Project 52 Disaster Preparedness Team Brings Hope To Families in Waianae

From Hawaii Family Forum
On January 12, 2011, a rain storm developed north of the State of Hawaii. This system brought heavy rains and strong winds which caused flooding, and extensive damage to crops, homes, and personal property in the Lualualei area of Waianae.
On December 3, 2011, a number of church volunteers trained by State Civil Defense had the opportunity to help property owners who were affected by the extensive flooding. The scope of the work was to reduce the threat to adjacent properties and transportation infrastructure, and mitigate potential damage from flash flood events in the immediate future.
These church volunteers who are part of a movement called Project 52, removed debris and materials from specific areas within Lualualei at Puuhulu Stream in order to alleviate the immediate flooding threat from future weather events.
The immediate result of the project was not found in the Puuhulu Stream but in the minds and hearts of the individuals that was affected by the flooding.
These residents many who were older, some with physical challenges expressed their fears and anxiety of the next heavy rains and flooding.
These same residents expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the compassion in action demonstrated by the disaster preparedness team. Many of these residents said, “a miracle”, “amazing”, “wow”, “thank you”, “I could have never afforded to do this”. One said, “about time.” One even asked, “Why are you doing this?” One team member replied, “because we love our neighbors.”
As busy as we are, let us take time out of our busy schedules to demonstrate acts of kindness to our neighbors. After all, Jesus said, “to love your neighbors.”
Live Aloha, love Aloha and share Aloha and the world will be a better place because of you.
Merry Christmas,
Allen Cardines, Jr.