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Entries for 'Robert Thomas'

Friday, December 13, 2019
Legislature's "Gut-And-Replace" Procedure Violates Hawaii Constitution Three Readings Requirement
By Robert Thomas @ 3:55 AM :: 3750 Views :: Ethics, Hawaii State Government

...Here's the motion we filed today....

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Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hot Take On The Maui Clean Water Act Arguments
By Robert Thomas @ 2:12 PM :: 5026 Views :: Maui County, Environment, Tourism

...It all turns on the language of the Clean Water Act, and what does the term "from" mean....

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Maui Enviros Sue in State Court to Yank Case Away from US Supreme Court
By Robert Thomas @ 4:06 AM :: 5217 Views :: Maui County, Environment, Judiciary

... If this were federal court with its Article III case and controversy standing requirements, we'd bet the court might have a difficult time finding standing. But this is a Hawaii court applying Hawaii law, and anyone who might be able to allege even "butterfly effect" linkage to the desired outcome has a very good argument for standing ....

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Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bridge Aina Lea: Will Takings Claim Be Ruled out by Statute of Limitations?
By Robert Thomas @ 1:25 AM :: 5063 Views :: Hawaii County , Development, Law Enforcement

...State's Amicus Response....

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Friday, October 25, 2019
Lights Out In The Land Of No: The Practical Effects Of California's Wildfire Inverse Condemnation Doctrine
By Robert Thomas @ 6:55 PM :: 4749 Views :: Energy, Judiciary

...if the power is to be shut off to more than a handful of customers statewide, the power must also be shut off to the homes of both the responsible utility execs and the state legislature and executive office buildings....

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Monday, October 14, 2019
SCOTUS: Who is in charge at the County Of Maui?
By Robert Thomas @ 1:38 AM :: 5009 Views :: Maui County, Environment

...SCOTUS Oral Argument Hinges On Internal Dispute Over Who Can Settle....

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Friday, August 9, 2019
Bridge Aina Lea: Statute of Limitations?
By Robert Thomas @ 12:10 AM :: 5582 Views :: Hawaii County , Development, Land Use

...Here is the motion asking the Hawaii Supreme Court for leave to file an amicus curiae brief (and the proposed brief)....

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Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Honolulu's New Short-Term Rental Ordinance Challenged In Federal Court
By Robert Thomas @ 4:01 PM :: 7691 Views :: Honolulu County, Land Use, Small Business, Tourism

... read the full complaint ....

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Friday, June 28, 2019
What The US Supreme Court's Property Rights Decision Means For Hawaii's Property Owners
By Robert Thomas @ 3:10 AM :: 10199 Views :: National News, Development, Judiciary, Land Use, Small Business, Tourism

...Hawaii’s property owners now have many more options for fighting back against oppressive government regulation of property than they did last week.... 

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Does Legalizing Uber and Lyft 'Take' The Property Of Taxi Companies?
By Robert Thomas @ 6:34 PM :: 3618 Views :: Small Business

...taxi companies in several cities have brought lawsuits claiming that legalizing ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft violates the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment....

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Thursday, May 16, 2019
HAWSCT: PUC Must Consider Whether Renewable Biofuel Energy Plant Might Impact Property Right To Clean And Healthful Environment
By Robert Thomas @ 6:53 PM :: 5760 Views :: Hawaii County , Energy, Environment

...the court's conclusion that the property right to a clean and healthful environment not only requires the PUC to conduct an administrative trial, but that as part of the trial, the agency must expressly consider "the reduction of [greenhouse gas] emissions"....

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Friday, April 5, 2019
9th Circuit: City Can Only Enforce Sleeping Ban if Shelter Available
By Robert Thomas @ 10:48 PM :: 5623 Views :: Homelessness

"...the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment bars a city from prosecuting people criminally for sleeping outside on public property when those people have no home or other shelter to go to...."

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Sunday, March 10, 2019
Ninth Circuit Wants To Know The Statute Of Limitations For Takings Claims In Hawaii
By Robert Thomas @ 4:40 PM :: 6514 Views :: Hawaii County , Judiciary, Land Use

...which statute of limitations applies to takings claims: the two-year personal injury statute, or the six-year "catch all." The answer has not been definitively resolved by Hawaii's courts....

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Sunday, March 10, 2019
Hawaii Supreme Court: Must Employer Hold Open Injured Worker's Position Eternally?
By Robert Thomas @ 4:33 PM :: 5560 Views :: Health Care, Labor, Small Business

...Amicus Brief: Employer Can Fill Injured Worker's Position If There Are Legitimate Business Reasons For Doing So....

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019
JEFS Fail: Judiciary Electronic System Leaves Lawyers in the Dark
By Robert Thomas @ 1:38 AM :: 3958 Views :: Judiciary

"...the JEFS system has failed to notify us of events in the cases in which we are counsel...."

