Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
Act 195 Stealing Hawaiian Assets
By Video @ 11:35 PM :: 6104 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
They've Never Told You One Thing But Done The Exact Opposite Before, Have They?
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
Survey: Majority Oppose Federal Involvement in Native Hawaiian Recognition
By Grassroot Institute @ 8:39 PM :: 6738 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
An overwhelming 67% of those responding voted "No," while only 33% supported the continuation of the DOI's efforts....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
WSJ: In Hawaii Happiness Costs $122K/year
By Selected News Articles @ 5:51 PM :: 5545 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Cost of Living
A few years ago, a Princeton prof and a renowned psychologist found that income of $75,000 a year is the threshold for daily happiness....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
House Bill Could Free Hawaii Consumers from $20M Internet Tax
By Selected News Articles @ 4:55 PM :: 5047 Views :: Taxes
The Senate version, called the Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act, is awaiting consideration from the Senate Finance Committee....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
Dr. Akina calls for State to get out of nation-building business
By Grassroot Institute @ 3:48 PM :: 5915 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
...many people--including Native Hawaiians--find the nation-building efforts to be contrary to the spirit of the original Kingdom of Hawaii....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
“Parallel science” of NGO advocacy groups: How post-modernism encourages pseudo-science
By Selected News Articles @ 3:09 PM :: 4523 Views :: GMOs
“Parallel science” seemingly resembles science, but it differs from science since its conclusions precede experimentation....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
How I Wish I Were a Papaya Princess…
By Joni Kamiya @ 3:06 PM :: 6265 Views :: Agriculture, GMOs
There’s so much talk from activists about how they want more local food grown here but then they seek to lobby laws against farmers....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
Homeless in Hawaii? Lawmaker wants to give you a free flight home
By Malia Zimmerman @ 2:54 PM :: 4378 Views :: Homelessness
...Cabanilla wants Abercrombie to implement “Return to Home,” a pilot program signed into law in June 2013....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
Five Factors from the New CBO Report on Veterans’ Healthcare
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:01 PM :: 3385 Views :: Health Care
The VA healthcare system is the sole source of coverage for only about one-fifth of enrolled veterans....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
$204 million Obamacare grant reduces Hawaii’s uninsured population just 2.75 percent
By Malia Zimmerman @ 5:30 AM :: 4688 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Health Care
Many people in Hawaii already had health insurance because of a 1976 Hawaii Prepaid Healthcare law....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
New Native American Tribal Regulations Implicate Hawaiian Sovereignty
By Selected News Articles @ 5:23 AM :: 7381 Views :: Akaka Bill, OHA
...a substantial revision of 25 CFR 83, was announced on April 14 and will be the gatekeeper of future admissions of new tribal organizations....
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
New Apps Make Campaign Spending Data More Accessible
By Natalie Iwasa @ 2:30 AM :: 4767 Views :: Office of Elections
Have you ever tried to figure out who’s monetarily supporting a particular candidate or how your political contributions are being spent?
