McIntosh to run for Hawaii County Council in 2012
News Release from www.LeeMcIntosh.org
Lee McIntosh, a resident of Discovery Harbour since 2005, will run for the County Council in 2012. His campaign will seek to qualify for comprehensive public funding.
A small businessman, he owns and operates his own landscaping business in Kau. Lee also volunteers his time as a member of O Kau Kakou, the Kau Chamber of Commerce, the Kau Scenic Byway, and the Discovery Harbour Common Grounds Committee.
“I support Lee because I know he is of good moral standing,” states Nadine Ebert, “also, because he owns his own business, he knows the problems that come with trying to have a business in this county and state. He lives in Kau and works with service groups in the area as well as with his church. I feel, if elected, Lee will do his best to represent and work to better the lives of those that live in Kau.”
Lee believes that moderation must be restored to the Council. As a problem solver, he will thoroughly explore all the options available before making a decision. Liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and fiscal accountability are just some of the core values that are part of the foundation that will guide Lee as he searches for solutions.
“Lee is genuinely interested in the well being of our community,” says Carol Massey, “he keeps informed of the issues facing us, and will work hard for District 6."
“There are a number of issues that have plagued our island for years,” says McIntosh, “it’s time to identify sensible solutions and start taking action.”
Visit www.LeeMcIntosh.org for more information about Lee’s candidacy.