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Entries for 'NCPA'

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
How the College Bubble Will Pop
By NCPA @ 1:48 PM :: 3360 Views :: Higher Education

...the earning differential between college and high school graduates fell 11 percent for men and 19.7 percent for women....

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The 2014 ObamaCare Tax Wave
By NCPA @ 1:42 PM :: 4092 Views :: Health Care, Taxes

...the HIT would increase health insurance premiums by more than $2,800 per person and $6,800 per family over a decade....

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Monday, January 13, 2014
New IRS Rule Could Cut Into Restaurant Workers' Tips
By NCPA @ 11:35 AM :: 6265 Views :: Labor, Small Business, Taxes

As of January 1, a new tax rule will prevent restaurant workers from collecting automatic tips....

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Friday, January 10, 2014
The GMO Stigma
By NCPA @ 9:30 AM :: 4496 Views :: GMOs

...GMOs could offer a healthier and more secure future for the poor across the world....

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Friday, January 10, 2014
Walmart Health Plan Better Than ObamaCare
By NCPA @ 9:26 AM :: 3129 Views :: Health Care

...a family of four could pay a $962 premium under ObamaCare but only a $160 premium under the Walmart plan....

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014
GMOs: NYT/Grist gets it right; Hawaii County Council gets it wrong
By NCPA @ 3:13 PM :: 4382 Views :: GMOs

The Times report also examines the psychology of GMOphobes ....

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Monday, January 6, 2014
WSJ: Medicaid Expansion Drives up Visits to Emergency Room
By NCPA @ 2:26 PM :: 2987 Views :: Health Care

A group of 10,000 low-income Oregon residents who recently obtained Medicaid coverage visited ERs 40 percent more often....

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Thursday, December 19, 2013
Hawaii Among Least Free States, Provinces of N America
By NCPA @ 1:07 PM :: 4198 Views :: Hawaii Statistics

The most-free jurisdiction in North America is in Canada, according to a study by Dean Stansel, a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University, and Fred McMahon of the Fraser Institute....

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Thursday, December 19, 2013
ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning
By NCPA @ 12:52 PM :: 3210 Views :: Health Care

ObamaCare is only going to get worse....

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Why the Price of Crude in America Is Out of Whack with the Rest of the World
By NCPA @ 1:35 PM :: 4823 Views :: Energy, Cost of Living

A barrel of Brent currently changes hands for $109; WTI fetches just $98; HECO pays $132....

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Friday, December 13, 2013
Federal Regulations Discourage Small-Scale Hydro Projects
By NCPA @ 10:10 PM :: 3312 Views :: Energy

...FERC oversees all permits for hydropower plans. The process is so onerous that license-seekers sometimes have to obtain permits from up to 25 different agencies. It can take years....

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Friday, December 13, 2013
Keeping Patients in Dedicated Observation Units Could Save Millions
By NCPA @ 10:06 PM :: 3234 Views :: Health Care

...dedicated hospital observation units could lead to $950 million in national cost savings, according to a new study in Health Affairs....

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Are We About To Face A Severe Doctor Shortage?
By NCPA @ 8:04 PM :: 3502 Views :: Health Care

To meet the promise of free preventive care nationwide, every family doctor in America would have to work full-time delivering it, leaving no time for all the other things they need to do....

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Do Bans on Plastic Grocery Bags Save Cities Money?
By NCPA @ 6:58 PM :: 6260 Views :: Environment, Small Business, Taxes

Consumers choose plastic bags far more often than paper or reusable bags to carry their purchases.... 

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Monday, December 9, 2013
United States Should Embrace Its Energy Superpower Status
By NCPA @ 10:42 AM :: 3578 Views :: Energy

U.S. energy policy should be changed to reflect its newfound energy abundance....

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Friday, December 6, 2013
How the Environmental Left Became the New Climate Deniers
By NCPA @ 5:35 AM :: 3861 Views :: Environment

Because the new predictions are less dire than in the past, the IPCC’s old fans have suddenly become the new climate deniers, calling the IPCC’s latest report “political” and ignoring its key findings....

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Thursday, December 5, 2013
48% of Meteorologists not Fooled by Global Warming Hype
By NCPA @ 1:44 AM :: 3741 Views :: Environment

...the way it was conducted and its honest conclusion gives me more hope than I’ve had in a long time concerning the integrity of climate research....

