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Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Honolulu Meth-Dealer Protection Racketeer tied to Mehau, politicians
By Selected News Articles @ 12:18 PM :: 35358 Views :: Law Enforcement, Politicians, Drugs


Here are some news articles which--strung together--tell the story you won't be able to read anywhere else.  The story ends with a Governor, a Party Chair, a Congresswoman and more....

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Washington Times: Shakedown at the luau--Congress tries to carve up Hawaii
By Selected News Articles @ 4:14 PM :: 8081 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

As for the legislation's promise of "reconciliation," we are wondering what or who exactly is in need of reconciliation. When Hawaii accepted statehood in 1959, a mind-bending 94.3 percent of Hawaii voters cast ballots in favor of joining the union. They did so because statehood brought great benefits, not burdens meriting reconciliation.

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Monday, September 7, 2009
The Blogger Who Nailed Van Jones
By Selected News Articles @ 9:17 PM :: 9041 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

If the Van Jones resignation is blamed on his statements about Republicans and 9/11, a great lesson will have been lost. As we argued in a previous column, "It's the communism, stupid." If people don't recognize the dangers of having a communist in the White House, then the nature of the scandal will not have been understood. Blogger Trevor Loudon of New Zealand broke the story on April 6 and has some thoughts on what happened and where this story is heading.

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Monday, September 7, 2009
It’s September--Do you know where your Akaka Bill is?
By Andrew Walden @ 3:26 AM :: 12397 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Since the June 11 House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on HR 2314, the Akaka Bill has been the subject of an intense battle--largely un-reported in the pages of the Honolulu Advertiser and Star-Bulletin, even as the various players battle it out with op-eds.  The August 6 hearing of the US Senate Indian Affairs Committee showed no progress in resolving the dispute. 

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Sunday, September 6, 2009
Under the Maha Bodhi Tree, thinking of Mecca: Islam's War Against Buddhism
By Selected News Articles @ 7:04 PM :: 12376 Views :: World News, Family

Allahu Akbar”! The tinny P.A. system tore asunder the pre-dawn peace and quiet.  I was jolted in my mind, almost like experiencing a car wreck, suddenly and without any warning. This totally incongruous sound intruded upon and encompassed everything, causing even the birds to rustle in the darkness.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009
Lingle on recovery: Politicians don’t stop and consider the ramifications
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:03 PM :: 8608 Views :: Energy, Environment

...because we have been suffering an economic decline over the past at least year-and-a-half, two years, it gives us an opportunity to prioritize our actions....  It means to put what’s most important first. And then what’s second important next, and don’t get these things mixed up....  It also gives us the chance to reflect on the fact that our actions have consequences.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009
International Women's Leadership Conference Honolulu Sept. 22
By News Release @ 10:23 PM :: 13561 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Register today and join over 1,000 of Hawai`i's women from fields of business, marketing, media, health care, government, international relations, and community service at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel and Resort September 22, 2009.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009
President Obama’s Failed Stimulus
By Heritage Foundation @ 4:51 PM :: 5918 Views :: National News, Ethics

When President Barack Obama sold his $787 billion stimulus package to the American people, he set one metric for success: jobs. Specifically, President Obama promised the American people he would create 4.1 million jobs by the end of 2010. According to the President’s plan, the stimulus should have lowered the nation’s unemployment rate below 8% by this August. That is the objective standard the President set for himself.

And according to objective data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics this morning, President Obama’s policies, and his stimulus package, have been complete failures. BLS reports that the number of unemployed persons increased by 466,000 in August raising the nation’s unemployment to 9.7% … the highest it has been in 26 years.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009
Raycom Honolulu TV Deal: Honolulu Community Media Council has its own issues with "media control"
By Andrew Walden @ 1:13 PM :: 16097 Views :: First Amendment, Higher Education, Obama

The Honolulu Community Media Council (HCMC) is working with Georgetown University attorneys from the so-called "Institute for Public Representation" to challenge the Raycom Media deal linking the news operations of KGMB, KHNL and KFVE.

According the the HCMC, the Raycom deal is "nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to avoid regulatory scrutiny by the FCC and that Raycom will exercise control over all three stations in defiance of the FCC ownership rules."

But the Honolulu Community Media Council has its own decades-long history of "thinly veiled attempt(s)" to "exercise control" over the media....

