Thursday, February 7, 2013 |
Stop Apologizing for America and Start Promoting Liberty
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:09 PM :: 3614 Views :: Military
Today, while government spending is soaring, defense spending relative to the size of the economy is near historical lows....
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 |
Keaau K-8: Nearly 1,000 students assigned digital devices
By News Release @ 3:19 AM :: 5273 Views :: Education K-12
This January, Keaau students in kindergarten through grade 8 began working under a digital curriculum that includes a digital device, such as a laptop or tablet, assigned for their personal use....
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 |
NRA: Deeply Flawed Hawaii Mental Health Bill to be Heard Friday
By News Release @ 3:07 AM :: 6656 Views :: Health Care, Second Amendment
Under this proposed legislation, Hawaiians would be subject to warrantless entry into their homes, warrantless seizure of their firearms and other weapons based solely on a mere “report” by a so-called “mental health professional.”
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 |
World Economic Forum: Reform Jones Act to Grow Economy
By Michael Hansen @ 2:55 AM :: 10043 Views :: Jones Act
“Although the US Jones’ Act fleet only accounts for 10% of the total capacity of containerships used in cabotage trades, its impact is disproportionately higher due to the requirement for vessels to be US-built, unlike most other countries...."
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 |
Dojo Mystic Ousted From City Administration
By AtomicMonkey @ 5:34 PM :: 11527 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party
Following an article in Hawaii Free Press, Honolulu’s stodgy and turgid media establishment slowing began to acknowledge the story....
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 |
Taking America from Welfare State to Opportunity Society
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:47 AM :: 2254 Views
This week, we are highlighting America's Opportunity for All, The Heritage Foundation's plan to help people secure these dreams....
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 |
Abercrombie Unveils Early Childhood Action Strategy
By News Release @ 2:37 AM :: 5256 Views :: Education K-12
The strategy focuses on improving health, development, and learning experiences and outcomes of Hawaii’s youngest children, prenatal to age eight....
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013 |
Fighting Government Cronyism with an Opportunity Agenda
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:41 AM :: 5216 Views :: National News, Ethics
How does cronyism affect your life? Tell us in the comments....
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013 |
Gallup: Hawaii Ranks Third in 'Economic Confidence'
By Selected News Articles @ 2:24 AM :: 6813 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
Minnesota (-8) and Hawaii (-9) -- the first time since Gallup initiated daily tracking in 2008 that confidence has been this close to crossing into positive territory in any of the 50 states.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013 |
Gun Buyback Bill Re-Scheduled to be Heard in Senate Committee this Thursday
By News Release @ 2:10 AM :: 5165 Views :: Second Amendment
Thursday, February 7, in the Senate Public Safety, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs (PSM) Committee at 2:45 p.m. in conference room 224 ....
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Monday, February 4, 2013 |
Watershed Plan: Abercrombie Executive Order Allows Logging of Dead Trees
By News Release @ 11:17 AM :: 5084 Views :: Environment
"...remove dead standing trees along roads...."
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Monday, February 4, 2013 |
What Ideas Are Conservatives FOR?
By Heritage Foundation @ 9:18 AM :: 3900 Views :: National News
...we're going to take our arguments to all Americans....
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Sunday, February 3, 2013 |
DoTax Employees Secretly Arrested, Fired
By Andrew Walden @ 12:40 PM :: 12318 Views :: Ethics, Hawaii State Government, Law Enforcement, Tax Credits, Taxes
A number of tax department employees who were investigated in connection with the security breaches have been “arrested and relieved of their duties,” said state Rep. John Mizuno....
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Sunday, February 3, 2013 |
Jacking Up the Heat in Tax and Fee Hell
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 5:05 AM :: 5597 Views :: Taxes
People inquiring about what the legislature is doing are surprised when told that lawmakers are hard at work trying to find ways to take even more of their money. Of course, it starts at the top....
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Saturday, February 2, 2013 |
Minimum Wage Increase Could Put People Out of Work
By News Release @ 9:49 PM :: 7488 Views :: Labor, Small Business, Cost of Living
The House Minority Caucus urged caution today as two bills to increase the minimum wage to 120 percent its current level passed the Labor & Public Employment and Economic Development & Business committees....
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Saturday, February 2, 2013 |
Banner CMO to Meet HHSC MDs, Staff
By News Release @ 9:44 PM :: 6319 Views :: Health Care
Through information technology and system design, Banner is able to make a profit in a Medicare environment by DATA driven health care....
