Monday, July 18, 2011 |
Convicted Cocaine Dealer replaces Advertiser columnist as Ernie Martin’s Campaign Treasurer
By Andrew Walden @ 1:19 AM :: 28922 Views :: Honolulu County, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Politicians
Convicted cocaine dealer Chad Tsuneyoshi is taking over as Honolulu Council Chair Ernie Martin’s Campaign Treasurer.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011 |
Query Results of Targeted Tax Credits
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 7:57 PM :: 6429 Views :: Energy, Environment
...in Hawaii the tax incentives and the executive order to blend all fuel merely increased the cost for the highway user and shifted the export of consumer dollars from the oil fields of the Middle East and Indonesia to the sugar fields of Brazil. And because of the lost tax revenues, taxpayers had to forego tax relief....
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Sunday, July 17, 2011 |
Rep. Faleomavaega's Kazakh Connection finally makes news in Samoa
By Selected News Articles @ 5:49 PM :: 6848 Views :: National News, Ethics
...it was a pleasant surprise to see the leading radio news organization, Radio States KHJ-FM raise questions about some of the campaign money he has raised, based on our report, even if the story was centered on Faleomavaega's condemnation of us for our report....
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Sunday, July 17, 2011 |
Sovereignty Mortgage Scammer Keanu Sai at it again with help from Legislators, Maui Council, University
By Andrew Walden @ 4:56 PM :: 48452 Views :: Akaka Bill, DHHL, Ethics, Hawaii History, Law Enforcement, OHA
Do the math. Sai and Gumapac have 300 “customers”. Perfect Title had 400 victims. The Maui-based Ventura-Oliver sovereignty mortgage scammers now on trial had about 300 alleged victims. That is 1000 native Hawaiian households who have allegedly fallen victim to these three alleged scams. ...amounting to 2.3% of all native Hawaiian home-owning households.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011 |
Senate Race: Hanabusa sees Remake of 2002 Gubernatorial Election
By Selected News Articles @ 3:12 PM :: 9419 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
“Mazie Hirono and Ed Case batter each other in a contested Democratic primary, then the survivor meets and loses to Lingle in the general election."
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Saturday, July 16, 2011 |
Analysis: Hawaii Democratic Tent not Broad, voter satisfaction can shift quickly
By Selected News Articles @ 12:09 PM :: 8619 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Using results in legislative districts from the past three presidential elections, the two most recent gubernatorial elections and the last legislative election, he predicts margins of victory for Democratic or Republican candidates based on the districts’ political preferences.
(See complete Index for Hawaii House and Senate)
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Saturday, July 16, 2011 |
PUC Requires HECO to Reopen Molokai Windfarm Bidding
By News Release @ 10:30 AM :: 10393 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment
...the PUC determined that Castle & Cooke cannot assign part of its development rights to Pattern Energy to develop 200 MW of wind power on Molokai....
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Friday, July 15, 2011 |
School-by-School Annual Yearly Progress — How did your school do?
By Selected News Articles @ 11:03 PM :: 11126 Views :: Energy, Environment
School Year 2010-11 AYP Results and Corresponding School Year 2011-12 Accountability Status by Complex
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Friday, July 15, 2011 |
Response to Star-Advertiser: Rail Opponents list Alternative Traffic Solutions
By News Release @ 4:23 PM :: 9771 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Borreca's column today is an interesting one but we do quibble with his following conclusion: "... the anti-rail contingent has yet to show its own alternative traffic solution. Honolulu's real traffic jam is the city's inability to move a plan that has overwhelming public support."
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Friday, July 15, 2011 |
IAM: PUC re-bid order should bring halt to Wind Development on Molokai
By News Release @ 2:36 PM :: 9666 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment
Now that the Public Utilities Commission has ordered Hawaiian Electric (HECO) to stop this mega-project and restart it with new bidders, I Aloha Molokai (IAM) requests that Pattern Energy and its subcontractors and partners cease their activities on Molokai immediately.
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Friday, July 15, 2011 |
Guam WW2 Claims Bill criticized for Over-criminalization
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:27 PM :: 9250 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family
This bill would authorize the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission to compensate residents of Guam and their descendants who were injured or killed in World War II.
