Thursday, June 12, 2014 |
Productivity and Innovation: Hawaii Stuck on ‘F’
By News Release @ 4:31 PM :: 6991 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Small Business
The categories in this report were chosen as those most likely to be considered by site selection experts for manufacturing and logistics firms....
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 |
Celebrate Father’s Day, Not Parent Day
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:22 PM :: 4313 Views :: Family
...“the advantage of marriage appears to exist primarily when the child is the biological offspring of both parents.”...
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
1901: Territory of Hawaii Adopts First Income Tax in USA
By Selected News Articles @ 10:00 PM :: 8664 Views :: Hawaii History, Hawaii Statistics, Taxes
...Now every state has an income tax except for Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Alaska is notable in that it is the only state to repeal an existing income tax....
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Tribe Bribe: OHA Payoffs to Sovereignty Activists
By Video @ 6:47 PM :: 7037 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
...Payments Under The Table To Enable Pro-Independence Groups As A Bribe To Support The Native Hawaiian Tribe....
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Paychecks Hawaii Ratings of the 2014 Legislature
By News Release @ 5:02 PM :: 7033 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Politicians, Small Business
Lawmakers are rated on their support and advocacy for small business and an improved business climate....
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Efforts to divide Hawaiians from non-Hawaiians
By Grassroot Institute @ 4:36 PM :: 6492 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
There is no tribe — only tribal leaders who stand to gain financially....
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Clinton: Released Taliban Leaders ‘Not a Threat to the United States’
By Heritage Foundation @ 3:24 PM :: 5693 Views :: National News, Military
“They are a threat to the safety and security of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It’s up to those two countries to make the decision...." -- Hillary Clinton
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Veterans Affairs audit exposes Hawaii’s ‘infuriating’ wait list
By Malia Zimmerman @ 4:20 AM :: 5482 Views :: Health Care, Military
...some 64,000 veterans enrolled in the system for at least 10 years have yet to see a doctor....
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
Djou: Give Veterans a Private Healthcare Option
By Rep Charles Djou @ 8:53 PM :: 5796 Views :: Health Care, Military
"...I applaud the recent Senate compromise action reached between Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) to allow vets access to private healthcare providers...."
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
Slom: Abercrombie Should Cut $46M from CIP not DoE
By News Release @ 8:34 PM :: 7293 Views :: Education K-12, Hawaii State Government
...House Finance chair blames mistake on governor's last-minute Turtle Bay deal....
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
More Hollywood Homosexuals Sued over Alleged Child Molestation in Hawaii
By Selected News Articles @ 4:02 PM :: 6840 Views :: Family, Drugs
...In the June 6 filing, Egan alleges that in the 1990s he was employed by the now-defunct Internet startup Digital Entertainment Network and coerced into attending sex and drug parties....
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
Big Island Farmers File Latest Federal Court Salvo on GMO Front
By Robert Thomas @ 3:52 PM :: 4569 Views :: GMOs
The Big Island ordinance is now being challenged in Federal Court on a number of grounds (preemption, Commerce Clause, and takings)....
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
McCain Endorses Djou for Congress
By News Release @ 2:11 PM :: 5613 Views :: Politicians, Republican Party
"America needs good people with strong credentials and a willingness to stand up for what is right against the corrosive special interests in Washington D.C.”
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
Arizona Grapples With Humanitarian ‘Disaster’ as Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Fend for Themselves
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:58 PM :: 4607 Views :: National News
Undocumented immigrant children, some as young as 5 years old and traveling with no parent or adult, are being dropped off by the busload in Arizona....
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
Court: No EIS Required For Haleakala Telescope
By Robert Thomas @ 9:12 PM :: 5914 Views :: Environment, Higher Education
...In Kilakila O Haleakala v. University of Hawaii the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals rejected a challenge under Hawaii's environmental review statute....
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
Hawaii Rated Worst State to Make a Living 2014
By Selected News Articles @ 5:26 PM :: 6809 Views :: Labor, Cost of Living
...a cost of living more than 50 percent higher than the norm makes it very difficult to make a decent living....
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
Stevie Wonder ‘blunder’ case takes Hawaii law enforcement to Spain
By Malia Zimmerman @ 2:31 PM :: 5288 Views :: Higher Education, Law Enforcement
Two of Hawaii’s top law officers are headed to Palma Mallorca, Spain, this week for the so-called “Stevie Wonder Blunder” case....
