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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Islam Day: Ron Paul Hawaii leader accuses Hemmings, Slom of "ignorance"
By Letters to the Editor @ 5:50 PM :: 12020 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

I was one of those Ron Paul supporters employed in Rep. Pine’s office.  Your comment implies that I am in favor of government getting involved with religion.  I do not.  I believe government should have no place in supporting any religion.  On the other hand I do not support government officials equating Islam with terrorism.  Equating Islam with terrorism shows the ignorance of some people who refuse to take off their blinders. 

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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hawaii Islamic Holiday Resolution Is An Insensitive Embarrassment
By Sen. Sam Slom @ 8:58 AM :: 18498 Views :: Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

HCR 100, the Islamic Holiday Resolution passed by the State Senate (22-3) on Thursday, May 7, is insensitive to patriotic Americans of all religions, outrageous, and an embarrassment (once again) for the State of Hawaii.

This resolution (which does not have the force of law) proclaims September 24 as Islam Day in Hawaii. How insensitive, no matter what the original intent, can anyone get, selecting a holiday just 13 days following the 911 Islamic terrorist attack on America? Is it just me that feels the stunning inappropriateness here?

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Friday, May 8, 2009
Islam Day: Rep Pine, Muslims denounce Senators Slom, Hemmings and Green
By Andrew Walden @ 11:52 AM :: 19090 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

From email distributed by the Islamic Information Office of Hawaii:

Islam day HCR100 Resolution was on the agenda yesterday (Wednesday). Senator Hemmings (Republican) gave a hate speech in opposition talking about the 10% of Islamic terrorists who want to kill Americans. The gallery was filled with the red shirts that are opposing HB444, the Civil Unions bill who all stood and applauded in support of Senator Hemmings speech against this Resolution. It was disgusting.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hawaii Democrat Legislators vote to celebrate "Islam Day"
By Andrew Walden @ 7:29 PM :: 14399 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Hawaii has no Christianity Day, no Judaism Day, and no Buddhism Day--but Hawaii's Democrat Legislators have decided to violate the "establishment clause" of US Constitution -- for Islam. 

Affirming that their desire to submit to Islam supercedes their adherence to the sacred principles of the US Constitution, by a 22-3 vote the Hawaii Senate approved House Concurrent Resolution 100 which designates September 24, 2009 as Islam Day.  The State House had earlier approved the measure.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
CQ, FOX News: Charles Djou features in Republican 'quest for identity and leadership'
By Andrew Walden @ 8:40 PM :: 7092 Views :: Education K-12, Environment, Ethics

The recruitment push is unavoidably part of the GOP quest for identity and leadership. President Obama, an untraditional candidate from an untraditional background, helped Democrats define themselves and win over followers during the end of the Bush years. Now Republicans are looking in out-of-the-ordinary places for candidates who can enthuse Americans and pick up seats in their name.... 

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Saturday, May 2, 2009
Enviros to drop "global warming"
By Selected News Articles @ 11:39 PM :: 6613 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News

Left: Sun at peak of warming,1998.  Right: Sun after 10 years of cooling, 2008.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Obama's 100 days: The question that didn't get asked
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:29 AM :: 5228 Views :: National News, Ethics

Yesterday before President Barack Obama’s 100 days news conference, the Commerce Department released data showing that the U.S. economy shrank at an annual rate of 6.1% in the January-March quarter. This comes on top of a report from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics released earlier this month showing that the U.S. has lost more than 1.2 million jobs since President Barack Obama was sworn into office. Yet despite all this bad economic news Obama claimed that his stimulus $787 billion deficit spending stimulus package “has already saved or created over 150,000 jobs.”

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stop the National Energy Tax! ($325.00 per month in new fees)
By News Release @ 4:21 PM :: 5453 Views :: National News, Ethics

As the President admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Well, at least he was being upfront about the costs, unlike former Vice President Al Gore, who refused to answer questions about the total costs of implementing a cap and trade program. But Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) rightly pointed out recently, "cap and trade is a tax, and it's a great big one." Estimates are that this national energy tax would cost the average American family $3900 per year! ($325.00 per month)

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pedophiles to be protected by federal hate crimes legislation
By Selected News Articles @ 8:39 AM :: 22519 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

When this subject came up last week in the House Judiciary Committee, an amendment to the hate crimes bill that would have excluded pedophilia from the definition of sexual orientation was defeated by Democrats along party lines, 13-10.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
GM Nationalized: Washington Occupies Detroit
By Heritage Foundation @ 8:27 AM :: 5626 Views :: National News, Ethics

Under the latest reorganization plan released by General Motors, Uncle Sam would take ownership of 50 percent of the challenged automaker in return for forgiveness of $10 billion of debt now owed to the Treasury. The deal would give Washington controlling ownership of a major industrial corporation for the first time since Conrail was sold in 1986.

