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Sunday, March 6, 2011
Gulen Cult: Legislators to welcome “Ugly Unionbusting” to Hawaii schools?
By Andrew Walden @ 7:16 AM :: 28774 Views :: Education K-12, Labor, Military, Religion


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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Flashback: East-West Center hammered for “sustained, biased and politically-motivated attack on World War II veterans”
By Selected News Articles @ 8:40 PM :: 17005 Views :: Hawaii History, Higher Education, Military

What you are observing below is the beginning of what will become a sustained campaign to re-write the history of “The Good War” and “The Greatest Generation” to fit the mold of social-democratic propaganda.  BTW: Dan Inouye is paying for all of this….

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Thursday, January 13, 2011
Anti-gay religious cult tied to torture seeks Charter conversion of Mokapu Elementary
By Andrew Walden @ 4:01 AM :: 25092 Views :: Education K-12, Military, Religion

Hiding behind the benign sounding label, “Mokapu STEM School”, a religious cult with billions of dollars in assets is secretly trying use the charter school conversion process to take over Mokapu Elementary School located in Kaneohe on Marine Corps Base Hawaii. 

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Thursday, December 23, 2010
DoE #1 in failure: 38% of Hawaii students flunk Military Aptitude tests
By News Release @ 12:01 AM :: 8756 Views :: Education K-12, Military

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Monday, December 6, 2010
Hawaii arrest shows Revolution Muslim Shifting from Ideological to Operational
By IPT News @ 1:01 PM :: 13982 Views :: Military, Religion

Followers of the outspoken groups Revolution Muslim and the Islamic Thinkers Society are moving from ideology to violent action....The case of Abdel Hameed Shehadeh is the most recent example. Shehadeh was arrested Oct. 26 in Hawaii....

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban
By Selected News Articles @ 2:25 PM :: 14127 Views :: Military, Religion

The FBI said its agents arrested Abdel Hameed Shehadeh on Friday at his residence in Honolulu. Shehadeh is a U.S. citizen who was born and raised in New York.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rep. Neil Abercrombie is CAGW’s August Porker of the Month
By News Release @ 6:15 PM :: 14001 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Military, Politicians

Citizens Against Government Waste: Rep. Abercrombie’s latest outrage is to slip a provision (Sec. 2833) into the House version of the 2010 Defense Authorization Act that would double the construction costs of relocating 11,600 U.S. troops from Japan to Guam.... OpenSecrets.org lists the Hunt Building Company, which is headquartered in Texas and would be one of the prime builders of the facilities on Guam, as among Abercrombie’s top five campaign contributors in the 2007-2008 election cycle. The Hawai`i Free Press reported on August 4 that Hunt has contributed at least $32,500 to Abercrombie’s re-election since 2002.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Follow the money: $10B Guam pork project benefits Abercrombie contributor
By Andrew Walden @ 6:02 PM :: 26643 Views :: Congressional Delegation, Military, Politicians

As a hippie transplant from Buffalo, Neil Abercrombie was in the late 1960s and early 1970s involved in a scandal over tearing down military facilities--fighting to drive the ROTC out of what 1960s anti-American war activists called “the shacks” on the UH Manoa campus.

Four decades later, as a Congressman, Abercrombie could become embroiled in a scandal over building up military facilities--steering construction contracts of a military base on Guam towards a major campaign contributor.

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Friday, September 17, 2010
New Gaza aid convoy to undermine peace talks
By IPT News @ 3:43 PM :: 12541 Views :: World News, Military

While Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration back the current round of peace talks between Israel and the PLO, Hawaii-based “peace” activists’ favorite Hamas aid group does its best to undermine the talks with more disruption on the ground and in the water.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Honolulu Maoists & Holocaust Deniers protest against Israel: Star-Bulletin calls them ‘peace activists’
By Andrew Walden @ 12:56 PM :: 19501 Views :: Military

"Ann is so inspirational," said Carolyn Hadfield (Leader of Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party and “Not In Our Name” NION). "She has that military background, so she must have soberly assessed the risks and decided it was worth it."

Michael Rivero, webmaster of the activist (Holocaust denier and 9-11 trooother) website whatreallyhappened.com, said Wright is "a very well-liked, very well-respected peace activist." He likened the Israeli raid to piracy and called it "an act of war."

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saddam Hussein's 1982 Honolulu Attacker flushed from Iraq: FBI announces $5M reward
By Selected News Articles @ 9:51 AM :: 13971 Views :: Military, Religion

As Pan Am Flight 830 descended toward Honolulu and passengers finished their breakfast, a blinding burst of light washed over them. And then, "BOOM!"

The 747 shuddered violently. Confusion erupted as the airliner nose-dived. Screams and thick smoke filled the cabin. Oxygen masks dropped.

