From D-Vids Hub: A feature focusing on the relationship a Hawaiian Advisory Team has with the Qalat Reserve Kandak. The Hawaiian advisory team hold a five-day Counter-IED class for the policemen. Lead: Afghan police in Zabul Province are becoming the experts in countering Improvised Esplosive Devices (IED's) during a five day exercise with a Hawaiian National Guard advisory team. Tag: The Hawaiian advisors hope to see the Qalat Reserve Kandak completely sustainable in the near future. Soundbites include Maj. Kevin Carbrey - Team Commander; Lt. Col. Mark T. Mitsui - Executive Officer; 1Lt. Christopher Bretz - Technical Advisor; Kennon Lopez - Warrior Training Alliance and Command Sgt. Maj. Craig Ynigues - Senior Enlisted Advisor. Produced by Spc. Tim Morgan |