Friday, May 31, 2013 |
Governor Releases $21.8 Million for Airports, Highways Statewide
By News Release @ 2:44 AM :: 4657 Views :: Hawaii State Government
Governor Releases $21.8 Million for Airports, Highways Statewide
News Release from Office of the Governor May 30, 2013
HONOLULU – Gov. Neil Abercrombie today announced the release of more than $21.8 million for capital improvement projects (CIP) for state airports and highways that will further stimulate Hawaii’s improving economy and job environment.
“Our state’s economy is growing stronger, and it is important that we maintain this positive momentum by continuing to invest in priority capital improvement projects – particularly those maintaining and upgrading our transportation infrastructure, which is essential to island commerce, business, the visitor industry, and our way of life,” Gov. Abercrombie said, adding, “As I directed upon taking office, the state Department of Transportation is restructuring its procurement process and will ensure proper training and implementation of strong, centralized controls to meet standards required by law.”
Allotment of funds for the following priority projects, identified by members of the state Legislature, has been approved by the Governor:
- $6,340,000 – Honolulu International Airport, Oahu – Pavement reconstruction for Runway 4R to comply with applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements (Link to photo)
- $4,750,000 – Kahului Airport, Maui – Construction for repaving a portion of Runway 2-20 to comply with applicable FAA requirements (Link to photo)
- $2,700,000 – Honolulu International Airport, Oahu – Construction to replace 12 passenger loading bridges at the Ewa Concourse
- $1,250,000 – Kahului Airport, Maui – Planning funds to prepare technical studies and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) related to proposed Runway 2-20 improvements
- $1,075,400 – Honolulu International Airport, Oahu – Airfield lighting improvements for Runway 4L to comply with applicable FAA requirements
- $100,000 – Kapalua Airport Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Station Expansion, Maui – Additional construction to complete the station expansion with the addition of a two-bay garage and storage structure
- $1,380,000 – Kuhio Highway Intersection Improvements, Kauai – Design and construction to improve traffic flow and safety in the area by widening the intersection and creating left-turn storage lanes at the intersection of Kuhio Highway and Kapaka Street (Link to photo)
- $1,150,000 – Statewide Planning and Research Program, Fiscal Year 2013 – Planning and research activities related to the development, management and operation of transportation systems and facilities in the state (Highway planning and research is a prerequisite to continued receipt of federal highway funds)
- $1,019,000 – Kekaulike Avenue Drainage Improvements, Maui – Construction to improve the drainage capacity by installing an underground drainage system along the mauka shoulder, as well as acquisition of land for a drainage easement parcel and the rental of two construction easements
- $944,000 – Castle Hills Access Road (Phase 2), Oahu – Improvements to stabilize the streambanks and construct erosion control facilities along Kapunahala Stream in the vicinity of Pookela Street
- $400,000 – Freeway Management System (Phase 2), Oahu – Design activities, including the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for the purpose of deploying equipment and hardware such as closed-caption television cameras, variable message signs, vehicle detectors (sensors), and license plate readers to provide data on speeds and travel time (Link to photo)
- $395,000 – Statewide Bridge Inspection and Appraisal, Fiscal Year 2013 – Planning for the bridge inspection and appraisal program to determine bridge needs and the prioritization of those needs
- $310,000 – Kalanianaole Highway Drainage Improvements, Oahu – Design for a new drainage system to address flooding in the vicinity of Wailupe Place (Link to photo)
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