Next protest July 14: Honolulu info>>> and July 14 Hilo 4PM - 6PM Hilo Bayfront signwave (see below)
DOWNLOAD: Hilo July 14 rally flyer
IMPORTANT: Churches begin registering voters
(Will be updated as more information becomes available.)
WHT Kona: Protesters celebrate Fourth with TEA party
Dressed in a Revolutionary War-era costume, Korean War U.S. Army veteran Robert Williams displayed his patriotic side Saturday on the 233rd anniversary of the day 13 American colonies declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, citing years of taxation without representation and other oppressive measures.
"In my younger years, not only did I visit, but I lived in, countries run by dictatorships. I learned how very precious this country is and how precious the rights given to us by the Bill of Rights are," the Naalehu resident said while holding an American flag and waving to cars passing by. "We need to return to the principles America was founded on and the spirit it was founded on."
That idea of returning to the principles of self-reliance and individualism that America was founded upon was echoed by more than 30 supporters who stood along the makai side of Queen Kaahumanu Highway, south of the Malulani Drive intersection, Saturday with American flags and signs with sayings such as "stop the spending" and "wake up and smell the debt."
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Congratulations to our Parade Committee !
We won the 2009 Parade Prize for best use of Theme !
Good job to all that helped out !
The actual count was 71 persons present at one time and approx. 200 arriving and leaving throughout the rally time period of 4 hrs.
Later on during the 4th of July Parade element 1000's of people enthusiastically cheered the TEA Party group as it passed by. The comments
from the vast parade viewing crowd were entirely supportive and in express agreement with our message . It was extremely heartening ! Big Island TEA Party is here to stay . See you next time!

VIDEO: Honolulu Independence Day TEA Party
Advertiser: 7 Hawaii 'tea parties' take aim at spending, increasing tax burden
Dozens of O'ahu residents gathered at the state Capitol yesterday to express their frustration with government spending and protest the burden they bear as taxpayers during a time when money is tighter than usual.
Many stood along Beretania Street with signs such as "Don't spread my wealth, spread my work ethic" and "Obama: One Big Awful Mistake America," and received honks and shakas from passers-by. Some listened to speeches or political band Stratus Blue, which came to play and support the rally.
No legislators made appearances, but some Republican lawmakers may be present during a tea party on July 15, said organizer Jeff LaFrance.
(NOTE: Rally is July 14th>>>
Wahiawa residents and computer technicians Josh Beigel, 22, and Andrew Ulett, 25, heard about the tea party rallies in the news and looked up the one at the Capitol online. They came to observe, they said.
"There's a lot of optimism," Ulett said. "People still have faith in the system. They just feel their voices need to be heard."
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Advertiser: Across Hawaii, protesters say they're 'Taxed Enough Already'
Dozens of O'ahu residents gathered at the state Capitol today, holding signs proclaiming "Don't spread my wealth, spread my work ethic" and "Obama: One Big Awful Mistake America," to express their opinion that the government is overtaxing American citizens. Protesters held seven tea parties today, on O'ahu, Hawai'i, Kaua'i and Maui to express their opinion that they're "Taxed Enough Already," a national grassroots movement coordinated by the organization TEA.
One of the organizers, Pearl City resident and townhouse manager Phil Nasca, 56, said he thinks it's unlikely Hawai'i legislators will respond to the protest, but he continues to participate in events like this so his voice will be heard.
"We're trying to hold our government leaders accountable according to the Constitution," he said. "They're killing our economy."
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MAUI T.E.A. Party Info:
About 40 people signwave in Princeville and 30 in Lihue July 4. Photos from Princeville:

Hilo T.E.A. Party info: About 20 Hilo T.E.A. Party supporters met on short notice at the Kamehameha Statue July 4 to plan a "No New Taxes" sign wave protest for July 14 to coincide with the Honolulu July 14 Protest against the legislature's Special Session.
The July 14 protest will be:
Taxed Enough Already -- No new Taxes!
July 14 5PM-6:30PM
Hilo Bayfront Kamehameha Statue Rally and Sign wave
Bring a sign and tell the Legislature that you are Taxed Enough Already!
Hawaii Tea Party Updates: 100s at Capitol, 250 at Kahului, 300 on Big Island
Two Maui TEA Party events were held:
2. Maui Freedom Rally, Kihei: 70 Maui TEA Party patriots gathered at Kam III Beach Park for fun, food, fellowship and 2 hours along South Kihei Rd holding signs and flags and banners and educating the public.

Kauai TEA Party Info: