Hawaii: Exercise Your Right to Vote!
Let each citizen remember that at the time he is offering his vote that he is ... offering
one of the most solemn trusts in society for which he is accountable to God and his country.
Samuel Adams

From Wallbuilders March 1, 2012
With the Presidential primaries in full swing, we want to encourage you to exercise your right - and duty - to vote March 7, 2012 (Democrat) or March 13, 2012 (Republican) at your Caucus meeting. Don't miss out on this historic opportunity to make a difference! (The other statewide primaries will be on August 11, 2012 - this is only for Presidential preference.)
This short video clip is a great resource on the importance of voting as a part of a Christian's duty. (Be sure to share with your pastors and churches!)
Christians must stand up for Biblical truth by voting in every election (even primaries)! To make sure you cast an informed vote, you can obtain additional information by visiting ChristianVoterGuide.com.
Hawaii, be sure to vote March 7, 2012 (Democrat) or March 13, 2012 (Republican)! To find your voting site or for more information about upcoming elections, visit Hawaii Democratic Party and Hawaii Republican Party websites.
Thank you for being involved and exercising your Christian and civic duty by voting for the candidate that best represents your Biblical views!
God Bless!
LINK: Christian Voter Guide |