National News
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 |
Obama’s Second Inaugural Address, Translated
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:10 PM :: 6757 Views :: National News, Obama
Obama was honest about his intentions to grow government in order to remake our country along his progressive vision....
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Monday, January 21, 2013 |
Full Text: Obama's Second Inaugural Address
By News Release @ 12:48 PM :: 7872 Views :: National News, Obama
The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a Republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed.
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Monday, January 21, 2013 |
MLK, Obama and Opportunity
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:38 PM :: 6193 Views :: National News, Obama
The politics of division and class warfare, the centerpiece of Obama’s campaign rhetoric, are the antithesis of King’s dream....
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Sunday, January 20, 2013 |
Heritage: Conservative ideas need a new message
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:42 PM :: 3873 Views :: National News
Conservative ideas work. Numerous states are demonstrating that low taxes, right-to-work laws, school choice, energy development and other common-sense policies improve the lives of everyone....
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Sunday, January 20, 2013 |
CBS News' Political Director: Obama Must 'Destroy' Republican Party
By Selected News Articles @ 2:12 PM :: 6844 Views :: National News, Obama
The author of this outrageous left-wing fever dream is John Dickerson, the political director at CBS News....
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Friday, January 18, 2013 |
A Health Scare for Small Businesses
By NCPA @ 2:20 PM :: 6584 Views :: National News, Health Care, Small Business
Many small-business owners haven't yet realized that the way they structure their firm in 2013 could determine their status under the law in a year's time....
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Friday, January 18, 2013 |
Public-Private Partnerships Could Keep State Park Gates Open
By NCPA @ 2:16 PM :: 7369 Views :: Environment, National News, Hawaii State Government
Thousands of developed U.S. Forest Service recreation areas have utilized this PPP model successfully for more than 25 years....
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Friday, January 18, 2013 |
Responding to Newtown
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:58 PM :: 6308 Views :: National News, Health Care, Second Amendment
“Given the weak track record of federal mental health programs, states should exercise primary responsibility for determining appropriate mental health services, which will entail eliminating restrictions currently imposed by the federal government.”
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Thursday, January 17, 2013 |
Obama's Religious Freedom Proclamation
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:32 PM :: 6870 Views :: National News, First Amendment, Religion
“As we observe Religious Freedom Day, let us remember the legacy of faith and independence we have inherited, and let us honor it by forever upholding our right to exercise our beliefs free from prejudice or persecution.” -- President Barack Obama
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013 |
Don't Raise Debt Ceiling Without Balancing the Budget
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:24 PM :: 4943 Views :: National News, Economy
...Obama promised to cut the annual deficit in half in his first term. Instead, his budgets include near-trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see....
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013 |
Privitization: Post Office to be Replaced by 'Hybrid Model'
By NCPA @ 12:18 PM :: 6694 Views :: National News, Office of Elections
Attention Hawaii: Can this 'hybrid model' be trusted with Vote-by-Mail?
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013 |
Waikele Fireworks Bunker Explosion: Investigation Findings to be Released
By News Release @ 7:01 PM :: 10692 Views :: National News, Hawaii State Government, Law Enforcement, OHA
The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) announces that its January 17, 2013, public meeting in Washington, DC, will be available via webcast....
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013 |
Disease Management Programs Don't Work
By NCPA @ 6:30 PM :: 6638 Views :: National News, Health Care
According to the data, there were no decreases in emergency admissions or inpatient charges....
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013 |
Feds Pay Maui County Office of Aging to Keep Medicare Patients Away from Hospital
By News Release @ 6:09 PM :: 9113 Views :: Maui County, National News, Health Care
...Maui County Office on Aging, will expand ongoing transitions efforts to reduce Medicare hospital readmissions....
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013 |
"Default" Is a Red Herring in Debt Ceiling Debate
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:26 PM :: 4290 Views :: National News
Yesterday, President Obama accused his opposition in Congress of threatening to “default” on America’s loans....
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Monday, January 14, 2013 |
Head Start: When the Government Fails Completely
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:32 AM :: 6629 Views :: Education K-12, National News
What happens when a government program simply does not do what it is supposed to do?
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Sunday, January 13, 2013 |
Rail Transit Under Fire in Los Angeles and San Jose
By Honolulu Traffic @ 2:24 PM :: 7130 Views :: National News, Rail
L.A. County MTA "spends almost twice as much on rail to carry about one-fourth as many passengers" as its buses do....
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Friday, January 11, 2013 |
Chinese Investment in the U.S. Shatters Records
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:58 AM :: 7017 Views :: National News, World News, Economy
China set a record with its investments around the world in 2012. And in the United States, China shattered its previous investment record.
