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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for November 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
November 30, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:21 PM :: 5254 Views
  1. Hawaii Civil Rights Commission: Report Trump Voters to Us
  2. Need $15K? Office of Economic Development Giving Away Money
  3. Video: UH Manoa chancellor finalists
  4. Senate Democrats Announce Committee Chairs for 2017
  5. Anti-GMO ‘National Standing’? The Bungled Star Advertiser Opinion
  6. Will Ige Impose 55% Harbor Fee Hike?
  7. Thousands Suffer as Caldwell Quietly Hikes Property Taxes 570%
  8. City Agrees to Audit of Hanauma Bay Funds
  9. President Donald J Trump Will Soon Nominate New Federal Judge for Hawaii
  10. HD2: Seven Scramble for Democrats Plum Appointment to Legislature
  11. Former HSTA Boss to be Harry Kim’s Chief of Staff
  12. Drug Treatment or Jail:  Which Will Homeless Choose?
  13. Homeless Steal Electricity, Damage Water System at Kakaako Park
  14. National Democrats hold anti-Fishing Dog n Pony Show—Fortunately they don’t control the US House
  15. Global Cooling Deniers Look for Help form a Friend
  16. The longest cat fence in the U.S. was just built on Mauna Loa
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
November 29, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:39 PM :: 4783 Views
  1. Midnight Regulations in Paradise
  2. Report: Returning Power to Micronesians
  3. 2017 Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections—Candidate Registration Begins Dec 1
  4. List of Honolulu Neighborhood Board Vacancies
  5. Detroit With Palm Trees
  6. Annual Stop Flu at School Vaccination Program
  7. Transportation planning meeting will focus on Central Oahu
  8. Tulsi Gabbard Embodies “the very essence of Donald Trump’s ideological departure”
  9. Hawaii Civil Rights Commission: Report Trump Voters to Us
  10. Sheriffs May Begin Patrolling UH Campuses After Muslim Knifes Students at OSU
  11. Isle industrial space still squeezed-Rents Jump 10.8%
  12. HC&S Closure Brings 5 More Diesel Generators online
  13. GEMS: Hawaii Low Income Program Supports the Rich
  14. Obama Gives ASB $55M in Fat Juicy Tax Credits
  15. Anti-GMO, Anti-Telescope ‘People’s Congress’ To Meet
  16. Anti-GMO Lies in Third World
  17. HMSA: You’re too expensive, Just Die
  18. Killer Maniac Got only 6 Years in Lunatic Asylum: Out on Streets, Allegedly Does it Again
  19. Chinatown Suffers Because of Massive Scheme to Keep the Homeless Homeless
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Monday, November 28, 2016
Letters to the Editor, November, 2016
By Letters to the Editor @ 3:40 PM :: 6714 Views
  • Detroit With Palm Trees
  • Trump Monster
  • How Can a Non-Democrat Run as a Democrat in Waianae?
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Monday, November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:36 PM :: 4303 Views
  1. DOI Rule? Republicans Prepare to Reverse Obama’s ‘Flurry of Midnight Actions’
  2. Honolulu—23% of Homeowners Saddled with Second Mortgage
  3. Star-Adv: Ige Not Doing Enough to Support Astronomy Against OHA’s Protesters
  4. Rail--12 Rats Jump Sinking Ship And More….
  5. Caldwell Admin Knew Zoo Director Was Quitting – Makes Excuses for Keeping it Secret
  6. Say no to Kahuku wind energy project
  7. Will Trump Be Able To Undo Papahanaumokuakea?
  8. More Blither from Deluded Kauai Anti-GMOs
  9. “Campaign Hawaii” Flashback—We don’t want non-Locals
  10. Internet Billionaire’s Minions: “Watch What You Say Or Face The Obvious Consequences”
  11. Supreme Court rejects Hawaii dope church appeal over marijuana laws
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
November 27, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:45 PM :: 5037 Views