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |
SHOPO Endorses Janet Grace for State House
By News Release @ 2:27 AM :: 5389 Views :: Labor, Politicians
Grace is the Republican candidate for the Waikiki-Ala Moana seat currently held by Democrat Tom Brower, who gained international notoriety last year for using a sledgehammer to smash shopping carts used by the homeless....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Honolulu Ranked 'Best City for Child-Free Living'
By Selected News Articles @ 11:53 PM :: 5742 Views :: Family, Hawaii Statistics
...ranked first in percentage of households without children....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Duke Aiona Plan to Reduce Affordable Housing Shortfall 91%
By News Release @ 8:31 PM :: 7003 Views :: Development, Cost of Living
My plan reduces the affordable housing shortfall by 91% within seven years without raising taxes....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Upcoming CLE: Hawaii's Shoreline and Coastal Law and Regulation
By Robert Thomas @ 8:03 PM :: 9548 Views :: Judiciary, Land Use
This program will cover recent Hawaii case law, including the recent Hawaii Supreme Court decision regarding identifying the certified shoreline....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Hawaii Symphony announces two-year agreement with Musicians
By News Release @ 2:18 PM :: 5473 Views :: Labor, Tourism
The Hawaii Symphony Orchestra and Musicians Association of Hawaii are pleased to announce a two-year agreement that will run through June 30, 2016....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
TOD Plan to Bulldoze Mayor Wright Homes
By News Release @ 12:59 PM :: 6306 Views :: Development, Rail
...a Request for Qualifications seeking a master developer for the future mixed-income redevelopment of Mayor Wright Homes....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Lawmakers Throw Light on Secretive ‘Operation Choke Point’
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:39 PM :: 3635 Views :: Small Business
...Operation Choke Point seeks to weed out businesses from the marketplace that the Obama administration considers objectionable....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
City to hold Airport TOD Plan community workshop
By News Release @ 12:20 PM :: 6727 Views :: Honolulu County, Development, Rail
The workshop is set for Tuesday, July 22, at the Aliamanu Elementary School Cafeteria, 3265 Salt Lake Boulevard, from 5:30-7:30 p.m....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Where the U.S. wiretap hotspots are? Not Hawaii
By Selected News Articles @ 4:55 AM :: 7585 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Judiciary, Law Enforcement
Only five states—Hawaii, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Vermont— had no wiretap requests during 2013....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
OHA Trustees Vote to Proceed with ‘Aha in Six Months
By Selected News Articles @ 1:39 AM :: 4596 Views :: OHA
An agenda for a July 8th executive board meeting was posted on the OHA website and then removed shortly thereafter prior to the 8th....
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
Djou Raises Another $435K
By News Release @ 8:38 PM :: 5414 Views :: Politicians, Republican Party
The median donation to the Djou campaign was $100 and 88% of the donations came from Hawaii....
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
Hawaii's State Debt Now Represents 92% of the Average Taxpayer's Income
By Grassroot Institute @ 3:09 PM :: 5057 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Taxes
Hawaii's mounting state debt now represents $41,300 per taxpayer, the second highest in the country....
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted July 14, 2014
By Congress.org @ 1:11 PM :: 4068 Views :: Congressional Delegation
- Senate: Castro Nomination - Confirmation
- Senate: Donovan Nomination - Confirmation
- House: Workforce Investment Reauthorization - Motion to Concur
- House: Fiscal 2015 Energy-Water Appropriations - Passage
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
Report: Hawaii Highest Energy Costs, Lowest Consumption
By News Release @ 1:06 PM :: 5153 Views :: Energy, Hawaii Statistics
WalletHub -- 2014's Most & Least Energy-Expensive States.
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
How U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Fossil Fuels in Russia, Saudi Arabia While Being Penalized at Home
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:59 PM :: 4494 Views :: Energy
...the U.S. Export-Import Bank, a federal agency that offers billions of taxpayer dollars for development of fossil fuels in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mexico and other countries....
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
"Disrespectful to Kupuna" Abercrombie Cancels Debates
By News Release @ 4:46 AM :: 4031 Views :: Politicians
Some of the other forums and debates that Governor Abercrombie declined participation in include, Kokua Council, KITV’s televised debate and Think Tech’s Kaka’ako candidate forum....
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Monday, July 14, 2014 |
Indian Tribe? Hawaii Political Leaders Haven’t Learned a Thing Since 1999
By Andrew Walden @ 12:46 AM :: 6853 Views :: Akaka Bill, Hawaii History
What is left to cronies of the Akaka Tribe as their defeat and humiliation are revealed for all to see?
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Sunday, July 13, 2014 |
Hobby Lobby: Overwrought Divisions?
By Heritage Foundation @ 4:01 PM :: 6161 Views :: First Amendment, Religion
The pitch of public controversy surrounding cultural issues...can give the impression that we live in an intractably divided society with incompatible differences. But the Hobby Lobby decision suggests that such a tone is overwrought....
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Sunday, July 13, 2014 |
Would You Be Shocked?
By Tom Yamachika @ 5:01 AM :: 6602 Views :: Energy, Taxes, Cost of Living
...Hawaii's power prices are among the highest in the nation as well. Not surprisingly, one of the big reasons for this is taxation....
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Saturday, July 12, 2014 |
Navy to Burn $334M on Oahu Solar Projects
By News Release @ 6:57 AM :: 6626 Views :: Energy, Military
Pacific Energy Solutions LLC, Boca Raton, Florida, is being awarded $334,135,534 for firm-fixed-price task order....
