Entries for November 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015 |
November 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:15 PM :: 3538 Views
- Vote-by-Mail: Old-Boy Trick to Disenfranchise Independent Voters?
- Star-Adv: Supreme Court ‘Surely will delay the 'aha, if it is to be held at all’
- Civil Beat—Supreme Court Stay on Nai Aupuni ‘Just a Routine Matter’
- U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Hawaii campaign finance law
- Hawaii Politicos baffled by Opposition to Syrian Muslim Refugees
- Fare Hikes Coming as Legislators Consider GE Tax Hike on Airlines
- Outreach workers try to help Blaisdell Park homeless drug addicts
- $15.2M to Fix Legislature Reflecting Pools?
- Are Honolulu Planning Officials Too Cozy With Developer Haseko?
- Charter Schools Push Back Against Oversight
- UH Football Coach Contract Not Executed Yet
- Star-Adv: Find Some Compromise on Beach Commercial Activity
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Sunday, November 29, 2015 |
November 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:34 PM :: 3196 Views
- Clinton Democrats to Boot Gabbard from Vice Chairmanship?
- Rail: Thumbing Our Nose at the Feds
- $28 million awarded to Department of Hawaiian Homelands after state illegally denies funding
- Officials heap their plates with buffet of messy ideas
- UH: We Should Maintain Control of Mauna Kea
- NextEra Hearings to be Live-Streamed
- PUC Quietly Limits New Solar Systems—Star Adv Editors Jump on Battery bandwagon
- Solar Schemers to Push for Battery Tax Credits next Session
- Counties (Again) to Push for More TAT Next Session
- Convention Center Loses ‘Only’ $1.5M This Year
- Part of old Ewa Field nears historic list
- Walter Dods Writes Book: ‘How to Succeed in Cronyism Without Really Trying’
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Saturday, November 28, 2015 |
November 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 4883 Views
- Justice Kennedy Temporarily Halts "Hawaiians Only" Election
- Hawaii 7th Worst Drivers in USA
- Malia Zimmerman Drops Lawsuit
- Could Genetically Modified mosquitoes be key to fighting Dengue?
- Homeless Sweeps Begin Again Dec 9?
- End Of Medicare Bonuses Will Cut Pay To Primary Care Doctors
- Top VA Exec Wayne Pfeffer made $90,323 in Bonuses although Hawaii had the longest Wait-list times for Veterans
- “Dear UH Athletics, stay away from our wallets”
- UH Manoa names new head football coach
- Hawaii-Based Longline Fishermen Allowed to Keep Catching Ahi
- Guamians Not Interested in Sovereignty Movement
- Tranny Accused in Wailuku Murder Demands Media Stop Calling Him ‘Woman’
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Friday, November 27, 2015 |
November 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:08 PM :: 4211 Views
- Supreme Court Justice Hands Down Injunction Against Nai Aupuni
- An Open Secret—Homosexual Child Molesters in Hollywood
- Criminal Al Hee to be Sentenced Monday—Prosecutors Ask for 41 months
- NextEra: PUC Hearings Begin Monday
- Star-Adv: Homeless effort makes headway
- Gabbard not shy about taking on Obama over Syria
- Travel and tourism officials disagree with Gabbard on visa program
- Hypocrisy: Anti-Pesticide Activists Complain State Not Doing Enough About Dengue
- Make decisions based on facts, not fear
- HART Employs 108 People
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Thursday, November 26, 2015 |
November 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:02 PM :: 3550 Views
- The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
- Council presents finalists for appointments to Board of Regents
- 3,000 DUI cases in jeopardy following state Supreme Court ruling
- Nai Aupuni: If Your Address Changed in Last 10 years, You Didn’t Get a Ballot
- PUC: Time to Kill Rooftop Solar
- Homeless enforcement delays continue at 2 Kakaako parks
- DHHL: DNA tests won't be required to prove ethnicity
- Dengue Growth Slows
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015 |