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Monday, April 27, 2009
UPDATE: Congress poised to quietly socialize health care
By News Release @ 12:09 PM :: 7739 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

If your senator or representative is on the committee, it is imperative that you send them a message today urging them to keep health care out of reconciliation.  They are meeting THIS AFTERNOON, so time is of the essence.  By far the most important two are Kent Conrad and Allen Boyd, Democrats who have been skeptical about using reconciliation. 

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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Nuclear Pakistan on verge of collapse as Taliban surge towards Islamabad
By Andrew Walden @ 8:29 PM :: 8363 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

The capital of Pakistan was under threat last night after Taliban fighters threatened to overrun the volatile country and came within 60 miles of Islamabad.  It is feared the state is on the brink of collapse as Taliban fighters get closer to the nuclear powers of the country.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hawaii donors backing Djou Congressional campaign draw national attention
By Andrew Walden @ 12:15 PM :: 7727 Views :: Education K-12, Environment, Ethics

Another notable cash-on-hand total was the $150,000 reported by Honolulu City Councilman Charles Djou (R) in Hawaii’s 1st district....

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Brainwashing the children: Earth Day 2009
By Andrew Walden @ 9:01 AM :: 8351 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

There's a new bogeyman lurking in the closet, and this one isn't imaginary. Us. One out of three children aged 6 to 11 fears that Ma Earth won't exist when they grow up, while more than half—56 percent—worry that the planet will be a blasted heath (or at least a very unpleasant place to live), according to a new survey.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Limits of Terrorism
By Daniel Pipes @ 8:06 PM :: 9065 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Does terrorism work?

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Monday, April 20, 2009
TEA Parties: Keeping the momentum going
By Matt Kibbe @ 12:32 PM :: 6001 Views :: Environment, Ethics

April 15th, 2009 was just the beginning of something huge.  We must keep our momentum going, and keep the pressure on our elected officials as they vote on how much more of our money they will spend, and how much more of our money they will confiscate. Congress is back in session this week, and the champions of big government will be working to pass a massive budget, a new national energy tax, government-run healthcare, and other policies that would cripple our economy even further.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Secession Flashback: Sen. Akaka's Bill Could Mean Eventual Independence for Hawaiians
By Andrew Walden @ 10:02 PM :: 9012 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

(Since TV news viewers are being treated to daily spin on the remarks at and after the Austin TX Tea Party by Texas Governor Rick Perry, here is a flashback to another elected official who spoke about secession....)  

KASTE: Democratic Senator Dan Akaka, himself a native, wants Congress to let Hawaiians re-establish their national identity. He says his bill would give them a kind of legal parity with tribal governments on the mainland, but he says this sovereignty could eventually go further, perhaps even leading to outright independence.  

Sen. AKAKA: That could be. As far as what's going to happen at the other end, I'm leaving it up to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Monday, April 13, 2009
Litigants challenge Aiona on Ceded Lands
By News Release @ 12:58 PM :: 8313 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Individuals involved in ceded-lands litigation Kuroiwa v Lingle have issued two statements in response to Duke Aiona on Ceded Lands: High Court decision leaves no winners:

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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Computer model predicts Hawaii gay marriage ban loses support in 2010
By Selected News Articles @ 7:01 PM :: 9247 Views :: Environment, Ethics

...while you might know it from Proposition 8's victory last year, voter initiatives to ban gay marriage are becoming harder and harder to pass every year.....

(This analysis is flawed by its reliance on 'white evangelicals' since in Hawaii opposition to gay marriage comes from evangelicals of all ethnic backgrounds.  Also in California, opposition to Prop 8 came from black and Hispanic precincts.  But the bottom line is the same.  Church-goers better start registering to vote in the same percentages that union members do.)

(Be sure to check out the videos of West Hollywood gay protesters shouting the n-word after the approval of Prop 8.)

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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Washington Examiner: Dirty money flows to Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-HI
By Selected News Articles @ 9:35 AM :: 9558 Views :: Education K-12, Environment, Ethics

...several division presidents and secretary-treasurers, have been convicted since 2001 of felonies ranging from embezzlement, falsifying official reports to government, mail fraud and conspiracy....