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019
ICA Throws out Case Against Vacation Rental
By Robert Thomas @ 1:24 AM :: 6415 Views :: Honolulu County, Land Use, Tourism

...Hitting someone with a notice of violation and then telling them to disprove it (all the while laboring under ever-increasing daily fines) just won't cut it....

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Friday, January 18, 2019
$10 Maui Oceanfront Parcel? Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case
By Robert Thomas @ 1:40 AM :: 6260 Views :: Maui County, Ethics, Land Use

...Would You Pay $10 for Maui Beachfront Land?....

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018
HAWSCT's Latest Water Case Isn't About Water
By Robert Thomas @ 7:59 PM :: 6816 Views :: Environment, Judiciary, Land Use

...Search as you might, there's nothing there that helps or hurts in the water law department....

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Sunday, October 21, 2018
Would You Pay $10 for Maui Beachfront Land?
By Robert Thomas @ 3:51 PM :: 5930 Views :: Maui County, Land Use

...Welcome to newspeak, takings edition.... 

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Saturday, October 20, 2018
HSTA Property Tax: Two Wolves Fight Over Dinner
By Robert Thomas @ 2:12 AM :: 7171 Views :: Education K-12, Ethics, Labor, Taxes

...the lambs (the voters and taxpayers) didn't have much of a say as usual, and portions of the arguments revealed what these folks think about the intelligence of the average Hawaii voter....

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Hawaii Supreme Court to Decide if Land Can be Stolen from Owners Without Compensation?
By Robert Thomas @ 2:51 AM :: 6042 Views :: Maui County, Land Use

...The land was zoned for single-family residences, but the County of Maui decided it should be used as a public park. Instead of buying the land, however, the County wielded its regulatory authority to prevent the Leones from developing their property in any way....

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Thursday, August 9, 2018
Telescope: Cultural Property Ownership Gets You Only One Proceeding
By Robert Thomas @ 5:14 AM :: 7129 Views :: Hawaii County , Higher Education, Judiciary

...The court held that Mr. Flores -- a native Hawaiian who claims a cultural interest in the mountaintop -- owned "property," but that he had the opportunity to protect that interest in a a parallel administrative proceeding, and didn't need another one....

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Friday, July 27, 2018
Act 56: When An Agency Is Given Emergency Powers, Pretty Soon Everything Looks Like An "Emergency"
By Robert Thomas @ 12:13 PM :: 5963 Views :: Ethics, First Amendment, Labor

...The Hawaii Supreme Court has not exactly been overly receptive to executive and legislative efforts to react nimbly to court rulings....

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Friday, July 27, 2018
Bridge Aina Lea--Next Stop 9th Circuit
By Robert Thomas @ 12:05 PM :: 7399 Views :: Hawaii County , Development, Land Use

...the jury (after deliberating for a grand total of 15 minutes) held the State of Hawaii Land Use Commission liable for a regulatory taking....

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Federal Appeals Court: No Property Right In A Clean And Pure Environment
By Robert Thomas @ 1:19 PM :: 5137 Views :: Environment, Land Use

...Remember that case from earlier this year where the Hawaii Supreme Court held that for purposes of Hawaii's Due Process Clause, the Sierra Club has a property right in a "clean and healthful environment?"....

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Honolulu's Sidewalk Obstruction Prohibition Goes Island-Wide
By Robert Thomas @ 1:17 AM :: 4760 Views :: Homelessness

...city lawyers have taken great pains to craft the bills with language that works around areas that federal courts have found unacceptable....

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018
After a Few Months of Typing, HGEA Member Scores Lifetime 'Disability' Pension
By Robert Thomas @ 1:23 PM :: 7096 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Health Care, Labor

...with 10 years of back payments thanks to a 3-2 decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court....

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Monday, May 14, 2018
Little Pink House Coming to Honolulu
By Robert Thomas @ 12:44 AM :: 4608 Views :: Land Use

...June 11, 2018, 6:30pm....

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Bridge Aina Lea: Jury Rejects LUC Taking After 15 Mins Deliberation
By Robert Thomas @ 7:26 PM :: 8607 Views :: Hawaii County , Development, Land Use

...We're guessing both the State and the property owner will likely be taking this case up the chain to the Ninth Circuit.... 

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff: 34 Years Later
By Robert Thomas @ 7:14 PM :: 6550 Views :: Hawaii History, Land Use

...the 34th anniversary of the SCOTUS oral arguments in Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff....

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Monday, March 26, 2018
Department Of Precrime: HAWSCT Considers Cultural "Property" on Mauna Kea
By Robert Thomas @ 5:23 PM :: 7661 Views :: Greenmail, Higher Education, OHA

... the Hawaii Supreme Court is being asked to resolve two fundamental questions in the latest case involving the Thirty Meter Telescope ....

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Thursday, March 15, 2018
Lawsuit: UPW Prison Guards 'Take Down' Pregnant Prisoner
By Robert Thomas @ 2:54 PM :: 5722 Views :: Law Enforcement, Life

...The State appealed to the Intermediate Court of Appeals, arguing that Hawaii's wrongful death statute limits recovery for "the death of a person," and that the fetus did not qualify....