  1. Documents Reveal Waihee Hustles Indians for $2M
  2. Are capitalism and spirituality incompatible?
  3. Hawaii just became the first state to elect a 100 percent one-party state Senate since 1979
  4. Zombie States – Hawaii Is No. 6
  5. Lawsuit: Sex, Lies and Videotape at Department of Public Safety
  6. Telescope hearing called a ‘filibuster’—Will Last to End of 2017
  7. Senate to be 25-0
  8. Farmers need support, not harassment
  9. Failed GEMS – The Few Loans go to the Rich 
  10. Family Court experiment helps Waianae school fight absenteeism
  11. State DoE to release education plan
  12. Bill 69: Swimming in a Sea of Defibrillators
  13. Enviros Aim to force Shutdown of Manele Golf Course
  14. Hawaii Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana Next
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
November 26, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:38 PM :: 4362 Views
  1. RFP Posted for Honolulu Ethics Commission Audit
  2. Ewa Villages Convict Released to Money Shower—Collected Pension for 15 Years while in Prison
  3. DoE School Construction: “Malfeasance, confusion, lack of process and no oversight”
  4. Proposed affordability rules for Kakaako draw concern
  5. Paradise for Lawyers: UH law school graduates can pay off loans quickly
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Friday, November 25, 2016
November 25, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:21 PM :: 4168 Views
  1. New Homeless Rules Designed to Shrink Shelters, Keep Homeless on the Streets
  2. HPR Runs Big Billy Kenoi Fluff-Piece to Help Him Prepare for Next Campaign
  3. Federal corrections officer accused of lying about alleged prison affairs
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Thursday, November 24, 2016
November 24, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 4902 Views
  1. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  2. President-Elect Donald Trump's Thanksgiving Message to America
  3. Fake Indian Tribe: Robin Danner’s Desperate Million Dollar Gamble
  4. Steady decline in Jones Act ships
  5. DLNR Seeks Volunteers for Water Security Advisory Group
  6. Micronesian Homelessness in Hawaii
  7. Hawaii's Aquarium Fishery: Regulated, Valuable, Sustainable
  8. Dragon Lady: Dawn Amano-Ige Behind Matayoshi Firing?
  9. Caldwell Hid News of Zoo Director's Departure
  10. Business License Fees Go Up 30% to Create More HGEA Positions
  11. Kalihi Mini Park—No Maintenance for 20 Years
  12. Star-Adv: Trump Voters are like the Homeless
  13. New Oceanfront Homeless Shelter Takes in 56 People
  14. KPD receives national accreditation
  15. HCDA ‘Mostly Closed Door Process’ Selects Souki
  16. Could Trump's plan to bolster military affect Hawaii?
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Wednesday, November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 4394 Views
  1. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  2. Privatize: Honolulu Can See Its Rail Line Finished Without Raising Taxes
  3. Hawaii Motion Picture Tax Credits? DoTax Making it up as they go Along
  4. Hawaii House Democrats Announce Committee Chairs & V Chairs for 2017
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 22, 2016
  6. Health Department Sets Public Hearings on Changes to Food Safety Code
  7. Is the Hawaii wharfage increase needed?
  8. After 20 Years, Clock Has Run out of Fake Indian Tribe
  9. State Homelessness Plan: Force 662 Back onto Streets
  10. Kealoha Witness Crash: It Looks Like There’s Something Going on
  11. Kaneshiro and Kealohas Will Go Down Together
  12. HELCO Claims Rate Hike Will Lower Electric Bills
  13. Shimabukuro: Build Prison on West Side so Criminals will be Closer to Home
  14. How a Useless $2.5M Makework Project is Sold to Public
  15. Creagan: ‘Nothing intrinsically wrong with GMOs’
  16. Court ruled correctly on anti-GMO laws
  17. Anti-GMO Protesters Like Trump Fringe
  18. KIUC offers $10,000 reward to Catch Well-Known Activists Responsible for Cutting into Hydroelectric Dam
  19. Donor pulls funding for UH Manoa Art Department after anti-Trump protest
  20. Green Police Want to Limit Number of Cars Your Family can Own
  21. TPP or No, Hawaii exporters keep on Selling
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:46 PM :: 5673 Views
  1. Medicated Weed: DOH Hires Contractor to Track Every Seed
  2. Jail Near You? 11 Sites Identified for OCCC Relocation
  3. Dante Carpenter:  Tulsi Gabbard ‘Cliches Galore’
  4. Howard Dean:  Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Extremely Ambitious With Flexible Principles’
  5. Tsuji not Even Buried Yet, but Democrats Scramble for Plum Legislative Appointment
  6. Attorney: Officer Crash All About Discrediting his Testimony Against Kealoha
  7. Caldwell: Obama Said No to more Rail Money, But Trump May be Better
  8. OHA Fed Rec Plan Proven Foolish by Trump Election
  9. Lower Electric Bills Coming Thanks to Donald J Trump
  10. New Kakaako homeless shelter seeks to place families quickly
  11. State DOT actions forcing out general aviation
  12. Star-Adv: Ag Dep’t Must Take Anti-GMO Idiots Seriously Because some of them are Rich
  13. Taxi, Uber drivers vent anger on rules
  14. New telescope proposed for Valley Isle
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Monday, November 21, 2016
November 21, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:04 PM :: 4366 Views
  1. Cabinet Position? Donald Trump meets with Rep Tulsi Gabbard
  2. MADD Rates Hawaii Drunk Driving Laws
  3. New DHS Regs Designed to Put 662 Homeless Back on the Streets
  4. Reporters, Voters Duped by Departing Zoo Director
  5. Anti-Tobacco Activists Need More Smokers
  6. Antis Orwellian Response to Court Ruling
  7. Usual Suspects Upset Because there aren’t Enough Criminals Loose in Hawaii
  8. Another Buyer for HECO?
  9. ‘Concierge’ medicine cuts doctors’ red tape
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Sunday, November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:13 PM :: 5847 Views
  1. Sinking Ship: HART Director of Planning Quits
  2. DAGS Director Resigns--One Day Notice
  3. Exposed: How Windfarms Hide Millions of Bird Deaths
  4. How Many Nene do Windfarms Really Kill?
  5. UHERO: Desperately Seeking Housing in Honolulu
  6. UHERO: Obama’s Recession Produced Greater Inequality in Health
  7. Borreca: Tulsi Gabbard will be White Supremacist Candidate for Senate in 2018
  8. Isle GOP has only itself to blame for poor showing
  9. Tax Hike Coming: Trump Latest Bogeyman in Rail Story of Woe and Incompetence
  10. Don’t rush into raising wharfage fees 47%
  11. Growth in Homelessness Shifts to Sister Islands Where Enablers Abound
  12. BoE, HSTA Pretend to do something about state’s persistent teacher shortage
  13. DLNR Rents Historic House to Party Animals, then Tries Again
  14. Time to fluoridate isle water—But Kobayashi, Baker Stand with Crackpot Conspiracy Theorists
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Saturday, November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:53 PM :: 5686 Views
  1. What the Trump presidency might mean to Hawaii’s economy
  2. Honolulu City Lights to celebrate 32 years of bringing holiday joy
  3. Supreme Court: Challenge to Hawaii Council Candidate’s Eligibility Must be Heard
  4. No Indian Tribe: Repeal Act 195
  5. After Car Wreck HPD Officer Comes up with Novel Way of Avoiding Breathalyzer Test
  6. Officer Testified Against Chief Kealoha on Day of Crash
  7. MADD gives Hawaii 3.5 stars out of 5 for drunk driving reform
  8. Progress in ending homelessness cited as conference begins
  9. HELCO Rate Hike Hearings Set
  10. DHS Has Big Plans for KOLEA
  11. Mass Coral Die Off Caused by El Nino, Now Over
  12. Plan to Annoy Legislators with more Anti-Ag Hysteria After 9th Circuit Court Ruling
  13. Hawaii County: “Where’s the evidence” that papaya is harmful?” 
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Friday, November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:31 PM :: 3895 Views