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013
A New Way to Look at Energy Subsidies
By NCPA @ 2:04 PM :: 3371 Views :: Energy

It is easy to manipulate the numbers when it comes to talking about subsidies....

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
United States to Become World's Largest Oil Producer
By NCPA @ 12:49 PM :: 3835 Views :: Energy

The United States will surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil producer by 2015, and be close to energy self-sufficiency in the next two decades, amid booming output from shale formations....

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Obamacare Gives Insurance Commissioner Powerful Incentive to Raise Rates
By NCPA @ 12:22 PM :: 4010 Views :: Health Care

...a commissioner who insists on lower premiums will reduce the amount of care available to subsidized voters without saving them a dime...

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Monday, November 25, 2013
Solving the Global Sugar Trade Problem
By NCPA @ 1:15 PM :: 6645 Views :: World News, Agriculture

Agriculture subsidies and trade manipulation have long been among the most intractable of policy problems....

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Continue Dramatic Decline in 2013
By NCPA @ 1:25 PM :: 3994 Views :: Energy, Environment

United States has reduced more carbon dioxide emissions this century than any other nation. The U.S. emissions decline is due in large part to technological advances in natural gas production ....

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Health Insurers Express Worries over Obama Shift on Policy Cancellations
By NCPA @ 12:54 PM :: 3104 Views :: Health Care

If old plans are restored, "fewer healthy people and younger people would be leaving their current plans" ....

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Friday, November 15, 2013
Government Programs Hurt the Environment
By NCPA @ 3:22 AM :: 3440 Views :: Environment

Now, on a single day, I have been given the gift of multiple news reports each detailing new ways the government is hurting the environment while purporting to save it....

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Thursday, November 14, 2013
Fracking Reverses Decline in U.S. Energy Production
By NCPA @ 11:13 AM :: 3268 Views :: Energy

A few short years ago, many analysts argued that oil was nearly tapped out and America needed to plan for a post-petroleum future.  What's changed? In a word: fracking....

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tattering the Safety Net
By NCPA @ 11:52 AM :: 4574 Views :: Health Care

One of the ways that the health reform is being funded is through cuts in disproportionate share funding for hospitals....

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
TIME: Universal Pre-K: No Substitute for a Healthy, Stable Childhood
By NCPA @ 12:04 PM :: 4736 Views :: Education K-12, Family

...parents, not formal education, that make the difference for young children's readiness for school and success once they get there....

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Friday, November 8, 2013
U.S. Sugar Policy Sends Candy Makers Abroad
By NCPA @ 10:06 AM :: 7547 Views :: National News, Agriculture, Small Business, Cost of Living

U.S. candy makers are expanding production in other countries as federal price supports and a global glut of the sweet stuff give an ever-greater advantage to foreign rivals....

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Friday, November 1, 2013
Big Wind’s Dirty Secret: Radioactive Waste
By NCPA @ 3:00 PM :: 5774 Views :: Energy, Environment

...between 4.9 million and 6.1 million pounds of radioactive waste were created to make these wind turbines....

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Friday, November 1, 2013
A Psychiatric Trick or Treat
By NCPA @ 2:56 PM :: 3632 Views :: Health Care

Fifty years ago this week, President John F. Kennedy signed legislation creating a federally funded Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) program....

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
NYT: Obamacare 'Adverse Selection' Followed by 'Death Spiral'
By NCPA @ 2:36 PM :: 4086 Views :: Health Care

Economists call the process "adverse selection" and warn that in its worst iteration it could lead to a "death spiral" of falling enrollment and climbing prices....

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Friday, October 25, 2013
WSJ on Solar City: Cronyism in Full Force
By NCPA @ 3:26 PM :: 6842 Views :: Energy, Ethics

The increase in their stock prices has raised his net worth by more than $5 billion over the past year....

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Friday, October 25, 2013
HECO Warns Solar Contractors over Deceptive Sales Practices
By NCPA @ 3:23 PM :: 5692 Views :: Energy

A solar vendor is telling prospective customers that it has a "special arrangement" with Hawaiian Electric....

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Friday, October 25, 2013
WSJ: The Universal Pre-K Fallacy
By NCPA @ 2:51 PM :: 4329 Views :: Education K-12

Universal pre-kindergarten schooling, every progressive's fondest dream, is back in the news....