November 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:25 PM :: 5217 Views
- Stop Na’i Aupuni Plaintiffs File Appeal with Supreme Court
- Nai Aupuni: Eleven Candidates Listed Twice on Ballot
- Telescope: OHA Playing Both Sides
- Matson Admits Rate Hikes Caused by Expensive Jones Act Ships
- Consumer Complaints: Hawaii Among Most Open States
- Hawaii Health Connector Sold only 8,802 Individual Obamacare Policies—Total
- Pesticides, GMOs may be acceptable to fight dengue
- 600 Opt out of Nai Aupuni Election
- It’s time to get serious about shortening the rail
- How Crappy Sewers Make It Hard To Build Housing In Honolulu
- Maui Mayor Rejects Tent Cities in Favor of Mini Prefab Units
- Consumer Advocate: Four Year Rate Moratorium Allows NextEra Rake Hikes
- Solar Groups: HECO Plan Makes it Hard to Sell Batteries
- HART: We’ll Deal With Electric Bill by Putting Solar on Station Roofs
- Kauai Police release body cam video that exonerates officer, as battle with union continues
- Parents face long waiting lists at licensed preschools
- Hawaii rehab centers see influx of older meth addicts
- Debacle: Failed Program Means Years of Waiting for Ala Wai Boat Harbor Upgrades
- Gun Control Nuts Cite Hawaii as Example for America
- Thanksgiving Celebrated in Hawaiian Kingdom Before it Became Official US Holiday
- As Muslims Kill More People, Progressives Respond by Stepping up their already-frequent Reminders of How Superior They Think They Are
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Tuesday, November 24, 2015 |
November 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 3345 Views
- Poll: Only 52% Approve of Ige
- Gabbard: Obama Arming Radical Islamists, Risks WW3
- Full Text: UH confirms TMT project is the last telescope site on Maunakea
- Why Saying ‘GMOs Are Safe’ isn’t Helping
- Honolulu Economic Development Grants Available Now
- DHHL Approves NextEra Windfarm on Maui
- HART Claims Rail System ‘only’ 1 Year Behind Schedule
- Report identifies worst traffic bottlenecks in Hawaii
- Old Boys Line Up More Support for NextEra
- First Hope, Then Despair For State’s Largest Homeless Tent City
- Tranny Charged with Murder at Maui Mental health facility
- Dengue Tourism Cancellations
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Monday, November 23, 2015 |
November 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:39 PM :: 3693 Views
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 23, 2015
- Nai Aupuni Headed for Political Train Wreck
- Organic Food Fraud Causing Losses at State Pension Fund
- Audit: Feds Demand HART Listen to Project Management Oversight Contractor
- Adventist digs deeper into possible HHSC partnership
- Rain pushes more homeless to seek shelter
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Sunday, November 22, 2015 |
November 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:43 PM :: 5223 Views
- Honolulu 2nd Safest City in USA
- Year-End Tax Planning Tips
- Clueless Ige: Questionable Priorities, Incapable Leadership
- Souki: Council is Just Pretending to Oppose Rail Tax Hike
- Control: Caldwell to Appoint New Charter Commission Chair
- Homeless Become a Vector for Dengue Fever
- Sand Island homeless facility Mostly Empty Because its only Open to Homeless who are Serious About Getting off the Street
- After 10 years Homeless Meth Addict Decides to Accept Shelter
- Hawaiians Organize Against Nai Aupuni
- Hawaii County 41,000 Homeowners Exemptions at Risk
- Hawaii One of Only Two State Legislatures Without ‘Sportsmens Caucus’
- Property Scammer, Drug Dealer Score Beach Concession
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Saturday, November 21, 2015 |
November 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:40 PM :: 3881 Views
- College and Career Readiness—How Did Your School Do?
- Please Get Me Job in Sanitation Department
- 604 Dead people Found on Kanaiolowalu Voter Roll
- NextEra Prevents Rate Cuts Until 2020s
- Drug Court Forces Homeless Addict to Clean up, Get Job
- Will Vets Keep Access to VA Choice Program?