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Friday, July 15, 2011 |
Despite high costs, Hawaii Medicaid Spending ranks 41st in Nation
By Selected News Articles @ 11:31 AM :: 8899 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Despite the fact that the state has the fourth highest median household income in the country, Hawaii actually had a larger portion of its Medicaid bill covered by the federal government than poorer states like Illinois, Virginia and Nevada. Compared to most wealthy “blue” states, the group of islands spends very little on Medicaid.
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Friday, July 15, 2011 |
The Fight for the Balanced Budget Amendment
By Heritage Foundation @ 9:42 AM :: 4268 Views :: National News, Ethics
Washington remains embroiled in debt limit negotiations as Republicans and Democrats stand apart on how to best go about increasing the amount of money the government can borrow and spend. But on the sidelines, another debate simmers over one amendment to the U.S. Constitution that could have averted today's spending debacle: the balanced budget amendment (BBA).
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Thursday, July 14, 2011 |
Ewa Field Battlefield Survey Report released by Navy
By John Bond @ 11:56 PM :: 12721 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
July 19th PUBLIC HEARING at the DHHL Hawaii Pono'i Bldg. That's Tuesday July 19, 2011, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 91-5420 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, Hawaii.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011 |
Hanalani School Returns Home with Second International Botball Tournament Win
By News Release @ 11:32 PM :: 10385 Views :: Maui County, Energy
Hanalani School is a robotic force to be reckoned with. After three days of intense international competition, the Miliani students were named tournament champions for the second year in a row ....
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Thursday, July 14, 2011 |
WSJ: Why Medicare Patients See the Doctor Too Much
By Selected News Articles @ 10:32 AM :: 5817 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Almost all discussions about Medicare reform ignore one key factor: Medicare utilization is roughly 50 percent higher than private health insurance utilization, even after adjusting for age and medical conditions....
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Thursday, July 14, 2011 |
Time to End Fannie and Freddie
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:29 AM :: 4383 Views :: National News, Ethics
For those with short memories, Fannie, Freddie, and government policies aimed at making it easier for people to purchase homes is how the housing market wound up in its current state.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011 |
NYT: Book Challenges Obama on Mother’s Deathbed Fight
By Selected News Articles @ 10:25 AM :: 9716 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama, in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central anecdote about his mother’s deathbed dispute with her insurance company.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011 |
Abercrombie adds 10 more HGEA positions
By News Release @ 2:21 AM :: 6457 Views :: Energy, Environment
Governor Neil Abercrombie approved the hiring of 10 agricultural inspectors, restoring some positions that were eliminated in 2009.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011 |
What Difference Has RomneyCare Made?
By Selected News Articles @ 11:35 PM :: 6447 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
...there has actually been an increase in emergency room use by people with incomes below 300% of the poverty level....
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011 |
Supreme Court Offers Free Divorce Law Program on July 14
By News Release @ 7:24 PM :: 5664 Views :: Energy, Environment
The Divorce Law in Hawaii program will be held on Thursday, July 14, from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Hawaii Supreme Court courtroom on the second floor of Aliiolani Hale at 417 South King Street. The program is free and open to the public.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011 |
Obama Aims for the Money You Don't "Need"
By Heritage Foundation @ 7:24 PM :: 4378 Views :: National News, Ethics
Over the past several weeks, America has seen on grand display in Washington a singular mindset emanating from the White House: We must raise taxes so that we can keep on spending.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Abercrombie announces final vetoes, 14 bills become law
By News Release @ 10:40 PM :: 6376 Views :: Energy, Environment
Abercrombie today signed into law the last of the measures from the 2011 legislative session. In total, Governor Abercrombie enacted 235 measures and vetoed 17; seven bills became law without his signature....
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Democrats call disenfranchisement of Military Personnel “Fair, equitable representation”
By News Release @ 1:48 PM :: 13994 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment
fair, equitable representation for all residents ... one man/one vote fairness doctrine .... we urge the State Democratic Party to pursue all legal options including filing a lawsuit, if necessary, to overturn this Reapportionment Commission decision....
