Thanks to Obamacare…
It’s Obamacare’s third anniversary. Though many key parts of Obamacare - including some of its tax hikes and mandates - don’t go into effect until next year, Americans are feeling many of its changes already.
Please share these impacts to mark three years of this bureaucratic nightmare.

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Learn more: Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

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Learn more: 3 Years of Obamacare: Millions Lose Their Current Coverage

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Learn more: Obamacare Continues to Restrict Hiring

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Learn more: Understanding Obamacare's $716 Billion in Cuts to Medicare

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Learn more: Obamacare: Projected Premium Increases by State
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- Investigative reporter Jason Mattera joins Istook Live! today to talk about his encounter with Obama for America campaign manager Jim Messina.Listen online and call 1-800-961-7808 between 9 a.m. and noon ET to share your thoughts.