Saturday, March 23, 2013 |
Governor Releases $26.2 Million for Education Facilities Statewide
By News Release @ 1:08 PM :: 4596 Views :: Education K-12
News Release from Office of the Governor March 22, 2013
HONOLULU – Gov. Neil Abercrombie today announced the release of more than $26.2 for capital improvement projects (CIP) that will improve Hawaii public school facilities while stimulating the state’s economy and generating local jobs.
“These priority CIPs will help address the many needed repair, maintenance and upgrade projects that have accumulated at our public schools over many years,” Gov. Abercrombie said. “The majority of these funds will go toward statewide projects and programs aimed at providing the suitable, learning-friendly environment for students and teachers that they each deserve.”
Allotment of funds for the following priority projects, identified by members of the state Legislature, has been approved by the Governor:
- $6,000,000 (to match more than $26 million in federal funds) – Hale Kula Elementary, Oahu – Design, construction and equipment to upgrade and expand the school; project will provide five new facilities (classroom building, administration space, library/student support center, dining pavilion, and covered playcourt) and renovations to existing facilities
- $5,000,000 – Lump Sum CIP for Science Facility Upgrades at Various High Schools, statewide – Design and construction for science facility upgrades at various high schools across the state; of highest priority are Race to the Top – Zones of School Innovation campuses on Hawaii Island, followed by schools that were prioritized as having the most safety needs and program requirements such as work stations and storage
- $5,000,000 – Lump Sum CIP to Relocate/Construct Temporary Facilities for Various Schools, statewide – Design, construction and equipment for temporary facility buildings for various schools across the state, including Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School on Hawaii Island (one general classroom, one special education), Hanalei Elementary on Kauai (one general), Ewa Beach Elementary on Oahu (one general, one special education), Mililani Mauka Elementary on Oahu (two general), Koloa Elementary on Kauai (one general), and Iliahi Elementary on Oahu (one general); these schools have been identified as having classroom shortfalls due to increased enrollments, or other needs for additional program space
- $2,000,000 – Lump Sum CIP for Minor Renovations and Improvements, Oahu/statewide – Construction for minor additions, renovations and improvements at the former Liliuokalani Elementary School on Oahu, where various Department of Education personnel will relocate their operations
- $2,000,000 – Lump Sum CIP for Noise/Heat Abatement, statewide – Design and construction for noise and heat abatement work at various schools to improve the learning environment; project includes work at, but not necessarily limited to, Lokelani Intermediate School on Maui
- $2,000,000 – Lump Sum CIP for Gender Equity at Various Schools, statewide – Design and construction for softball field improvements at Kalani and Kailua High Schools on Oahu, Kealakehe and Waiakea High Schools as well as Kau High and Pahala Elementary School on Hawaii Island; improvements include, but are not limited to, field improvements, drainage improvements, new or replacement backstops and fences, dugouts, bleachers, scoreboards, walkways, and grading
- $1,500,000 – Charter Schools Administrative Office, Hawaii Island – Relocation of the West Hawaii Explorations Academy from its current site near Kona International Airport to a new site outside noise contour and tsunami inundation zone
- $1,000,000 – Salt Lake Elementary School, Oahu – Design, construction and equipment for renovations to convert two large open classrooms into four separate classrooms each; renovations will provide sound and light separation between individual classes to eliminate distractions and promote learning
- $1,000,000 – Various Schools, Lump Sum CIP for Master Plans/Land Acquisition, statewide – Planning funds to develop a Facilities Master Plan for DOE schools
- $496,000 – McKinley High School, Oahu – Additional construction funds to complete the fire line for the softball stadium in compliance with fire codes and gender equity requirements; project provides a softball stadium that will also serve as a regional softball facility on Oahu for interscholastic play
- $200,000 – Aiea Elementary School, Oahu – Design and construction to install air conditioning to Building A, which is adjacent to Moanalua Road and H-201 Freeway and near H-1 Freeway, to improve the learning environment by reducing vehicular noise
- $64,000 – Aiea High School, Oahu – Additional construction funds for the administration building expansion project to address unforeseen plumbing and electrical work
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