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Saturday, July 12, 2014 |
Call for nominations for the UH Board of Regents
By News Release @ 5:35 AM :: 3552 Views :: Higher Education
...including four seats for immediate appointments....
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Saturday, July 12, 2014 |
Dear Politicians: Why You Should Take That Evil Corporate Money
By Joni Kamiya @ 5:01 AM :: 5414 Views :: GMOs
I’m voting for candidates who actually take money from the seed companies because it kicks the ignorance that’s infecting and contaminating our state....
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Saturday, July 12, 2014 |
Max Fowler HD27--One of 14 to Watch in '14
By News Release @ 3:38 AM :: 5594 Views :: Politicians, Republican Party
...the Future Majority Project outlined its “14 in ‘14 Races to Watch” for November....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
HTA: Tourism Data Faked Since 2013?
By News Release @ 10:50 PM :: 5237 Views :: Tourism
This matter is currently under review by the State Attorney General’s office, the HTA, as well as the HTA’s contractor....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Hawaii Politicians’ anti-GMO campaigns support ‘trendy activism’
By Joni Kamiya @ 9:47 PM :: 5105 Views :: GMOs
...you are both NOT about solving real problems in Hawaii, but more about contributing to the problems we have here....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
State Department documents rise in human trafficking
By Malia Zimmerman @ 9:36 PM :: 7368 Views :: Agriculture, Labor, Law Enforcement
The International Labor Organization says agricultural workers are among the most vulnerable....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Abercrombie Appoints Three to BLNR
By News Release @ 9:27 PM :: 6069 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Land Use
...Vernon Char, Ulalia Woodside and Christopher Yuen....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Abercrombie Appoints Two to Ethics Commission
By News Release @ 9:25 PM :: 4714 Views :: Ethics, Hawaii State Government
Abercrombie today announced the reappointment of David O’Neal as well as the appointment of Melinda Wood to the State Ethics Commission....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
1935: Hawaii Imposes GE Tax
By Selected News Articles @ 6:28 PM :: 5995 Views :: Hawaii History, Hawaii Statistics, Taxes
By the end of the 1930s, 22 states had implemented a sales tax....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Why You Should Vote in the OHA Election
By Grassroot Institute @ 6:24 PM :: 3592 Views :: OHA
It’s been 14 years since the courts gave non-Hawaiians the right to vote in Office of Hawaiian Affairs elections....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Do you Support Regulating Plate Lunch Containers?
By Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine @ 6:05 PM :: 5492 Views :: Environment, Small Business
Two important bills the Council is reviewing may affect these items....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Hawaii 3rd Highest Unemployment Rate for Mentally Ill Persons
By News Release @ 5:28 AM :: 5743 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Health Care, Labor
Approximately 60 percent of the 7.1 million people receiving public mental health services nationwide want to work....
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Friday, July 11, 2014 |
The Sky Fell last month, but almost nobody noticed
By Selected News Articles @ 4:59 AM :: 4227 Views :: Environment
The sky fell on Hawaii last month, all because carbon dioxide levels peeped above the much-hyped 400 ppm hurdle....
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Thursday, July 10, 2014 |
Report: 32% of Hawaii Rural Roads in Poor Condition
By News Release @ 4:25 PM :: 4273 Views :: Hawaii Statistics
...rural roads and bridges in Hawaii have significant deficiencies and a high rate of traffic fatalities....
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Thursday, July 10, 2014 |
Aiona Raises $360K, 99% from Hawaii
By News Release @ 2:03 PM :: 5534 Views :: Politicians, Republican Party
Out-of-state donations were less than 1% of total contributions. Total donations included more than 1,205 individual donations averaging $299.50....
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Thursday, July 10, 2014 |
Casino Connection
By Video @ 1:50 PM :: 4876 Views :: Akaka Bill
What Do They Get For Supporting The DOI Plans For Hawai`i?
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Thursday, July 10, 2014 |
U.S. Senate Democrats introduce bill to counter Hobby Lobby decision
By Malia Zimmerman @ 4:47 AM :: 7446 Views :: First Amendment, Religion, Small Business
Schatz is among several Senate Democrats trying to counter the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case....
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