The firm’s main office was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) last year.

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Friday, April 10, 2009
Rush Limbaugh salutes Kauai volunteer bridge builders
By Rush Limbaugh @ 12:25 PM :: 18109 Views :: Honolulu County, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

And after only eight days, all of the repairs were done, Pleas said. It was a shockingly quick fix to a problem that may have taken much longer if they waited for state money to funnel in."

Not just state money, state workers.  Two years to complete the project, the state said, whatever it was, and four million bucks.  And these people did it in eight days!  Ivan Slack said,  "'We can wait around for the state or federal government to make this move, or we can go out and do our part.  Just like everyone's sitting around waiting for a stimulus check, we were waiting for this but decided we couldn't wait anymore.' ... Now, because of their hard work, volunteers hope they'll be ready to send that positive message -- right in time for the tourist season."

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Thursday, April 9, 2009
MSNBC VIDEO: Duke Aiona speaks up for Hawaii business travel (the 'T' word)
By Selected News Articles @ 7:30 PM :: 7817 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Debating where to draw the line in corporate spending, with Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona, R-Hawaii and CNBC's Erin Burnett.  (Obama administration back-pedaling against Obama's condemnation of business travel.)

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Thursday, April 9, 2009
Taking Communism away from the Communists: The Origins of Modern American Liberalism
By Selected News Articles @ 11:20 AM :: 11385 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

The best short credo of liberalism came from the pen of the literary historian Vernon Parrington in the late 1920s. "Rid society of the dictatorship of the middle class," Parrington insisted, referring to both democracy and capitalism, "and the artist and the scientist will erect in America a civilization that may become, what civilization was in earlier days, a thing to be respected."

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Thursday, April 9, 2009
LA Times: Libel over there -- and over here
By Selected News Articles @ 10:59 AM :: 8328 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Some public figures are using England's plaintiff-friendly laws to go after books they don't like. New York and Illinois have come to the defense of U.S. writers. Congress and California should too....

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Duke Aiona on Ceded Lands: High Court decision leaves no winners
By Lt Gov Duke Aiona @ 2:33 PM :: 8092 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding ceded lands should not be looked at in terms of “winners” or “losers.”  Rather, it should serve as a clear reminder that we, as a community, must commit to reaching a fair and lasting resolution on ceded lands.  Despite the disappointment being felt by some, the U.S. Supreme Court decision does not in any way affect our Administration’s ongoing commitment to the Native Hawaiian community.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009
Gov. Lingle, LtGov Duke Aiona, Mayors, tourism industry leaders urge Pres. Obama to support business travel
By News Release @ 12:41 PM :: 9087 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“In this period of economic downturn when our government and businesses are striving to restore economic stability, the last thing we should do is implement policies or encourage behavior that jeopardize any industry, especially one that has such far-reaching impact on communities across America,” Hawai‘i officials wrote in the letter.

The increased scrutiny of business travel for companies that have received emergency funding as part of the federal government’s economic recovery efforts has caused increased downturn in business and convention travel nationwide. 

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Obama's Birth Certificate: Why the controversy won't go away (hilarious)
By Selected News Articles @ 7:48 PM :: 23599 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

ED NOTE: Front Page Magazine today posted the Hawai`i Free Press article "Barack Obama, born in Hawaii"--debunking conspiracy theories swirling around Barack Obama's Hawaii birth certificate.  The following was posted by an anonymous commenter "DadBode" in the comments section and we thought it was so spot-on and funny that it deserves wider exposure.  For readers working in State offices who have taken birth-certificate-related phone calls, this should be of special interest. 

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Three Takeaway Points From The U.S. Supreme Court's Ceded Lands Decision Handed Down Today
By Robert Thomas @ 10:56 AM :: 8761 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

This case challenged the State's title to the ceded lands because the federal government's title, which it transferred to the state at statehood was somehow less than absolute. That argument has now been put to rest: the federal government had "absolute fee" title to the lands ceded to it by the Republic of Hawaii. Statehood is "a uniquely sovereign" event, and means something.

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Monday, March 30, 2009
RNCC vs Ed Case "A Career Politician in Search of an Office"
By News Release @ 11:36 AM :: 7075 Views :: Education K-12, Environment, Ethics

“Ed Case doesn’t seem to understand that running for office is not something you haphazardly choose in order to add another notch to your political belt,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Transcript: Abigail Kawananakoa remarks about OHA, ceded lands, 1994 ka`ai theft
By Andrew Walden @ 1:21 AM :: 12483 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

If we can prove that there is an unbroken genealogical line of the royal family we can certainly argue that we should be able to govern monies and not be fettered with State administrations and the United States Constitution. 

