by Andrew Walden
Describing the news as “very disappointing”, Anthony Bergamo, President and Founder of the Federal Law Enforcement Foundation (FLEF) categorically repudiates any connection between his organization and the Muslim Association of Hawaii and Hawaii Islam Day celebrations.
Bergamo’s statement comes in response to a series of March, 2011 news stories in which Islam Day, the MAH, and its President, Hakim Ouansafi, were tied to FLEF.
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser March 22 described Hakim Ouansafi, as “both chairman of the Muslim Association of Hawaii and a board member of the Federal Law Enforcement Foundation.” The Star-Advertiser further claimed: “The Muslim Association of Hawaii and the Federal Law Enforcement Foundation…began their Islam Day fundraising project in September.”
The Star-Advertiser even provided information on how to donate money to the Saudi-funded MAH.
Similar statements were included in a March 18 FBI News Release and a story on Hawaii News Now.
At the behest of MAH and Ouansafi, Hawaii Islam Day was recognized by the Hawaii legislature as a one-time event on September 24, 2009—a day which has absolutely no significance in the Islamic calendar but corresponds to September 11th in the Julian calendar. MAH also celebrated “Islam Day” on September 24, 2010.
In spite of their sly September 11 celebration, the MAH official statement on the death of Osama bin-Laden straight facedly reads: “Hawaii Muslims have stood firm and stated repeatedly since the 9/11 terror attacks that Bin Laden and his group never represented Muslims or Islam and we continually condemned their evil acts.”
This is al-Taqiyyah in action.
And now the Star-Advertiser is claiming that the FLEF is part of Islam Day.
Not true says FLEF President Bergamo. Bergamo says the whole series of events was, “not sanctioned by me or the Foundation. I do not know the man named (Ouansafi) nor is he authorized to use the foundation name.”
Neither Ouansafi nor the FBI responded to a request for comment from Hawai`i Free Press.
Follower of Gandhi, Martin Luther King declared to be kafir by MAH leaders: LINK