- Tire Recycling Fee Boosts Dengue Spread
- State Supreme Court will decide if police misconduct records should be released
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Saturday, November 21, 2015 |
Letters to the Editor, November, 2015
By Letters to the Editor @ 4:33 AM :: 4902 Views
- Please Get Me Job in Sanitation Department
- Hawaii Needs to Take Care of Homeless, not Syrian Muslims
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Friday, November 20, 2015 |
November 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:51 PM :: 4081 Views
Thursday, November 19, 2015 |
November 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:03 PM :: 4495 Views
- Hawaii Small Businesses Slowest to be Paid in USA
- Tourism: US Arrivals Make up for Japanese Decline
- There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Student Loan
- Solar Schemers Deploy Poll Results
- Caldwell’s Crooked ‘Ethics’ Commission Targets Police Whistleblowers
- Hauula: Protest Nai Aupuni—Tonight
- Telescope: Does Stay Mean Supreme Court Will Rule in Protesters Favor Soon?
- Jones Act Leaves US Vulnerable to Sea Strangulation
- Sand Island Homeless Facility Opens
- Private Sector Willing To Foot The Bill To Help Hawaii’s Homeless Families
- After 10 Years Lawmaker wants Waianae Harbor homeless Meth-addict encampment cleared
- 12 Per Day—Hawaii drug overdose epidemic
- Hawaii's 'housing ladder' under strain, driving up prices for middle class
- Housing: ‘Locals’ Outbuy Californians 10-1 – Or Not?
- Costly Maui baseyard kitchen revealed, investigation turned over to prosecutors
- PUC demands that HECO report all incidents after questions go unanswered
- HPD officer, former UH football star charged with abuse
- Dengue Cases 72 and Counting
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015 |
November 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:39 PM :: 4204 Views
- Why does the Mafia Love Na’i Aupuni?
- Thousands Sign Petition: No Syrian Muslim ‘Refugees’ in Hawaii
- Hawaii Republicans Oppose Resettlement of Syrian Refugees in Hawaii
- I am a Jihadist and I am tired of not being given credit
- Full Text: Supreme Court Grants Temporary Injunction Blocking Telescope Construction
- Will the Jones Act cause Hawaii’s last sugar plantation to close?
- Hawaii Loses Ground in Business Tax Climate
- After Months of Posturing, Council Committee Easily Approves Massive Rail Tax Hike
- HART Finds Savings With Latest Honolulu Rail Bids
- Ige says refugees welcome, state track record disagrees
- Star-Adv: Refugee Terrorism Concerns ‘Rational’
- Native Hawaiian election results expected in less than 2 weeks
- Nai Aupuni Critics Forum Set for Friday
- Na’i Aupuni: Few Clues on Land
- Hawaii small business' health insurance tax credits stuck in limbo by agency squabble
- Burdened With Rail, City Cannot Afford to Consider Buying HECO
- Another Parent of Handicapped Child Forced to Sue DoE
- State’s Largest Homeless Camp full of Meth Addicts
- Hawaii County Wants to Tax Marijuana
- 9 new cases of dengue fever bring outbreak total to 65
- DHHL Approves Maui Windfarm
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015 |
November 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:33 PM :: 4428 Views
- Ige: Hawaii Will Welcome ‘Screened’ Syrian Refugees
- Hawaii Needs to Take Care of Homeless, not Syrian Muslims
- So Far: Syrian Refugees in U.S. Include 2,098 Muslims, 53 Christians
- A-1 A-Lectrician Case: Secret Email Group Connects Hawaii AG to Soros-Funded Lawyers
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 16, 2015
- Federal Intervention in Schools Looks to Remain in Force Through Possible No Child Left Behind Deal
- How High are Cell Phone Taxes in Your State?