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Friday, September 4, 2009
Furloughs vs Layoffs: The union no-solution strategy
By Andrew Walden @ 12:41 AM :: 19613 Views :: Education K-12, Labor

The Democrats’ electoral strategy for 2010 is an attempt to manufacture chaos knowing it is Lingle who “needs to make the tough call."  Their goal: to replicate the labor-management strife of the Cayetano era—and blame Lingle--so a Democrat can re-take the Governor’s seat in 2010.  Their playthings?  Government employee jobs--and your wallet.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009
Stimulus: Job Creation Not Happening
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:10 PM :: 6062 Views :: National News, Ethics

Today, the Department of Labor reported that 570,000 Americans filed initial claims for jobless benefits last week. This follows news from ADP Employer Services on Wednesday that private employers cut 298,000 jobs last month. As bad as these numbers sound (and they are bad) the real threat facing our nation’s economy is that, as Gallup’s Chief Economist Dennis Jacobe puts it: “job creation in August is just not taking place in the U.S. economy.”

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Thursday, September 3, 2009
Report points to high fatality rate on Hawaii rural roads
By News Release @ 9:55 PM :: 5948 Views :: Energy, Environment

Driving on roads in need of repair costs each Hawaii motorist an average of $503 annually -- $431 million state-wide and the third highest in the nation -- in the form of accelerated vehicle depreciation, additional repair costs, and increased fuel consumption and tire wear.

The report also finds a total of 43 percent of Hawaii’s bridges are deficient or obsolete. Twelve percent of the state’s bridges are structurally deficient and an additional 31 percent are functionally obsolete. In addition to deteriorated road and bridge conditions, 45 percent of Hawaii’s major roads are considered congested.

And according to the TRIP report, the fatality rate on Hawaii’s rural roads is nearly four times greater than the fatality rate on all other roads in the state.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009
UPDATE: Abercrombie's "Green Jobs" point man exposed as 9-11 Truther RESIGNS
By Andrew Walden @ 9:00 PM :: 12828 Views :: Energy, Ethics, Military

Mr. Jones signed a statement for in 2004 demanding an investigation into what the Bush Administration may have done that “deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war.”

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Thursday, September 3, 2009
Enriques statement on Hawaii County Council Re-Reorganization
By News Release @ 2:06 PM :: 7852 Views :: Hawaii County , Politicians

The proposed restructuring of the County Council does not exclude anyone of power or leadership. Each council member continues to head a committee....

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Thursday, September 3, 2009
FULL TEXT: Governor Lingle's Internet Address on Budget, Negotiations
By News Release @ 12:58 AM :: 7141 Views :: Energy, Environment

Last week I thought we were close to reaching an agreement, but unfortunately, this was not the case. The HGEA’s current official offer amounts to a pay increase that would make our budget deficit worse.  Because of the way in which the public employee unions are structured, their rank-and-file members have not had a chance to hear about the State’s latest proposal. This is not right, because it is their livelihood that is at stake.

Most disheartening to me is the implication that union leaders would rather have members lose their jobs instead of having all their members share the sacrifice of furloughs.  Because of the setback in our negotiations, the State is preparing to proceed with binding arbitration with the white collar HGEA beginning tomorrow. The State will also start binding arbitration with the blue collar UPW, one week later....

Today I want to tell you that there will likely be additional layoff notices issued in the months ahead. The second round of layoffs will, by necessity, require a fundamental restructuring of State government. I wish this was not the case, but it is....

... we will roll back public assistance benefit increases... consolidate common administrative functions performed in each of our departments ... we will selectively begin eliminating some State programs that we could afford when times were good....

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Kawamura Hits "inaccuracies" on State's $1B ARS
By News Release @ 5:47 PM :: 7007 Views :: Energy, Environment

The Advertiser’s Aug. 30 article on the State’s investments in auction rate securities (ARS) contained several inaccuracies, including misleading statements by Legislative Auditor Marion Higa and Rep. Karl Rhoads. 

The State has not incurred any actual or real losses by investing in auction rate securities, and in fact we have been receiving the full principal and interest due on the ARS for the past 18 months. 

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
HGEA Negotiator rips Speaker Say, Legislators: "Finger pointing, hands-off attitude"
By Letters to the Editor @ 8:38 PM :: 8062 Views :: Energy, Environment

Mr. Say's comment to the unions, the governor and the county mayors, "Let us all work together and try to stop the bleeding" is pure shibai. I pose to him: What are he and the other legislative leaders doing to help our state fiscal situation?

The unions have all along said public employees are willing to "share in the pain" -- so why aren't our elected leaders doing their part to help the state's budget shortfall by exploring other options now, such as tapping special funds or early retirement legislation?