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Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Unraveling of ObamaCare has Just Begun
By NCPA @ 4:48 PM :: 3304 Views :: Health Care

The problem lies with the nature of the law itself, promising trillions in new government benefits while relying on dubious financing mechanisms. These problems were not only foreseeable, they were indeed widely foreseen....

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
World Food Prize Goes to Monsanto, Syngenta
By NCPA @ 1:24 AM :: 2765 Views

Every scientific body worth counting has judged biotechnology to be safe and necessary, but still many environmental radicals play on fears of the unknown to get the public and sadly, all too often successfully, public officials....

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Monday, October 14, 2013
Hawaii Among Worst States to Start New Business
By NCPA @ 1:06 PM :: 5094 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Small Business

Vermont, perhaps best known as home of the hippie ice cream company Ben & Jerry's, is 12th-best for new businesses, while South Carolina placed toward the bottom....

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Monday, October 14, 2013
ObamaCare Is Not a Bailout for State and Local Governments
By NCPA @ 12:58 PM :: 3765 Views :: Health Care

Most governments will need to summon substantial political will to use ObamaCare to drop retiree health care coverage....

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Monday, October 7, 2013
United States Becomes Largest Oil-and-Gas Producer
By NCPA @ 1:15 PM :: 3400 Views :: Energy

The United States is overtaking Russia as the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas, a startling shift that is reshaping markets and eroding the clout of traditional energy-rich nations, says the Wall Street Journal....

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Monday, September 30, 2013
Wind and Solar Can't Save Climate
By NCPA @ 12:15 PM :: 5090 Views :: Energy, Environment

If policymakers are committed to reducing global carbon dioxide emissions, then they will have to get serious about promoting sources of electricity production that can compete with coal on price....

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Friday, September 27, 2013
New Global Warming Report: Less Scary, More Politics
By NCPA @ 11:36 PM :: 5160 Views :: Energy, Environment

The report acknowledges, finally, that the temperature has plateaued for 16 years now, which the scientists admit they can’t explain....

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Economic Freedom: USA Drops to 17th
By NCPA @ 1:07 PM :: 4051 Views :: Economy

Since 2000, the United States has fallen from a rating of 8.65 to 7.74....

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Friday, September 20, 2013
Study: Smart Growth Produces High Housing Costs
By NCPA @ 3:34 AM :: 6327 Views :: Development, Land Use, Cost of Living

The cost of owned housing rose 75 percent more in areas of higher poverty....

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Friday, September 13, 2013
Global Warming Primer: Second Edition
By NCPA @ 12:52 PM :: 3517 Views :: Environment
"Today's global warming policies have no connection to climatological reality" 
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013
IRS Finalizes Penalty for ObamaCare Mandate
By NCPA @ 12:57 PM :: 3683 Views :: Health Care

The regulation from the IRS formally codifies the fine charged to people without insurance....

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Friday, August 30, 2013
Scientific American: Labels for Genetically Modified Foods Are a Bad Idea
By NCPA @ 5:54 PM :: 5205 Views :: GMOs

...mandatory GMO labels would only intensify the misconception that so-called Frankenfoods endanger people's health...

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Thursday, August 29, 2013
Progress on Veteran Affairs Backlog Is an Illusion
By NCPA @ 12:45 PM :: 3986 Views :: Military

...the costly push to bring the numbers down is unsustainable and could doom those seeking benefits to years-long waits in appeals....

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013
New Student Loan Scheme: $184B Profit for Federal Gov’t
By NCPA @ 11:59 AM :: 3714 Views :: Higher Education

...the government actually stands to make an enormous profit on the president's new federal student loan system -- a boondoggle paid for by hyper-inflated tuition costs and fueled by a government-sponsored predatory-lending program....

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Friday, August 23, 2013
Keeping the Promise: State Solutions for Government Pension Reform
By NCPA @ 2:48 PM :: 5367 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Labor, Taxes

Once they establish principles for reform, legislators can choose from a menu of options. Tinkering with existing plans is the most obvious, and sometimes the easiest....

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Thursday, August 22, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency's Ethanol Band-Aid
By NCPA @ 3:14 PM :: 3166 Views :: Energy

the EPA on August 6 finally revealed the amount of ethanol that is expected to be blended into gasoline in 2013....

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