- Engineers: DAGS Hands Off CIP
- DLNR Slaps Down Anti-Aquarium Nuts (again)
- DoT Inspector General Investigating HART
- Caldwell: Ernie Martin is ‘Lolo’—Demands Blank Check for Rail
- Now That Rail is Being Built, Honolulu Finally Getting Around to Installing Adaptive Traffic Signals
- Telescope Protesters to gather on Mountain Tonight
- HMSA We Can’t Afford to Continue Pace Set by Obamacare
- Private insurers win big from Hawaii Medicaid expansion
- Waianae Homeless Camp: Children Beg for Money after Parents Spend Every Penny on Meth
- Meet the Lawyers and Social Workers Trying to Force Transgender Locker rooms on DoE Schools
- Dengue Hypocrisy: Anti-Pesticide Activists Suddenly Want to be Sprayed
- Fantasy sports gambling on state Legislature radar as Illegal Gambling Dens Lose Business
- Electrical bills set to shrink as price of oil keeps falling—‘Clean’ Energy Crowd Terrified
- Hawaiian Electric to finalize LNG contract by early 2016
- Preparing for next Firing and Payout: UH names advisory panel to assist in search for football coach
- As Legislature Prepares for Next Session, DOE Stages Annual ‘We’re Broke” Show
- Health Department says 56 confirmed cases of dengue fever on Hawaii Island
- In 'smelly' problem, city says personnel shortage slowing trash pick-up
- Atheists Use Threat of Muslims to Remove ‘Crusader’ from Ft Shafter
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Monday, November 16, 2015 |
November 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:13 PM :: 4268 Views
- Rail Funds Frozen? Feds Explain ‘Officially’ and ‘Unofficially’ What they Told Caldwell
- Why the Paris Massacre Will Have Limited Impact
- Offshore? Let Wind and Solar Energy Subsides Expire
- ‘Most Significant Risk’ to Rail Project--HART Did not Budget for Putting HECO Lines Underground
- TMT construction crews to return to Mauna Kea on Wednesday
- Future of Maui Sugar Plantation Unclear
- Political Bosses Still Negotiating with NextEra
- Audit of Hawaii Civil Forfeiture Demanded
- Lawmakers prepare for legislative outlook
- Kauai—50 Hawaiians Denounce Nai Aupuni
- 49 confirmed cases of locally-acquired dengue on Hawaii Island
- Billionaire Dispatches Reporter to Help Keep the Homeless on the Streets
- Forced Mental Health Care Allows Tweeker to Turn Life Around
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Sunday, November 15, 2015 |
November 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:15 PM :: 3557 Views
- Hawaii Is Holding an Election That Only Allows People of Certain Racial Background to Vote
- Full Text: State, Feds Defend Nai Aupuni Election Before 9th Circuit Court
- How energy prices are elevated by the Jones Act
- Working on the Fringe
- Hawaii Reacts to Latest Muslim Atrocity
- Ige: ‘Clean’ Energy Requires More Air Pollution
- Rail Cost Overruns: Just the Beginning
- RailBux: Caldwell Holds $4000/plate Campaign Fundraiser in DC
- Hawaii Voters Reject Scandal-Tainted Candidates
- To End Homelessness: Close Mass Shelters, Build Individual Rooms
- Protesters Burn Na’i Aupuni Ballots
- Claims of war crimes on Kauai
- Competing Interests Debate Education
- Legislation to increase State Licensing oversight on the way
- New Queens hospital eyed for Kona
- Hunters: State violating aerial shooting ban
- Dengue: DoH Spraying in Anti-Pesticide Activism Areas
- Some Pacific Democrat superdelegates see Rubio as strongest opponent
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Saturday, November 14, 2015 |
November 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:25 PM :: 4001 Views
- Feds Freeze Rail Funds? HART Knows Nothing About Caldwell’s Latest Pressure Tactic
- Feds Cut off DHHL Funding Because Money Not Being Spent
- Caldwell Doubles Down on Claims FTA Director is Cutting off Rail Funds—HART Says ‘Show us the Letter’
- UnDemocratic: Over Half of Hawaii Democrat Super Delegates Back Clinton before a Single Vote is Cast
- Sacrifice Affordable Housing to Pay for Rail?
