I would like to invite you to join me tomorrow on “Tax Day” to stand together with hard working Americans all across the country to send a message to our Local, State and Federal Governments that we are over taxed and not going to stand by silently this year and take it.
As I’m sure you know, every level of government is preparing to raise just about every tax they can think of. To insure our voices are heard, grassroots organizers across the nation have been organizing Tax Day Tea Parties to protest these unnecessary money grabs.
I will be joining hundreds of other hard working Hawaii taxpayers at 4pm on April 15 at our state capitol to display our objection to government taking the easy way out and sending us a bigger tax bill. Families across the nation are tightening their belts to deal with these difficult economic times and instead of doing the same, all levels of government want to simply make these times harder and raise our taxes. This is unfair and unacceptable.
I will be speaking out to stand up for you and all taxpayers along with many other state leaders and I encourage you to come out and join us.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Aloha and Best Wishes!
Charles K. Djou
Candidate for Congress
http://www.djou.com/ |