Friday, August 23, 2019 |
DBEDT: Economic Outlook Stable--too Early to Detect Effects of TVR Ban
By News Release @ 11:04 PM :: 5352 Views :: Economy, Small Business, Tourism
...The impact of the vacation rental ban on Oahu has not yet been seen in visitor arrivals....
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Tuesday, August 20, 2019 |
Is the government helping or hurting the Hawaii economy?
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 11:50 PM :: 4680 Views :: Economy, Small Business
... minimum wage, the Hawaii brain drain, and Trump tariffs ....
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Wednesday, July 31, 2019 |
"F" Again -- Hawaii Manufacturing and Logistics Scorecard
By News Release @ 10:22 PM :: 5341 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Small Business
...The Manufacturing Scorecard shows how each state ranks among its peers in several categories that are of particular interest to site selection experts for the manufacturing and logistics industries....
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Monday, July 22, 2019 |
U.S. Insular Areas Aid Supports More than 26,000 Jobs
By News Release @ 4:44 PM :: 4683 Views :: National News, Economy
...the impact on government employment ranged from three to 17 percent in the territories and close to 45 percent in the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands....
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Tuesday, July 9, 2019 |
Free Market Economics with Mark Skousen
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 3:28 AM :: 3237 Views :: Economy
...Skousen discusses with host Keli'i Akina what free-market economics is and why we should promote it....
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Saturday, June 29, 2019 |
‘Positive disruptor’ shares policy views on 'Perry & the Posse'
By Grassroot Institute @ 3:04 AM :: 5840 Views :: Economy, Small Business, Tourism
...“Let’s not kill the goose that lays the golden egg”....
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Friday, June 28, 2019 |
VIDEO: Why People are Leaving Hawai'i
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 3:20 AM :: 6546 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Cost of Living
...Hawaii residents have been moving away from the islands in droves in recent years; in fiscal 2017, more than 13,000 people departed — the highest negative net migration ever....
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Sunday, June 23, 2019 |
It’s the Economy, Stupid
By Tom Yamachika @ 5:00 AM :: 5387 Views :: Economy, Taxes
...Recently, we have been getting lots of news about our economy here in the islands, and none of it has been good....
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Friday, June 21, 2019 |
Inspired by ‘simplicity and efficiency’
By Grassroot Institute @ 10:45 PM :: 4591 Views :: Economy, Hawaii State Government
...the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii “quietly chips away at the stone of economic issues in Hawaii”....
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Monday, June 17, 2019 |
Economic Well-Being of Children: Hawaii Ranks 34th
By News Release @ 7:32 PM :: 6988 Views :: Education K-12, Family, Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...conditions have shown little to no improvements in more recent years, with the state’s rank for this domain slipping from 30 in 2018 to 34 in 2019....
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Friday, June 14, 2019 |
Hawaii needs a handy ‘adjust policy’ tab
By Grassroot Institute @ 4:37 AM :: 3451 Views :: Economy
...I just gave Hawaii the best economic outlook in the country, and all it took was a few mouse clicks....
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Wednesday, June 5, 2019 |
Panos: Some Ways To Stop The Exodus To The Mainland
By Panos Prevedouros PhD @ 4:02 AM :: 5383 Views :: Economy, Cost of Living
...For decades now, the young ones have heard this message loud and clear....
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Monday, June 3, 2019 |
Hawaii Economy is Booming--And It's the 4th Worst
By Selected News Articles @ 6:50 PM :: 4781 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...low tech, low patents, low innovation....
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Sunday, June 2, 2019 |
Earth Is Nearly 520 Percent More Abundant Now Than in 1980
By Selected News Articles @ 8:30 PM :: 6492 Views :: Energy, Environment, Economy
...Thanks to the ultimate resource: the human mind....
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Sunday, June 2, 2019 |
Shining Light on Revenue Estimates
By Tom Yamachika @ 5:00 AM :: 4511 Views :: Economy, Taxes
...DOTAX justified the shroud of darkness surrounding its revenue projections with a theory, derived from federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law, called “deliberative process privilege.”....
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Thursday, May 30, 2019 |
Hawaii 3rd-lowest Employment Growth as Many Jobs go Begging
By Selected News Articles @ 5:01 PM :: 4660 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...lots of jobs sit unfilled as Hawaii has the 5th-lowest avg starting salaries (adjusted for cost of living) in the USA....
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Wednesday, May 22, 2019 |
DBEDT Predicts Anemic Economy for Years to Come
By News Release @ 3:30 AM :: 4437 Views :: Economy
...DBEDT expects that Hawaii’s economy will continue the slower growth for the next few years between 1.2 and 1.4 percent....