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Hawaii Next? Civil Union Laws Can Spell End of Child Welfare Services for Faith-based Groups
By Selected News Articles @ 1:26 PM :: 7974 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Most states that have approved same-sex marriage or civil unions have not lost the services of faith-based child welfare providers, but the recent conflict between Illinois and one of its largest religious partners suggests those losses might occur as more states pass such laws.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
A Singular Woman: Obama lied about Cancer-Stricken Mother not having Health Insurance
By Selected News Articles @ 1:12 PM :: 8907 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
It was a simple and powerful story, one Obama would tell many more times as president during the national health care debate. But now we're learning the real story of Ann Dunham's health coverage is not quite what her son made it out to be.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
For me but not for thee: Punahou Obama praises school choice
By Selected News Articles @ 12:57 PM :: 9836 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
The president explained that if it were not for the scholarship he received to attend a prestigious private school in Hawaii when he was ten years old, he would not be president today. Lindsey Burke, education analyst at The Heritage Foundation, says she was astonished by the remark.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Lights Out for the Light Bulb Ban?
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:25 AM :: 4306 Views :: National News, Ethics
Some politicians in Washington don't think you're all that bright. They believe that you can't make wise decisions in your day-to-day life, so they have taken it upon themselves to impose regulations to protect you from yourself. And there's no better example than Congress' ban on the incandescent light bulb, which is up for repeal in the House today.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Abercrombie Admin. claims HSTA Negotiators Agreed to Terms, Releases Full Text of Contract Changes
By News Release @ 3:25 AM :: 7047 Views :: Energy, Environment
In June, both sides agreed to terms on a final offer that HSTA negotiators would recommend to the HSTA board. This included the 5 percent wage reduction, equal health care premium costs and other items, such as increased planning time, which reflect tentative agreements that had been made during negotiations through June.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Thielen: Environmental Assessment required to truck Sludge from Sand Island to Kailua
By Andrew Walden @ 1:56 AM :: 11308 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
"Please know that I will pursue all available means to ensure that the Department of Environmental Services does not commence trucking raw sewage to the Kailua plant until it fulfills its comprehensive legal requirements under Chapter 343, HRS." -- Rep Thielen
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
Police, Prosecutors to discuss Cybercrime at Capitol
By News Release @ 12:26 AM :: 12886 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
Briefing on Cybercrime to be held Tuesday, July 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hawaii State Capitol, Conference Room 309.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 |
As veto deadline looms, Abercrombie signs Eleven Bills into Law
By News Release @ 12:22 AM :: 6752 Views :: Energy, Environment
Abercrombie has enacted 221 bills so far. The deadline to sign or veto bills passed in the last legislative session is tomorrow, July 12, 2011.
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Monday, July 11, 2011 |
America, the Europe of the West?
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:13 PM :: 7531 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Last night, President Barack Obama and U.S. congressional leaders failed to reach agreement on a deal to raise the nation's debt limit. Meanwhile, it has been more than 800 days since the U.S. Senate passed a budget, liberals in Washington are pushing for higher taxes, unemployment is soaring, the deficit keeps growing, and America is careening toward an economic future as the Europe of the West.
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Monday, July 11, 2011 |
Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted July 11
By News Release @ 2:03 PM :: 7428 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Recent Congressional Vote: House: Fiscal 2012 Defense Appropriations
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Monday, July 11, 2011 |
Honolulu: Mega Rail Project in a Micro City
By Selected News Articles @ 11:22 AM :: 9690 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Honolulu is still completing the paperwork for its heavy rail, but preparatory construction has already started. This irrational project needs to be stopped.
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Monday, July 11, 2011 |
Barack Sr. so repulsive, even Abercrombie thought he was Arrogant
By Selected News Articles @ 2:26 AM :: 13541 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Back in Nairobi, says one government official, Obama Sr. would “slam his fist on the table” and claim that a rival “knows nothing about math or economics”; he would go on to describe other colleagues as “intellectual dwarfs.” As college friend and current Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie tells Jacobs, Obama Sr. could never “contain his irritation with people who were not as facile as he, and he did not hesitate to say so.”
