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Congressional Delegation


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Tuesday, October 2, 2018
VIDEO: Case, Cavasso Debate Jones Act, Rail, Akaka Tribe
By Video @ 6:17 PM :: 6459 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Jones Act, Politicians

...The candidates also both see the federal Jones Act as a contributor to Hawaii’s high cost of living. They want to see it reformed, with possible exemptions carved out for Hawaii....

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Monday, October 1, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 1, 2018
By News Release @ 1:43 PM :: 3995 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...From GovTrack.us, October 1, 2018....

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Saturday, September 29, 2018
Hirono Fundraising Email Sent During Blasey-Ford Testimony
By Selected News Articles @ 5:49 PM :: 4513 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation

...Hirono is “particularly vulnerable to right-wing attacks” because of her focus on the Kavanaugh allegations, the email said....

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Hirono Rhetoric Backfires--"Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years"
By Selected News Articles @ 7:22 PM :: 6894 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Judiciary, Republican Party

...Please keep putting this Senator Hir-Oh-NO-she-didn't-just-say-that-yes-she-did on TV every single day from now until the midterms....

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Hirono Uses Kavanaugh Accusation to Fundraise for Group Founded to 'MoveOn' from Monica Lewinsky Claims
By Selected News Articles @ 4:31 PM :: 3751 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...sometimes you just have to laugh....

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Monday, September 24, 2018
Senator Hirono Didn’t Always Tell Men to ‘Shut Up’ and Believe Accusers
By Selected News Articles @ 3:04 PM :: 8623 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation, Hawaii History, Judiciary

...Senator Mazie Hirono today poses as a brave feminist cultural warrior, but when it really counted in her own backyard in Hawaii, she was AWOL....

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Monday, September 24, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 23, 2018
By Selected News Articles @ 12:03 PM :: 3568 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...Weekly Update from GovTrack.us September 23, 2018....

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Sunday, September 23, 2018
Video: Hirono Left Twisting in Wind as Blasey-Ford 'Witnesses' Refuse to Back Story
By Video @ 3:16 PM :: 5874 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Judiciary

...Hirono: Kavanaugh Doesn’t Get Presumption of Innocence Because of His ‘Ideological Agenda’....

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Friday, September 21, 2018
Hirono Took Money From Democrat Who Admitted to Hitting Wife
By Selected News Articles @ 1:58 PM :: 5145 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation

...Hirono's Democratic colleague in the Senate, Tom Carper (Del.), who has admitted to punching his wife hard enough to give her a black eye, appears to be getting a pass from Hirono....

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Thursday, September 20, 2018
Democrat Lawyers Tag Tulsi Gabbard 'CWILF'
By Selected News Articles @ 6:11 PM :: 6317 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation, Tulsi Gabbard

...One calls Tulsi Gabbard ‘the hottest member of Congress on either side of the aisle.’ And it’s part of a series of pages from four companies traced to one Democratic law firm....

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Thursday, September 20, 2018
Hirono: FBI Should Investigate Witness Tampering Against Alleged Kavanaugh Accuser
By Selected News Articles @ 12:44 PM :: 4965 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Judiciary

...Hirono claimed Wednesday that the death threats that have allegedly been made against Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford are “witness tampering”....

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Grassroot Institute to Host Congressional District 1 Candidate Forum
By Grassroot Institute @ 10:25 PM :: 5109 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Politicians

...Friday, Sept. 28, from noon to 1 p.m....

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Hirono: SCOTUS Seat Could Stay Vacant for Two Years
By Selected News Articles @ 7:27 PM :: 6406 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation, Judiciary

...Senator Hirono says "I just want to say to the men of this country: Just shut up….”

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Monday, September 17, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 16, 2018
By News Release @ 5:52 PM :: 3738 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...Weekly Update From GovTrack.org....

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Sunday, September 2, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted September 1, 2018
By Selected News Articles @ 4:57 PM :: 3694 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...GovTrack Update for Sep. 1....

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Manhunt: Gabbard Cult Associate Arrested for Stealing Police Car, Leading Wild Chase Across Island
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 11477 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Law Enforcement, Religion

...after allegedly stealing a police vehicle in Kaimuki, smashing into a bread truck, leading officers on a cross-island chase, getting shot in the shoulder, and running into the jungle near Waiahole, Jaya Keahonui Titcomb has been arrested by Honolulu police.... 

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Guam Rep Bordallo Loses Primary After 16 Years in Congress
By Selected News Articles @ 3:47 PM :: 5409 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Politicians

...Republican former Public Auditor Doris Flores Brooks will now compete with Democrat Sen. Michael San Nicolas for Guam's lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives....

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Saturday, August 11, 2018
Gabbard Operative Paid to Harass HSTA VP?
By Selected News Articles @ 11:05 PM :: 10121 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation, Labor, Politicians

...The “Aquino Purificacion” account was easily traceable to Gabbard's copywriter, Marissa Rodriguez. Gabbard's FEC records include multiple payments to Rodriguez....

