Nov 4 Vote for Hospital
Dear Editor,
Roz Baker talks about how her experience is needed in the legislature. However, her lack of knowledge about healthcare could fill books. She wants more of the same old failing government hospitals giving the same old mediocre (at best) care. She doesn’t care that we don’t have the services we need here. She has turned her back on her constituent’s very lives.
We need Jan Shields, a nurse, in this position. Jan has the answers to our healthcare crisis on Maui. She understands medical care and hospital systems. She wants to help. Jan’s plan will improve the economy on Maui with new hospitals that provide good jobs. This will help to diversify Maui’s economy.
Baker also touts her powerful Ways and Means chair position but power is only powerful in the hands of a powerful person. Baker’s position has not done anything for the people of Maui. It hasn’t even done a positive thing for the state. All her position has done is to manage to keep the private hospitals on O`ahu continuing to receive the neighbor islands’ money when we have to go there for hospital care. She uses her power to keep the HGEA employees happy that they have their union jobs. She is hurting our economy as the government hospital system continues to return again and again to the government for multimillion dollar hand outs. No wonder her company went bankrupt! Now she is trying to do that to our state.
I’m voting for Jan Shields November 4th.
Sincerely Yours,
Kat Sutherland, Kihei, Maui
$700B to Bail out Political Correctness
Dear Editor,
Thanks mainly to the politically correct activism of charlatan House of Representative members Barney Frank and Maxine Waters during the anything-goes heyday excesses of the Clinton administration, the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA-Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC—Freddie Mac) and were pressured to issue a roaring torrent of funny money loans to people who were utterly unable and entirely unqualified to service debt . . . with no questions asked.
The massive quantity of bad paper issued for more than a decade convulsed the market and now threatens EVERY line of credit needed -- especially by small businesses -- to survive. A former member of Goldman Sachs, now as Treasury Secretary, has proposed a Wall Street oriented “solution”: a massive $700 billion taxpayer funded bailout expedient . . . with no assurance it will in fact provide relief to credit starved businesses that supply most of the jobs in this country.
What the proposed bailout most assuredly WILL do is provide political cover for the six o’clock positions of Barney Frank and Maxine Waters and the other crooks whose schemes now threaten to bring our economy to a grinding halt.
As if to rub salt into these deep wounds, it now comes to light that three officials of Fanny Mae not only were instrumental in knowingly authoring this calamity, but walked away with lucrative golden parachutes . . . . and now serve as high ranking advisors to the Obama campaign.
With an election in which every member of the House of Representatives must face the voters in little more than 30 days; it should come as no surprise that folks like Neil Abercrombie and Mazie
Hirono have become a little skittish about openly embracing so brazen a scheme to further defraud the American taxpayer primarily in order to confer even more power on the Democrat Party. Neil and Mazie may worry that -- while they have become accustomed to viewing most of their constituents as stupid or indifferent or both -- the voters may not be THAT stupid this time around. If enough voters DO connect the dots, even in this Democrat saturated state, incumbents may find re-election a bit thornier than they had supposed.
Thomas E. Stuart, Kapa`au, Hawai`i
Crisis of Do-Gooderism
Dear Editor,
The Democrats are blaming all the financial mess that we are in on the administration of George Bush. As usual they are spouting a lot of guff. The origination of the crisis goes back at least to Jimmy Carter. Bill Clinton was given the nod by the Democrats on Wall Street because they knew they could depend on him to loosen the banking regulations. That along with an enormous amount of Liberal do-gooderism planted the seeds for the downfall of the American economy.
Have you heard of Section 8 or The Community Reinvestment Act? Section 8 gives poor people up to 2/3 of their rent to move into better neighborhoods. I became aware of Section 8 when the Atlantic Monthly had an article about the destruction of formerly safe, healthy neighborhoods because of Section 8.
The Community Reinvestment Act under the Clinton administration, with the help of Barney Franks and his like, along with banking deregulation, turned into the financial crisis that we are now in.
I know that the true spreading around of our tax money is hidden, just like the Democrats wanting 20% of the Bailout Bill to go to liberal organizations like ACORN would not have been made public if the Bailout was not such a hot button issue.
It was certainly not just the Democrats who looked the other way at, if not out right encouraged, what was going on with the brokerage companies, mortgage companies and the inner-city distribution of trillions of dollars. Many Republicans went along fearful that any shying away from helping poor people would be politically harmful.
