Tuesday, July 24, 2012 |
HSTA, UHPA Report 2010-11 Membership Numbers
By Selected News Articles @ 3:40 AM :: 7671 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
NEA State Affiliate Membership Numbers for 2010-11
This stuff is not getting any easier to track down, but thanks to the work of some good people we were able to obtain detailed membership information for each National Education Association state affiliate, albeit for the 2010-11 school year, not the one that just ended. They don’t have a specific date, but traditionally they have been computed in May, in time for the end of the school year.
The handful of 2012 RA (Representative Assembly) delegates who bothered to look over the table were probably confused, as Oklahoma was missing, and Ohio’s numbers were inflated by an amount that approximates the size of the Oklahoma affiliate. I’m going to assume that an honest mistake was made. I could make an educated guess as to how to separate them, but I’ll just report them here as a combined Ohio/Oklahoma figure.
NEA had a total of 3,166,761 members of all types, of whom 2,807,332 were active and employed in the public school system. Be aware that these are individual souls, not full-time equivalents. Forty-four state affiliates lost active members in 2010-11.
Here is the breakdown of each state’s active members, along with the percentage change from 2009-10.
- ALABAMA – 73,864 (down 2.3%)
- ALASKA – 11,541 (down 0.2%)
- ARIZONA – 26,607 (down 10.2%)
- ARKANSAS – 12,198 (down 5.1%)
- CALIFORNIA – 299,151 (down 3.4%)
- COLORADO – 35,479 (down 4.1%)
- CONNECTICUT – 37,353 (down 1.3%)
- DELAWARE – 11,233 (up 1.8%)
- FLORIDA – 136,656 (up 5.9%)
- GEORGIA – 30,836 (down 6.9%)
- HAWAII HSTA – 12,444 (up 0.0%)
- IDAHO – 11,177 (down 3.7%)
- ILLINOIS – 127,995 (down 2.2%)
- INDIANA – 43,963 (down 5.0%)
- IOWA – 35,069 (down 2.8%)
- KANSAS – 24,455 (down 4.0%)
- KENTUCKY – 31,512 (down 0.5%)
- LOUISIANA – 14,042 (down 6.4%)
- MAINE – 20,118 (down 2.4%)
- MARYLAND – 66,433 (down 0.5%)
- MASSACHUSETTS – 98,449 (down 0.7%)
- MICHIGAN – 117,122 (down 5.6%)
- MINNESOTA – 73,983 (down 0.4%)
- MISSISSIPPI – 5,108 (down 2.6%)
- MISSOURI – 28,813 (down 3.2%)
- MONTANA – 16,575 (up 17.0%)
- NEBRASKA – 21,803 (down 1.0%)
- NEVADA – 24,848 (down 4.3%)
- NEW HAMPSHIRE – 15,860 (down 0.2%)
- NEW JERSEY – 169,292 (down 5.3%)
- NEW MEXICO – 7,996 (down 3.2%)
- NEW YORK – 389,707 (down 1.1%)
- NORTH CAROLINA – 41,544 (down 7.6%)
- NORTH DAKOTA – 7,376 (up 1.5%)
- *OHIO/OKLAHOMA – 138,814 (down 2.6%)
- OREGON – 40,853 (down 1.3%)
- PENNSYLVANIA – 157,768 (down 0.8%)
- RHODE ISLAND – 8,945 (down 1.0%)
- SOUTH CAROLINA – 7,111 (down 1.0%)
- SOUTH DAKOTA – 5,679 (down 2.3%)
- TENNESSEE – 45,938 (down 1.6%)
- TEXAS – 46,666 (up 0.2%)
- UTAH – 17,388 (down 1.7%)
- VERMONT – 10,649 (down 2.1%)
- VIRGINIA – 51,390 (down 4.7%)
- WASHINGTON – 79,302 (up 0.2%)
- WEST VIRGINIA – 10,538 (down 4.6%)
- WISCONSIN – 85,437 (down 1.2%)
- WYOMING – 5,543 (down 3.7%)
- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA – 337 (up 4.3%)
- FEDERAL – 5,963 (up 1.7%)
- HAWAII-UHPA – 3,024 (down 3.4%)
- UTAH-USEA – 5,264 (down 8.0%)
- DIRECT – 121 (down 9.0%)
NATIONAL TOTAL – 2,807,332 (down 2.0%)
Someone will ask, so note that these numbers are from before Act 10 was effective in Wisconsin. And since we have the national numbers for the end of the 2011-12 school year, we can provide a quick breakdown of how things have gone since NEA hit its high-water mark in 2008-09.
- 2008-09 = 2,905,741 active members (3,234,639 total members)
- 2009-10 = 2,866,063 active (3,204,185 total)
- 2010-11 = 2,807,332 active (3,166,761 total)
- 2011-12 = 2,726,045 active (3,085,999 total)
So in the last three years, NEA has lost 179,696 active members (down 6.2%), and the union is projecting that the worst is yet to come. |