From Memorial to Independence Day
by Allen Cardines, Jr., Executive Director, Hawaii Family Forum
Do you know that voters will decide the future of America?
What do you want to see in our future?
- Abortion
- Same-sex marriage
- Restrictions on religious freedom
- Prohibitions against prayer
- Ethical misconduct
Don’t vote, and that’s what you’ll see.
If Evangelical Christians will bring the Biblical worldview into the voting booth, we’ll turn the tide in our country. We’re 60 million strong, and we can decide the future of America (excerpt from Champion the Vote).
As we move farther away from Memorial Day and closer to Independence Day, I want to encourage you to take the 5 steps to maximize our patriotic impact as Christian citizens (click here for more details from
- Seek God For Your Government (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
- Support Your Government (Matthew 22:15-21)
- Submit To Your Government (Romans 13:2-5)
- Stand Up To Your Government (Acts 5:29)
- Select Your Government (Exodus 18:21; Deuteronomy 1:13)
May God bless you and your family and God bless the USA.
Don't forget to register to vote!
From Hawaii Family Forum

Below text is an excerpt from: (How You Can Have Maximum Patriotic Impact)
After our Founding Fathers unanimously approved the Declaration of Independence on July 2, and it was signed on July 4 to make it legal, on July 8 they rang the bells in celebration. And the very first bell they rang was in the belfry of the very hall where they approved the Declaration of Independence to summon the people to hear the first public reading of America’s founding document. They rang that bell—we know it as the “Liberty Bell.” Where did it get its name? From July the fourth? From the Declaration of Independence? No. The name comes from the Scripture that imprinted on that bell years earlier - Lev. 25:10 - which says: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof!” Proclaim liberty throughout the land. Let Freedom Ring!
Freedom will ring louder, freedom will ring clearer, if Christians all across America will do these five things and “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Just imagine the impact Christians could have on the direction of our government, the character of its leadership, and the moral health of our nation if we all simply applied biblical principles to every aspect of our lives—including our patriotic duty as Citizen Christians.
Make a commitment today to register to vote, register a friend, vote your values, live your values, and pray for God to bless America!
Our Responsibility to VOTE! (David Barton)
Please watch this video and encourage your church leaders to share it with your congregation. You'll see David Barton, founder of WallBuilders, give insight into our responsibility to vote. He exhorts each of us to “come running to the polls and…vote righteousness first.”
Be encouraged--and VOTE!
Hawaii Family Forum will once again be partnering with the Hawaii Catholic Conference to bring you a voter's guide that will encompass many family issues. We will be making every attempt to make these guides available to you at least a month before the Primary election on August 11, 2012. We will be sending out an order form to churches very shortly.
There are some key dates to keep in mind: (this chart is from the Office of Elections Website)