- Housing First proving it’s worth its cost
- State: Mauna Kea Media May be Restricted to ‘Photography Area’
- State Investigates 28 Ala Moana Contractors
- WaPo: Hawaii is the Dumbest State
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Friday, November 13, 2015 |
November 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:04 PM :: 6793 Views
- Protest Na’i Aupuni at State Capitol
- UK citizen with green card sues Honolulu police over denial of firearm permit
- Feds: Race to the Top Empowers Hawaii to Transform Education
- How Do You Design an Electric Train without Considering the Electricity?
- Organics: Another Fine Government Mess
- First Hawaii Women Veterans Conference Set for Saturday
- ‘Time of Use’ Rates to top out at $0.479 per kwh
- Na’i Aupuni "You're all f---ing liars"
- Na’i Aupuni? This has all happened Before
- Investigating Chief, Federal subpoenas issued to HPD's top brass
- HART Puts Jesse Souki on Payroll
- Caldwell Claims Feds Withholding $250M until Council Raises Taxes
- HART Demands Council Approve $350M Loan
- Seven Months Later Ige Admin Develops Coherent Position on Mauna Kea telescope
- No Contractor Will Clean Up Homeless Mess
- Priced out of Paradise: When the cost of living gets too high, some Hawaii families call it quits
- It’s The ‘Entitled’ Land That Really Drives Up Honolulu’s Home Prices
- Minimum Wage Hike Forces 41% Price Hike in A+ after-school program
- GMOs: From Anti to Advocate
- Legislation to Toughen Hawaii Medical Review Board
- State Senator Vows To Reform Hawaii Asset Forfeiture Laws
- State Overlooked Labor Violations Until New Ala Moana Wing Opened
- Two months of prep left for Hawaii medical marijuana dispensary licensee hopefuls
- County sales tax surcharge on marijuana?
- Hawaii sees growth in drug addicts using 'vape pens' to get high
- Students rally for ‘free’ education; Dozens at UH-Hilo
- UH hires Carleton Ching to lead its land development
- Questions surround city’s cost estimate to fix Kailua fountain
- Peter Boy’s Mom Pleads Not Guilty, Trial Set
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Thursday, November 12, 2015 |
November 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:04 PM :: 4596 Views
- Mauna Kea: DLNR Schedules Aerial Eradication ‘Simultaneous’ to Telescope Work
- Hawaii Now Only State in Nation Without Sex Trafficking Law
- HECO: 'Time of Use' Rate Hike Coming
- Hawaii earns a D- for Civil Forfeiture Laws
- Full Text: Veterans Sue for Voting Rights in US Territories
- Let's Create a Higher Standard for Ethical Government
- Voting Begins for Maunalua Bay Advisory Committee
- Video: Fixing What's Wrong with Welfare
- Rail: $450M Cost of Electric Lines not Factored into Budget
- Martin: Rail Better Without Federal Money, Federal Rules
- Bid by Criminal Hee to dismiss tax fraud convictions is rejected
- Maui: Massive Electric Rate Hike Proposed—But Thanks to Decoupling, Only a Small Portion is Subject to Review
- Second round of Kakaako homeless enforcement to begin Thursday
- Aiea Homeless Camp Burns
- Obamacare website crashes (again), delays enrollment
- Protesters will be told when work resumes
- Mauna Kea’s Southern Twin to be Finished in 2022
- Coercive Nature Of Na’i Aupuni Process Ultimately Dooms It To Failure
- Fees Eliminated Make Housing Affordable
- The city might not track trash, but voters sure do
- State RICO Office restrains medical board from doing better
- Hitachi's control of Ansaldo's Honolulu rail transit contract questioned
- Hawaii airports energy upgrade project to save $500M over 20 years
- PUC Fills Empty Positions
- War Crimes on Kauai?
- Homosexual Child Molester Busted 3x—May Finally Do Serious Time
- Soft on Crime: Year Log Crime Spree Nets 11 Months Jail
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015 |
November 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:24 PM :: 3290 Views
- Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Bribery—Na’i Aupuni Makes it all Legal
- Full Text: State, Feds Defend Nai Aupuni Election Before 9th Circuit Court
- Political Correctness Jumps Shark? -- “Hey Hey Ho Ho Reporters Have Got to Go!”