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Road To Government-Run Health Care
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:37 PM :: 6107 Views :: National News, Ethics

Earlier this year, The Lewin Group released a study showing that under the July 15th draft of Obamacare, enrollment in the public option would reach 103.4 million people including about 83.4 million people who would lose their private insurance and be nudged onto the public plan.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
DoE failure costs Hawaii $1.6 Billion every year
By News Release @ 1:51 PM :: 9154 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

If the students who dropped out of Hawaii’s Class of 2009 had graduated, the state’s economy would have benefited from more than $1.6 billion in additional income over the course of their lifetimes, according to a new issue brief from the Alliance for Excellent Education.

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Monday, August 31, 2009
SPLC: Prejudice in Paradise, Hawaii Has a Racism Problem
By Selected News Articles @ 6:31 PM :: 14067 Views :: Energy, Environment

With no known hate groups and a much-trumpeted spirit of aloha or tolerance, few people outside Hawaii realize the state has a racism issue. One reason: The tourism-dependent state barely acknowledges hate crimes.  Hawaii has collected hate crimes data since 2002 (most states began doing so a decade earlier). In the first six years, the state reported only 12 hate crimes, and half of those were in 2006. (All other things being equal, the state would be expected to have more than 800 such crimes annually, given the size of its population, according to a federal government study of hate crimes.)

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Monday, August 31, 2009
Ewa Beach: Honolulu City funds used to help sex offender's home promote Legislative candidate
By News Release @ 3:47 PM :: 13133 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Why did the city choose Makana O Kea Kua as the non-profit in charge of taking donations for the City’s Sunset on the Plains.  Makana O Kea Kua has a clean and sober home for convicts on 91-031 HAILIPO Street.  Residents complain that it housed sexual offenders.  Why was a political campaign allowed to be a sponsor and promoted through sunset on the plain using city taxpayer money?

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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Kennedy legacy: Black voters joining the Democratic Party
By Andrew Walden @ 10:31 PM :: 5616 Views :: National News, Ethics

The Kennedys are largely responsible for making African Americans dependent on an alliance with liberal Democrats. The result--highly unstable in a democratic society -- 90% of black voters regularly pull the Democrat lever. 

The 90% solid black vote tips the balance in favor of Democrats in Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, and Maryland. Without these votes, Democrats would simply cease to function as a national party.  Without the Kennedys around to check anti-black electoral dynamics within the Democrats' ranks, it is an open question as to how much longer this arrangement can continue. The end of the dynasty could mark the beginning of the liberation of black voters from dependency on government.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Follow the Money: From Barack Obama to Hawaii's frozen Billion
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 10694 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

But we now know that many of the senators who protected Fannie and Freddie, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Christopher Dodd, have received mind-boggling levels of financial support from them over the years.

Throughout his political career, Obama has gotten more than $125,000 in campaign contributions from employees and political action committees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, second only to Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee chairman, who received more than $165,000.

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Friday, August 28, 2009
State begins to identify additional spending reductions
By News Release @ 7:52 PM :: 6975 Views :: Energy, Environment

“In light of the additional $98 million revenue shortfall projected by the Council on Revenues yesterday and the unacceptable and unrealistic position taken by the Hawai‘i Government Employees Association on our Administration’s latest offer, we must take the difficult step of identifying additional spending cuts, including a possible further reduction in force,” said Governor Lingle. 

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Friday, August 28, 2009
OHA-funded lawyer linked to Islamist terror propaganda
By IPT News @ 7:29 PM :: 12253 Views :: Military, OHA

Akamai readers will spot the name of Frances A Boyle in paragraph 11 of this August 27 report from the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Candidate Carlisle quits GOP
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 PM :: 14528 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Multiple sources within the Hawaii Republican Party report Honolulu County Prosecutor Peter Carlisle has resigned his Party membership.  The sources report that Carlisle sent a short letter to Hawaii GOP HQ with his resignation late last week. 

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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lingle: Council on Revenues reduced forecast shows "realities of our current budget situation"
By News Release @ 7:32 PM :: 6490 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The Council on Revenues’ lower revenue projection is in line with what our Administration has been anticipating.  That is why we have been taking steps to reduce government expenses and streamline operations.  The fact that the Council on Revenues has lowered its revenue projection for the seventh time since March 2008 is another reminder that we simply cannot afford to operate state government at the current level of spending...."

