From the House Republican Caucus
We are now about two-thirds through the legislative session and approaching second crossover. Between now and the House vote on all remaining Senate bills next Tuesday, April 9, committees are considering some last remaining measures.
Bill to repeal the PLDC moves forward
The Senate Committee on Ways and Means passed HB 1133 SD1 to repeal the Public Land Development Corporation. The bill has broad support in the House and Senate so a repeal appears to be imminent.
Two measures with similar intentions that are advancing would establish the Public Private Partnership Authority (SB 215 SD3 HD1) and create a 21st-century schools development program (HB 865 HD1 SD1).
Similar to the PLDC, these proposals are intended to spur job creation and economic development. Some critics believe that these proposals are too similar to the controversial PLDC. In light of that criticism, both measures have added protections that would help to ensure community input and support prior to any project development.
Notable bills to be heard this week
Information about the below measures can be found at the corresponding links.
Tuesday, April 2
- SB 1084 SD1 HD1 proposes a constitutional amendment to permit the appropriation of public funds for private early childhood education programs, subject to non-discrimination provisions, as provided by law. See more details here.
- SB 1093 SD2 HD1 establishes the School Readiness Program within the Early Learning System. See more details here.
- SB 1095 SD2 HD1 establishes the Early Childhood Education Program within the Early Learning System.See more details here.
- SB 102 SD2 requires financial institutions to report instances of suspected financial abuse of an elder directly to the appropriate county police department and the Department of Human Services. See more details here.
Wednesday, April 3
- A proposed House draft for SB 1194 SD2 reduces the effective transient accommodations tax rate of 9.75 per cent to 7.25 per cent on July 1, 2013 and eliminates the daily transient accommodations tax for complimentary accommodations. This would return the tax to its pre-2009 rate and help the visitor industry. See more details here.
Bill updates
Tax and fee increases
- Did NOT pass: SB 492 HD1 would impose an excise tax of $3.20 per ounce on tobacco products. See more details here.
- Did NOT pass: SB 1166 HD1 would increase theconveyance tax on certain real estate transactions and allocate a larger portion of the tax to the natural area reserve fund and rental housing trust fund. See more details here.
- SB 987 SD1 to require the assessment of impact fees prior to issuance of a water meter has passed all of its assigned committees in the House and will next go to a final floor vote. See more details here.
- SB 1133 HD2 has passed all of its assigned committees in the House. It would remove the exemption for dietary supplement beverage containers from the Deposit Beverage Container Program, effectively raising a fee for certain products. See more details here.
Red light cameras
- SB 693 SD2 HD1 has now passed all of its assigned committees in the House. It establishes a red light camera pilot program that would function in five locations in the state; two in Ewa Beach, one near Ala Moana Shopping Center, one on Beretania Street at Piikoi and one in Lahaina, Maui. See more details here.
Background checks for out-of-state gun purchases
- SB 69 SD2 HD1 has also passed its House committees. It requires county police departments under certain conditions to fingerprint, photograph, and perform background checks on individuals who wish to register a firearm that was purchased out-of-state. See more details here.
In Our Communities
Rep. Bob McDermott (District 40 – Ewa, Ewa Beach, Ewa Gentry, Iroquois Point)
Article: Proposed Capital Improvements For Campbell High, Midweek, March 27
Reps. Beth Fukumoto (District 36 – Mililani, Mililani Mauka) and Lauren Cheape (District 45 – Mililani, Schofield, Waialua)
The House of Representatives honored Mililani High School psychology teacher Judy Taparra for her outstanding teaching accomplishments. Rep. Cheape, the first Mililani High School graduate to be elected to the state House, and House Minority policy specialist Sarah Fukumoto were students of Mrs. Taparra and had the opportunity to thank her personally for her strong commitment to the success of her students.

Shown above from left to right: Rep. Lauren Cheape, Judy Taparra, Sarah Fukumoto and Rep. Beth Fukumoto
In The News
Tax relief for Hawaii's small business community
Op-ed: Reduce tax burden on small businesses, Star-Advertiser, April 2
In case you missed it: House proposes broad-based income tax relief
Article: Tax relief on table for House: Speaker Souki wants to reduce the share of income taken from earners, Star-Advertiser, March 25
If you have any questions or concerns about measures in the House or Senate, please don't hesitate to contact the House Republican Caucus. We look forward to continuing to work with you to make Hawaii an even better place to live.

Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson
Minority Leader
T: (808) 586-9470

Rep. Beth Fukumoto
Minority Floor Leader
T: (808) 586-9460