- Congress asks Hawaii Health Exchange where the money went
- NextEra ‘Clean’ Energy: $30 Billion in Rate Hikes Coming
- Hawaii businessman Duane Kurisu plans homeless village in Honolulu
- “We want to end homelessness for our veterans by Dec. 31”
- Hawaii’s Veterans Are Among Top Earners
- Sierra Club: We Will Destroy Lanes, Create More Traffic Jams
- Astronomer is Top Honolulu STEM Job
- Hawaii's dairy farms on life support
- Kauai Complains About High Airfares—Miss the Superferry Yet?
- Anti-Pesticide Activist Dr. Lorrin Pang Dengue Fever Interview
- Bill would allow sponsorship of city facilities
- Honolulu Parking Spaces for $100K?
- Can the Hawaii Republican Party win new seats in 2016?
- Takai resting after cancer surgery
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015 |
November 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 3503 Views
- HART Math – When 1 + 1 Doesn’t Equal 2
- Poll: 62% Support Telescope Construction--TMT to Re-Start Site Work
- Nai Aupuni: Two Candidates Misplaced, and Another Quits the Race
- Obamacare Covers 2.6% of Hawaii Insured
- Hawaii Most Expensive State to Raise a Family
- Rail in ethical limbo--The Fix is In
- Caldwell: Don't Cap HART Expenses
- Questions go unanswered as wider impact of Caldwell's August sewage spill revealed
- Hawaii GOP seeking election turnaround
- Priced out of Paradise: As housing inventory drops, rental rates go up
- State pension fund down 6%
- HECO 'Time of Use' Rates offer 9% Discount to Schools
- No Tenant's Union in Hawaii
- Will Hawaii Dump Failed Medical Licensing System and Join Interstate Compact?
- Woman: Peter Boy's Father Molested Me When I was 11
- Homosexual Gets Life Sentence for Murdering, Dismembering Sex Partner
- Dirty Cop Among 55 federal prisoners Released Early in Hawaii
- Understaffing causing more city problems
- 27 Cases of Dengue on Big Island
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Monday, November 9, 2015 |
November 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:50 PM :: 3599 Views
Sunday, November 8, 2015 |
November 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:30 PM :: 5102 Views
- UHERO: Research Driven Energy Policy
- What Does "Waikiki" Mean? - Variances, Safety Valves, And A "Hawaiian Sense Of Place"
- WaPo: How transportation became the latest victim of America’s culture wars
- Asia, Europe look at Jones Act
- The Shaky Future of Bonus Depreciation
- Hawaii Welcomes Doctors Who Lost their Medical Licenses Elsewhere
- State's Unspent federal grants Exceed $700M
- Nago: With Vote by Mail Counting Can be Done Ahead of Time
- Video Exposes Caldwell Hypocrisy on Homeless Emergency
- Kakaako Sweep Forces Homeless Family to Accept Shelter
- $422 to Hilo: Inter Island Rates Soar under Monopoly
- In spite of Hype, UH Unable to Find More Rapes
- Stock Market Doubts NextEra Merger Will Go Thru
- Bill to restrict commercial activities now a flash point for wedding photographers
- Veterans Day Parades
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Saturday, November 7, 2015 |
November 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:43 PM :: 4219 Views
- McKelvey Pleads Guilty to Campaign Spending Violations
- Reporters threatened by campus security at public meeting at UH Hilo
- On Keystone: The President Has Thrown Working People Under the Bus of His Legacy
- Which Counties Benefit Most From Earned Income Tax Credit?
