Hawaii Governor Abercrombie’s Socialism and Probable Lie
by Trevor Loudon May 11, 2013 TrevorLoudon.com
Barack Obama, Governor Neil Abercrombie
In 2010, I exposed then Hawaii Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Neil Abercrombie, and his wife Nancie Caraway, as sometime members of the US’s largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America. This relationship spanned more than 20 years, during much of which Abercrombie was Democrat member of the US House of representatives.
Despite producing documentary evidence to back up my claims, the Abercrombie campaign (presumably with Neil Abercrombie’s knowledge) flatly stated “Neil has never been part of any socialist or communist organization”.

Now with Abercrombie in the Governor’s mansion, I thought it might be timely to re-visit the Abercrombie/Democratic Socialists of America connection.

The above screenshot is from Honolulu Democratic Socialists of America membership list, from the early 1980s
Members listed include;
- Roland Kotani – a Democratic member of the Hawaii State House of Representatives who represented the Pearl City-Pacific Palisades area. He was killed by his estranged wife Grace Kotani on 28 July 1989.
- Nancie Caraway – Neil Abercrombie’s wife, a Barack Obama appointee as consultant to U.S. Ambassador Luis C. de Baca in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, and a confirmed 1985 member of the Feminist Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America.
- Neil Abercrombie – then of 2721 A Puuhonua Street, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Please follow the blue links for more comprehensive KeyWiki profiles of Abercrombie and Caraway.
Perhaps some honest Hawaii journalist would care to ask Governor Abercrombie why he chose to conceal his Democratic Socialists of America membership during the 2010 election cycle?
Do the voters of Hawaii deserve to know that their Governor, a family friend of the United States President, was a Marxist, and probably deliberately lied about it?
This information has been brought to you by KeyWiki, a New Zealand hosted, online encyclopedia of the US left.
Honolulu Homicide: Two Chapters on Murder of Roland Kotani and death of his estranged wife
2010: Neil Abercrombie: Secret member of Democratic Socialists of America?
2010: Abercrombie denies membership in Democratic Socialists of America, blames ‘birthers’
The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway