Entries for 'Linda Smith'
Friday, August 5, 2011 |
Mainland Democrat Operatives Attack Gov. Lingle's Record
By Linda Smith @ 1:23 AM :: 8232 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
During her 30-years of public service, Governor Lingle has always run issue-oriented campaigns. Should there be a future campaign, it too would be run on the issues, rather than based on personal attacks.
There is no place in Hawaii for these deplorable tactics by national partisan political staffers. The voters of Hawaii deserve better.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009 |
Legislature overrides 34 vetoes: Card-Check is Law
By Linda Smith @ 9:44 PM :: 8134 Views :: Energy, Environment
Among the bills that will become law include measures that will take away the right to a secret ballot from employees who wish to form a union, make it difficult for employers to check the credit history of prospective employees, and will require employers to continue to pay the medical costs of individuals who are deemed ready to return to work.
The Legislature passed bills that would increase state spending by millions of dollars beyond the current budget. “The State cannot spend money it does not have,” Budget and Finance Director Georgina Kawamura said. “My Department will be forced to recommend the Governor not release the appropriations in these bills.”
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