- Hilo Veterans Parade Saturday
- Obamacare: Re-enrollment of 30,000+ individuals by February unrealistic, Hawaii Health Connector Director Flees State
- Obama Admin Orders Schools to Let Trannies into Girls' Locker Rooms
- Churches extend helping hand to Hawaii's homeless
- 66,000 Oahu Hosing Units Needed to Satisfy Demand
- Jaylin Kema appears in court, Peter Kema Sr. released pending investigation
- HPD officer indicted for conspiracy, trafficking of motor vehicles
- Dengue Hits 23 on Big Island, Mass Pesticide Spraying in Honaunau, Hookena
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Friday, November 6, 2015 |
November 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:44 PM :: 4593 Views
- McDermott: Get the Politicians out of School Construction
- Ige Seeking Applicants for 185 Boards and Commissions
- Video: Russia Greets 'Hawaii Comrade Lanny Sinkin'
- Ward, Oshiro: 10 things you need to know about Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
- Hawaii Gets 'C' on March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card
- With Horizon Gone, Matson Profits Soar
- Auditor: Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund not used for established purpose
- Franklin Graham Prayer Rally Coming to Honolulu
- Council: Grabauskas Must Go for HART to get Rail Tax Money
- Authorities ‘very close’ to indictment in ‘Peter Boy’ Kema case
- Hawaii Sen. Brickwood Galuteria Still Not Off The Hook On Residency Question
- Former PUC chair Morita--Latest to Come out in favor of NextEra Energy-Hawaiian Electric sale
- At the Legislature, HECO loses some of its influence
- Hawaiian Electric Understated Cash Flow by $110M
- Evaluation of their teachers gives isle students their say
- Homeless Need Psychiatric Help
- Anti-GMO Activist on County Manager Committee After Declaring Candidacy for Mayor a Joke
- DLNR chief passes buck on protection of TMT contractors
- Kauai GMO 'Joint Fact-Finding Group' Enters Final Phase
- First two Mauna Kea protesters convicted, sentenced
- At the state's largest public school, overcrowding and no relief in sight
- Police investigate illicit Maui kitchen charged to taxpayers
- City Having a hard time Filling UPW Positions
- Senate panel votes approval of a trio of judicial nominees
- Soft on Crime: 70 Priors Out on Street Doing it Again
- Sen. Breene Harimoto back on job after battling pancreatic cancer
- Dengue: 19 on Big Island, One on Oahu
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Thursday, November 5, 2015 |
November 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 3302 Views
- Stop Nai Aupuni: Urgent Motion for Injunction with Ninth Circuit
- 32 Candidates on Payroll: Na'i Aupuni's Privileged Class
- ACLU Back in Court Trying to Keep the Homeless out of Shelters
- Affordable Housing Fund Skimmed by State
- Star-Adv Thrilled by Wahiawa's Willingness to Build Massive Homeless Tent City
- Hawaii County seeks alternatives to jailing mentally ill
- Drug Treatment Diversion Program Still not Implemented
- Since Maui County Keeps Electing Republican Mayors, anti-GMO Democrats Push for County Manager
- Kauai Parents Picket School Because Principal Won't Make Excuses for Failure
- Anti-Pesticide Group Engaged in Illegal Lobbying
- Dengue Fever Concerns Close Hookena Beach Park, Case Count Now 15
- Caldwell's Bungled RFP Sidelines LED Streetlights
- Ala Moana Contractors Given Advance Warning of DLIR Inspection
- Waianae: 27% of Students 'Chronic Absentees'
- 'Peter Boy' Kema's parents arrested on weapons, drug charges
- Peter Apo: Our Trauma
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Wednesday, November 4, 2015 |
November 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:03 PM :: 5020 Views
- Nai Aupuni: Please Vote Only Once
- Nai Aupuni: Walter Ritte, Scott Parker Still on Ballot After Quitting Race
- Best Small Cities? Hawaii Towns Near Bottom of Long List
- Video: Why Privatize State Hospitals?
- UH Manoa graduation rates up
- Hawaii Is the State with the Smallest Weight Problems
- The Unaffordable Care Act
- Cancelled: OIP Shuts Down Un-Ethical 'Fire Totto' Meeting
- Could the Hawaii State Senate go 100% blue in 2016?
- Election Officials Use Their Own Incompetence to Push Vote-by Mail
- Attorney--Taxes Cause Poor to Become Homeless under Public Housing Formula
- Fake Hawaiian Indian Tribe Will be Site of Next Homeless Tent City
- Will 'Aha Collapse for Lack of Support?