In the rear of the plane, 16-year-old Toru Ozawa lay on his back in the aisle. His lower abdomen had been ripped open, his intestines seeping out. The explosion had also sheered off one of his legs. He called out for his mother and father; they watched in horror as he died.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pohakuloa protesters: Marines are "Dirty Bumbs"
By Andrew Walden @ 9:47 PM :: 16402 Views :: Hawaii County , Military


According to protesters organized by 9-11 truther Jim Abertini's mis-named "Malu-Aina Peace center", US Marines training at Pohakuloa on the Big Island are unwanted "Dirty Bumbs."

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Saturday, September 19, 2009
SB: Why are we in Afghanistan? (Debunked)
By Andrew Walden @ 12:52 PM :: 9071 Views :: Military

Wash Times: Unfortunately, the most important strategic factor is the same: a liberal Congress working to undermine the U.S. war effort. The U.S. military had won the Vietnam conflict by 1970, but when Democrats in Congress cut aid to South Vietnam in 1974, our trusting allies in Saigon were left helpless before the communist onslaught. Mr. Obama might want to consult with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on the spirit of those times. Mr. Biden was a freshman senator and one of the cosponsors of the Case-Church Amendment, which stopped aid to Cambodia and opened the way for the Khmer Rouge takeover and the killing fields that followed. 

(And Neil Abercrombie at UH Manoa was one of the hippie protesters who helped Biden make the Pol Pot killing fields possible.)

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Friday, September 11, 2009
Hawaii “Islam Day” secretly marks September 11
By Andrew Walden @ 11:25 AM :: 29819 Views :: Military, Religion


Islamists have just tricked the Hawaii Legislature into celebrating Islam on September 11.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009
UPDATE: Abercrombie's "Green Jobs" point man exposed as 9-11 Truther RESIGNS
By Andrew Walden @ 9:00 PM :: 13226 Views :: Energy, Ethics, Military

Mr. Jones signed a statement for 911Truth.org in 2004 demanding an investigation into what the Bush Administration may have done that “deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war.”

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Friday, August 28, 2009
OHA-funded lawyer linked to Islamist terror propaganda
By IPT News @ 7:29 PM :: 12623 Views :: Military, OHA

Akamai readers will spot the name of Frances A Boyle in paragraph 11 of this August 27 report from the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Rep Bordallo: Abercrombie's $10B Guam pork deal "not going to sail"
By Selected News Articles @ 6:27 PM :: 8712 Views :: Military

"(The Department of Defense) is concerned about this -- we have enough on our plate," she said. "This could derail the buildup. That's how costly it's going to be. ... It's not going to sail."

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tied to Iranian regime, UH Manoa Prof. defends accused Buenos Aires bomber, ducks debate
By Selected News Articles @ 6:45 PM :: 11740 Views :: National News, Higher Education, Military

UH Manoa professor Farideh Farhi, an advisor to the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), a group that lobbies for better relations with the Islamic Republic, challenged me a couple weeks ago...for a column questioning Iranian sincerity in diplomacy.... Today Tabnak (website of accused Buenos Aires bomber) suggests why: In the course of discussing the controversy, it mentions that Farhi worked some years for the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Indeed, her work at the Foreign Ministry coincided with Holocaust revisionist conferences.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Depleted Uranium: Radioactive Propaganda
By Andrew Walden @ 2:50 PM :: 15995 Views :: Hawaii County , Environment, Military

In attempting to prove DU is dangerous, the activists have in fact proved the opposite. They have discovered what any junior high school physics student already knows -- the world is naturally bathed in background radiation. This background radiation is far stronger than anything depleted uranium could ever emit. DU radiation is literally too weak for them to measure.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Depleted Uranium Scam
By Andrew Walden @ 7:53 AM :: 18703 Views :: Environment, Military

If the Big Square Building comprises 100,000 square feet weighing 100 pounds per square foot, and that weight were made up of equal parts drywall, brick, and cement, the ten-million-pound building contains about 42 pounds of non-depleted uranium and 63 pounds of radioactive thorium.

Jim Albertini of the misnamed Malu-Aina Peace Center writes March 27, “We must not tolerate having any depleted uranium in our environment….” By this logic the legislature should immediately be shut down and quarantined as a toxic waste dump.

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Friday, July 24, 2009
Prison could become School: Youth Challenge Academy to take over Kulani?
By News Release @ 3:36 PM :: 12627 Views :: Hawaii County , Education K-12, Labor, Military

To ensure the Kulani facility will be used productively for the benefit of the state and the Big Island community, the Department of Public Safety is currently working with the Hawai‘i Department of Defense (DOD) on a Memorandum of Agreement for the land to be utilized for the DOD’s Hawai‘i National Guard Youth Challenge program.

The Hawai‘i National Guard’s Youth Challenge Academy program provides at-risk students who otherwise would not obtain a high school diploma with an opportunity to attend a 22-week curriculum designed to turn their lives around. Since 1995, over 2,500 students who have participated in the Youth Challenge Academy have earned their High School diplomas.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Guantanamo Greenwell: "If you voted for me you have to accept my position"
By Letters to the Editor @ 4:47 PM :: 15616 Views :: Hawaii County , Military, Politicians

I inquired by email to Councilman Greenwell asking if the now infamous article on Guantanamo detainees was true.  In that email, I indicated that I would circulate his response to the same people.  Well here it is.