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Friday, January 11, 2013 |
Braces for the Kids Just Got More Expensive: Obamacare Tax Hike Case Study
By Americans for Tax Reform @ 11:23 AM :: 6578 Views :: National News, Health Care, Taxes
In 2013, the tax increases in Obamacare will increasingly conspire against kitchen-table family healthcare decisions....
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Thursday, January 10, 2013 |
First U.S. Plant to Make Gasoline and Diesel Fuel from Natural Gas
By Selected News Articles @ 4:20 PM :: 7266 Views :: Energy, National News
...a South African company, announced its intention to build a 96,000-barrel-per-day gas-to-liquids plant in Lake Charles, LA....
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Thursday, January 10, 2013 |
WaPo: Reform Medicare, Sustain It Long Term
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:46 PM :: 4407 Views :: National News, Health Care
The editorial board of The Washington Post is absolutely right: “Medicare as we know it is not sustainable,” and the “ultimate solution” is structural reform.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013 |
See America's Ranking in the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:36 PM :: 5251 Views :: National News, Economy
the 19th edition of the Index of Economic Freedom, produced by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal....
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 |
How the Supreme Court Doomed the Affordable Care Act to Failure
By NCPA @ 7:46 PM :: 5543 Views :: National News, Health Care
The Supreme Court's surprise ruling on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has left many observers wondering about the implications of the ruling on the law itself....
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 |
Pretextural Takings: Will Supreme Court Hear Guam Case?
By Robert Thomas @ 7:07 PM :: 8876 Views :: National News, Judiciary, Land Use
NFIB, CATO Instiutute, Owners' Counsel of America, and lawprofs James Ely, David Callies, Todd Zywicki, Randy Barnett, Eric Claeys, and D. Benjamin Barros -- have filed an amicus brief ....
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 |
Defying the Obama Administration on Religious Liberty
By Heritage Foundation @ 6:59 PM :: 5160 Views :: National News, Health Care
Hobby Lobby gained national attention when its leadership announced they would not bow to the Obama Administration’s violation of their religious liberty....
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013 |
BoH CEO Peter Ho Appointed to Federal Reserve Board
By News Release @ 4:21 PM :: 8163 Views :: National News, Economy
He is a member of the Hawaii Bankers Association, Financial Services Roundtable, Hawaii Business Roundtable and the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii’s Military Affairs Council
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013 |
13 Tax Increases in 2013
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:14 PM :: 5687 Views :: National News, Taxes
The deal that Congress and President Obama struck that finally—but only partially—avoided the fiscal cliff resulted in seven tax increases. Those hikes combined with six tax increases from Obamacare....
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Saturday, January 5, 2013 |
Obesity in America: Blame Trade Protectionism on Sugar
By Heritage Foundation @ 9:43 PM :: 8112 Views :: National News, Economy, Health Care
With a new study pointing the finger at high fructose corn syrup as a culprit in America’s explosive epidemic of obesity, it is important to remember just why we are consuming so much of this commodity as opposed to table sugar....
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Saturday, January 5, 2013 |
Matson, TOTE Ship Orders Timed to Influence Federal Jones Act Study?
By Michael Hansen @ 3:10 AM :: 7960 Views :: National News, Jones Act
...influential British maritime journal Lloyd’s List published three articles today regarding the long awaited US. Government Accountability Office release of a report on their study of the impact of the Jones Act on Puerto Rico....
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Friday, January 4, 2013 |
Will the Senate Minority Be Silenced?
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:59 PM :: 4051 Views :: National News
Reid has already effectively shut down the opportunity for minority Senators to offer amendments to bills. Now he is angling to change the Senate’s rules so that minority members cannot filibuster a bill.
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Friday, January 4, 2013 |
Thanks to Abercrombie, Republican Senators More Racially Diverse than Democrats
By Selected News Articles @ 12:30 PM :: 6612 Views :: National News, Congressional Delegation
there are now more Republican minorities in the Senate (South Carolina’s Tim Scott, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Texas’s Ted Cruz) than Democrats (New Jersey’s Robert Menendez and Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono).…
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Thursday, January 3, 2013 |
The Failure of Wind Power
By NCPA @ 1:12 PM :: 5470 Views :: Energy, National News
Original warranties on turbines have expired and extended warranty options are not available....
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Thursday, January 3, 2013 |
Uproar Over Bloated Sandy Aid Package
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:10 PM :: 4063 Views :: National News
The real “selfishness and duplicity,” however, comes from those who insist that this bill is meant for Sandy’s victims—when in reality, it is a special-interest money fest....