- Dengue Fever 'Could be Here to Stay' Thanks to Anti-Pesticide Activists
- Teachers Walk out Because Principal Refuses to make Excuses for Failure
- DOE: Student absenteeism rose in first quarter of school year
- Transparency Amendments Proposed for Honolulu City Charter
- City water utility latest to fall in line behind NextEra’s HEI deal
- Rooftop Solar on Trial
- Hawaii's clean energy financing program doles out 150 applications
- Maui Liquor Commission Secretly Hires Director Twice
- Rep. Takai has Cancer, will undergo surgery
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015 |
November 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:51 PM :: 5189 Views
- Political Correctness Has Peaked
- Another Candidate Withdraws from Nai Aupuni Election
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 2, 2015
- APA: Homosexual Rape of Military Personnel 15 Times Higher Than Reported
- EUTF: Zombie Pension paid to Dead Man for 20 years, no Prosecution
- “It seems to be fixed" -- More Candidates Withdraw from Nai Aupuni
- Hawaii Obamacare Reenrollment Falling Apart After Just Two Days
- Ethics? Bogus Star-Adv Story Used to Turn Opinion Against Ethics Enforcement
- Fake Indian Tribe: 'Mahalo to Radicals, now get out of our way'
- $55M for Hawaiian homes still not spent
- Care Homes Not Subject to Surprise Inspection
- How much does UH lose by firing Norm Chow? -- $325K plus
- UH paid $1.4M to design West Oahu building, then $2.5M to re-design it
- Homelessness Industry: Follow the Money
- Honolulu Takes "Most Overpriced City" Title
- Property Tax Cap for Kauai?
- Hawaii Homes Become Affordable when Land Cost factored Out
- ‘Ghost 911 Calls’ Are A Growing Problem
- Moped rider sues city over bike track berms
- Former Kaiser High principal asks for named to be cleared
- Obama Ignores Hawaii's Useless Congressional Delegation
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Monday, November 2, 2015 |
November 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:08 PM :: 3540 Views
- Final Interior Dep't Rule Allows OHA Hawaiians to Steal Land from DHHL Hawaiians
- Study: High Costs Make Hawaii second-worst for entrepreneurs
- TTIP: Europe to Negotiate for Jones Act Reform?
- BBC: Upcoming election highlights deep disagreement between native Hawaiians
- Star-Adv Pushes Massive Tax Hike on Vacation Rentals
- Kondo to Spot Check Grifting Legislators
- Honolulu Charter Comm. Considers Easing Public Records Access
- Strive HI System for Driving up Test Scores
- 700 Kids to Be Booted from Preschool Because Hawaii Congressional Delegation is a Joke
- Chasing Vaporware: Ige Still Sure Battery Technology Breakthrough is 'Right Around the Corner'
- Charities Help People Teetering on Edge of Homelessness
- Hawaii Co Councilmembers are Dead Weight, Should be Reduced 50%
- 1,400 ‘Gang’ cesspools still in use despite longtime EPA ban
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Sunday, November 1, 2015 |
November 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:22 PM :: 3409 Views
- Nai Aupuni Lets Candidates on Ballot With Fraudulent Registration
- 40,000 Hawaii Obamacare Enrollees Have to Start All Over with Feds
- Taxing & Regulating Small Business to Death: Hawaii's Business Climate
- 63% of Americans Blame Mental Health—Not Guns—for Mass Shootings
- Cost of Rail: $16K for Family of Four, Highest in USA
- Ige Admin: OHA Should Have Mauna Kea Rent Money by Year's End
- Ballots go out for Tribal election
- Norm Chow Next in Line for Giant UH Payout
- Robbie Alm Running Ige Admin Policy on NextEra, Mauna Kea, Maui Memorial
- A festering pig carcass, false promises and coach buyouts
- Schatz is mobilizing in support of Clinton
- Hawaii State Hospital Filled by Criminals Faking Mental Illness
- Learn more from teacher evaluations
- Hawaii One of Only Six States Which do not Decertify Police Officers for Wrongdoing
- With homeless gone, visitors return to Kakaako children’s center
- Burning safe, more environmentally sound than 'green harvesting' cane
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