Mr. Greenwell opted to reply by phone on July 2.  My initial reaction to the call was “wow" “pleasant surprise”, “approval” and those kinds of feelings. But the pleasure was short lived. After but a few seconds, it changed to disappointment and dismay.

It wasn’t more than two or three sentences into the conversation that he became rude, arrogant, combative and boorish!

Here’s how it went…

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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hawaii County Councilman: Release Guantanamo detainees in Hawaii
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 21614 Views :: Hawaii County , Military, Politicians


Bermuda and Palau may not be the only beautiful tropical islands to host illegal Islamist combatants being released from US custody at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. If a Hawaii County Councilman and a Kauai County activist get their way, some would get a new home—and complete freedom--on two of Hawaii’s most beautiful islands.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009
Obama's Other Controversial Church
By Andrew Walden @ 12:01 AM :: 31150 Views :: Family, Hawaii History, Military, Religion

While John McCain was being tortured as a prisoner of war in Hanoi, First Unitarian Church of Honolulu -- at which the elementary-age Obama would later attend Sunday school after returning from Indonesia in 1970 or 71 -- was sheltering deserters and AWOLs recruited by ‘flirty fishing' coeds from a Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) group known as "The Resistance".  The deserters' exploits were front page news for months on end in mid-1969 Honolulu.  They were also proudly trumpeted by the Honolulu SDS tabloid, "The Roach". 

The contrast between the war hero POW and the Obama deserters' church would have made a pretty good campaign commercial.  But nobody in Honolulu spoke up to claim Obama's First Unitarian connection until after Election Day. 

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Islam Day: UH Religion Professor comes back for more
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 30480 Views :: Higher Education, Military, Religion

Now--in response to the response--Frankel claims he “typed in the wrong date” for “Islam Day”. In a commentary posted May 25 on HawaiiReporter.com, Frankel pretends to “take full responsibility” for becoming the only person on Earth--other than Hawaii Legislators and Muslim Association of Hawaii (MAH) leaders --to claim that “the 12th day of Rabi ul-Awwal will fall on September 24, 2009 (Islam Day).”

Frankel then goes on to explain helpfully that, “September 24, 2009 should correspond to the 21st day of Ramadan in the Islamic calendar.”

Once again Frankel is dead wrong -- and has again exposed an utterly stupendous ignorance of his own field of study. One quick glance at an Islamic calendar shows that September 24, 2009 corresponds to the 4th day of Shawwal. The 21st day of Ramadan will be … September 11, 2009. Perhaps this is Frankel’s idea of a joke?

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Big Island Weekly joins 9-11 deniers
By Andrew Walden @ 11:37 AM :: 15985 Views :: Hawaii County , Military

According to Big Island Weekly editor Kristine Kubat's  September 3 column, “If you think the U.S. government was behind the 9-11 attack, you are not alone.”  Kubat then proceeds to promote “9-11 Truth Awareness” by inviting them to a 9-11 denier demonstration ...

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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Billy Kenoi at Shooters—and the Pali shooter—the connections
By Andrew Walden @ 1:25 AM :: 36823 Views :: Hawaii County , Ethics, Law Enforcement, Military

All the newspapers have missed the connections between convicted Pali shooter Ethan Malu Motta, his codefendants, and the incident at Shooters Bar and Grill....

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Monday, July 21, 2008
Council denounces depleted uranium
By Andrew Walden @ 3:38 AM :: 18252 Views :: Hawaii County , Military

Bananas are more radioactive than depleted uranium. Tobacco, marijuana, chocolate, cocaine, heroin, and the human body all emit higher levels of gamma and beta radiation—the most powerful types-- than depleted uranium. Rather than being a radiation source, depleted uranium is used as a radiation shield used to block emissions from nuclear reactors.

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Saturday, September 8, 2007
Bananas More Radioactive than Depleted Uranium
By Andrew Walden @ 7:56 AM :: 18455 Views :: Environment, Military

When the Army’s inevitable discovery of the DU rounds at Pohakuloa came, the activists’ agit-prop show took over the so-called mainstream media. The Hawaii Tribune Herald printed the double lie, “Radioactive find at PTA fuels fears” as its Aug. 26 headline. It is wrong on both counts: It is completely false to call DU a “radioactive find” unless it would be correct to call the potassium-40 laden protesters, “radioactive activists.” Secondly the activists are not fearful but utterly thrilled to discover that DU is present on the Big Island. As Albertini said, “This is going to be bigger than Agent Orange.”

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Conspiracy Nuts Pass Out Cash
By Andrew Walden @ 12:08 PM :: 8768 Views :: Hawaii County , Higher Education, Military

“Nancy Aleck, the dynamic Exec. Director of the People's Fund, a progressive, grassroots, small-grants ($3,000 limit) organization, will be on the Big Island during Sept. 20-23 to present information and grant request forms ….”

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