Department of Education Receives Analysis on Student Transportation
News Release from Hawaii DoE November 19, 2012
In June 2012, the Hawaii State Department of Education (DOE) announced more than 100 bus routes were being eliminated statewide due to rising costs and a loss of funding.
The DOE streamlined services and restored a number of the routes, but was unable to restore all of them. The DOE also ordered a comprehensive study to determine what led to increased costs by school bus contractors, and to investigate strategies to improve efficiencies.
The DOE’s consultant, Management Partnership Services (MPS), today submitted its Student Bus Transportation Study after a two-month review of Hawaii’s school bus system.
After a review of the analysis, Schools Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi issued the following statement:
“The MPS study is the first of many steps in a process of reform needed for our School Bus Transportation System. It provides recommendations for the procurement, data and performance processes, which are part of the foundation of change.
“The DOE is committed to making substantive improvements by doing its due diligence in implementing solutions that provide the most efficient, timely and safe transportation services for our students.”
CB: Hawaii School Bus Study Pau, But DOE Not Making It Public