Progress on building and using data systems
From Data Quality Campaign
The 10 Essential Elements and 10 State Actions provide a roadmap for state policymakers to create a culture of effective data use in which quality data are not only collected but also used to increase student achievement. The greatest strides have been made in the collection of data, but states must now turn their focus to the effective use of the quality data.
HAWAII Actions Met
1: Link data systems
2: Create stable, sustained support
3: Develop governance structures
4: Build state data repositories
5: Implement systems to provide timely access to information
6: Create progress reports using individual student data to improve student performance
7: Create reports using longitudinal statistics to guide systemwide improvement efforts
8: Develop a P-20/workforce research agenda
9: Promote educator professional development and credentialing
10: Promote strategies to raise awareness of available data
HAWAII Elements Met
1: Statewide Student Identifier
2: Student-Level Enrollment Data
3: Student-Level Test Data
4: Information on Untested Students
5: Statewide Teacher Identifier with a Teacher-Student Match
6: Student-Level Course Completion (Transcript) Data
7: Student-Level SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement Exam Data
8: Student-Level Graduation and Dropout Data
9: Ability to Match Student-Level P-12 and Higher Education Data
10: A State Data Audit System
Read the full report on student data collection by state at
More: Hawaii Info Page
SA: State makes gains in use of data to track students, new study reveals
Regarding Action #6: DoE Boosts Test Scores by Giving Answers to Students