From Councilmember Kym Pine May 9, 2013
There are major transportation initiatives on the horizon that promise to reshape our travel time commute in the years to come, and the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (Oahu MPO) will soon decide which transportation projects will be added to the 2014 and 2015 work program. As a member of the Oahu MPO policy committee I am fighting to secure four important projects to improve the quality of life for residents of our District.
I need you to add your voice to the Oahu MPO discussion and provide your personal support for these critically-needed projects. Together, we can show the Oahu MPO how much our District supports these four important projects in the current draft work program.
These important Leeward and Ewa transportation priorities include:
Farrington Highway Realignment
A project to evaluate the potential impacts, costs, benefits and feasibility of realigning Farrington Highway mauka of the Makaha Beach Park.
Complete Streets Implementation Study
Address mobility needs and support implementation of the Complete Streets ordinance to develop transportation facilities and projects throughout the island that are planned, designed, operated and maintained to provide safe mobility for all users.
TheBus Operations
A project to study and evaluate strategies to reduce the number of transfers needed to complete trips, improve access for persons with disabilities, and provide safer bus service.
Secondary Access and Emergency Access
A project to identify and evaluate sources of funding for competing the Waianae Second Access road and/or emergency access route.
However, this is just the first step. The Oahu MPO public comment period is underway now and will end on May 29, 2013. While the Farrington Highway Realignment and the Complete Streets Implementation Study are priorities, TheBus Operations study and the Secondary Access and Emergency Access study are in danger of being excluded from the Oahu MPO because they lack the public support!
I need you to submit your comments to the Oahu MPO. Tell them that you support these important projects to improve the quality of life for Leeward and Ewa residents.
Contact Oahu MPO today. You can submit comments via, fax: 808-587-2018, or mail: Ocean View Center, 707 Richards Street, Suite 200, Honolulu.
With your help, we will make sure that the Leeward Coast and Ewa Region will continue to shine as a vibrant and growing community!

Legislative Update
In May, City Council will consider the following Bills and Resolutions that may affect you and your family. Learn more below:
Bill 25 (2013) – Relating to Smoking: Amending the prohibition of smoking in certain places to include all city parks and municipal golf courses. To provide testimony call 768-3818 or visit to submit written testimony.
Bill 65 (2012) – To Adopt the Revised Ewa Development Plan for the City and County of Honolulu: This development plan ordinance adopts a revised development plan for Ewa that presents a vision for Ewa’s future development consisting of policies, guidelines, and conceptual schemes that will serve as a policy guide for more detailed regulations and decisions. To provide testimony call 768-3819 or visit to submit written testimony.
Bill 11, CD1 (2013) – Relating to the Executive Operating Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014: Appropriating public operating expenses, including an appropriation of $1.5 million of the Leeward Coast Benefits Package. To provide testimony call 768-3815 or visit to submit written testimony.
Bill 12, CD1 (2013) – Relating to the Executive Capital Program Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014. To provide testimony call 768-3815 or visit to submit written testimony.