  1. American Legion Forum to Discuss Hawaii VA Care
  2. DBEDT: 14,000 New Jobs Created in 9 Months
  3. Hawaii to be Stuck With Another Crackpot Project Nobody Else Wants: Floating wind farm?
  4. Supreme Court Rules on Say: Only State House Can Determine Residency of Members
  5. DAGS Director Resigns
  6. HCDA to Appoint New Executive Director
  7. Musical Chairs: Honolulu Zoo Loses Yet Another Director
  8. Courts Again Find Hawaii Anti-GMO Laws Illegal
  9. HMSA Lying About Source of Profits?
  10. Donald Trump Wins on Niihau: Does Well in Waianae, N Shore
  11. Students learn about politics through participation
  12. Carr: How to Build Affordable Housing in Hawaii
  13. Isle adults’ smoking rate declines by 17% in decade
  14. Homeless Tweekers Take over Downtown Honolulu Park
  15. Enablers: Sister Islands Still Giving Away Free Stuff to Homeless Who refuse Shelter
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Thursday, November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 4360 Views
  1. Help Trump Dump Fed Wreck
  2. Ancient Astronomy in Hawaii
  3. Is the Hawaii Wharfage increase justified?
  4. Kahuku: How Many Birds Will Windfarm be Allowed to Kill?
  5. Feds: Hawaii Homeless Count up 4%
  6. Abortion by mail comes to Hawaii
  7. UPW Works To Overthrow State House Leaders
  8. Fake Tribe:  DOI Rules ‘Trumped’?
  9. Police commission can't use new charter amendment to fire chief, Caldwell’s city attorney claims
  10. More Retaliation Games in the Hawaii County Corporation Counsel’s Office
  11. Opposition grows over proposed floating wind farm off Kaena Point
  12. Hawaii Has Nation’s Toughest Recall Petition Requirements in USA
  13. UH engineer: Speedier traffic lights could alleviate congestion
  14. New play court sits idle at Mililani Middle School
  15. Politicians Glom On to Marijuana Union Confab
  16. Honolulu Police Generously Supply 6,880 Homeless Crime Suspects with Food, Shelter
  17. Sex on Hawaii's streets: Growing issue among homeless?
  18. Kauai: Second Transient Involved in Murder, Rape of 4 yr old Girl?
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016
November 16, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:48 PM :: 6028 Views
