Entries for 'Rep Barbara Marumoto'
Friday, March 4, 2016 |
Former Bush Supporter Barbara Marumoto Endorses Rubio
By Rep Barbara Marumoto @ 8:15 PM :: 6344 Views :: Politicians, Republican Party
"I'm voting for Marco Rubio, the candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton."
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Thursday, October 30, 2014 |
Fact: Takai Voted for Pension Tax Twice
By Rep Barbara Marumoto @ 5:35 PM :: 6774 Views :: Politicians, Taxes
Takai actually ran a TV commercial claiming he opposed the pension tax “every time.” This is false and Takai knows it....
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Monday, May 7, 2012 |
Marumoto: Mass Release of Prisoners not True Justice Reform
By Rep Barbara Marumoto @ 11:41 PM :: 6533 Views :: Energy, Environment
Why start the first year with 500 releases? I also question whether we will have the necessary programs and personnel in place for Year 1. Will drug and alcohol treatment, counseling, vocational training, or halfway houses be ready?
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 |
Legislators Voting to Release 1,100 Criminals on Streets of Hawaii
By Rep Barbara Marumoto @ 9:08 PM :: 8189 Views :: Justice Reinvestment
This "early release bill" amends current state law in a manner that can affect neighborhood security. With 1100 inmates released in the first 3 years of the program, there will be some recidivism, some crimes and many victims....
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012 |
Marumoto: SB2858 Relating to Closed Government
By Rep Barbara Marumoto @ 6:31 PM :: 6371 Views :: Energy, Environment
This bill has the wrong title. It should be called Relating to Closed Government. Passage of SB 2858 will roll back more than 20 years of openness and sunshine ....
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