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Friday, May 17, 2019 |
UHERO: Counties see synchronized slowing
By UHERO @ 7:23 PM :: 5604 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Tourism
...each has seen a falloff in tourism activity and a slowing of employment growth in a number of sectors....
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Friday, May 3, 2019 |
UHERO: Recent data confirm weaker growth
By UHERO @ 4:24 PM :: 3915 Views :: Economy
...The number of visitor days remains below last year’s peak, with more worrying signs from falling visitor spending. Job growth has largely stalled and income gains have receded....
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Thursday, May 2, 2019 |
BEA: Hawaii Economic Growth Slows to 1%
By News Release @ 4:02 AM :: 4657 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...Gross Domestic Product by State: Fourth Quarter and Annual 2018....
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Monday, April 15, 2019 |
Rich States, Poor States: Hawaii Ranks 45th
By News Release @ 3:22 PM :: 7864 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Labor, Taxes
...Try out the “adjust performance” feature. You can abolish the GE Tax and cut other taxes, eliminate public employees, enact a right to work law, raise or lower the minimum wage, and see how each move affects Hawaii’s economic performance....
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Friday, April 12, 2019 |
Want higher wages? Try economic freedom
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 3:24 PM :: 7431 Views :: Economy, Labor, Small Business, Cost of Living
...Hawaii policymakers cannot mandate people into prosperity....
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019 |
Liberty and Economics -- Hawaii Together with Keli'i Akina
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 4:54 PM :: 3559 Views :: Economy
...Economist Ken Schoolland and host Keli'i Akina discuss how economics and liberty interact as they explore a variety of public policy issues that impact our lives....
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Wednesday, March 6, 2019 |
DBEDT Projects Slower Economy, Rising Unemployment
By News Release @ 9:12 PM :: 4967 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...Hawaii economic growth well below U.S. average over the past 10 years....
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Friday, March 1, 2019 |
UHERO: Hawaii Economy slows markedly. Is more in store?
By UHERO @ 3:48 PM :: 4831 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...Tourism challenges were not limited to the aftermath of flood and fire, but also reflected weakening in some key markets and a falloff in spending. At home, population growth has been negative for the past two years, weighing on demand....
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Saturday, February 16, 2019 |
Hawaii Construction Industry: Wood Looks Good for 2019
By News Release @ 10:15 AM :: 6277 Views :: Development, Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...HLPA Predicts Residential and Commercial Building Increase in 2019....
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Wednesday, February 6, 2019 |
The Simon Abundance Index: Population growth equals greater resources
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 12:43 AM :: 4992 Views :: Environment, Economy
...instead of making resources scarcer, population growth has gone hand in hand with greater resource abundance....
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Friday, January 18, 2019 |
How we can keep our children in Hawaii?
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 5:52 PM :: 6238 Views :: Economy, Jones Act, Taxes
...Senate President Ron Kouchi talked about how his “greatest passion was to create a Hawaii where each and every one one of our children could come home.”....
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Friday, January 18, 2019 |
Hawaii Construction Employment Down 4.8% for 2018
By News Release @ 5:35 PM :: 5805 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Labor
...Hawaii suffered the second-largest construction employment decline in USA....
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Friday, January 11, 2019 |
Hawaii's coming recession--Are legislators Listening?
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 5:03 PM :: 6015 Views :: Economy, Hawaii State Government, Taxes
...The economic boom of the last few years allowed them to continue spending at high levels, and many of them would like to keep it that way....
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Saturday, December 22, 2018 |
Grassroot: Our Santa wish list for Hawaii
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 1:31 PM :: 4280 Views :: Economy
...Well, it’s Christmas season again, so here is what I drafted recently for Santa to consider....
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Friday, December 14, 2018 |
Ige: Lofty ideals, few practical solutions
By Grassroot Institute @ 5:03 PM :: 3947 Views :: Economy
...Expanding economic freedom in Hawaii is the first step....
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Friday, December 14, 2018 |
UHERO Economic Forecast: Record-high Visitor Numbers--Unimpressive Income Gains
By UHERO @ 4:59 PM :: 4064 Views :: Economy
...record-high visitor numbers, record-low unemployment, and ongoing—if unimpressive—income gains....
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018 |
DBEDT: International Students Contribute $498M to Economy
By News Release @ 4:35 PM :: 6088 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Higher Education
...direct spending by foreign students in Hawaii was $241.5 million for the calendar year 2017. This estimate includes the total living expenses and institutional tuition and fees....
