News Release from Aloha Life Advocates
March For Life Hawaii is an annual rally at Hawaii State Capitol that takes place every January 22. We commemorate that day because it is the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision (and its companion decision, Doe v. Bolton) that legalized abortion for any reason throughout the entire term of pregnancy.
We remember the lives that have been lost and affected by abortion, but even more than that, we cherish life for all people from conception to natural end. For that reason, the MFLH event is a family friendly event meant to engage participants of all ages and send the message that all human life is immeasurably precious. We meet at Hawaii State Capitol, not only because it is a public forum, but to send the message to our public servants across the state that we are a voice for the voiceless.

March For Life Hawaii 2012 will take place from 1:00-4:00pm. Opening events, featuring a sign waving, keiki poster contest, and entertainment, will be from 1:00-2:00. From 2:00-3:00 will be a rally featuring inspirational speakers, music, and a short dramatic skit by Spirit Expressions student performing arts team. From 3:00-4:00, we will march en masse through the Capitol district to send a message of human life advocacy and unity for our cause.
MFLH is the largest human life advocacy event in the state and includes many (non-profit) groups. We invite all human life advocates to join us! This event takes place rain or shine. You may wish to bring bottled water, a chair, and a pro-life sign for the sign waving and march through the Capitol district. For more information, call event organizer Aloha Life Advocates at 808-92-ALOHA (922-5642).
Live Streaming Video: For those on the neighbor islands or otherwise unable to attend, we invite you to watch the LIVE broadcast courtesy of Hawaii Catholic Television! Tune in on Sunday, January 22 from 1:00-4:00pm.
New video announcement:
Related: March for Life planned for Hilo January 23 |