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Sunday, June 28, 2015
Health Dep't Taking Action to Reduce New HIV Cases in Hawaii
By News Release @ 3:50 PM :: 7664 Views :: Family, Health Care, Drugs

Approximately 85 percent of HIV cases in Hawaii occur in men....

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Friday, June 26, 2015
Hawaii Supreme Court: County Initiative Preempted by State Law
By Robert Thomas @ 5:08 PM :: 10123 Views :: Hawaii County , Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Drugs, GMOs

...Hawaii Supreme Court refined the test for determining when a municipal ordinance or charter provision is preempted by state law....

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Thursday, June 4, 2015
Adulthood - Interrupted: Hawaii Leads the Way
By Selected News Articles @ 10:25 PM :: 6978 Views :: Health Care, Office of Elections, Drugs

In Progressive World, there are at least four stages of legally becoming an adult....

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Sunday, May 17, 2015
Tulsi Gabbard's Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"-- Funded Taliban
By Selected News Articles @ 3:27 PM :: 35334 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Military, Drugs

"Chris Butler and the Foundation have worked to help many people get their lives back on track, including Patrick Bowler and will continue to do so." -- Jeannie Bishop, president of the Science of Identity Foundation

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Hawaii Bans Smoking For Young Adults, Lets Kids Continue to Have Sex
By Americans for Tax Reform @ 1:19 AM :: 6366 Views :: Health Care, Drugs

Regarding E-Cigs, Hawaii should defer to the FDA for guidance on this regulatory framework....

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Kim Out: Marijuana Last Straw as Senate Committee Chairs Overthrow President
By Andrew Walden @ 11:07 AM :: 11399 Views :: Democratic Party, Hawaii State Government, Politicians, Drugs

...The Senate says 'yes' to marijuana and 'no' to anti-GMO protesters....

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
HB321: Gamesmanship and Shenanigans
By Selected News Articles @ 3:01 AM :: 6099 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Drugs

...legislative priorities are out-of-touch with reality....

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Monday, May 4, 2015
With Josh Green out of the Way, Lawmakers Advance Marijuana Bill for Final Reading
By News Release @ 9:45 PM :: 6476 Views :: Drugs

...provide a total of eight dispensary licenses statewide, three in Honolulu, two on Maui County and Hawaii Island, and one on Kauai. Each dispensary licensee would have the option to open up to two retail locations.... 

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Sunday, April 26, 2015
The Magical Appearing Tax
By Tom Yamachika @ 5:01 AM :: 5813 Views :: Taxes, Drugs
34.228%! Imagine any customer seeing that kind of tax on the bill!
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Friday, April 24, 2015
One Simple State Tax Code Tweak to Favor Marijuana Taxpayers over Tax Evaders
By Selected News Articles @ 12:45 PM :: 5440 Views :: Taxes, Drugs

Perhaps the largest expenses these operators are forbidden from deducting under § 280E are the excise taxes and license fees they pay to the state....

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
25% Tax Would Make State Senior Partner in Marijuana Business
By Andrew Walden @ 5:47 AM :: 7890 Views :: Taxes, Drugs

...HB321, SD2 proposes a 15% gross proceeds tax and a 10% special sales tax on so-called 'medical' marijuana sold in Hawaii....

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Kauai Council Calls for ‘Home Rule’ on Marijuana Dispensaries
By Selected News Articles @ 7:33 PM :: 5020 Views :: Drugs

Kauai is the only county in Hawaii that has taken a stand against this onrush of legislation....

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Saturday, April 11, 2015
Marijuana, Gender-Opinion Birth Certificates, and Unsafe Places Head for Final Votes
By Lt Gov Duke Aiona @ 2:14 PM :: 6468 Views :: Family, Drugs

Today is 2nd Decking, which means that all bills must be in their FINAL FORM so that the chamber they are in can vote on them....

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Thursday, April 2, 2015
ADHD in Hawaii: 70% on Prescription Drugs, 61% Get 'Behavioral Therapy'
By News Release @ 4:34 PM :: 6930 Views :: Education K-12, Health Care, Drugs
"The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys."
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Saturday, March 28, 2015
Amendments Made to Sex Education and Marijuana Dispensary Bills
By Hawaii Family Advocates @ 3:51 AM :: 8177 Views :: Education K-12, Family, Drugs

Below are bills that were heard between Friday, March 20, 2015 and Thursday, March 26, 2015....

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Friday, March 20, 2015
Top Issues? Budget, Homelessness, Housing, Rail Tax, and Marijuana
By Selected News Articles @ 2:56 PM :: 7851 Views :: Homelessness, Rail, Taxes, Drugs

A report on the top state issues of 2015....