  1. Rep Clift Tsuji Dies
  2. HPD Adds Violent Crime to Crime Mapping Site
  3. Kenoi’s rehabilitation?
  4. Pay for Performance Gives HMSA $17.8M Profits
  5. Regulatory Costs Freeze out Affordable Housing
  6. State, Solar Scammers Oppose HECO Move to Reduce Electricity Costs
  7. Public still has say on Kahuku’s 9 wind turbines
  8. Victory: $9000 Per Unit Schools fee for housing near transit nixed amid opposition
  9. ‘Exceptional’ DOE Bureaucrats get 4.15% raises
  10. HSTA Agenda for Trump Administration
  11. Hirono Now Claims to have been the only Muslim in Late 1940s Japan.  Really.
  12. Majority of arrested Portland protesters did not vote in election
  13. Trump Won Because Hillary Was More Repulsive
  14. E-cigarette regulations defy logic
  15. Most Oahu arrests involve those with drug addictions, mental illness
  16. Wrongful Death? Criminal Defense Bar Continues to Exploit Kealoha Corruption Investigation for its own ends
  17. HiTech Tax Credit Schemers Gifted with $25K Each—Could Get Up to $150K
  18. In Dramatic Move, Anti-GMO Activist Grows One Ear of Corn
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
November 15, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 3690 Views
  1. University of Hawaii: Report Trump Voters to Campus Police
  2. Hawaii House and Senate Democrats Announce Leadership for 2017
  3. HD36: Fukumoto Margin Larger than Ever
  4. Public Hearing on Uber/Lyft rules November 21
  5. New Stadium Slipped into Rail Development Plans
  6. Reliance on Democrats Means Hawaii Hasn’t Been This Short On Congressional Clout In Awhile
  7. Telescope: Lawyers Move to Counter Delays, Obstructionism
  8. Just 42 isle classrooms of planned 1,000 have AC (Are you surprised?)
  9. After Cool Schools Debacle, DoE Hits Legislature up for $700M in New Wasteful Spending
  10. Varona Village to be Sold After 21 Years of Failure
  11. Homelessness Industry (Again) Complains Honolulu is Forcing Bums to Accept Shelter
  12. State to sign contract for tracking pot
  13. 70% of Prescription Opioids Not used by Intended Patient
  14. New Idea: Bars on Windows at State Lunatic Asylum
  15. Global Cooling Deniers Panic as Trump Ends Global Warming
  16. Ignore The Working Class At Your Own Peril
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Monday, November 14, 2016
November 14, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:09 PM :: 3738 Views
  1. Fishing Groups Question Legality of Antiquities Act in Monument Designation
  2. U Texas signs agreement with Japan to collaborate on TMT
  3. Waikiki HSTA, Local 5, Berning Socialists Protest: Trump is a Faaaassscccist
  4. Middle Class Will Save Big Money When Obamacare is Dumped
  5. Oxy Heads Complain of Trouble Doctor Shopping and Pharmacy Shopping
  6. Clean Water Branch: Homeless Responsible for ‘Current of Human S***’ off  Ala Moana Park
  7. Star-Adv: Make housing stronger focus of TOD projects
  8. With Money Guaranteed, Zoo Will Have a Plan ‘in 3-5 Years’
  9. Council Wants Money For Fishers Hurt By Monument Expansion
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Sunday, November 13, 2016
November 13, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 7095 Views
  1. Ethics Complaint: OHA Insiders Take Kickbacks from Kakaako Makai Projects
  2. Money Laundering: Ige, Tsutsui, Abercrombie Raked in $38K from’ Law Firm
  3. Tax Appeal Court Strikes Down Honolulu’s “Residential A”
  4. Coming to Hawaii?  Obama Admin Deal to Take 1000s of Muslim ‘refugees’ from Pacific Island Detention Centers
  5. Hawaii: Only 405 ‘Dreamers’ Apply for Legal Status under DACA
  6. Rail Redevelopment Plan includes Demolition of Aloha Stadium
  7. Charter Vote Saddles City with Crackpot ‘Sustainability’ Department
  8. Green Energy Scammers Demand More Money from State, Blame Trump
  9. With Fewer Tax Credits on Offer, Nobody Wants to go to ‘Startup Weekend’
  10. Will Donald Trump Save Hawaii from Obamacare?
  11. Maoists Pretending to be Normal People Protest Trump in Honolulu
  12. Hawaii Might Benefit from Trump Spending on Military and Infrastructure, but State Congressional Delegation isn’t up to the Job
  13. Drug Overdoses Kill More People than Auto Accidents
  14. HIDOT Brings its Tax Hike Dog n Pony Show to Kauai
  15. Ready to Cash in on Homelessness with a Giant Tax Hike?
  16. Inquiry into charter schools panel could bring halt to new campuses
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Saturday, November 12, 2016
November 12, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 3728 Views
  1. HOPE Probation: Is Swift, Certain, and Fair an Effective Supervision Strategy?
  2. Non-Partisan Election Politicized by Union Mailers: Djou only won Republican-leaning Districts 
  3. Will Direct Appeal to State Supreme Court Reduce Telescope Delays?
  4. Taxpayers to pay for police chief's private attorneys in 4 civil cases
  5. Employers Push ‘Pay for Performance’ to Drive Medical Insurance Costs Down
  6. Suicide Squad to Attack Hawaii in 2017 in Desperate Effort to Save Health Insurance Companies from Paying for Expensive Patients
  7. Obama law will require food safety inspections on farms
  8. Residents: Gridlock is the new normal for Oahu's North Shore
  9. Veterans Day
  10. Presidential Election Fallout
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Friday, November 11, 2016
November 11, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 PM :: 4088 Views