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Monday, July 11, 2011 |
Hawaii Lawmakers: Quit Finding Excuses for More Tax Increases
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 1:59 AM :: 7019 Views :: Energy, Environment
One reader recently wrote bemoaning that he had to read these comments about how taxpayers are constantly being overtaxed and his suggestion is that those who can pay their fair share should do so, “just pay up.”
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Saturday, July 9, 2011 |
Abercrombie signs 16 bills into law
By News Release @ 11:10 AM :: 6543 Views :: Energy, Environment
Governor Neil Abercrombie today signed into law House Bill 1520, which ... directs the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to investigate how an on-bill financing program could operate in Hawai’i and gives the PUC the discretion to implement such a program.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011 |
Abercrombie seeks applicants to roll Hawaiians
By News Release @ 11:06 AM :: 5910 Views :: Energy, Environment
Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced he is seeking applicants to the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission (NHRC). Act 195 gives the Governor the power to appoint a five-member Native Hawaiian Roll Commission that will build the foundation for....
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Saturday, July 9, 2011 |
HUD giving away $50K to Hawaii Mortgage deadbeats: Deadline for free money is July 22
By News Release @ 10:59 AM :: 7581 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
HUD will assist homeowners who have experienced a reduction in income and are at risk of foreclosure due to involuntary unemployment, underemployment, due to economic conditions or a medical condition. EHLP can provide eligible homeowners with zero percent interest, forgivable loan of up to $50,000 that pays past-due mortgage payments, as well as a portion of the homeowner's mortgage payment, for up to 24 months.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011 |
Soak the rich: 26,000 Hawaii residents hit with $40M/year in new taxes
By Selected News Articles @ 10:51 AM :: 6045 Views :: Energy, Environment
For 2011 through 2015, singles in Hawaii with adjusted gross income above $100,000 will be allowed to claim a maximum of $25,000 in deductions for mortgage interest, charitable giving, medical expenses and the like, while couples with AGI above $200,000 will be allowed no more than $50,000.
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Friday, July 8, 2011 |
The Undefeated: Trailer for Sarah Palin movie released
By Video @ 12:34 PM :: 5449 Views :: National News, Ethics
The much anticipated Sarah Palin documentary by filmmaker Steve Bannon comes out in theaters next Friday, July 15th. People can now see the trailer for the first time.
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Friday, July 8, 2011 |
Heritage: An Economy in Panic
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:28 AM :: 3976 Views :: National News, Ethics
There's no good way to spin the news that came out of today's monthly U.S. jobs report. The economy generated only 18,000 total new jobs, the unemployment rate increased to 9.2 percent, and the number of unemployed Americans has gone up by 445,000. ... President Barack Obama's stimulus-infused "recovery" refuses to ignite, unsurprisingly to all but him.
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Friday, July 8, 2011 |
Listeria: Calvin Say’s Bentos Being Recalled from 7-11 Stores Statewide
By News Release @ 4:20 AM :: 7717 Views :: Energy, Environment
Warabeya U.S.A. Inc., a Honolulu, Hawaii, establishment, (which keeps House Speaker Calvin Say on a $1000/mo retainer) is recalling approximately 1,550 pounds of convenience meals that may be contaminated with listeria monocytogenes....
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Friday, July 8, 2011 |
Abercrombie appoints officials to DoH, DoT
By News Release @ 2:03 AM :: 8034 Views :: Energy, Environment
- Lynn Fallin as Deputy Director for Behavioral Health of the Department of Health (DOH)
- Jade T. Butay as Deputy Director for Administration of the Department of Transportation (DOT)
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Friday, July 8, 2011 |
Council Reorganization makes Kobayashi guardian of Ernie Martin’s Secrets
By Andrew Walden @ 12:47 AM :: 9761 Views :: Honolulu County, Ethics
Oversight of the Honolulu Department of Community Services has been transferred from a committee headed by Councilmember Tom Berg to a committee chaired by Kobayashi.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011 |
Immigration Records: Obama was to have been put up for Adoption at Honolulu Salvation Army Home
By Selected News Articles @ 3:26 PM :: 14242 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
“Subject got his USC wife ‘Hapai’ [Hawaiian for pregnant] and although they were married they do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away,’’ according to a memo describing the conversation with Obama written by Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Honolulu office of what was then called the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.
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