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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Charles Djou welcomes competition to Congressional Race
By News Release @ 12:57 PM :: 9640 Views :: Education K-12, Environment, Ethics

Honolulu City Councilmember Charles K. Djou (Waikiki, East Honolulu), a candidate for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District, welcomed Ed Case’s declaration that he would run against Djou.

"I enjoyed serving with Ed in the State legislature and I know that he has had a difficult time deciding which seat to run for...." 

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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Ed Case seeks return to Congress -- CD1
By Ed Case @ 11:19 AM :: 11936 Views :: Education K-12, Environment, Ethics

I'm truly excited at the opportunity to represent Hawai’i's great First Congressional District … from Makapu’u to Mililani, Waikele and Ewa Beach. I've lived and worked in the First half of my life. I represented Mānoa and Makiki for eight years in our state legislature, have crisscrossed the First in two statewide campaigns, and have addressed its needs in Congress. I know the First, and I know I can represent its 600,000 citizens well in Congress.

To my friends in Hawai’i's equally great Second Congressional, where I was born and raised and have spent the other half of my life, and whom I was fiercely proud to represent in Congress for over four years, I look forward to continuing to represent you in D.C. as well. I ask for your continued support.

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Friday, March 27, 2009
Human Achievement Hour Saturday: Light bulbs not dim bulbs
By News Release @ 11:16 AM :: 9269 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Unlike Earth Hour, the purpose Human Achievement Hour is to salute the people who keep the lights on and produce the energy that helps make human achievement possible.  Many organizations and average folks around the world will show their support for human achievement by simply going about their daily lives. 

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Friday, March 20, 2009
Obama administration ordered AIG bonuses included in 'stimulus'
By Andrew Walden @ 10:38 AM :: 7385 Views :: National News, Ethics

In a stunning development, Sen. Christopher Dodd said that Obama administration officials asked him to add language to last month's federal stimulus bill to make sure the controversial AIG bonuses remained in place. 

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Thursday, March 19, 2009
False Numbers: ACORN Gets Plum Census Assignment
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:14 PM :: 6412 Views :: National News, Ethics

ACORN, which claims to be a non-partisan grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people, came under fire in 2007 when Washington State filed felony charges against several paid ACORN employees and supervisors for more than 1,700 fraudulent voter registrations. In March 2008, an ACORN worker in Pennsylvania was sentenced for making 29 phony voter registration forms. The group's activities were frequently questioned in the 2008 presidential election.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009
Obama to propose over $1.3 Trillion in new taxes
By News Release @ 8:00 AM :: 8797 Views :: National News, Ethics

The estimated impact on disposable household income due to rising energy prices would then reach anywhere between $4,022 and $6,752. And because an energy tax is regressive, it will fall heaviest on poor and lower middle class folks who spend more of their income on energy.


Obama:  "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket... whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers."

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
White House drops plan to bill disabled veterans for care
By News Release @ 2:49 PM :: 10114 Views :: Environment, National News, Ethics

The Disabled American Veterans today commended the Obama administration for backing down from a controversial proposal that would force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who suffered service-related disabilities and injuries.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sen Akaka opposes Obama plan to bill combat wounded for medical care, but backs Shinseki
By Andrew Walden @ 9:03 AM :: 9239 Views :: Environment, National News, Ethics

"VA's sacred duty is to care for veterans injured in honorable service to our nation, and the department should not turn to wounded warriors' private insurance to pay for combat injures.  Under my Chairmanship, the Veterans' Affairs Committee will not advance any such legislation," said Akaka. 

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Monday, March 16, 2009
Obama to bill combat wounded for medical care
By News Release @ 5:16 PM :: 12634 Views :: National News, Ethics

"It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan," said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. "He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it."

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Earmark Watch: Focus on Hawaii U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye
By News Release @ 1:07 PM :: 14673 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

EarmarkWatch is an experimental distributed research project that contains data for Fiscal Year 2008 earmarks from the House and Senate Labor-HHS-Education bills and the 2008 House Defense Bill. It does not contain 2009 earmarks.