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Thursday, March 19, 2015
Marijuana: Big Tobacco's Playbook
By Selected News Articles @ 4:27 AM :: 4474 Views :: Drugs

...they focused on promoting individual choice and personal responsibility, inciting fear of big government, threatening economic insecurity, and accusing public health scientists of manipulating data....

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Do Drugs? Hawaii County is Hiring!
By Selected News Articles @ 9:01 PM :: 6780 Views :: Hawaii County , Drugs

...A newly hired legal clerk at the Hawaii County Prosecutor's Office in Hilo can start working without the mandatory urine test, a federal judge ruled Friday....

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Monday, March 16, 2015
Legislative Hearings: Sex, Drugs, Tranny Birth Certificates, and a Place to Hide from Mom
By Hawaii Family Advocates @ 8:55 PM :: 6499 Views :: Family, Drugs

...scheduled for hearings this week....

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Sunday, March 15, 2015
Video: House Republicans Debate Marijuana Dispensaries
By Video @ 4:28 PM :: 5722 Views :: Republican Party, Drugs

... Medical Marijuana; Dispensaries and Production Centers; Appropriation ($) ....

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015
How They Voted: Sex, Drugs, and Birth Certificates Cross Over
By News Release @ 8:23 PM :: 6611 Views :: Education K-12, Family, Drugs

...House bills will now move through Senate committees and Senate bills will move through House committees....

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Marijuana for the Children
By Selected News Articles @ 12:54 PM :: 5327 Views :: Drugs

...testimony of marijuana supporters argue that the bills being considered should decriminalize marijuana for BOTH adults and minors....

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Sunday, March 1, 2015
Legislation Alert: Sex, Drugs and Birth Certificates
By Hawaii Family Advocates @ 2:39 PM :: 7910 Views :: Family, Life, Drugs

Mahalo for taking the time to engage your public officials....

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Thursday, February 26, 2015
HB321 Marijuana Dispensaries: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
By Selected News Articles @ 10:07 AM :: 5255 Views :: Drugs

...The question now is not whether the dispensary bills will pass, but more what these bills will look like....

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Marijuana: Six Bills on the Move Thursday
By Selected News Articles @ 9:14 PM :: 7137 Views :: Drugs

Marijuana advocates are hard at work trying to game the system....

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Friday, February 20, 2015
House Bills for 2015: Sex, Drugs and a Place for the Kids to Hide Out
By Rep Bob McDermott @ 3:53 AM :: 7630 Views :: Education K-12, Family, Drugs

...bills that might have negative impacts on families or communities....

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Scorecard: House Omnibus Marijuana Package
By Selected News Articles @ 10:47 PM :: 4374 Views :: Drugs
Here is a list of the bills that were heard by the House Committee on Health – how did your representative vote?
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Friday, February 6, 2015
Hawaii Family Advocates' Dream Team to Tackle Legislative Priorities
By News Release @ 6:04 PM :: 6968 Views :: Family, Life, Drugs

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2015 at the Kamiano Center on Fort Street Mall, at 6:30 P.M....

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015
On the Move: House Omnibus Marijuana Package
By Selected News Articles @ 8:58 PM :: 4461 Views :: Drugs

House Health and Judiciary Committee chairs are looking to move marijuana legislation swiftly through committees....

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015
SB873 Would Legalize Marijuana, Nullify Federal Prohibition
By Selected News Articles @ 2:24 AM :: 4538 Views :: Drugs

...“possession, growing, processing, or transporting of not more than six marijuana plants...."

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Monday, February 2, 2015
HB321: Marijuana on the Move in the Legislature
By Selected News Articles @ 8:42 PM :: 5940 Views :: Drugs

...liberal Democrats have taken a page from big tobacco companies.  But will they pay a multi-billion dollar settlement for the social ills created by their deception?....

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Sunday, December 28, 2014
Hawaii Ranks 17th: 10.3% Smoke Marijuana
By Selected News Articles @ 1:15 AM :: 5916 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Drugs

As marijuana legalization took hold in Colorado, the estimated percentage of regular cannabis users in the state jumped to the second-highest level in the country....

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Auditor: Proposed Marijuana Dispensary Bill 'Flawed'
By News Release @ 2:48 AM :: 4066 Views :: Drugs
The proposed regulatory vehicle, HB No. 1587 (2014), has several flaws...
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
Colorado Governor: Legalizing Pot Was ‘Reckless’
By Heritage Foundation @ 4:05 AM :: 4563 Views :: Drugs

...“I think for us to that that [legalize recreational use] without having all the data, there is not enough data, and to a certain extent you could say it was reckless.”....

