What will Akina do for you if elected?
From www.KeliiAkina.com Nov 5, 2016
Great question! A lot of people, both Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians, wonder what OHA can do for them. If elected Trustee, here's what I will put all my energies toward for you and all citizens of Hawaii:
1. Preserve the Aloha spirit. I'll fight hard to shut down OHA's unconstitutional spending on a race-based nation that Hawaiians don't want.
2. Use OHA's funds to meet the real needs of native Hawaiians for housing, jobs, education, and healthcare --- so that the general public won't be taxed more to pay for this.
3. Stop OHA from interfering with the economy with its tendency to stand in the way of progress like the Thirty Meter Telescope.
If you want these valuable results for all people in Hawaii, then give a boost to my campaign to get me elected by contributing what you can.
We've got only until Tuesday to fill the airwaves and social media with our message. I need your help to get elected. We are so close!
Your last-minute contribution now will make the difference to get us over the top!
Thank you for standing with our campaign so far. Let's push forward to Victory! Imua!
Keliʻi Akina, Ph.D.
Candidate for OHA Trustee-at-Large
Related: Telescope: For OHA, it’s all About the Rent Money