  1. Interior Department Still Trying to Sell Doomed Obamacare Program to Micronesia
  2. Hawaii Republicans Comment on Election Results
  3. Grassroot: Mahalo Nui to our Vets
  4. A Story of Great Courage from Afghanistan
  5. Trump Monster
  6. Police Commission Has New Power—Will They Use it?
  7. Hawaii Senate Shuffles Leadership
  8. Developer Pays for Fake Article--Brickwood Galuteria Fluff-Piece in Star-Advertiser
  9. Caldwell ‘Encouraged’ by Trump Election Night Speech
  10. Star-Adv: Trump Election Means Progress for Veterans Health Care 
  11. Trump Supporters More Open-Minded than Anti-GMO Activists
  12. Hawaii Psychologists and their Patients to Protest Trump Win
  13. DOH Will Ask Legislators to Fund More Positions
  14. Mail-Order Abortion Comes to Hawaii
  15. Anti-Aquarium Obsessives Appeal to State Supreme Court
  16. Long-Lost High Potency Tropical Bed Bugs Are Back in Hawaii
  17. More Marijuana for Hawaii Legislature?
  18. Soft on Crime: Man Pulls Gun on Wife, Kids Avoids Prison Because he was “Depressed”
  19. Veterans Day
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Thursday, November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:35 PM :: 4336 Views
  1. UPW Contract Protects Dangerous City Truck Driver Leading to Fatality, $1M Settlement
  2. Prosecutor Wins Reelection, Gains Budget Autonomy
  3. DLNR Bails out Insolvent Bishop Museum--Kalauao Valley Land Deal
  4. Sewage Digester Opens Floodgates for Developers
  5. Hawaii Supreme Court Orders Retrial in Gay Custody Case
  6. OHA Cronies Despondent – Believe Trump Waylays Drive for Tribe 
  7. Newly-elected OHA trustee wants to cut funding to tribal programs
  8. Donald Trump Presidency Could be Good News for Hawaii
  9. Hawaii Delegation Trump Will be Great for Hawaii Because all of our Spending is on Autopilot Anyway
  10. Can Bungling State Officials Complete Aloha Stadium Land Deal Before Obama Leaves Office?
  11. Delaying Tactic: Telescope foes appeal hearing decisions to Hawaii high court
  12. Musical Chairs: New HART Chair Appointed
  13. 15.8% of Rail ‘Tendons’ Found to be Corroded in Sample—251 to be Replaced?
  14. Ethics board says there is ‘probable cause’ Kenoi violated County Ethics Code
  15. Oahu voters overwhelmingly approve new powers for police commission
  16. The Toxicity of Pay for Performance
  17. Hawaii voter turnout out down to 58%, ballots cast up from 2012
  18. Nago’s Incompetence Becomes Argument for100% Vote by Mail System
  19. DoE Spends Millions on New Athletic Facilities
  20. More babies Born with THC in System 
  21. Pathetic: 6 Remaining Hawaii Republicans Locked in 3-3 Split
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
November 9, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:05 PM :: 3795 Views
  1. Final Read—Hawaii Election Results
  2. Making it up as they go along: HIDOT Now Claims Admin Costs Only $18K per mile
  3. New Open Data Program Improves Access to Maui County Financial Information
  4. Reactions to Trump Election
  5. Grassroot Institute’s Akina upsets Apoliona in OHA at-large race
  6. American Samoa Reelects Republican Aumua Amata with 75%
  7. Problems plague polling sites in Hawaii—Nago Blames School Janitors
  8. Voters encounter long lines, problems on Election Day—Nago Blames Machines
  9. “I’ve Never Seen it so Bad’ – Nago Blames Voters
  10. Voters encounter long lines, problems at Hawaii polling places in spite of low turnout
  11. Ocean View woman says voters turned away
  12. Maui Council Results Swung by “2500 Paper Ballots from Haiku”
  13. Honolulu Voters Say No To Longer Terms For Mayor, Council
  14. Usual Suspects Buy Influence with Caldwell, Council 
  15. Rail: Transparency is no Substitute for Honesty and Integrity
  16. Who did Hawaii's keiki vote for?
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Tuesday, November 8, 2016
November 8, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 4126 Views
  1. Polls Open 7AM—Find Your Polling Place
  2. Finally, Real Condo Law Enforcement?
  3. Original Waikoloa Highlands Partners Share History of Cocaine Trafficking
  4. Djou One of Ten Asian-American Candidates to Watch
  5. DoE’s $391M Fee Plan Along Rail Line Pits Schools Against Affordable Housing
  6. 749K Register to Vote in Hawaii--Easy Registration Behind Low Voter Turnout?
  7. Red flag raised on the absentee voting system
  8. Possibility of One Party Senate Raises Constitutional Questions
  9. The Alternatives are Worse
  10. Anti-GMO PACs Get Money from Mainland
  11. Video of BoE Meetings Posted Online
  12. City park worker pleads not guilty to sex assault on Tranny—Now Given Paid Leave 
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Monday, November 7, 2016
November 7, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:30 PM :: 4280 Views