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 9, 2014
By Congress.org @ 1:55 PM :: 4318 Views :: Congressional Delegation
Upcoming Congressional Bills--House: Fiscal Year 2015 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
The Surprising States That Have Greater Income Inequality
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:25 PM :: 6107 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Labor
The income gap between rich and poor tends to be wider in blue states than in red states....
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
9th Circuit Demands Briefing on Bridge Aina Lea Suit
By Robert Thomas @ 5:30 AM :: 9633 Views :: Hawaii County , Development, Judiciary, Land Use
...several members of the State of Hawaii Land Use Commission were sued by the property owner in their individual as well as official capacities....
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Sunday, June 8, 2014 |
What Happens in Vegas...Moves to Vegas
By Tom Yamachika @ 5:01 AM :: 4496 Views :: Taxes
...between 1995 and 2000 roughly 12,000 people moved from Hawaii to Nevada, and about 1,850 moved from Nevada to Hawaii....
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Sunday, June 8, 2014 |
Dave Bateman Announces for House 5
By News Release @ 4:08 AM :: 6078 Views :: Politicians, Republican Party
"...our elected leaders continually disrespect the voters by passing laws that the people have clearly said they do not want,” Bateman said....
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Sunday, June 8, 2014 |
Ige Goes Wobbly on GMOs
By News Release @ 4:07 AM :: 7036 Views :: GMOs
...Ige said he will review the recent Vermont GMO labeling decision as a possible solution....
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Sunday, June 8, 2014 |
Report Exposes Scheme to Funnel Interior Department Money to Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
By Andrew Walden @ 12:14 AM :: 14970 Views :: Akaka Bill, Ethics, OHA
...even a failed grab for federal money has apparently been enough for CNHA to turn DHHL and OHA inside out....
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Saturday, June 7, 2014 |
Ethics: City Employee Processes Dozens of Permits for His Own Contracting Company
By News Release @ 6:25 PM :: 5799 Views :: Honolulu County, Ethics
2012: Commission staff received a complaint that Employee was using city work time to stand in line to process residential building permit applications....
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Saturday, June 7, 2014 |
55% of Maui anti-GMO Signatures Worthless, but Petition on Ballot Anyway
By News Release @ 5:16 AM :: 4731 Views :: GMOs
...4,342 registered voters in the County of Maui have signed the petition, while 5,284 signatures have been deemed invalid....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Full Text: DoE Report Takes Pono Choices ‘Off the Shelf’
By News Release @ 11:21 PM :: 7491 Views :: Education K-12, Family, Health Care
"I see that several of the points that we made in our January 31st McDermott Report are being addressed," said McDermott....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Video: Proud Hawaiians, Loyal Americans
By Grassroot Institute @ 9:34 PM :: 8639 Views :: Akaka Bill, Hawaii History, OHA
Grassroot President Keli’i Akina interviews a young man and young woman who share what it means to them to be both Native Hawaiian and a proud American....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
OHA Trustee: Hawaiian Nation "an attention-grabbing public policy issue"
By Selected News Articles @ 6:41 PM :: 5580 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
The question of Hawaiian nationhood ... seems to be approaching the fish or cut bait stage....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
WaPo: Abercrombie is 'Schatz's Biggest Headache'
By Selected News Articles @ 5:52 PM :: 5891 Views :: Democratic Party, Politicians
The governor has gotten in some hot water for remarks seen as insensitive....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Thai workers get multimillion-dollar EEOC settlement
By Malia Zimmerman @ 4:28 PM :: 6049 Views :: Agriculture, Labor
Mac Nut Farms of Hawaii LLC will pay the most, $1.6 million; Kauai Coffee Co. Inc. will pay $425,000; Kelena Farms Inc. will pay $275,000; and Captain Cook Coffee Co. Ltd. will pay $100,000....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Military families file lawsuit; say housing project made them sick
By Malia Zimmerman @ 4:25 PM :: 5248 Views :: Military
Ohana Military Communities and Forrest City Residential Management are named as defendants in a lawsuit filed April 3....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
UHERO: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Watershed Management
By UHERO @ 4:22 PM :: 4264 Views :: Environment
The removal of and protection against “bad” and "ugly" natural capital such as invasive plants and feral animals....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Revolution of ‘54? Inequality Increases Since Statehood