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Monday, March 9, 2009
Wikileaks writers killed in Kenya
By News Release @ 9:45 AM :: 29755 Views :: Ethics, World News, Family

On Thursday afternoon March 5, Oscar Kamau Kingara, director of the Kenyan based Oscar legal aid Foundation, and its programme coordinator, John Paul Oulo, were shot at close range in their car less than a mile from President Kibaki's residence. The two were on their way to a meeting at the Kenyan National Commission on Human Rights. Both had been investigating extrajudicial assassinations by the Kenyan Police.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009
Obama and the Disunited States
By Andrew Walden @ 8:10 AM :: 17630 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

President Obama's rise caps forty years of building new 'nations' from one America, as America's left adapted to the rise of civil rights, and built a power base from fanning discontent.

Newsweek cheers, "We are all socialists now!"  MSNBC's Jim Cramer calls Barack Obama's budget a "radical agenda" and points out "This is the greatest wealth destruction I've seen by a President."  None of this should be a surprise to anybody who was paying attention to Obama's Hawaii links to the Communist Party, USA or his years of Chicago work with the Democratic Socialists of America.  But many voters -- and most of the media -- aggressively avoided paying attention.  Now they are literally paying the price. 

One Obama mentor who did get some media attention was ex-Communist Saul Alinsky.  Alinsky, a harsh critic of Johnson's "War on Poverty," is not usually tied to gigantic federal spending proposals such as Obama's mis-named ‘stimulus' package.  Alinsky's claim to fame stems from gritty street-level community organizing.  His books on the subject guided a generation of leftist activists. 

But there is a connection.  Alinsky died in 1972.  Towards the end of his life, American society changed in ways which tore apart the stable communities necessary to Alinsky's community organizing model.  For Democrats these changes necessitated the use of federal power to create the entirely new forms of consciousness-based ‘nationalism' which now envelop American culture. 

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Friday, March 6, 2009
$410B Omnibus budget pulled off US Senate floor
By News Release @ 8:42 PM :: 10402 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

It appears at least 41 Senators object to the massive increase in spending -- 8% over last year's budget – and the larding in of 8,500 earmarks totaling $7.7 billion. 

A senior Senate aide told me this morning that many Senators do not want a repeat of the Stimulus battle where their offices were literally shut down with telephone calls and their email was swamped with messages going after the wasteful spending.

You see, they’re talking about Americans like you.

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Friday, March 6, 2009
Hawaii CD1 named one of top 10 House Races for 2010
By News Release @ 6:02 PM :: 5419 Views :: Environment, Ethics

The Hill: Yes, Hawaii could field a competitive general election race in 2010.

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Friday, March 6, 2009
AP: Abercrombie to enter Governor's race
By Andrew Walden @ 9:21 AM :: 13795 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

An official familiar with Abercrombie's plans says the 10-term congressman will make his announcement through an Internet video to be released Sunday.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009
N Korean missile could reach Hawaii, Alaska
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:31 PM :: 11169 Views :: Energy, National News, Ethics, World News

The range of North Korean ballistic missiles has increased five-fold since 1990.  The two-stage Taepodong-2 missile, if successfully developed, could travel thousands of miles to strike Alaska, Hawaii and "parts of the continental United States," intelligence experts estimate.  By testing and perfecting a third stage, the North Koreans could reach anywhere in North America with a nuclear warhead.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Ed Case: Reinstate Pay-as-you-go federal budgeting
By Ed Case @ 10:40 AM :: 7420 Views :: Environment, National News, Ethics

A former "Blue Dog" Democrat Congressman speaks out as Congress considers Obama's profligate budget.

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Monday, March 2, 2009
Rush Limbaugh speaks to America (full text)
By News Release @ 1:18 PM :: 5251 Views :: National News, Ethics

Let me tell you who we conservatives are:  We love people. [Applause] When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don't see groups. We don't see victims.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Abercrombie on Spending Freeze: Forget It!
By News Release @ 11:25 PM :: 9047 Views :: Environment, Ethics

Washington- Flying in the face of Democrats' campaign promises for fiscal responsibility, Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) voted today to pass another nearly half-trillion dollar spending bill through what is quickly becoming the biggest spending Congress in History.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Gov Jindal speaks to America
By News Release @ 9:48 PM :: 9062 Views :: National News, Ethics

As I grew up, my mom and dad taught me the values that attracted them to this country -- and they instilled in me an immigrant's wonder at the greatness of America. As a child, I remember going to the grocery store with my dad. Growing up in India, he had seen extreme poverty. And as we walked through the aisles, looking at the endless variety on the shelves, he would tell me: 'Bobby, Americans can do anything.' 

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