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Monday, August 6, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted August 6, 2018
By Selected News Articles @ 2:38 PM :: 3562 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...Votes in Congress July 30 through August 5, 2018....

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Friday, August 3, 2018
Brian Schatz Forgets How Much Leftists have in Common With Trump Supporters
By Selected News Articles @ 5:36 PM :: 6992 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation, Republican Party

...Schatz called the Trump rally in Tampa a “dark carnival” and declared the left has “no equivalent.”....

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018
VIDEO: 'Confused' Mazie Hirono Schooled on ICE
By Video @ 2:52 PM :: 7816 Views :: Family, Congressional Delegation, Law Enforcement

...Mazie Hirono receives a quick lesson on U.S. immigration law from ICE official Matthew Albence during a hearing on Capitol Hill....

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted July 30, 2018
By Selected News Articles @ 9:36 PM :: 3966 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...Votes in Congress between July 17 and July 30, 2018....

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Thursday, July 19, 2018
Hawaii's false ballistic-missile warning spurs senators to propose fixing national alert system
By Selected News Articles @ 2:13 AM :: 6063 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Hawaii State Government, Military

...The proposal is sponsored by Sen. Brian Schatz, Hawaii Democrat, and Sen. John Thune, South Dakota....

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Monday, July 2, 2018
Hawaii Congressional Delegation--How They Voted July 2, 2018
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 3801 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...Weekly Digest of Hawaii Conressional Delegation Votes from GovTrack.us....

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Monday, May 28, 2018
Open Letter from Journalist Harassed by Tulsi Gabbard
By News Release @ 4:20 PM :: 12119 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation, First Amendment, Politicians

... The next day, two Butler disciples were parked immediately outside my home ....

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018
S. 2155: Checks to Clear Faster in Am Samoa, NMI
By News Release @ 6:20 PM :: 4729 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Small Business

...the provision reduces the lengthy 30-day hold on checks and puts the islands on equal footing with the states where the hold rarely exceeds 5 business days....

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Hawaii Teachers Union Backs Campagna Over Gabbard for Congress
By News Release @ 1:25 AM :: 8873 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation, Labor, Politicians, Tulsi Gabbard

...U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, has not defended human and civil rights during her time in Congress. She was one of just three representatives, and the only Democrat who refused to condemn Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s genocidal chemical attack on his own people....

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Monday, April 30, 2018
The Shame of Hawaii's Congressional Delegation
By Selected News Articles @ 7:35 PM :: 8831 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation, Military, Republican Party, Tulsi Gabbard

...Would the delegation have chastised Obama if he had stuck to his ultimatum and struck Syria after Assad crossed Obama’s infamous “red line in the sand?”....

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Friday, April 20, 2018
Bunch of Zeroes: Conservative Rankings of Hawaii Congressional Delegation
By News Release @ 3:00 PM :: 5069 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Hawaii Statistics

...Analysis Reveals Hawaii Federal Lawmakers’ Extreme Liberal Voting Records....

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Schatz Calls Out Party For Fundraising Off Fake News
By Selected News Articles @ 6:23 PM :: 6412 Views :: Democratic Party, Ethics, Congressional Delegation

...A Democratic senator called out the national party for a fundraising with the misleading subject line special counsel Robert Mueller was about to be “fired.”....

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Friday, April 13, 2018
After Syria Chemical Attack Tulsi Gabbard Still Flacking for Russia and Assad
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 AM :: 7477 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Military, Tulsi Gabbard

...The most popular politician in Hawaii continues to serve Chris Butler....

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Friday, March 23, 2018
Budget Boosts American Samoa Spending, Military Pay, Veterans Funding
By News Release @ 3:52 PM :: 5764 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Military

...A military pay increase of 2.4%....

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Friday, March 23, 2018
Schatz: Federal Budget Includes Many Hawaii Pork Barrel Projects
By News Release @ 3:30 AM :: 6379 Views :: National News, Congressional Delegation

... a very familiar looking laundry list of Hawaii spending allotments ....

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Thursday, February 15, 2018
Brian Schatz Fear of An Anglo America
By Selected News Articles @ 10:44 AM :: 8177 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Politicians

...“Do you know anyone who says ‘Anglo-American heritage’ in a sentence?” asked Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz. “What could possibly be the purpose of saying that other than to pit Americans against each other?"....

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018
MoveOn.org Denounces Schatz
By News Release @ 1:49 PM :: 7104 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation, Politicians

...Rep Hanabusa also voted in favor of the same continuing resolution, so logically all of this rhetoric should apply to her as well.  Do Hawaii progressives become 'outraged' only when instructed?....