By UHERO @ 4:14 PM :: 6780 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...the share of income going to the “Dominant Class” increases while the share going to the “Lower Class” decreases steadily from the mid 1950s up to the present....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Surprise! The Government Now Can’t Even Guess How Much Obamacare Ultimately Will Cost
By Heritage Foundation @ 4:05 PM :: 3486 Views :: Health Care
Many of the “savings” and “revenue” (read: mandates and tax increases), whether Medicare cuts or employer mandates, have been waived, stalled or simply not implemented, making a defensible revised forecast impossible....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Waitlisted patients cost Hawaii Hospitals $62.7M
By News Release @ 2:55 AM :: 5562 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Health Care
Nearly one in five of Hawaii’s waitlisted patients — that is, those remaining in a hospital after the need for acute care ceases — have an infectious disease....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Food, Flowers, Furniture: Ethics Commission to Look at Legislators Million Dollar Slush Fund
By News Release @ 2:41 AM :: 4671 Views :: Ethics
...and the allowance was used to buy a sledgehammer for Rep Tom Brower to attack the homeless....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
VIDEO: Rough Seas for Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie's Obamacare Exchange
By Video @ 1:41 AM :: 5741 Views :: Health Care, Politicians
...Rough Seas for Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie's Obamacare Exchange....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
130th troops wrap-up mission as lead engineer element in Afghanistan
By News Release @ 12:14 AM :: 4385 Views :: Military
More than 100 Soldiers from the 130th Engineer Brigade's headquarters reunited with their families here yesterday....
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Friday, June 6, 2014 |
Will State Lose $800M in Fed Funding Due to Governor Abercrombie?
By News Release @ 12:03 AM :: 6321 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Politicians
Since Abercrombie’s tenure as governor, hundreds of millions of dollars that should have been used to repair deteriorating highways and bridges have set untapped....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
Hawaii Candidates: Beware of the Hawaii Center for Food Safety Questionnaire
By News Release @ 8:32 PM :: 5000 Views :: GMOs
Here’s a copy of the questionnaire that they have been sending candidates....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
NFIB Hawaii 2014 Legislative Wrap-up
By News Release @ 8:29 PM :: 4144 Views :: Small Business
...NFIB helped defeat three bills negatively affecting small business before the Legislature adjourned May 2....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
Eligible? Hawaii Ranks 49th in Welfare Participation
By News Release @ 8:15 PM :: 4533 Views :: Hawaii Statistics
...Hawaii ranks 49th among all states in accessing SNAP benefits with one out of every three eligible individuals not enrolled....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
Kauai Audit finds 'Favoritism' in Furloughs
By News Release @ 4:56 PM :: 7768 Views :: Kauai County, Ethics, Labor
The public and the employees were told that county offices needed to be shut down because the county was in financial difficulty. This was not true....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
Civil Beat 'Tried to Throttle and Censor' Pritchett
By Sen. Sam Slom @ 4:14 PM :: 6207 Views :: First Amendment
Civil Beat tried to throttle and censor the work of Pritchett who has penned many stinging independent political pieces....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
Hawaii Ranks #4 in Gasoline Taxes
By Selected News Articles @ 4:01 PM :: 7812 Views :: Energy, Hawaii Statistics, Taxes
California is in 1st place with the highest rate of 52.89 cents per gallon, and is followed closely by New York (49.86 cents/gallon), Connecticut (49.3 cents/gallon), and Hawaii (48.05 cents/gallon)....
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
ACLU Rejects Amendment to Corral Campaign Spending
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:34 PM :: 3910 Views :: First Amendment
it would “...lead directly to government censorship of political speech...."
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
Takai, Cabanilla Inside Azerbaijan’s Bizarre Hawaii Lobbying Push
By Selected News Articles @ 4:10 AM :: 7788 Views :: Politicians, Religion
Azerbaijan has launched an unusual campaign to win influence among U.S. lawmakers, teaming up with a Turkish guru in exile and the sister of Texas Gov. Rick Perry....
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014 |
Hawaiians Are Not A Tribe
By Grassroot Institute @ 4:37 PM :: 8004 Views :: Akaka Bill, Hawaii History, OHA
In 2000, the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark Rice v. Cayetano case that Native Hawaiian is an ethnicity (like, for example, Portuguese or Hispanic) and not a tribal or political category....
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