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Saturday, February 24, 2018
Vacation Rental Home Is "Public Accommodation" -- Lesbians are Mandatory
By Robert Thomas @ 3:15 AM :: 7817 Views :: First Amendment, Small Business, Tourism

...the court held they could be held liable, even though it is their home, first concluding that renting out a room in your home qualifies as offering a public accommodation, even though it is your residence....

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018
DHHL Funding: A morass in which the courts should not get entangled
By Robert Thomas @ 9:08 PM :: 4773 Views :: DHHL

...This is Chapter 2 of the story....

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Bills: Skip ICA, Direct Appeals to Supreme Court
By Robert Thomas @ 8:55 PM :: 4279 Views :: Judiciary

...The bills, HB 2191 and HB 2194, would return the state court appeals system to the way it was prior to the 2006 amendments....

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Friday, January 19, 2018
Chin's Crackpot Theory: Eminent Domain Abuse, Hawaii Style
By Robert Thomas @ 7:03 PM :: 6398 Views :: Maui County, Land Use

...“No court in the United States has accepted that argument, and no condemning authority has had the chutzpah to make that argument."....

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Friday, January 5, 2018
"Why Isn’t Honolulu Helping Businesses Hurt By Rail Construction?" (Because It Doesn't Want To, And No One Is Making It)
By Robert Thomas @ 3:07 PM :: 6041 Views :: Land Use, Rail

...the City doesn't really care all that much about these particular businesses or their owners....

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Saturday, December 30, 2017
Hawaii Supreme Court Rules Public has Property Right to a Clean Environment
By Robert Thomas @ 7:23 PM :: 8798 Views :: Energy, Environment, Land Use

...Does the Supreme Court now have three votes to kill the telescope?....

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Saturday, December 30, 2017
Video: "The Future Of Land Regulations And A Tribute To David Callies"
By Robert Thomas @ 7:01 PM :: 5573 Views :: Higher Education, Land Use

...the William and Mary Law School awards U. Hawaii lawprof David Callies the Brigham-Kanner Prize....

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Friday, November 24, 2017
Project Announcement: Honolulu Rail May Be Coming To A Neighborhood Near You
By Robert Thomas @ 4:26 PM :: 4687 Views :: Rail

...project announcement is the effective taking date triggering property owners' right to compensation and damages....

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Friday, November 10, 2017
Queen Sues: Feds Took Our Crown Lands
By Robert Thomas @ 11:38 PM :: 6508 Views :: Hawaii History

...after she was deposed, and after Hawaii became a U.S. territory, the former queen sued the United States in what was then the U.S. Claims Court....

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Friday, June 30, 2017
UH Law School Looks at Sharing Economy
By Robert Thomas @ 2:00 AM :: 4066 Views :: Small Business

..."Property" And Investment-Backed Expectations In Ridesharing Regulatory Takings Claims....

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Not Satisfied With Merely Taking Land For Rail, Now The City Wants Blood
By Robert Thomas @ 4:36 AM :: 5737 Views :: Land Use, Rail

...Blood bank sues over city push to take land for rail.... 

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Thursday, May 18, 2017
Retaliation: Supreme Court Upholds Hanalei Land Seizure
By Robert Thomas @ 1:57 AM :: 6309 Views :: Kauai County, Land Use

The case involves three parcels on Kauai -- one of which is owned by a fellow who has been a thorn in the County's side....

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Ikaika Anderson Land Use Facepalm
By Robert Thomas @ 2:24 PM :: 6165 Views :: Honolulu County, Land Use
“The lawyers start rubbing their hands a little bit because the comments are giving them ammunition.”
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Friday, March 31, 2017
Rickrolling Rail
By Robert Thomas @ 5:01 PM :: 4861 Views :: Rail

...city officials feel they have been given the green light to get the project finished, whatever the eventual cost might be....

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Thursday, March 23, 2017
Do Muslims Have a Property Interest in US Visas?
By Robert Thomas @ 2:26 AM :: 5612 Views :: National News

...looking for the "real" motive behind a government action seems an awful lot alike to us? Our old friend, pretext in eminent domain....

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Saturday, March 4, 2017
State Supreme Court says election board erred in not hearing challenge
By Robert Thomas @ 7:51 PM :: 4768 Views :: Office of Elections
In Hyland v. Gonzales, No. SCWC-15-0000053 (Mar. 2, 2017), the unanimous court held that the appellant timely "brought" his appeal to the Hawaii County Board of Registration....
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Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments: When Is Election Law Admin Appeal "Brought?"
By Robert Thomas @ 9:42 PM :: 5326 Views :: Office of Elections

...when it is mailed by the appellant, or when received by the Board of Registration Appeals....

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Thursday, February 9, 2017
UH Law Review Sharing Economy Symposium
By Robert Thomas @ 3:34 AM :: 5161 Views :: Small Business

...the University of Hawaii Law Review is devoting one of its issues to a symposium on issues related to the sharing economy....

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