 (HB2169 HD2) will save businesses an estimated $77 million in unemployment insurance tax payments over the next four years.

“While this law helps businesses get some tax relief as they struggle to keep their doors open and retain their employees, it falls far short of what is needed to grow our economy,” Governor Lingle said. “I urge the Legislature to take up this matter next year and pass a bill similar to the one I proposed that would have saved employers $497 million and kept close to a half billion dollars in our local economy.”

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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Heritage: $50B Wall Street slush fund would make TARP permanent
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:54 AM :: 4934 Views :: National News, Ethics

Federal bureaucrats, possibly the FDIC, will be given new "resolution authority" powers backed by a permanent $50 billion slush "resolution fund." If this new power is given to the FDIC, it would be the first time the FDIC's authority was extended beyond the banks that it directly insures. But more importantly, these provisions would establish a permanent TARP - the radioactively unpopular $700 billion Wall Street bail out slush fund.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lingle: Rail survey by vested interests “misleading”
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 11:33 PM :: 9312 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

“The vested interest shared by the People’s Pulse Survey co-sponsors Hawai‘i Business Roundtable and Pacific Resources Partnership resulted in a poorly worded and misleading survey question.

“Also, the question failed to identify the Governor’s legal obligation to review and approve the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 

“Under the law, the Governor must review the final EIS....

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
School Vouchers: The Up or Down Vote Our Country Really Deserves
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:40 PM :: 4653 Views :: National News, Ethics

While Democrats are trying to create the legislative text for President Obama's "new" health care proposal, Senate Democrats are also pushing to include student lending provisions in the reconciliation bill. What does student lending have to do with health care you might ask? Nothing. But the Senate routinely attaches seemingly unrelated matters to must-pass legislation.

That is what makes Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) refusal to honor Sen. Joe Lieberman's (I-CT) request to offer an amendment funding the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DCOSP) to the American Workers, State and Business Relief Act so transparently hypocritical.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Atomic Monkey on Abercrombie's back
By Andrew Walden @ 6:38 PM :: 7125 Views :: Energy, Environment

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