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Thursday, November 22, 2018 |
State economic growth downgraded
By News Release @ 2:52 PM :: 4982 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...DBEDT revised its projection on Hawaii’s economic growth downward to 1 percent for 2018 from 1.5 percent....
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Wednesday, November 14, 2018 |
Hawaii 39% of Homeowners are 'Equity Rich'
By News Release @ 1:19 AM :: 5785 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...second only to California....
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018 |
Hawaii rank goes up, but not its economic freedom
By Grassroot Institute @ 4:31 PM :: 5032 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...The Economic Freedom of North America 2018 outlines Hawaii's statistical paradox....
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Friday, September 28, 2018 |
Hawaii Construction Forecast: After Pullback, Construction Prospects Firm
By UHERO @ 11:33 PM :: 6762 Views :: Development, Economy, Labor
...Following two years of decline, the pace of building in Hawaii has stabilized. The value of construction permits is posting healthy gains across all sub-sectors this year....
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Friday, September 28, 2018 |
DBEDT Report: Top 20 Occupations in Hawaii
By News Release @ 5:19 AM :: 6124 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Labor
...Retail Sales Workers topped the list at 42,445 workers in 2016, which accounted for 5.9 percent of Hawaii’s civilian workforce; followed by Food and Beverage Serving Workers at 40,775, 5.7 percent ... Construction Trade Workers ranked third place 34,137, 4.8 percent....
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Friday, September 21, 2018 |
UHERO: Hawaii's Growth Down, But Not Out
By UHERO @ 2:49 PM :: 4181 Views :: Economy
...Global tourism continues to power forward, and there remains a healthy pipeline of construction work. And even with the recent labor market weakness, Hawaii continues to enjoy its lowest unemployment in many years....
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Monday, August 27, 2018 |
Hawaii--6th Best Economy in USA
By Selected News Articles @ 10:24 PM :: 5180 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...Hawaii has the most expensive real estate in the country. However, it also has one of the most affluent populations in the country....
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Thursday, August 23, 2018 |
DBEDT Slashes Hawaii economic growth projection from 1.9% to 1.5%
By News Release @ 3:17 AM :: 5042 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...Hawaii’s economic growth during the first quarter of 2018 was at 1 percent and the Honolulu consumer inflation was at 1.6 percent for the first half of 2018. Both numbers came out much lower than projected....
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Friday, June 29, 2018 |
DBEDT: "Population and Economic Projections for the State of Hawaii to 2045"
By News Release @ 11:32 AM :: 5076 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...The report projects that Hawaii’s economy, measured by real gross domestic product (GDP), will grow at 1.7 percent per year between 2016 and 2045....
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Tuesday, June 26, 2018 |
Misunderstanding Economics: Interview with Paul Brewbaker
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 7:05 PM :: 4900 Views :: Economy
...What do volcanoes, trade wars, and housing bubbles have to do with each other? These are just a few of the economic topics with which many of Hawaii's policymakers are woefully unfamiliar....
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Sunday, June 17, 2018 |
Manufacturing and Logistics Report Card -- Hawaii Stuck on 'F'
By News Release @ 2:09 AM :: 6698 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Small Business
...The 2018 Manufacturing & Logistics Report Card shows how each state ranks among its peers in several categories that are of particular interest to site selection experts for the manufacturing and logistics industries....
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Monday, June 11, 2018 |
Public-Private Partnerships in Hawaii
By Grassroot Institute @ 9:41 PM :: 6727 Views :: Economy, Hawaii State Government, Labor
...how to ease barriers to public-private partnerships in the state, and the benefits that could result if done right....
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Friday, June 8, 2018 |
As least we’re not as bad as California
By Keli'i Akina PhD @ 2:05 PM :: 4862 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics
...Hawaii does not perform well on the annual EFNA Index, ranking 45th out of the 50 states in terms of economic freedom....
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Saturday, June 2, 2018 |
2017: Google Generates $171M of Economic Activity in Hawaii
By News Release @ 10:00 PM :: 6097 Views :: Economy, Hawaii Statistics, Small Business
...The value of Google Search and AdWords for businesses is the profit they receive from clicks on search results and ads minus their cost of advertising, estimated as $8 profit for every $1 spent....
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Friday, June 1, 2018 |
UHERO: Healthy county economies face growing pains
By UHERO @ 9:47 PM :: 3809 Views :: Economy
...Tourism keeps surprising to the upside, even as visitor numbers strain infrastructure and communities....
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