by Andrew Walden Originally posted January 1, 2012
In the entire history of the human race there has never been gay marriage. Not on any continent or island, not in any tribe, kingdom, or republic. Not in any religion or irreligion. Marriage has always been between male and female until the Broken Trust Hawaii Supreme Court took a break from its primary function--facilitating the looting of Bishop Estate--and invented gay marriage out of thin air in 1993. Then they went back to looting for 6 more years until the IRS shut down their racket.

Eighteen years later, it was Broken Trust allies Neil Abercrombie and Clayton Hee who teamed up to impose gay civil unions on Hawaii.
Now after decades of brainwashing, a behavior has been converted into a pseudo-ethnicity called 'gay', a crook like Steven Levinson is lauded as a hero, behavioral choices are 'civil rights', convicted child molester and gay rights pioneer Leon Rouse is shielded and employed by Hawaii State Legislators, and those who advertise their behavioral choices (while denying they are choices) assert the right to take foster children, impose themselves over your church if it hosts any civil union event, and enter your home if you rent out rooms.
And the lowest of the low? In the eyes of the gay movement, it’s not the Christians. It is the so-called ‘closeted’ who make similar behavioral choices but refuse to advertise and join in the movement. They are to be "outed" as the form of ongoing ideological discipline which transforms a behavior into a pseudo-ethnicity. The gay movement is openly on the hunt for 'hypocrites' to blackmail. Licensed psychiatrists and psychologists who offer assistance to those who request help to end their involvement in gay sex are harassed and hounded by gay activists and their media.
The Constitution guarantees equal rights to all individuals—and all individuals have had an equal right to marry a member of the opposite sex since the Democrats were forced to abandon their system of segregation in the 1950s and 1960s. The Constitution does not guarantee “equality” between competing marital structures or family structures.
But a social climbing game has been created where the go-along-to-get-along crowd notch up points by outdoing each other in multi-cultural diversity and tolerance by pretending that changing marriage into something it never has been is a civil rights issue.
Shielded behind all the hollow rhetoric about “equality” are two questions the Politically Correct cannot answer:
- Is your life defined by a sex act?
- How many of these sex acts must one engage in to meet the definition of 'gay'?
Those who think for themselves must wade through the herds of politically correct social climbers in order to overhaul the overhaul. Shining light on gay domestic violence and gay attitudes towards the civil rights of others is the beginning of this process.
The gay attitude to Civil Rights: “Lets put Jews up to a vote” “You call us fa**ot, we call you ni**er”
Suppressed issue: Gay Domestic Violence >>> LINK