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Bloomberg Editorial Blasts Jones Act
By Michael Hansen @ 4:53 PM :: 7858 Views :: National News, Jones Act
Bloomberg calls for major Jones Act reform in two parts: elimination of the U.S. build requirement for ships engaged in domestic coastwise trades; and, a more controversial proposal to allow foreign ship owners to compete....
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Fiscal Cliff: Who Won? Who Lost?
By John Goodman @ 2:42 PM :: 6919 Views :: National News, Taxes
...real billionaires, like Warren Buffett, are going to be affected very little by the new higher rates (unrealized capital gains will still be taxed at a rate of zero), while entrepreneurs with pass-through income are going to get hosed....
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Hospital Systems Branch Out as Insurers
By NCPA @ 2:38 PM :: 4906 Views :: National News, Health Care
A growing number of hospital systems are moving to start their own insurance plans, aiming to broaden their roles and prepare for the changes coming under the federal health care overhaul, says the Wall Street Journal....
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Taxes to Rise on Most American Workers
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:07 PM :: 6347 Views :: National News, Taxes
The Wall Street Journal calculates that the “typical U.S. family earning $50,000 a year” will lose “an annual income boost of $1,000.”
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013 |
Fiscal Cliff Deal Extends, Expands Wind Production Tax Credit
By Selected News Articles @ 7:04 PM :: 7837 Views :: Energy, National News
The deal also greatly relaxes the standards for companies to qualify to grab that tax credit....
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013 |
House Passes Fiscal Cliff Tax Hikes 257-167
By Selected News Articles @ 1:41 PM :: 6686 Views :: National News, Taxes
When Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush increased taxes in return for spending cuts—cuts that never ultimately came—they did so at ratios of 1:3 and 1:2....
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013 |
Tax Hikes to Start the New Year
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:36 PM :: 5173 Views :: National News, Taxes
Postpones sequestration’s automatic spending cuts (including those to defense) by two months....
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Monday, December 31, 2012 |
Are We Helping Poor Americans?
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:02 PM :: 4439 Views :: National News
A half-century into the War on Poverty, liberals can hardly declare victory. But they can claim the dominant anti-poverty narrative: Fight poverty by spending more....
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Sunday, December 30, 2012 |
$1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike Hitting on Jan. 1
By Americans for Tax Reform @ 4:27 PM :: 7127 Views :: National News, Taxes
On January 1, regardless of the outcome of fiscal cliff negotiations, Americans will be hit with a $1 trillion Obamacare tax hike....
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Friday, December 28, 2012 |
The 10 Worst Regulations of 2012
By Heritage Foundation @ 3:31 PM :: 4425 Views :: National News
In the past year, regulators drafted rules that addressed everything from caloric intake to dishwasher efficiency....
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Thursday, December 27, 2012 |
10 Facts on the Fiscal Cliff, Debt, and Spending
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:02 PM :: 5631 Views :: National News, Taxes
...just days left for President Obama and lawmakers in Congress to avert a major tax hike, sequestration, and other major policy changes....
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 |
Abercrombie Appoints Schatz, Mazie to be Junior Senator
By News Release @ 7:04 PM :: 12197 Views :: Akaka Bill, Environment, National News, Congressional Delegation, Politicians
"For me, personally, I believe global climate change is real, and it is the most urgent challenge of our generation," Schatz said.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 |
Obama's Cap-and-Trade Scheme for Cars
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:16 PM :: 5269 Views :: Energy, National News
...will increase the average cost of a new car by $3,000 by 2025....
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Monday, December 24, 2012 |
’Twas the Night Before Cliff-mas
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:44 PM :: 5170 Views :: National News, Taxes
With time running out for President Obama and Congress to reach an agreement, this Christmas Eve we bring to you 2012 twist on Clement Clarke Moore's famous poem....
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Friday, December 21, 2012 |
U.S. East and Gulf Coast dock strike may threaten Islanders
By Michael Hansen @ 5:55 PM :: 5992 Views :: National News
A major dock strike could shutdown work on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts when the current longshore contract covering container cargoes on those coasts expires at midnight Saturday, December 29, 2012....
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Friday, December 21, 2012 |
No Hawaii Beverage Tax
By News Release @ 5:45 PM :: 12432 Views :: National News, Taxes, Cost of Living
Our coalition has over 2,300 individual members, over 8,000 Facebook fans and more than 320 business members....
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Friday, December 21, 2012 |
Conservatives Stand Their Ground
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:46 PM :: 6164 Views :: National News, Taxes
Lacking votes from his own party, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) called off consideration of “Plan B” last night....
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