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014
What 20 years of research on cannabis use has taught us
By News Release @ 4:00 PM :: 4039 Views :: Drugs

A major new review in the scientific journal Addiction sets out the latest information on the effects of cannabis use on mental and physical health....

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Sunday, September 21, 2014
Project SAM: Seven Marijuana Myths
By Heritage Foundation @ 4:04 PM :: 5241 Views :: Drugs

...marijuana legalization will usher in America’s new version of “Big Tobacco” ....

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Saturday, September 13, 2014
Hawaii lawmakers may ease access to marijuana
By Malia Zimmerman @ 11:10 AM :: 4809 Views :: Drugs

In its smoked form, marijuana potency and dosage cannot be controlled....

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Keep the Poor Doped Up: Feds OK EBT Cards at Marijuana Dispensaries
By News Release @ 10:40 PM :: 4323 Views :: Drugs

...use your EBT card at marijuana dispensaries in states such as Colorado that have legalized pot....

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Monday, September 8, 2014
Marijuana Task Force Releases Report Aimed at 2015 Legislative Session
By News Release @ 2:00 PM :: 6404 Views :: Health Care, Law Enforcement, Drugs

...The Dispensary System Task Force will submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including proposed legislation to the 2015 Legislature....

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Hawaii Opioid Pain Pill Prescriptions 'only' 52 per 100 people--Lowest in USA
By News Release @ 5:46 PM :: 6117 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Health Care, Drugs

...For all OPR combined, the prescribing rate in Alabama was 2.7 times the rate in Hawaii....

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014
More Hollywood Homosexuals Sued over Alleged Child Molestation in Hawaii
By Selected News Articles @ 4:02 PM :: 6626 Views :: Family, Drugs

...In the June 6 filing, Egan alleges that in the 1990s he was employed by the now-defunct Internet startup Digital Entertainment Network and coerced into attending sex and drug parties....

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Thursday, May 29, 2014
Melodie Aduja: Former State Senator with troubled past wants another chance
By Malia Zimmerman @ 9:15 PM :: 8902 Views :: Ethics, Politicians, Drugs

The investigation showed Aduja’s campaign issued $30,000 worth of checks to her former husband, Lee Williams.... Williams subsequently was arrested during a Chinatown drug bust....

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Potheads May Have Harder Time Getting Medicated
By News Release @ 2:45 AM :: 4605 Views :: Drugs

Two messages from the Medical Cannabis Coalition of Hawai‘i indicate that its going to be a lot harder to get medicated courtesy of just any old doctor....

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Sunday, March 9, 2014
HB1503: Prohibit Landlords from Evicting Marijuana Smokers
By Andrew Walden @ 7:27 PM :: 7777 Views :: Homelessness, Drugs

Topping off the irony, Rep Rhoads also introduced HB2577  which would ban indoor tobacco smoking in public housing....

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Rep Thielen Pushes Hemp Legalization
By News Release @ 7:26 PM :: 5685 Views :: Agriculture, Drugs

Today the United States Senate approved the Agriculture Act of 2014, also known as the “Farm Bill,” which includes legalization of industrial hemp for research purposes....

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Monday, February 3, 2014
Open Letter Challenges Rep. Creagan on 'Medical' Marijuana
By Selected News Articles @ 1:54 AM :: 5249 Views :: Drugs
Regardless of your position on legalization, what scientific evidence do you have as a doctor that can justify calling marijuana 'medicinal'?
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Saturday, February 1, 2014
Marijuana Group Poll Shows More Support for Legalization
By News Release @ 12:02 PM :: 4191 Views :: Drugs

The new poll, commissioned by Hawaii’s Drug Policy Action Group showed voter support for reform of Hawaii’s policies on marijuana trending upward....

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Monday, January 27, 2014
Meth Again: Feds Arrest Another Halawa Guard
By News Release @ 12:33 PM :: 5881 Views :: Law Enforcement, Drugs

Mr. Damas was arrested at the Halawa Correctional Facility where he was employed as an adult corrections officer....

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Friday, January 24, 2014
Marijuana export could pay off Hawaii’s debts, lawmaker says
By Malia Zimmerman @ 12:37 PM :: 168627 Views :: Democratic Party, Politicians, Drugs

“This state would turn into a manufacturing state." -- Rep Rida Cabanilla

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Saturday, January 11, 2014
Welcome to Paradise, Now Go to Hell
By News Release @ 8:16 PM :: 9994 Views :: Law Enforcement, Drugs, GMOs

...a lawless, violent, drug-addled, and adrenaline-soaked mecca....

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