by Andrew Walden
About 200 Big Island residents lined Kamehameha Ave on the Hilo Bayfront Monday afternoon to show support for the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP). The CMP will place the observatory area near the top of Mauna Kea under the authority of the University of Hawaii and facilitate approval of the $1.2 Billion Thirty-Meter-Telescope (TMT)--which will be the largest and most powerful optical telescope on earth.
The rally was supported by Hawai`i Island Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hawaii, Kanoelehua Industrial Area Association, and the Hawaii Carpenters Union.
The State BLNR will hold a public hearing regarding the Mauna Kea CMP Wednesday April 8th 9AM to 11AM at Hilo Hawaiian Hotel. An HICC news release says "to be part of a unified, meaningful group of supporters everyone should wear black shirts to show our solidarity!"
Written testimony may be submitted to the HICC office by Tuesday April 7th at noon or bring 12 copies with you to the hearing.
More info: http://www.hicc.biz/ , www.maunakeacmp.com , www.tmt.org
RELATED: Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce backs Telescope , Why Hawaii needs $2 million “for the promotion of astronomy” , Telescope: The Shakedown begins
Tribune-Herald: Rally for Mauna Kea CMP |