by Andrew Walden
Over 1000 mostly young people Marched for Life at the Capitol in Honolulu marking the 40th anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision.
Sponsored by numerous church groups and Aloha Life Advocates, the rally was a sharp contrast to the small group of angry white men whose gay atheist movement has gained control of the Democratic Party.

“It is important to recognize and to commemorate the lives that have been lost and the families affected by abortion over the decades..” said Deacon Kin Borja, President, Aloha Life Advocates.

With the lone exception of a Maui News article covering a coincident rally in Kahului, there was apparently no coverage of the March for Life by any Hawaii media outlet.
Maui News: March held to promote life
Joshua Schneider, pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, said that pro-life proponents are working to establish a pregnancy center called the Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui.
It would seek to help women in crisis, he said, offering free, confidential and compassionate care. The center also would offer free pregnancy and ultrasound tests, and it would provide counseling for women who have had abortions or miscarriages, Schneider said.
Women would be told of God's forgiveness, and they would be helped through their loss of a child, he said.
"We're there today to defend life and to be a voice for the voiceless," Schneider said. "We believe the taking of innocent life is wrong."
Retired family physician Dr. Manuel Guzman said that he took an oath to protect life, including those of unborn fetuses.
Heritage: Marching for Life
News Release: 40th Annual March for Life Saturday, January 26