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Thursday, January 18, 2018
FEC Complaint Filed Against Chin Campaign Manager
By News Release @ 10:05 PM :: 6684 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation, Politicians

...The family of the late congressman Takai, meanwhile, defended Beesley’s actions for the first time today....

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Thursday, January 11, 2018
Compact Impact Bill Reintroduced: Democrats Complaining About Cost of COFA Immigrants
By News Release @ 12:19 AM :: 7014 Views :: National News, Congressional Delegation

...to provide additional federal resources to Guam, Hawai’i, the CNMI, American Samoa, and other jurisdictions affected by migrants from the Freely Associated States....

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018
You’ve Got Fail: Investigation into Online Gun Sales Backfires on Brian Schatz
By News Release @ 2:37 PM :: 6253 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Second Amendment

....a government investigation of online gun sales designed to determine “whether private sellers would knowingly sell a firearm to an individual prohibited from possessing one” determined that … no, actually, they would not....

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Saturday, December 23, 2017
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 22, 2017
By Congress.org @ 4:27 PM :: 4353 Views :: Congressional Delegation
  • Senate: Tax Overhaul – Motion to Recede and Concur
  • Senate: Short-Term Fiscal 2018 Continuing Appropriations – Motion to Concur
  • House: Tax Overhaul – Motion to Concur
  • House: Short-Term Fiscal 2018 Continuing Appropriations
  • House: Supplemental Disaster Appropriations
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Monday, December 18, 2017
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 18, 2017
By Congress.org @ 7:06 PM :: 4189 Views :: Congressional Delegation
  • Senate: Grasz Nomination - Confirmation
  • Senate: Willett Nomination - Confirmation
  • Senate: Ho Nomination - Confirmation
  • House: Mortgage Lender Escrow Requirement Exemption
  • House: Iranian Asset Report Requirement
  • House: Privacy Notice Requirement Exemption
  • House: Iranian Aircraft Purchase Transactions
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Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 5, 2017
By Congress.org @ 12:35 PM :: 4215 Views :: Congressional Delegation
  • Senate: Tax Overhaul – Motion to Proceed
  • Senate: Tax Overhaul - Education Savings Accounts
  • Senate: Tax Overhaul - Passage
  • House: National Forest Mining
  • House: Federal Workforce Probationary Period Extension
  • House: EPA Brownfields Program Reauthorization
  • House: Manufactured Housing Lending Regulation
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Monday, December 4, 2017
Who is Gabbard's Guru?
By Selected News Articles @ 2:09 PM :: 11424 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Politicians, Religion

"Gabbard’s life would be unrecognizable without Butler’s influence.”

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Monday, November 20, 2017
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 20, 2017
By Congress.org @ 7:33 PM :: 4224 Views :: Congressional Delegation
  • Senate: Kan Nomination – Confirmation
  • Senate: Bradbury Nomination – Conf
  • Senate: Esper Nomination – Confirmation
  • Senate: Zatezalo Nomination – Confirmation
  • Senate: Otting Nomination – Confirmation
  • House: Flood Insurance Reauthorization
  • House: Fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization-Conference Report
  • House: Tax Overhaul
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Sunday, November 19, 2017
DDOS Attack on Hawai’i Free Press tied to Gabbard’s Cult?
By Andrew Walden @ 8:47 PM :: 11722 Views :: Congressional Delegation, First Amendment, Politicians, Religion

Krishna Consciousness is when you know the Krishnas did it....

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Monday, November 13, 2017
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 13, 2017
By Congress.org @ 1:19 PM :: 4495 Views :: Congressional Delegation
  • Senate: Gibson Nomination – Confirmation
  • Senate: Engel Nomination – Confirmation
  • Senate: Wehrum Nomination – Confirmation
  • House: Joint Employer Definition
  • House: Hydropower Regulation
  • House: Securities Regulations Exemptions
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 7, 2017
By Congress.org @ 2:05 AM :: 4667 Views :: Congressional Delegation

...Recent House and Senate votes....

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Schatz Responds to Texas Church Shooting by Suggesting Law That Already Exists
By Selected News Articles @ 3:49 PM :: 8023 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Military, Politicians, Second Amendment

...federal law already prohibits domestic abusers from purchasing or owning guns....

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Sunday, November 5, 2017
New Yorker Expose--Tulsi Gabbard's Krishna Cult
By Selected News Articles @ 8:20 PM :: 20616 Views :: Ethics, Congressional Delegation, Politicians

...“She’s got a servant attitude, a servant’s heart,” Butler says....

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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Hirono Kidney Cancer Spreads to Thyroid
By Video @ 1:04 AM :: 6288 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Politicians

“A recent scan showed some small spots in my Thyroid gland.  I will be undergoing immunotherapy for the next three months.”

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Sunday, October 29, 2017
Brian Schatz wants to put you on Medicaid
By Selected News Articles @ 4:33 PM :: 5899 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Health Care

“We want to make sure that people understand that we have a vision for the future.” -- Sen Brian Schatz

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