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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Conference seeks way out of Hawaii Statehood “confusion”
By Andrew Walden @ 7:18 PM :: 6429 Views

Can the confused State of Hawaii regain its bearings by talking with those who caused the confusion? That is the question posed by the final session of Hawaii’s 50th Anniversary Statehood conference.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Oops: Obama Admin. finds $1.9 Trillion more debt
By Heritage Foundation @ 5:39 PM :: 7791 Views :: National News, Ethics

And now for the real kicker: none of these numbers include the costs of Obamacare which would create another $1.5 trillion health care entitlement on top of our existing unsustainable entitlement obligations. The OMB’s Mid-Session Review should serve as a wake up call to the American people. President Obama’s policies are leading us down a path of unsustainable spending and borrowing.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Djou healthcare town hall draws 200
By News Release @ 12:01 AM :: 13879 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“I’m pleased with the over 200 people that turned out for the townhall discussion on healthcare reform this evening.  I think this forum offered a balanced presentation, educated all attendees, and showed the real concern the people of Hawaii have regarding the future of American healthcare,” stated Djou.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Abercrombie's basis for Hawaii "green jobs" recovery? Nervous communist "Green Jobs" Czar now a national story
By Selected News Articles @ 7:45 PM :: 10014 Views :: Energy

LA Times: Glenn Beck goes after Color of Change co-founder Van Jones  (FOX Video)

Chicago Tribune: 'Color of Change' boycott leader says FOX host Beck "trying to change subject''

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Randall Roth: In Hawaii Education, The Buck Stops Nowhere
By News Release @ 1:02 PM :: 13322 Views :: Energy, Environment

That glaring problems have continued for so long is a serious indictment of leadership. Someone should be held accountable … but that’s not possible.  In Hawaii’s one-of-its-kind governance system, the buck stops nowhere.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
AG Holder: War On The CIA and assistance to al-Qaeda prisoners
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 AM :: 6382 Views :: National News, Ethics

Congressman blasts Holder probe: "It's disgraceful... you wonder which side they're on"

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Lingle before Senate Committee: "Grant opportunities will lay the foundation for a new economic base"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:13 AM :: 9865 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The economic stimulus funds build upon the five-point recovery plan my Administration launched last year and position Hawaii to re-establish the conditions for growth.  Our state Congressional delegation has supported this effort and their role is appreciated.

Finally, we believe key competitive grant opportunities will lay the foundation for a new economic base in the decades ahead.  That economic base will be built on swift, accurate communications of voice and data; clean, renewable energy that is domestically produced; harbors and transportation systems that are state-of-the-art; and a skilled, well-educated workforce that is ready to compete nationally and internationally.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Myths and Facts about Obamacare
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:02 AM :: 8074 Views :: National News, Ethics

Last week NBC News released a poll showing that while 36% of Americans believed President Barack Obama’s health care plan was a “good idea,” 42% of Americans believed it was a “bad idea.” NBC’s explanation for this inconvenient truth? “[M]isperceptions about the president’s plans for reform … that nonpartisan fact-checkers say are untrue.” Specifically NBC found that 55% of Americans believed Obamacare “will give health insurance coverage to illegal immigrants,” 54% believed it “will lead to a government takeover of the health care system,” 50% believed it “will use taxpayer dollars to pay for women to have abortions,” and 45% believed it “will allow the government to make decisions about when to stop providing medical care to the elderly.”

The President has since copied NBC’s diagnosis, devoting his Saturday Weekly Address to debunking these “phony claims.” The problem for NBC News, and the White House, is that every one of these concerns has rock solid foundation in fact.

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Monday, August 24, 2009
Djou calls Hawaii Healthcare townhall meeting
By News Release @ 6:24 PM :: 14261 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The meeting will be in the cafeteria of McKinley High School on Tuesday, August 25th.  It will begin at 5:30pm and end at 7:00pm.

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Friday, August 21, 2009
Transcripts: Hawaii 50th Anniversary of Statehood Conference
By News Release @ 1:32 PM :: 9650 Views :: Energy, Environment

Governor Lingle speech--full text.  Zogby poll describes Hawaii at 50, Native Hawaiians: The next 50 Years, Shinseki speech, VIDEOS, more . . .

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Thursday, August 20, 2009
Obamacare: “By Any Legislative Means Necessary”
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:16 PM :: 3256 Views

The left in Congress is now considering abandoning moderates and independents to pass their narrow partisan ideal of health reform. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spokesman Jim Manley promised yesterday that Democrats will pass Obamacare “by any legislative means necessary.”

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Randall Roth dissects Hawaii's failed Department of Education
By Selected News Articles @ 12:41 PM :: 12815 Views :: Education K-12

In the lead up to the 50th Anniversary Statehood Conference, Broken Trust co-author Randall Roth dissects the DoE and the historical roots of its boiling dysfunction....