  1. HD44 Cedric Gates’ Hidden Developer Contributions
  2. How Can a Non-Democrat Run as a Democrat in Waianae?
  3. Build Rail Better? Caldwell Failed Miserably
  4. When Is an Interstate Agreement Not an Agreement?
  5. Best Places for Veterans to Live—Honolulu Ranks 18th
  6. County by County Early Voting Totals
  7. Port Fee Hikes--HIDOT Puts $800M Pinch on Consumers
  8. Reporters dragged into court under false pretenses in Two Local Cases
  9. Former Maui corrections officer arrested in Yap for sexual assault
  10. Batteries Dying? Tesla-Solar City Merger Totals $1.6B in Losses
  11. Promise to Kauai: Bridge Repairs will not Improve Road Conditions
  12. Kapahulu: Syringes and Feces Mark Homeless Camp
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Sunday, November 6, 2016
November 6, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 3354 Views
  1. Engineer: Failed Tendons Could Lead to Catastrophic Collapse of Rail Line
  2. Better Ways to Fix Traffic on Oahu
  3. When Pipelines Explode, Jones Act Freight Rates Go Up
  4. DNA Testing and Successorship: DHHL Sets Public Hearings
  5. Honolulu Charter Amendments – Blank vs. “No” Vote
  6. Build up, build out, or accept Hawaii’s high cost of living
  7. EMS Runs out of Ambulances Because of Caldwell’s Worn out Broken Down Fleet
  8. DoE $9000 per Unit Honolulu Housing Tax Much Larger than West Side
  9. 170K Ballots Cast so Far
  10. Kenoi’s Last Days—Retaliation Games in Hawaii Corporation Counsel’s Office
  11. Big Island Strive HI System scores lower than rest of state

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Saturday, November 5, 2016
November 5, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:37 PM :: 4794 Views
  1. Walk-In Early Voting Ends Today
  2. Djou: I will Build 10,000 Affordable Units on Oahu
  3. OHA to Waste Another $7M on Fake Indian tribe?
  4. Telescope: ‘Stop OHA from interfering with the economy’
  5. Hawaiians Need everyone to vote to clean up the problems at OHA
  6. Hawaii Hospitals Top New Safety Rankings -- 12 Grade ‘A’
  7. UH Seeks Believers to Photograph King Tides for Sea Level Rise Propaganda
  8. Are You An Artiste? Need $10K?
  9. HART receives $55.1 million in GET revenue—Claims it is Not Enough
  10. Victims of Solar Scammers Beg for Help
  11. Governor says he had no role in decision to replace superintendent
  12. TMT wants to resume construction in 2018: Pace of contested case could impact deadline
  13. Feds Invited to Launch Rail Tax Hike Dog n Pony Show After Election
  14. HD44 Waianae--Candidate Got Secret Cash from Developer
  15. Accused Child Molester Running for HD10 Seeks Bail Reduction
  16. Kaiser 300% Rate Hike for Medicare Advantage
  17. Bloomberg: Hawaii Worst Long Term Liabilities in USA
  18. Long Term Care Facilities Sit Empty for Year Because of Incompetent HGEA Inspection System
  19. First Family Housed at New Oceanfront Homeless Shelter Arrived from Mainland 4 Months Ago
  20. Homeless Meth Addicts Removed from Camp Under Nimitz viaduct—Only One Accepts Shelter
  21. Molokai ‘Big Wind’ developer Formally Abandons interest in renewable projects in Hawaii
  22. 50 Years of Delays, Mamalahoa Bypass Opens on Big Island
  23. Surfrider Harasses Kauai Fishermen on Behalf of Tourism Industry
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Friday, November 4, 2016
November 4, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 3204 Views
  1. Hawaii has the longest permit approval process in the country
  2. Hawaii Pensions 70.8% Unfunded
  3. Political Engagement -- Hawaii Ranks 47th
  4. Federal Grants for Container on Barge Services—But not for Hawaii
  5. OHA Incumbents Run Away from Their Records—And Every Community Forum
  6. Jaci Agustin Recognized Again Nationally
  7. Winston Hale: City-Owned Building Sat Vacant for Decade
  8. Star-Adv: DoE Transitioning Away from Academic Rigor—Back to the Bad Old Days
  9. Leadership Decisions Leave Shafter Students ‘Toughing It Out’
