From the Hawaii Republican Assembly April 2, 2013
Hawaii lawmakers are vigorously attempting to implement state preschools. Following an expensive promotional campaign (www.BeMyVoiceHawaii.org) to gin up support for state preschools, the inevitable rallies featuring children at the State Capitol began in order to purposefully create the illusion of “caring for the keiki.”
The Hawaii Republican Assembly also cares greatly for the parents and children of Hawaii. That is why we strongly oppose state-run preschools for the following reasons:
- Hawaii’s nearly $3 billion education budget and 34,000 full-time employees are already failing to educate our children.
- Hawaii DOE statistics show that 50% of 8th grade and 10th grade students do not meet requirements in math.
- 35%-40% of this same group failed to meet requirements in reading.
- In 2008, the University of Hawaii administered placement exams to more than 3,000 graduates of Hawaii public schools in order to enroll them in one of seven UH community colleges. It was found that 79% of the graduates needed remediation in math, 65% in writing, and 52% in reading.
- A 2010 study from the Education Trust found that more than 30% of Hawaii’s high school graduates failed the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery and were not able to enlist. Hawaii ranked #1 with the highest percentage of those who failed…Mississippi, Louisiana, and Washington, D.C. following behind.
- HEADSTART, America’s 50 year old experiment with early childhood education is a failed program. A Health and Human Services study released in 2010 reported that HEADSTART kids were no better than those not in the program, but makes taxpayer billions of dollars poorer. This sacred cow now has to compete for funding…the first time in history.
- This is very fiscally irresponsible. Hawaii Democrats and their allies have choreographed a legislative campaign in 2013 that rivals the 2009 push in D.C. for Obamacare. We won’t know the final price tag for the state’s costly new entry into the preschool business until the final budget is adopted by the state legislature later this month.
Based on this empirical evidence, why would anyone think this expensive, irresponsible, and deceptive program will work to improve the education of Hawaii’s children? This is not for the “keiki”, this is for an inexcusable growth of government that will institutionalize more HSTA jobs and benefits with guaranteed no return on investment.
Contact your State Representative Now
Contact your State Senator Now
There are many education solutions out there, and HIRA will address these in future correspondence.

According to State Rep. Marcus Oshiro (D), many state lawmakers want to decriminalize marijuana this session. Hawaii lawmakers want to minimize penalties so that a person caught with marijuana will only have to pay a $100 ticket, while completely avoiding the criminal justice system.
The Honolulu Police Department (HPD) strongly opposes Senate Bill 472. HPD has told lawmakers that downgrading penalties for possessing pot sends the wrong message and ignores the negative effects of its usage. HIRA also believes, because studies have shown, that minimizing these penalties gives the incentives for dealers and users to increase the growing, importation, and distribution of marijuana and possibly other illicit drugs.
This law also sets precedence for a “slippery slope.” In the recent past, Democrat politicians such as Will Espero, want the legalization of pot dispensaries in your neighborhood. So there is no time to waste in calling your legislator TODAY. Help oppose Senate Bill 472 SD1 HD1 which appears to be on the fast track to passage.
Contact your State Representative Right Away: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/members/legislators.aspx?chamber=H
Contact your State Senator Right Away: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/members/legislators.aspx?chamber=S
As an affiliated chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, HIRA strives to be the conservative standard bearer of the Republican Party in Hawaii and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.