News Release from TEA Party Maui
TEA Party Maui is proud to announce that our Hawaii State Senator Sam Slom will be our featured speaker at our monthly meeting on Thursday, June 13th at our regular location at Kalama Heights Senior Center, 101 Kanani Rd, in Kihei. "No Consequences for Bad Government Behavior in Hawaii" is the topic of his talk.
This is a rare event and we are certain you will not want to miss the opportunity to hear from our lone Republican Senator in the Hawaii Legislature. Mark your calendar and please note that the event will begin at the earlier start time of 6:00 PM.
Besides being a senator, Sam is a private consulting economist in Honolulu and president/owner of SMS Consultants (since 1982) and he also remains President of Smart Business Hawaii (SBH), Hawaii's most effective business advocacy organization. SBH is a private, independent, association of 1,000 firms.
Related: IRS to Maui TEA Party: "Provide details of your relationship with Dylan Nonaka"