by Andrew Walden
(Notice how the Obama media has suddenly chosen to focus on the birthers just as Obama's socialized health care scheme falls apart in Congress? Precisely as this writer has explained again and again, the "birthers" are very helpful to Obama. He uses them to portray his opponents as loons. He also uses them as a cudgel against any investigation of his past or his associations.)
Led by 9-11 trooothers like Pennsylvania Democrat Phil Berg, the scammers claiming that Barack Obama was born outside the US are continuing to work day and night to divert Obama's opponents into useless tin-foil-hat conspiracy theories. Every day they come up with a distracting new lie.
As Obama's hero Saul Alinsky, explains:
“The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”
The trooothers are Democrats and other sociopaths who spent most of the last eight years telling Americans that Osama bin-Laden was innocent and President George Bush was guilty of the 9-11 attacks.
Don't become one of the 9-11 trooothers "birther" victims. Don't fall for Obama's backers' scheme to divert the opposition. Arm yourself with the facts:
No surprise here: Stephen Colbert interviews Orly Taitz
VIDEO: Smelling opportunity, a Liberal blogger runs around Capitol Hill trying to snare Congressmen into making waffly Birther statements which can be used against them in 2010.
Hawaii Statehood resoultion becomes talking point to denounce conservatives as "Birther" lunatics even though it passed unanimously. (If you can't figure out how this "Birther" thing helps Obama, you simply aren't paying attention.)
"Birthers on Parade" Liberals target Congressmen IDed as "Birthers"
Ann Coulter denounces Birthers ...
Leftists at CNN -- source of latest "Birther" lie
USA Today: CNN (Fonda News Network) Lou Dobbs continues his long tradition of introducing red herrings designed to disrupt conservatives by falsely claiming that Hawaii has destroyed Obama's original birth certificate. Lou Dobbs is lying through his teeth.
Full text: Dr Fukino statements
Hawaii: Obama birth certificate is real:
"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."
State declares Obama birth certificate real, again
Gibbs talks on 'birthers' again July 28 VIDEO , article: While getting hammered on socialist health care and carbon tax, Gibbs uses birthers as a 'foil'. (LOOK! See, see, the President's opponents are lunitics!) This is how the birther scam pays off for Obama.
Related: May 27 Video of Gibbs using birthers to make opponents of Obama look like nuts
McCain Campaign Investigated, Dismissed Obama Citizenship Rumors
Unlike Dobbs, some conservative media think birthers are "nutburgers"
This page will be updated as more anti-birther material becomes available.