Notable bills to be heard this week
From Hawaii House Republican Legislative Update March 18, 2013
Information about how to send testimony on the below measures can be found at the corresponding links.
Tuesday, March 19
- SB 215 SD3 establishes the public-private partnership authority (PPPA). While some argue that the PPPA would spur jobs and economic development, critics argue that the proposal is too similar to the controversial Public Land Development Corporation. See more details here.
- SB 693 SD2 HD1 establishes a three-year pilot program for red light cameras. See more details here.
Wednesday, March 20
- SB 1133 SD2 HD1 removes the exemption for dietary supplements in amounts greater than one ounce from the deposit beverage container program, effectively raising the fee for those purchases. See more details here.
Bill updates
Conveyance tax -- A measure to increase the conveyance tax on high-end real estate transactions passed the House Water & Land Committee today. The bill directs funds to watershed protection and invasive species control. The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce opposed the bill, citing a potential threat to real estate sales. (SB 1166 SD1)
Early childhood education -- Many people have voiced concerns that an early education program would grow the size of government, create a public education voucher system and possibly restrict religious freedom in private schools. The House Education Committee passed bills last week that would:
- Ask voters whether to amend the state Constitution and allow public money to fund private preschool. (SB 1084 SD1)
- Establish a school readiness program for 4-year-olds who are no longer eligible for junior kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year. (SB 1093 SD2)
- Establish an early childhood education system to move the state toward universal preschool. (SB 1095 SD2)
Minimum wage increase -- The House Labor Committee passed a proposal last week to increase Hawaii's minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.25 by 2016 and indefinitely tie future increases to the consumer price index. (SB 331 SD2)
In Our Communities
Rep. Gene Ward (District 17 – Hawaii Kai, Kalama Valley)
In place of the “Great Lawn” of Hawaii Kai, Kamehameha Schools and Foodland are requesting a change in the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan and proceeding with plans to construct a strip mall. Please join Rep. Ward and other community leaders at an upcoming town hall meeting to gauge public opinion of the proposed development. Invited speakers include representatives of Kamehameha Schools, Foodland and the Hawaii Department of Transportation.
When: 7:00-8:30 p.m., Thursday, March 21, 2013
Where: Kamiloiki Elementary School Cafeteria, 7788 Hawaii Kai Drive, Honolulu
In The News
Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson (District 31 – Moanalua, Foster Village, Aiea)
Rep. Cynthia Thielen (District 50 – Kailua, Kaneohe Bay)
If you have any questions or concerns about measures in the House or Senate, please don't hesitate to contact the House Republican Caucus. We look forward to continuing to work with you to make Hawaii an even better place to live.

Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson
Minority Leader
T: (808) 586-9470

Rep. Beth Fukumoto
Minority Floor Leader
T: (808) 586-9460