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Saturday, February 2, 2013 |
236 Candidates Register for Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections—Deadline Feb 15
By Selected News Articles @ 3:40 PM :: 6330 Views :: Honolulu County
Candidate filing is open through February 15, 2013 for Honolulu Neighborhood Board elections....
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
New York Fed Recommends Jones Act exemption for Puerto Rico
By Michael Hansen @ 10:50 PM :: 12447 Views :: Jones Act
...the New York Fed identified the Jones Act as a major impediment to the Island’s prosperity....
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Nobriga vs DHHL: Some Days You Get the Bull
By Robert Thomas @ 7:05 PM :: 8321 Views :: Agriculture, Land Use
Did you know that as a Hawaii landowner you own all unmarked or unbranded cattle, horses, mules, donkeys, sheep, goats, and swine, over twelve months of age, which may be running wild on your land?
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Celebrity Incentive To Move To Hawaii: We'll Give You An "Inoffensive" Space
By Robert Thomas @ 6:56 PM :: 5744 Views :: First Amendment
"The preamble to the bill specifically mentions celebrities but nothing is said about limiting the act to celebrities and paparazzi."
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Hawaii Charter School Law Improves from 35th to 14th in Nation
By News Release @ 3:03 PM :: 6830 Views :: Education K-12, Hawaii Statistics
Hawaii’s law still needs significant improvement in several areas, including beefing up the requirements for charter application....
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Some Families to Be Priced out of Health Overhaul
By NCPA @ 12:59 PM :: 5108 Views :: National News, Health Care
IRS regulations issued Wednesday failed to fix the problem as liberal backers of the president's plan had hoped, says the Associated Press....
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
How to Balance the Budget in 10 Years
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:41 PM :: 3905 Views :: National News
Both houses of Congress have now voted to suspend the debt ceiling until May 19, buying lawmakers more time to develop a budget. The Senate would put together a budget for the first time in three years....
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Pearl City Man Indicted on Homosexual Kiddie Porn Charges
By News Release @ 1:59 AM :: 3959 Views :: Law Enforcement
Agents recovered computer storage media, including a disk that contained images of a minor boy engaged in sexually explicit conduct....
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
Lanai to PUC: Murdock's Wind Waiver No Longer Valid
By News Release @ 1:09 AM :: 6556 Views :: Energy, Land Use
“The Commission granted Hawaiian Electric and C&C a waiver from competitive bidding based on, among other conditions, demonstrated ‘site control.’"
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
Breaking Down The Tesoro Refinery Closure
By News Release @ 11:50 PM :: 7024 Views :: Energy, Economy
Tesoro announced they were shutting down their refinery .... The question on everyone’s mind—what does this mean for Hawai‘i?
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
Feds Release RTTT Report: "We will continue to work closely with Hawaii"
By News Release @ 11:40 PM :: 5060 Views :: Education K-12
Among the major challenges identified by the USDOE was the delayed principal evaluation implementation.
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
Honolulu at the Bottom of Top 300 Cities
By Panos Prevedouros PhD @ 10:45 PM :: 6891 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
Global Metro Monitor update of the Brookings Institution. Yet another non-flattering economic statistic....
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
Rep. McDermott: after nine years of development, new principal evaluation process still flunks
By News Release @ 7:54 PM :: 5057 Views :: Education K-12
Last week the State Department of Education finally released the criteria for principal evaluations....
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
Tax Cut or Minimum Wage Hike? Hawaii 4th-Highest Taxes for Low Income Residents
By Andrew Walden @ 4:14 AM :: 8463 Views :: Labor, Small Business, Taxes
Instead of cutting taxes on the poor, Abercrombie proposes to extract more taxes from them by hiking the minimum wage.
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 |
A Blow to Obama's Imperial Presidency
By Heritage Foundation @ 3:56 AM :: 6532 Views :: National News, Obama
“Our unilateral president must take his unilateral medicine.”
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
Hawaii: Attempt to Repeal Protections for NRA Instructors Fails
By News Release @ 10:36 PM :: 5789 Views :: Second Amendment
NRA-ILA is pleased to report that an attempt to repeal newly-enacted protections for National Rifle Association instructors has failed....
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
Would a Jones Act exemption lower the cost of electricity in Hawaii?
By Michael Hansen @ 10:02 PM :: 6484 Views :: Jones Act
The type of ship needed to transport LNG is a highly-specialized kind of tanker ship known as an LNG Carrier, none of which have been built in the U.S. since the mid-1970’s....