  10. HNN Gives Rep Tom Brower Free Airtime to Campaign with Fluff Interview
  11. Military Families Sue Developer over Soil Contamination
  12. UH to Hit up Legislature for $29 million
  13. UH Scheming to Sock Community College Students with Athletic Fees
  14. Suicide Squad to Target Hawaii Again in 2017
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Thursday, November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:50 PM :: 3840 Views
  1. Hawaii First State to File ‘Complete’ Obamacare Waiver
  2. Akina and Trask: Why Non-Hawaiians Should Vote for OHA Trustees
  3. Lindsey Spent Millions of OHA Dollars on Geothermal Scheme
  4. Rail Rats Flee to DC -- Formby to be Hanabusa’s Chief of Staff In Congress
  5. DOE proposes $9,000 per Unit Tax along rail line
  6. Telescope Hearings Seven Days Three Witnesses (82 more witnesses to go)
  7. Kaiser begins staffing at Maui Memorial, Avoids Loss of Trauma Center Designation
  8. Peter Carlisle discusses Kenoi verdict
  9. Just for Kicks-Kenoi Cronies on Ethics commission to hear Kenoi complaint
  10. Rod Tam: Inouye Ordered ‘Death Contract‘ at Zippy’s
  11. Firing the Police Chief? Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Mayor’s Appeal
  12. After 20 Years of Lies, City Decides to Sell Varona Village Homes
  13. State Finally Gets Around to Fencing off Gigantic Tweeker Camp Under Freeway
  14. VIDEO: Hokulea Captain Supports Telescope
  15. Usual Suspects Sense Opportunity to Extract Money from Media
  16. Touched by a Celebrutard: Hollywood Moneybags Pay Local Activists to Attack Agriculture
  17. Hype: Eco-Phonies Push for Sunscreen Ban in Legislature 
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Wednesday, November 2, 2016
November 2, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:39 PM :: 5343 Views
  1. Mitsunaga Point by Point Expose of Pro-Caldwell Media Bias
  2. Djou Unveils Plan for First 100 Days as Mayor
  3. Island Energy Completes Acquisition Of Chevron's Hawaii Assets
  4. Caldwell Commits Then Fails to Show for Filipino Press Debate
  5. Revenge on Ige in 2018?  -- Kenoi Planning Political Comeback
  6. Matayoshi: Governor Ordered BOE to Fire Me
  7. Matayoshi Firing—Proof that Politics Trumps Results 
  8. Rail: As Hanabusa, Formby Flee, Star-Adv Spins Temporary Hires as ‘Glimmer of Hope’
  9. Fewer voters opting to vote early for general election
  10. Maui Anti-GMO Activists Harass Workers in Effort to Save The Little Fire Ants
  11. Protesters are Anti-Transparency
  12. VA Bureaucracy Leaves Homeless Veterans on the Streets
  13. More Hawaiian Airlines baggage handlers under investigation for theft
  14. Building Permits Improvement Laughable
  15. Abuse or Rehabilitation? Kauai Prison Trial Begins
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016
November 1, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:44 PM :: 4998 Views
  1. Announcement: When Thirty Meter Telescope Gives up on Hawaii, it will go to Canary Islands
  2. Worst Zombie States Deteriorate Faster, Further (Hawaii #6)
  3. HPD Shares Payoff from $670M Gambling Bust
  4. Precisely as Predicted: Stacked Jury Acquits Kenoi on All Counts
  5. Kenoi Lawyer: How Dare The State Tell My Client He Can’t Party at Hostess Bars on the Taxpayers Dime?
  6. Rail: Business as Usual Will Cost $10B
  7. Nobody Wants to Partner with Wahiawa Hospital
  8. Usual Suspects to Push for all Vote by Mail Elections in 2017 Legislature
  9. Will Anti-GMO Activists Stop Lying Now?
  10. Hawaii Workers Earn Less, pay More than Mainland
  11. Maui: Homeless People Refuse Shelter--Go Around Peeing on Things
  12. Escaped Lunatic Rampaged Thru Waikiki in Stolen Dump Truck
  13. Soft on Crime: Out Again -- Kills Professor
  14. Former officer receives 60 days in $75,000 theft
  15. One of the Ex-DLNR Cops Charged with Child Molestation Allowed to Leave State
  16. Smug Punahou Kids Kill Albatrosses, Brag About it
Read More..


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