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Antonio Gramsci Reading List
By Selected News Articles @ 1:24 AM :: 145846 Views :: Family, First Amendment, Higher Education

Gramscian ideas are far advanced in America. You see them in "hate crimes" laws, in gender equity legislation, in forced corporate "sensitivity" training, in the menace of coerced "right thinking" in the universities. You feel the nuances of it in casual conversation. It's an attitude at a cocktail party.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Akaka Bill hearings: OHA, lawyers balk at giving up nepotism, greenmail
By Andrew Walden @ 10:02 PM :: 13635 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

For years, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) has expended every resource to create a Hawaiian Indian tribe. Now, with its goal finally in sight, disputes over how much of Hawaii the Akaka Tribe should grab and how quickly to grab it threaten to torpedo the entire project.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Six months of "stimulus": 2.8 million jobs lost
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:42 PM :: 7096 Views :: National News, Ethics

Yesterday was the six month anniversary of President Barack Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package. Since the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” became law, the United States economy has shed nearly 2.8 million net jobs. When Obama signed the stimulus the nation’s unemployment rate stood at 7.6%. Today it is 9.4%. Nationwide, a total of fifteen states are now suffering from 10% unemployment. No wonder 57% of Americans recently told Gallup that the stimulus package is either having no impact on the economy or making it worse.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Obamacare debate rages in Hawaii -- but no townhalls scheduled here
By Selected News Articles @ 11:57 AM :: 7351 Views :: Health Care

A Web search shows Hawai'i is the only state that hasn't had the public town hall forums this month.... there have been none of the outbursts because there have been no town hall meetings in recent weeks as the health reform issue heated up.

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Monday, August 17, 2009
Gallup: Hawaii is tops in 'moderates', conservatives outnumber liberals
By Andrew Walden @ 1:37 PM :: 12997 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

While Hawaii is ninth in a Gallup's list of top liberal states, Aloha State conservatives have a 5% edge--29% to 24%--over liberals.  Hawaii is tied with Rhode Island as the top state for self-identified moderates at 43%.

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Monday, August 17, 2009
Obama: A history of radicalism
By News Release @ 12:29 PM :: 5924 Views :: National News, Ethics

Six videos presented on the Sean Hannity program.  See them for yourself:

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Monday, August 17, 2009
Obamacare: Public Option Is Not Dead Yet
By Andrew Walden @ 11:57 AM :: 5451 Views :: National News, Ethics

The headlines are encouraging: The AP reports, “White House appears ready to drop ‘public option’.” Politico reads, “White House backs away from public health care option.” And the front page of USA Today says, “Obama may drop public option in health care.” These headers all stem from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ comment on CNN Sunday Morning that the public option “is not the essential element” of President Barack Obama’s health care plan. But by Sunday night the White House was already walking back Sebelius’ statement.

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Friday, August 14, 2009
Sovereignty Farce: "Birther" "Truther" drug dealer on trial for Iolani assault, kidnapper sought by police
By Andrew Walden @ 2:13 PM :: 14713 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, Ethics

In an August, 2008 interview with Maui’s Akaku Public Access TV, Roggasch claims there was no assault.  He also explains his belief that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore ineligible to be President.  Like many “birthers” the Akahi group are “9-11 truthers” as well.  An entire page of their website is dedicated to arguing the 9-11 attacks were "a time of reckoning" and "our fault".

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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sarah Palin: Concerning the "Death Panels"
By News Release @ 10:05 PM :: 9437 Views :: National News, Ethics

Yesterday President Obama responded to my statement that Democratic health care proposals would lead to rationed care; that the sick, the elderly, and the disabled would suffer the most under such rationing; and that under such a system these “unproductive” members of society could face the prospect of government bureaucrats determining whether they deserve health care.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Rep Bordallo: Abercrombie's $10B Guam pork deal "not going to sail"
By Selected News Articles @ 6:27 PM :: 8448 Views :: Military

"(The Department of Defense) is concerned about this -- we have enough on our plate," she said. "This could derail the buildup. That's how costly it's going to be. ... It's not going to sail."

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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Statehood Celebration events scheduled on Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Lanai
By News Release @ 6:13 PM :: 13804 Views :: Hawaii County , Honolulu County, DHHL, Energy, Environment

“Statehood was a major turning point for our state, and 50 years later, we are proud of everything we have accomplished. I hope the residents of Hawai‘i will show their pride in our island home by attending local commemorations and learning more about our state’s history,” said Kippen de Alba Chu, chair of the 50th Anniversary of Statehood Commission.

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