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
FrackNation TV Debut: Debunks Anti-Natural Gas Hysteria
By Selected News Articles @ 3:53 PM :: 7459 Views :: Energy
- Saturday, February 2 at 9:30 a.m. Hawaii Time
- Wednesday, February 6 at 7 p.m. Hawaii Time
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
Reforming America's Immigration System
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:45 PM :: 4322 Views :: National News
The Heritage Foundation has released the following statement....
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
The Left’s War on, well, Everything! Science, the economy and humans
By NCPA @ 2:56 AM :: 6240 Views :: Environment, Ethics, Economy
...liberals are increasingly shedding their humanist pretentions and showing (their true) misanthropic nature....
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
Hawaii Gun Buyback Bill Scheduled to be Heard This Week
By News Release @ 11:13 PM :: 5925 Views :: Second Amendment
The average person who voluntarily surrenders a firearm to police is not a criminal and the firearms surrendered are not those misused by criminals....
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
Must Read: Leading Activist Apologizes For Starting Anti-GMO Movement
By Selected News Articles @ 10:01 PM :: 10615 Views :: GMOs
"I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in the mid 1990s, and that I thereby assisted in demonising an important technological option which can be used to benefit the environment."
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
HHSC Exec: Hospitals "Being Pushed to Brink of Collapse"
By Selected News Articles @ 6:35 PM :: 7098 Views :: Health Care
"Hilo Medical Center, the other thirteen HHSC facilities, and hospitals nationwide are being pushed to the brink of collapse, given the new health reform law changes."
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
HECO Lifts Limits on Solar Installations
By News Release @ 3:26 PM :: 6363 Views :: Energy
In October 2012, HECO again raised the limit to 75 percent of minimum load (which roughly translates to 23 percent of peak....HECO's proactive approach, fundamentally, aims to move beyond arbitrary limits....
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
John Kerry, President Obama's Ideological Twin
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:56 PM :: 2820 Views
Senator John Kerry (D-MA) is likely to be confirmed today as the next Secretary of State after sailing through a Senate hearing last week. What does this mean for America and its foreign policy?
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
HECO to Pay H-Power 21 Cents Per KWH
By News Release @ 12:57 AM :: 9153 Views :: Energy, Cost of Living
Comparison: Highest RETAIL electric rate on Mainland -- Connecticut at 19.5 cents per kwh
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013 |
The Empire Strikes Back: Reaction To UH Lawprof's Study Of Success Rates In Hawaii Supreme Court Cases
By Robert Thomas @ 12:56 AM :: 9803 Views :: Environment, Development, Judiciary
...the good professor labeled the record of the 1993-2010 Hawaii Supreme Court on property issues "appalling," so it should come as no surprise that two of the beneficiaries of those rulings have now rallied to that court's defense....
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Monday, January 28, 2013 |
$59.8M Vanishes as State, HECO Reach Agreement
By News Release @ 11:30 PM :: 6705 Views :: Energy, Hawaii State Government
As part of the settlement, HELCO will withdraw its request for a 4.2 percent or $19.8 million rate increase in 2013. HECO and its subsidiaries will also reduce by $40 million the amount being sought for improvements to two major projects....
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Monday, January 28, 2013 |
Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted January 28, 2013
By Congress.org @ 6:19 PM :: 5470 Views :: Congressional Delegation
- Senate: Temporary Rules Changes
- Senate: Permanent Rules Changes
- House: Short-Term Suspension of Debt Limit Final Passage
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Monday, January 28, 2013 |
Survey: Honolulu 3rd Least Affordable Housing on Earth
By Selected News Articles @ 1:08 PM :: 8640 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Land Use, Cost of Living
Even in Honolulu, housing affordability has deteriorated markedly, with the Median Multiple rising 0.6 points in just the last year. Honolulu was less affordable than all but Hong Kong and Vancouver...
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Monday, January 28, 2013 |
Gallup: Obama Job Approval Jumps 8.1% in Hawaii
By Selected News Articles @ 12:49 PM :: 7870 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Obama
Residents of Hawaii, along with those living in the District of Columbia, were most likely to approve of President Barack Obama in 2012, according to an analysis of Gallup Daily tracking for the year....
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Monday, January 28, 2013 |
It's School Choice Week
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:43 PM :: 5894 Views :: Education K-12, National News
...school choice advocates—including parents, teachers, schoolchildren and administrators, and many others—will come together to promote educational choice, with more than 3,600 events taking place nationwide....
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Sunday, January 27, 2013 |
Over 1000 March for Life in Honolulu
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 7475 Views :: Life