News release from
HONOLULU - The Majority PAC television ad plagiarizes spots presented by the Lingle campaign and attempts to deceive voters of the ad’s backers. Funded by the Majority PAC, a mainland Super PAC dedicated to the sole purpose of preserving a Democrat Majority in the U.S. Senate, the message is filled with lies about Governor Lingle’s positions and direct plagiarism of messaging put forth by Governor Lingle.
The Lingle campaign has corrected the ad line-by-line:
Majority PAC says: “Special interests from the mainland are spending over $1million to support Linda Lingle...”
FACT: The Majority PAC itself is a “special interest from the mainland.” This is the pot calling the kettle black.
Majority PAC says: “...because she [Linda Lingle] will work with them to get corporate tax breaks...”
FACT: Mazie Hirono is trying to raise taxes on small businesses. Governor Lingle has consistently advocated for reducing taxes on small businesses, who are the primary job creators in our nation.
Majority PAC says: “...Lingle supports the loopholes that will let them ship our jobs overseas”
FACT: This national line of attack should be directed at Mazie Hirono, who voted against the free trade agreement with South Korea which President Obama said would create tens of thousands of jobs here at home. Hawaii would clearly benefit from this agreement and yet Hirono was the only member of Hawaii’s delegation to vote no.
Majority PAC says: “Lingle will be a lockstep vote for the Republican plan to obstruct and torment President Obama every step of the way.”
FACT: Governor Lingle is a founding member of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Governors Council, chosen for her record of working in a bipartisan way. Linda Lingle has stated that she will work with whomever is elected President on Nov. 6. Her dedication is to developing bipartisan solutions and her only allegiance is to the people of Hawaii. It is Mazie Hirono who has attacked her opponents every step of the way.
Majority PAC says: “Mazie Hirono is an independent voice for Hawaii.”
FACT: Mazie Hirono voted with her party 96% of the time; hardly an independent record.
FACT: Mazie Hirono told a Big Island reporter, “No matter how desirous you are of wanting to work in a bipartisan way, it’s not going to happen.”
FACT: In Governor Lingle’s most recent ad titled Independent Voice, released on Oct. 26, she states that she will be “your independent voice in Washington.” The direct plagiarism of Governor Lingle’s bipartisan message is being pursued by the legal counsel for the Linda Lingle Senate Committee. This claim of independence is particularly disingenuous coming from the Super PAC which is dedicated to solely to maintaining partisan control.
Majority PAC says: “Mazie will fight for our jobs. Always has. Always will.”
FACT: In Governor Lingle’s television ad titled You Know Me, released on Oct. 8, she succinctly states she will not be another Washington Republican, “never has been. Never will be.” Mazie Hirono’s mainland backers are recognizing Hirono’s inability to articulate any job protecting or creating measures, so they are stealing the clear, succinct messages of Linda Lingle.
The Washington D.C. operatives cannot come up with anything original and instead rely on copying the work of others, a tactic Hirono uses often, just like when she copied Senator Schumer’s U.S. VISIT bill.
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