I don’t know where the idea came from that just because one is poor the rest of the country owes you a house, health care and some of my tax money in cash. I don’t know that the people of the United States voted for, or changed the Constitution, the people to have rights at birth for health care and a home, an X Box, TV’s and a car.
America became the strongest country in the world by teaching it’s children that one reaps what one sows. Families knew that it took generations to get the family to a position of safety and security. That it took hard work, education and putting off the immediate gratification of a six pack or a new dress for the future of the family and it’s individual members.
Sandra Gray
Kapa`au, Hawai`i
Roots of Crisis
Dear Editor,
Pundits love to rail about how “extremely complex” the Wall Street Crisis is and how “even the experts can’t understand it”. TOTAL BALONY! Yes the convoluted transactions of selling “paper” that has no value may be complex but the underlying reasons are very evident and very simple. Now the public has been unnecessarily frightened by the press and the Wall Street maniacs so everyone is looking for a scapegoat. It is the behavior of the people and Congress that determines the path of the economy.
The patient will not improve until the underlying causes of the malaise are identified and dealt with. Adults must tighten their belts and remember they are responsible adults and remember what self-discipline and moral values and toughness and integrity are. As for our youth I submit that adults should no longer tolerate lack of value teaching and discipline in our schools. History should be taught truthfully. Students should not be misled by omissions, inaccuracies, and undue emphasis on America’s wrongs. The meaning of our constitution and why we have to protect the rights it gives us should be given top priority in education. We should not proselytize religion in schools but neither should we omit the teaching of moral values.
Most of all we should go back to infusing in our students the true joy of self-accomplishment in overcoming challenging learning experiences and realizing the benefit of a good education well-earned. Parents should not allow their children to mis-behave in school or consistently get poor grades. Parents should make sure their children understand that learning is not always supposed to be fun and games and that there is real solid value in ignoring peer-group pressure to disdain schooling. Rewards should be given only to those that earn them. No student should be promoted unless the promotion is justified by performance.
Robert Williams
Na`alehu, Hawai`i
Let the Government handle It?
by Brian Jordan
The Mayor and the Council paid $49K for a bus stop. One problem--the Mayor forgot to get the bus stop. Its okay government approved it. This is the mentality that says $41K is okay for a Lifeguard Stand. A Council that tells constituents they know what is best for us i.e.: the Jacobson plastic bag ban.
This type of behavior is also common at the national level. We were told we’d kill the Caribou with pipelines. But the herds increased after the Alaska pipeline was built. We can’t drill for oil, so the Canadians, and Chinese are drilling for oil off our shores. Thank you, Nancy Pelosi. We couldn’t use a paper bag, because Bambi was in danger. Now government says plastic bags are a problem.
Are we to give up our rights to people who can’t handle their own lives? The Congress of Substance Abusers, Pedophiles, Bathroom Buddies, Criminals, Thieves, and Inside Traders say we must suffer. We must be ashamed we are the world’s preeminent Superpower.
State Government has nearly banned your right to bear arms by using the 1934 Sullivan Act as the basis of State law. In over 25 states this type of law has been struck down as unconstitutional. No problem, we just won’t have a Constitutional Convention.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were started for our own good. They are typical of a government program run amok. The Directors of these organizations made Fifty to Ninety Million dollars a year.
When taxes go up U.S. capital flees the USA. Why do you think China is master of the world economy? They understand capitalism better than we do. Every time we give our government tax control it drives capital out of the country. This is why we haven’t developed an energy policy in three decades. This is why business has fled the country. We have forgotten America was made of rugged individuals. The American Republic was designed for the worker to succeed, but only if he or she worked. It was not designed to carry the lazy parasite.
I know many young adults who feel no shame at collecting EBT. Are they are too good to do common labor? Hunger is the only cure for laziness. Hunger cures false pride. The government should make work available, not charity.
Riddle of the horse
Dear Editor,
I have a few riddles I would like to share.
Q. What is Interim zoning?
A. It is a loophole big enough for a vindictive neighbor to drive a horse trailer through and unload it in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
Q. When does a steaming pile of fresh horse manure have no odor?
Q. Is it humane to confine a horse in a 10’ x 20’ corral for 4 to 6 months while you fatten it up to sell it?
A. “It would be inconvenient to keep it somewhere else”.
Q. What can an honest, hardworking taxpayer do if that corral is 20’ from his residence?
A. Say a prayer for that poor horse and thank God for the trade winds, because nobody who cares can get anything done about it.
Doug Rogers, Kaunakakai, Moloka`i