Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Abercrombie Releases $45M CIP, $25M Barbers Point Land Buy
By News Release @ 11:05 PM :: 5677 Views :: Hawaii State Government
Governor Releases $70.2 Million for CIPs Statewide
News Release from Office of Governor, Jan 2, 2013
HONOLULU – Gov. Neil Abercrombie today announced the release of more than $70.2 million for various capital improvement projects (CIPs) across Hawaii that will help carry the state’s recovery into the New Year.
“These projects, which range from upgrades at health facilities to improvements at state parks, represent significant, long-range investments that will continue to stimulate our island economy and generate local jobs,” said Gov. Abercrombie. “As detailed in the fiscal biennium budget presented last month to the state Legislature, we intend to continue these important priority projects, which improve our public infrastructure and facilities while enhancing the economic landscape.”
Including these newly released funds, the Abercrombie Administration has released more than $959.7 million for CIPs over the last year, or more than a $1 billion since the Governor took office.
Allotment of funds for the following priority projects, identified by members of the state Legislature, has been approved by the Governor:
- $2,580,000 (and $23,220,000 in federal funds) – Interstate Route H-1, Airport Viaduct, Oahu – Construction to improve safety and extend the life of the concrete deck of the H-1 Airport Viaduct between Valkenburgh Street and Middle Street
- $2,030,000 (and $8,120,000 in federal funds) – Nawiliwili Road Improvements, Kauai – Design and construction (design-build contract) for improvements to Nawiliwili Road from Kaumualii Highway to Kanani Street, fronting the Kukui Grove Shopping Center; improvements will include full-depth pavement reconstruction of four lanes of roadway median areas, constructing sidewalks, and replacing traffic signals
- $1,840,000 (and $7,360,000 in federal funds) – Vineyard Boulevard Resurfacing, Vicinity of Palama Street to End of H-1 On- and Off-Ramps, Oahu – Construction improvements to reconstruct weakened pavement areas and shoulders; constructing new curbs, gutter, sidewalks, and curb ramps; installing new bus pads, loop detectors and traffic signal components; adjusting utilities; and extending left turn lanes
- $1,548,000 (and $6,192,000 in federal funds) – Iao Stream Bridge, Waiehu Beach Road, Maui – Construction improvements to rehabilitate the Iao Stream Bridge, to meet current seismic design criteria and vehicular loading (The bridge will be widened and provide access for pedestrians and bicycles, as well as increasing drainage capabilities)
- $160,500 (and $642,000 in federal funds) – Kaumualii Highway and Kuamoo Road, Kauai – Construction of guardrail and shoulder improvements on Kaumualii Highway at Milepost 15.80 and 19.4, and Kuamoo Road at Milepost 3.60
- $6,000,000 (and $24,000,000 in federal funds) – Kahului Airport Access Road, Maui – Construction of a portion of a new access road to the airport from the vicinity of Puunene Avenue to Hana Highway
- $500,000 – Airport Planning Land Use Entitlements, statewide – Planning costs for various land use entitlements, easement and safety planning reports as needed prior to the commencement of airport construction projects, including research and preparation of geographical information systems maps, project management, and the preparation of documents related to the reclassification of state and/or county land use designations to urban use
- $400,000 – Honolulu International Airport, Oahu – Additional design for improvements of the Diamond Head Concourse of the Overseas Terminal; improvements will include the replacement of air diffusers, equipment removal, drinking fountain replacement, ceiling tile replacement, asbestos abatement as required, walkway tile replacement, and the renovation of the ceiling and lighting fixtures (Additional design funds are necessary to provide extensive renovations to the 3rd level of the concourse)
- $350,000 – Airport Environmental Assessments, statewide – Planning costs for the preparation of environmental documentation prior to the start of the construction phase of projects at Neighbor Island airports (Advance preparation of EA requirements using this planning project will allow CIP projects to proceed with minimal environmental documentation delays)
- $350,000 – Oahu District Environmental Assessments, Oahu – Planning costs for the preparation of environmental documentation prior to the start of the construction phase of projects at Oahu airports (Like above, advance preparation of EA requirements using this planning project will allow CIP projects to proceed with minimal environmental documentation delays)
- $25,150,000 – Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, Oahu – Land acquisition for Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbors improvements; this project will provide land acquisition for the last remaining, undeveloped parcel of land contiguous with existing harbor lands
- $580,000 – Kula Hospital, Maui – Replacement of current nurse call system
- $250,000 – Maui Memorial Medical Center, Maui – Installation of energy efficient lights in patient care areas and rooms, radiology, surgical suites and exterior areas (Medical center estimates that the new energy efficient lights will cut electricity costs by an estimated five percent resulting in savings of approximately $150,000 annually)
- $220,000 – Maui Memorial Medical Center, Maui – Removal of an underground storage tank and installation an above ground storage tank to meet current EPA and other regulatory standards
- $200,000 – Maui Memorial Medical Center, Maui – Design, construction and equipment needed to conduct an energy audit and install energy saving equipment (This project will conduct an energy audit to determine cost efficient ways to reduce energy usage and install energy saving equipment devices such as variable frequency drives, controlling devices or programs, or modify existing systems)
- $150,000 – Hilo Medical Center, Hawaii Island – Design and construction to conduct an energy audit and install energy saving equipment such as variable frequency drives, controlling devices or programs, and modify existing systems
- $40,000 – Hawaii State Hospital, Buildings E, F, H, and I, Oahu – Additional construction to complete the retrofit gas-fired hot water heating system in buildings (Work includes demolition and installation of gas-fired water heating systems and related projects)
- $18,520,000 – Lump Sum State Parks Facility Improvements, statewide – Planning, design, construction and equipment for a wide range of repair and improvement projects including park and facility infrastructure system improvements, historical facilities and monument repairs, and trail/pathway/lookout repairs and improvements
- $3,500,000 – UH Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology at Coconut Island, Oahu - Construction to rehabilitate and/or replace utilities and associated infrastructure for the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology at Coconut Island (This allotment request also cover rerouting existing gravity sewer, sewer pump replacement and wetwell repairs, lighthouse pier replacement, and seawall repair)
- $2,500,000 – Central Maui Regional Park, Phase I, Maui - Additional construction to develop a regional park in the Wailuku-Waikapu region; the park is planned to encompass up to 66 acres in a master planned community and will include a variety of recreational resources and amenities, open space, baseball and softball fields, and sanitary and parking facilities
- $1,725,000 – Hawaii Film Studio, Oahu – Design and construction for various upgrades and improvements following an assessment by the design consultant and consultation with the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
- $500,000 – Makaha Valley Flood Study, Oahu – Flood study for Makaha Valley and investigation of potential funding sources to finance the study and any improvements or repairs as recommended by the study
- $500,000 – Department of Agriculture, King Street Facility, Oahu – Repairs and improvements at the Plant Pathology Building, King Street Annex, and Administration Building
- $348,560 – Maui Community Correctional Center, Maui – Replacement of central boiler system (The existing hot water boiler system was more than 18 years old and provided hot water for laundry, dishwashing, food service and basic hygiene)
- $275,000 – Waikoloa Public Library, Hawaii Island – Planning for a new public library, including a project development report, site evaluation report, environmental assessment, and other planning tasks (The Waikoloa community is currently served by Thelma Parker Memorial and School Library in Kamuela, which is 21 miles away)
- $53,895 – Halawa Correctional Facility, Special Needs Facility, Oahu – Additional construction for temporary roofing repairs
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