Wil Okabe, President of HSTA, Delivers Negotiations Update
From www.ContractfortheFuture.org December 6, 2012
“Yesterday, HSTA and the State resumed negotiations. While this is only our second bargaining session, talks were the most productive in months.”
“A key point of discussion was over the DOE’s Effective Educator System (teacher evaluation system). HSTA raised concerns over the way in which the new system is being piloted. Our goal is to establish a system that is fair, valid and reliable, for the teachers and students. This is especially critical if a teachers’ livelihood will be dependent on such an evaluation system. We firmly believe that any evaluation system that is put in place must have teacher input, and have a comprehensive system of supports that can truly benefit teachers and students.”
“Today, eighty-five schools, Statewide had teachers, students and the public waving signs asking for support. The support teachers are generating from parents, students and the public has helped make this progress in negotiations possible.”
“HSTA and the State have tentatively scheduled a negotiations meeting on Monday, December 10, 2012. It is our hope that HSTA can continue to make progress with the State and the Governor that reflects the respect and dignity Hawaii's teachers deserve, and improves teaching conditions that help every child succeed.”